
Date: 12th oktober 2003
Place: New York, Buffalo
Arena: HSBC Arena

A curtain of blood rolls slowly down the screen, forming itself around four bold, straight-edged letters…


White Stripes 'Seven Nation Army' blares into life as scenes of EWCL bedlam flash across the scene, bathed in blood red, black and gold.

Im gonna fight em off
A seven nation army couldnt hold me back
Theyre gonna rip it off
Taking their time right behind my back
And Im talking to myself at night
Because I cant forget
Back and forth through my mind
Behind a cigarette
And the message coming from my eyes
Says leave it alone
Dont want to hear about it
Every single ones got a story to tell
Everyone knows about it
From the Queen of England to the hounds of hell
And if I catch it coming back my way
Im gonna serve it to you
And that aint what you want to hear,
But thats what Ill do
And the feeling coming from my bones
Says find a home
Im going to Wichita
Far from this opera for evermore
Im gonna work the straw
Make the sweat drip out of every pore
And Im bleeding, and Im bleeding, and Im bleeding
Right before the lord
All the words are gonna bleed from me and I will think
No more
And the stains coming from my blood
Tell me go back home


…Cages… Tables… Ladders… Barbed Wire… Chairs… Cells… Gore…


….Danger Driver.........DEICIDE.....Darkest Hour .........Outcast ...........Gold Rush...... ... Point of Impact....…Landfall...


...Universal Title… EWCL Title… PrimeTime Title… Extreme Title… Tag Titles…


…Logan Darkholme...........Nick Dangerous ...........Scott Monroe .......G-Flem ...........Sean Corvik.......Exile… ....Sean Campbell.........Johnathan Cable..........Stephen Jackson...... .


…Fireworks explode about the arena, lighting up the enormous stage set to present wrestling's premier event this week…

…EWCL Insurgence is on the air…

Dean Thornton: Here we are again, one week till Dazed And Confused. One week until we are gonna see epic battles such as...Scott Monroe vs. Stephen Jackson, Logan Darkholme vs. Damien and Nick Dangerous and Coby Belton vs. Drone and Lepidus Melkore. And even Neil Down vs. Jay Masters is selling tickets these days.

Neil Down: Really?

DT: Yes, apparentyl so.

ND: Where's my share? Dammit, where's my share? I want my share in the profits!

DT: Well you gotta go to Eric for that, don't complain to me about it.

John Pilchard: Let me be the first to officially welcome the viewers here. Welcome to another night of the successtory of Dangerism. Tonight in the main event "The" Nick Dangerous takes on Scott Monroe, Logan Darkholme and Drone.

DT: He's not doing that alone John.

JP: Yes he is.

DT: No, he isn't. Nick has two partners, being Damien and Stephen Jackson.

JP: Like I said, Dangerism stands alone once again.

ND: Hey, if I would have said that, I would have get slapped in the head.



DT: Let me be the voice of reason again and tell the people at home what else we have tonight. Apart from that huge 6 men tag main event that will lead us to the PPV, we got some other intresting matches. We have Coby Belton taking on Lepidus Melkore, we have a threeway between Curtis Wilkes, Jay Masters and Dante. And don't forget we might even see a special match here tonight since Scott Monroe has challenged Nick Dangerous for a singles match with both the Prime Time Title and the EWCL title on the line. Who knows if we are gonna see that aswell or not.

Jason East vs. Reese Johnson

DT: But first off we have the opening match between Jason East and Reese Johnson. East making his debut last week and on a winning streak after beating Lepidus Melkore. On the other hand Reese Johnson has returned from being gone for a few weeks. Perhaps he is more determined now than he was before. What do you think Neil?

ND: As long as Reese ain't wearing pink again. I can't stand that color.


ND: Hey!

DT: What?

ND: Oh, aren't we talking about Reese Witherspoon?

DT: No, we are talking about Jason East and Reese Johnson!

ND: What can we say about it, its the opening match, noone cares.


ND: Man, you trying to break the record here or what?

JP: Guys, guys, guys. Lets get this match started.

(Stone the crow by Down plays and out comes Jason East. The 26 year old from LA runs out to the ring and slides in. He climbs the toprope and holds his hands up to the crowd).

(No shelter begins to play and Reese Johnson comes walking out from the back. The crowd is not giving him much of a reaction. Johnson makes it to the ring and uses the ringsteps to enter).


DT: The match has started and Johnson and East circle eachother for a couple of seconds. They eventually tie up and it is Johnson who gets East in a hammerlock. He twists his arm around, but East does a flip, lands on his feet again and reverses the hammerlock. Johnson with an elbow to the head and he moves out of it. He grabs East by the arm and whips him into the ropes. East comes off and steps over Johnson, he comes off the opposite ropes and Reese with a backbodydrop and East lands backfirst on the mat. That was some fall. Johnson lifts his opponent up, hands out a couple of shots to the head and he then grabs East and delivers a snap suplex. Followed up by the first cover......




ND: But the rookie kicks out in time here. Johnson brings East back up to his feet agian and he sends him into the ropes once more. East comes off and Johnson wants to leapfrog over him, but East anticipates to it and he catches Johnson out of midair and turns it into a spinebuster!! Wow, that will give Jason some breathing time. East makes it back up and he stomps down on Johnson for a bit. After a series of kicks and stomps, he pulls Reese to his feet and backhand chops him to the chest. He takes his arm and irish whips Johnson into the ropes. Johnson comes off and East hits him with a spinning heelkick. Johnson to the mat and East for his first cover attempt...




JP: But this time it is Reese who kicked out of it. East gets up, hits the ropes and kicks Johnson to the back of the head. He pulls Reese up and shoves him into the nearest corner. East goes in and climbs the bottom rope and begins to ramm his fist into the forehead of his opponent...1.....2.....3....but Reese then grabs East and into a reversed atomic drop!! What a way to counter out of that move. East staggers backwards and Johnson rushes in and clotheslines East to the mat. Johnson quickly to the corner again and he climbs to the top. He makes it onto the topturnbuckle.......and.....SENTON BOMB ON EAST!!!...This could be it already.....Reese hooking the leg for the cover now....




DT: Another kickout in this match. Reese looking up to the corner again and he is gonna climb it again. He makes it to the top....stands on top.....BUT OOOOH East gets up to his feet.....runs towards the ropes, uses the second rope as a springboard and he dropkicks Johnson off the topturnbuckle to the outside!! HOLY SHIT!!!......Johnson landed all the way to the outside!! Unbelievable..........Johnson is slowly crawling back up again, but East hits the ropes, comes off .....and dives over the toprope and does a summersault plancha and takes Johnson down to the concrete floor again!! This guy sure likes to take some risks. Putting his own body on the line with that move. But it worked out, he took out Johnson.

JP: After about 8 seconds East gets up and he brings Reese to his feet. He throws him backfirst into the apron. East moves over and then rolls Reese back in the ring. East gets in aswell and he climbs to the top. He is signaling for his "Last Goodbye" Shooting Star Press. If he hits that, it is over for Reese Johnson. East on top now.....he leaps off....but ooooh Johnson rolled out of the way just in time and East hits the mat. East slowly getting back up on his hands and knees, ....but Reese comes in for a cradle magistrale cover....



KICKOUT!!....which East nearly escapes from.

ND: That was a close call. Johnson nails East with a big right hand now and sends him into the ropes. East comes off and Reese with a kick to the gut. He grabs East and sets him up for a suplex....but East lands on his feet behind Johnson. And East quickly follows up with a reverse DDT!! Johnson to the mat and East, getting back up, hits the ropes and comes off for an elbow drop. And the pin attempt....



KICKOUT!!......But another kickout by Reese Johnson. He hangs in this match. East shakes his head and then picks up Johnson.

DT: East takes Johnson and he irish whips him into the ropes. Johnson comes off and East going for a backdrop.....but Johnson saw it coming and he counters with a sunset flip!! And he goes for the cover.....



TH.....KICKOUT!!!........East escapes out of it, quickly gets up.....and....BASEMENT DROPKICKS JOHNSON TO THE HEAD!!.....Wow!!!.......What an impact did that kick have!!!......East back on his feet now and he waits till Johnson is getting up aswell. Johnson makes it up.....he turns towards East..........AND EAST COMES IN....FOR.....HOME SWEET HOME!!!....A YAKUZA KICK THAT TAKES JOHNSON OUT!!!......East going for the cover right now.......



THREE!!!.....Thats it. Thats the win for Jason East. His second win.

JP: Things look good for this newcomer to the EWCL. First Lepidus Melkore and now Reese Johnson.


Winner: Jason East

(We return from the commercials and go backstage where Coby Belton and Cazzo are looking over some very important papers.)

Cazzo: Son, you wrote this with a crayon.

Coby Belton: WOT?! No, some one from a court made those.

Cazzo: Fine son... Is there anything else you want?

Coby Belton: Hmm... How about a new finisher name?!

Cazzo: Go for it...

Coby Belton: Uhh... The... Son Rise!

Cazzo: The Son Rise...

Coby Belton: Hey remember when I kept trying to do a running piledriver and it looked shitty?

Cazzo: Yeah... So your name is "Jesus Van Dangerous" and your finisher name is "The Son Rise"

Coby Belton: Yeah. You guys can call me JVD for short! JVD is KEWL.

Cazzo: Welcome to EWCL, Jesus...

Coby Belton: THANKS DAD.

(Coby hugs Cazzo.)

(Fade out).

Curtis Wilkes vs. Jay Masters vs. Dante

DT: JESUS????!?!?

JP: Yes, Jesus.

DT: Is that Beltons new name: Jesus Van Dangerous?!?!?

JP: Whats so weird about that?

DT: I don't know, its pretty unusual. And why would Belton change his name anyway?

JP: Remember Mohammed Ali, he changed his name. He first was called Cassius Clay and turned it into Mohammed Ali. Now Belton does the same thing. He know wants to be called Jesus Van Dangerous.

ND: Oh, Jesus.

JP: That's it!

DT: Well, anyway, its time for our next match of the night. It is a threeway match concerning Curtis Wilkes, Jay Masters and Dante. A match especially intresting for Neil here, since he has to face Jay Masters next week at the PPV. But besides that it is an important match for all three individuals since they all lost last week. So all of them want to have a win to stop the losing streak.

JP: You can say that again Dean. Dante had a tagteam loss last week with Damien against Darkholme and Monroe. Masters lost to Darkholme in a singles match and Curtis Wilkes ofcourse lost to a victorious Nick Dangerous.

(One by Metallica hits the PA, and Curtis Wilkes walks out from the back, slowly making his way down the ramp, acknowledging the moderate cheers of the crowd. He reaches the ring, and slide's in)

("Highway To Hell" hits, and Jay Masters comes out from the back. The crowd boo's loudly, as Jay makes it to the ring. He stares at Neil Down for a while before he enters the ring.)

("Eat you Alive" hits the PA, and Dante walks out to the ring. He reaches it, and goes over the top rope to get in)


DT: The bell has rung and all three of them begin to circle eachother for a few seconds. Wilkes charges in on Masters, but Masters sidesteps him and steps through the ropes onto the apron. And Masters jumps off the apron and is heading this way? Why is he coming this way? Well I know why, but why is he not focussing on his match instead on Neil here.

ND: Good question.

DT: Masters is coming this way, and.....Neil is taking his headset off.

ND: I'm out of here.....

DT: And Neil just climbed over the guardrail and into the crowd. He took a hike!! Neil Down left through the crowd. I wonder if we will see him again tonight. But hey,.....hey....Jay Masters is taking Neil Downs seat and sits down on it. He even puts his headset on!! What is this? What are you doing Jay Masters?

Jay Masters: It's time once and for all that the little weasel Neil Down gets what he has coming. I wanted to show him right here, right now, but since thats not possible I will do it next week at Dazed And Confused. You got that?!! Can you deliver the message to Neil Down?

DT: Uh.....yeah ...we can..But I'm sure he knows the message already.

Jay Masters: Good. Now whats going on in the ring? Shouldn't you idiots be commentating the match?

JP: ...hmmm....yeah......we should.

Jay Masters: Then do it.

JP: Wilkes got Dante in a side headlock. He then throws Dante into the ropes, he comes off but he shoulderblocks Wilkes to the mat. Curtis quickly gets back up, but Dante comes in and clotheslines him back to the mat again. Dante picks Wilkes up from the mat and he shoots him into the ropes. Wilkes comes off and Dante lifts him up in a gorilla press.....And he slams him hard to the mat. Dante follows that up with a legdrop and the cover....



KICKOUT!!.....Dante almost got the win there.

DT: Shouldn't you be out there Masters?

Jay Masters: Why don't you want me here?

DT: ...hmm...well thats not the point. The point is that you have a match and you could lose it by sitting here. Dante could have pinned Wilkes there!

Jay Masters: I am confident enough to know when it is time for me to get into the match.

DT: Oh....aha....I see.......

JP: Dante picks Wilkes up and he whips him into a corner. Wilkes goes in backfirst and Dante follows in hot pursuit......but Wilkes sticks his elbow out and Dante runs right into it. He stumbles backwards and Wilkes hits the ropes, comes from behind Dante and.....does a running bulldog to him!! Dante's head got bashed hard into the canvas. Nice move by Wilkes. He picks Dante up now, hands out a couple of chops and then turns him around, waistlocks him and delivers a release German Suplex!!...This thing could be over soon now!!! Wilkes to his feet again and he takes Dante and lifts him onto his shoulders. He got him on there and.....DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!!...Wow, and Dante is out of it now!!

Jay Masters: He'll be up.

DT: Are you sure? Dante is layed out and Wilkes now points to the corner. The crowd knows what he means by that. He wants to go for the Short Hills Jam. Wilkes climbs to the top and he is getting ready for that 450 splash!!

Jay Masters: Ok, now it's time for me to get involved.

DT: Ladies and gentlemen, Jay Masters just took off his headset and he runs to the ring now. He climbs the apron......AND HE PULLS THE ROPES AND WILKES LOSES HIS BALANCE AND HE GOES CROTCHFIRST INTO THE TOPTURNBUCKLE!!!.......What a cheap move by Jay Masters. Masters now enters the ring and he climbs the corner. He grabs Wilkes by his thights....and.....HE SUPERPLEXES WILKES OFF THE TOPROPE!!! ....Oooh man!!!...Luckily for Dante he had rolled out of the way in time. If they would have landed on him, then it would have been over for him. Now Masters rolls himself on top off Wilkes to go for the cover...



KICKOUT!!!.....but amazingly Wilkes kicks out.

JP: Masters gets up and wants to grab a hold of Wilkes, but at that moment Dante comes from behind him. He hooks Masters into a full nelson.....and turns it into a full nelson slam!! Masters never seen that one coming at all. He is out and Dante is picking Masters up now. He's setting Masters up for his "Straight To Hell" finisher move!! If he hits that Last Ride, we won't see much more of Masters here!!.....He tries to lift Masters up, but Jay blocks it, and instead he backdrops Dante to the mat!!.....Dante gets to his feet, but Masters runs in on him for a leglariat and that one takes Dante to the mat.

DT: Masters positions Dante near the ropes now. And now it is Masters going up the corner. Now it is his turn to go for his finisher. We have seen Wilkes try and fail, we have seen Dante try and fail and now its Masters his turn. He makes it up.......but it is Wilkes who runs towards the corner now......He quickly climbs up the toprope ....and grabs Masters in a belly to belly from the toprope!!!....Great move by Curtis Wilkes!!! And Masters is knocked out cold right now!!.....Wilkes then goes for the cover.....



KICKOUT!!......A near fall there. Wilkes almost gotten the win there.

JP: Wilkes now gets back up again and he lifts Masters up and sends him into the ropes. Masters comes off and Wilkes hits him with a superkick!!! He hit him right into the jaw!!!......Masters goes down and Wilkes for another cover .....



THR.....But Dante breaks the count by kicking Wilkes to the head!!....He would have had the win if it wouldn't have been for Dante. Man, that was close!!.....Dante now pulls Wilkes up and he nails him with a couple of right hands. Wilkes stumbles into the ropes and Dante charges in on him.....Dante comes in.....but Wilkes counters and he backdrops Dante over the toprope to the outside!!.....Dante is layed out on the concrete floor now!! He's out of it!!!

DT: Wilkes hesitates for a moment. Should he go to the outside and continue to work on Dante, or should he focus on Masters who's in the ring. Wilkes decides to go for the first option. He rolls out and he picks up Dante and irish whips him into the security guardrail. Dante goes in hard backfirst. Wilkes moves in and he takes Dante once more by the arm and he then kicks him into the midsection....AND PILEDRIVES DANTE ONTO THE CONCRETE FLOOR!!!.....Way to go Wilkes!!!...Dante's forehead is bleeding right now. He is busted open from that move. Wilkes picks him up and rolls him back into the ring again. Wilkes climbs onto the apron now.....BUT OOOH MASTERS COMES OFF THE ROPES....AND HE KNOCKS WILKES OFF THE APRON AND BACK TO THE CONCRETE FLOOR!!!

JP: You have to admit, that was a smart move by Masters. Wilkes is now layed out on the outside and Masters drags Dante to the corner. He climbs to the top.......and.....MASTERS SLAM!!!.....He hits it on Dante.....This could be all over now. Masters hooks the leg for the cover.....



THREE!!!.....And it is over!!!....Jay Masters wins this match and defeats Dante and Wilkes.

DT: What a way to lose for Wilkes. He had the win in his pocket, but Masters outsmarted him and took advantage of the damage that Wilkes did to Dante. I tell you one thing. Its gonna be hell for Neil Down next week.

JP: Absolutely.


Winner: Jay Masters

(We return from the commercials and see Nick in his locker room with a phone at a table. He dials numbers after picking up the phone and proceeds to wait on an answer.)

Nick: .......Hey, Peter? How'd the mission go? hundred percent sure that it's the right tape?....Perfect, that's perfect Tiger, you did good. Bring it to me as soon as possible.....What? Lost in Windsor!? How do you manage that!? You can't be lost, it's not a big town....but you are.....where are you?...Please don't tell me I have to waste travel money to find you.....Tiger....Frigging Tiger.

(Nick hangs up the phone in frustration, and walks out of the room.)

(Fade out).

Jesus Van Dangerous vs. Lepidus Melkore

DT: So I assume that Nick and Peter have stopped Victor Emmits in trying to show that videotape of Nicks match in Japan.

JP: Oh yes. Dangerism has won once again.

DT: But what I don't get is, what stops Emmit in ordering that tape again on the internet?

JP: ...uhm....uh.....uhmmmmm............DANGERISM RULES!

DT: Yeah, yeah talk your way out of it again.

Voice: Psssstt.....Psssstt.

DT: Whats that? I think that voice is coming from under the ring. Who's there?

Voice: It's me.....Neil.......Is he gone? Is Masters gone?

DT: Yes, he is gone. You can come out again.

(Neil Down crawls out from under the ring and goes back to his seat and puts his headset back on).

ND: Man, does that Masters suck, doesn't he.

DT: Just stop it Neil.

ND: Ok, match.

DT: Our next match is the one between Lepidus Melkore and Coby Belton.

JP: You mean Jesus Van Dangerous.

DT: Yeah...thats what I meant. Melkore lost his debut match last week to Jason East. With a little help from Nick Dangerous that is.

JP: Nick never cost Melkore that match. He said it himself, Nick was just there scoping out the competition and he brought a chair to sit on. Is that so weird?

ND: Yeah it is.

(Closer by Nine Inch Nails begins to play and Jesus Van Dangerous comes out from the back. He is escorted by "The" Nick Dangerous who joins him to the ring. The two get booed by the crowd right from the start. They reach the ring and JVD enters the ring while Nick stays on the outside).

(Light my way by Audioslave blares over the speakers and from behind the curtains appears Lepidus Melkore. Melkore makes his way to ringside. He reaches the ring and he stares at Nick Dangerous all the time. Melkore enters the ring and is ready for this match).

(JVD then pulls out a magazine with japanese cartoons on the front and "Hentai" written at the top. He asks for a mic and recieves one immediately.)

Jesus Van Dangerous: Before we start the match I just want to announce that a Hentai Magazine wanted me in one of their issues. I don't know much about it but it looks pretty interesting... Anyways, it's very important to me and I want you all to go out and buy it. It comes out the day before Halloween, but I'll let one of the voices of Dangerism tell you about it... Here Pilchard why don't you help me promote it...

(Jesus throws the magazine at John.)

Jesus Van Dangerous: And after I beat Melkore, Jesus is comin after YOU Drone. I did some research last night, and found out it was YOU who ran over Wayne, you bastard.

JP: Man, this looks like a great magazine already.


DT: Melkore charges in on JVD, but JVD sidesteps him and Melkore goes into a corner. JVD grabs Melkore from behind and slaps him across the back off the head. He then turns Melkore around and whips him into the ropes. Melkore comes off, and JVD going for an overhead belly to belly suplex....but it gets blocked by Melkore and he takes JVD and delivers a Russian legsweep on him. I think JVD was a little bit too enthusiastic here. Thinking he do anything now since he changed his name. Melkore kicks JVD and tries to keep him down on the mat now. He even uses his boot to choke the life out of JVD now. Not a tactic we are used from him, but everything is allowed in a war I suppose.

ND: The ref makes the count till 5 and Melkore breaks the choke. He picks up JVD and throws him into a corner. JVD goes in backfirst and Melkore comes running in and does a bodysplash and lands on top off JVD.....That will take the air out of you. Melkore comes out of the corner and JVD falls facefirst into the mat. And Melkore goes down to the mat aswell and hooks in a crossface!!! He got JVD in a crossface and this already could be the end of this match. If JVD taps out, it is over. But will he tap out? Thats the main question. The referee asks him, but JVD shakes his head. Nick Dangerous is shouting to him, shouting to his son, giving him good hopes. And JVD uses his feet now and he manages to lay one of his feet onto the bottom rope.

JP: He did it!! Jesus did it!!....The referee sees it and he makes Melkore break the crossface. Melkore and JVD back up now and Melkore takes his opponent and sends him into the ropes, but JVD holds on to the ropes. Melkore wasn't expecting this and therefore he is taken by surprise when JVD comes in for a headscissors takedown!! Melkore gets back to his feet, but JVD comes in again and this time he nails Melkore with a high knee. That knee sends Melkore into the ropes.....He comes off again, and JVD for a second headscissors takedown!! He sure knows how to do that move. And JVD for the cover attempt....




DT: Melkore could stop the count, but he is not out of danger yet. JVD pulls him up and he sends Melkore into the ropes. Melkore comes off, but he counters and delivers a swinging neckbreaker on JVD. Belton really didn't see that one coming there. Melkore surprised him with that counter. JVD layed out on the mat now and Melkore goes over to the corner. He makes it to the top......and.....TOPROPE ELBOW DROP!!!....AND HE HIT IT ON JVD!!!......And Melkore going for the cover....



TH.....KICKOUT!!!......But JVD kicks out. You know it surprises me that Nick Dangerous hasn't interfered yet.

JP: I can explain that I think. Nick knows that JVD has been improving. Nick has faith in JVD, he has believe and trust in him. He knows that JVD can do more and more on his own now, that he doesn't need Nicks help all the time. Thats Dangerism.

DT: Ahah I see.

ND: Melkore lifts JVD up now, but oooh JVD counters with a jawbreaker. He caught Melkore off guard there and took advantage of it. He kicks Melkore into the gut and follows that up with two European uppercuts. Melkore is stunned and jumps up and grabs Melkore and executes a tornado DDT on him!! That looked impressive by JVD. Even I have to admit that. Melkore is out of it and JVD looks confident. JVD going for the cover now....this could be the end of this match. The referee goes for the count.....




THR.......KICKOUT!!.....But Melkore did kick out. That was at the very last moment there.

JP: JVD brings Melkore to his feet now and he sends him into the ropes. Melkore comes off and he tries to go for a flying forearm.....but JVD catches him out of the air and turns it into a fallaway slam!! Oh yes, Jesus!!......And JVD follows that up with a couple of stomps to the upperbody. JVD on a role here now. He picks Melkore up and after some chops to the chest, he sends him into the ropes again. Melkore comes off and JVD charges in on him and takes him down with another high knee!! That knee hit Melkore right in the kidneys. Good spot to hit someone!!

ND: Melkore is coughing now, we can hear that. JVD takes his time, looks at Nick for a moment and then focusses back on the match. He picks up Melkore and irish whips him again.......Melkore comes off and JVD for a backdrop.....but Melkore reverses and takes JVD and .......CRADLE PILEDRIVER!!!......What a counter by Melkore!!.....And both men are layed out on the mat right now......This has been a tough match for Melkore........Now after about 5 seconds he puts his arm over JVD to go for the cover......



THR......KICKOUT!!!.........But JVD kicks out of it. He has done it, unbelievable.

DT: Melkore picks JVD up and he sets him up for a Jacknife Powerbomb. He lifts JVD up....but ooooooh JVD reverses it into a hurricanrana!!!.....And he hit it on Melkore!! What a reversal, what a surprise!!.....JVD is back up, he takes Melkore .......and......THE SON RISE!!.....Oh my God!!!......He hit it on Melkore....and he now goes for the cover.....



THREE!!!.......It is over!! JVD has beaten Lepidus Melkore here tonight!!! And look at Nick Dangerous and JVD. They are happy like a father and son. Nick and JVD hugging eachother now after that victory over Melkore.

JP: I think I am gonna cry now.


Winner: Jesus Van Dangerous

(We return from the commercials and the CazzoTron shows highlights of the matches between Sean Corvik and Exile from a few weeks ago. The footage ends with the famous blackout. The CazzoTron then ironically fades to black).

DT: What about that huh. We still have no news about what happend to either Exile or Sean Corvik. Neither of them has been seen after that match, after that blackout there hasn't been any sight of them. What could this be about?

ND: Well you know that the EWCL and kidnappings go hand in hand. Same thing with killings and stuff. So it wouldn't surprise me if its something like.

DT: Maybe they even just disappeared for good. Who knows. Maybe they had enough of it and left with a big question mark so we would wonder about it every week.

JP: Perhaps.

ND: Yeah, or perhaps they just are getting stoned in the local pub.


DT: There is really no conversation that you can't mess up!!!

ND: Thanks.

DT: That wasn't a compliment.

ND: ....oh....

DT: Now, lets move on.

Drone/Scott Monroe/Logan Darkholme vs. Nick Dangerous/Stephen Jackson/Damien

DT: Right now it is time for our main event of the evening folks. Our 6 men match that will bring us to the PPV next week. We got 6 men in here that are gonna face eachother in some way next week. We have Logan Darkholme and Damien who will have a House of Pain match next week for the Universal Title. We got Drone and Nick Dangerous who are gonna face eachother in a tagmatch next week at Dazed and Confused. And we have Scott Monroe and Stephen Jackson who also are gonna face eachtoher next week.

JP: Scott Monroe versus "The Perfect Storm" Stephen Jackson is a match I look forward to.

ND: Oh yes...."The Perfect Storm". I saw that movie a couple of days ago and I gotta say that the movie and Jacksons his promo had something in common.

DT: Yeah, what?

ND: I fell asleep during both of them.


DT: Hey, come on, you don't want to mess with Jackson. You have enough trouble already with Jay Masters.

ND: .....

DT: Anyway, this 6 men tagmatch is gonna be something intresting to watch. Lets get the entrances.

(Bodies by Drowning Pool hits the PA system, and Damien walks out, saluting the fans, who respond with a mixture of cheers and boo's, as he walks to the ring. He slides in, and raises his arms, before turning and looking at the ramp.)

("Blackout" by DMX, The Lox, and Jay-Z is blared across the arena. Stephen Jackson and Javier Vasquez walk out from backstage, to a loud boo from the crowd. Javier flips off certain parts of the crowd, as he walks down towards the ring. The two slide into the ring).

(Fire in The Head by the Tea Party hits the PA, and Nick Dangerous comes from behind the cutain, his EWCL title sat around his waist. The crowd boo's him tremendously, and he has a look of disgust on his face. He reaches the ring, and slides in.)

(New Noise by Refused blares over the speakers and out comes Drone. His appearance makes the crowd cheer. He makes it to the ring and he stares at Nick Dangerous before he enters the ring. Drone gets in and prepares for the match).

(The lights go out, and "Us" By Samael hits the PA. The drum beat begins, as a strobe light hits on each beat. The guitars kicks in, and s psotlight comes down on the top of the ramps, while other spotlights move around the audience. Logan Darkholme appears, his long hair wet, and slicked back. He wears his wrestling attire, of black boots, and baggy black cargo pants. He wears also a leather jacket, which he pulls back to reveal his Universal title. The spotlight changes to a strobe light, alternating between several colours as Logan walks down the ramp. He reaches the ring, and uses the ring steps to get up onto the ring apron. The lights stop flashing, and are replaced again by a single spotligh, aimed down on top of Logan. He raises his arms, before stepping into the ring. He goes to all four corners, taking his belt off and holding it up at each. Finally, he stands in the middle of the ring with his title draped before him) (The arena falls into darkness...

An industrial beat begins to blare over the P.A. system as a crucifix engulfed in flames erupts onto the Cazzotron. As the symbol begins to rotate, a voice begins to whisper..

"We have spiraled beyond the limits well known, now we walk the road alone. Prepare for loss and accept my war, prepare for the truth as the prophet foretold..."

The voice is suddenly cut out by the growling sound of Trent Reznor, as he moves through the words, his voice reaches an agony filled scream.


Taxicab Messiah by the Kidney Thieves continues is course as Free, the lead vocalist, begins to screech out the lyrics..

My God loved the whore's and babies
My God never noticed a sin
My God grew and killed daisies
My God threw the towel in

Fire erupts from either side of the stage as flashing strobes of purple, red and blue spiral around the arena. The curtains are withdrawn as Sociatys Slave steps through. From top to bottom Monroe wears a pair of black combat boots, black jeans tucked into them. A black shirt with numerous circular rings and straps run over it. His long black and blonde hair is pulled back into numerous braids as he stares out over the arena from behind a pair of silver and black shades. Leaning down to the left, Monroe rises quickly, spinning his upper body and extending his arms in the gesture of the mock crucifixition. Monroe throws his head back, laughing in manical laughter for a moment before looking back down to the ring. Lower his arms, Monroe then makes his way down to the ring. Rolling beneath the bottom rope, Monroe kneels in the far corner and stares at his opponent before extending his arms once again in the mock crucifixition).

DT: I have to give the advantage to Drone, Monroe and Darkholme here. Monroe and Darkholme are the tagchampions so they know how to work together. On the other hand we have Nick Dangerous, Damien and Jackson. Its a known fact that Dangerous can't get along with both Jackson and Damien. How on earth are they gonna work toghether?

(At that moment "Damned if I do" by Life Of Agony begins to play. From behind the curtains we see that Eric "Cazzo" Van Zandt appears. The President of the EWCL makes his way down the aisle to the ring. He reaches the ring and enters it. He takes out a microphone and starts to talk).

Cazzo: Ok, I won't bother you with long talks or speeches or whatever. The reason I came out here is because I know that perhaps some people were expecting a singles match between Scott Monroe and Nick Dangerous right now. There were rumours that this match would take place tonight, especially after Scott challenging the last couple of days.

(Cazzo looks at both Monroe and Nick for a moment).

Cazzo: Well, folks....I am sorry to bring the bad news, but that match won't take place tonight.

(The crowd boos).

Cazzo: However!! The match will take place!!........Scott Monroe and Nick Dangerous will face eachother the week after DAZED AND CONFUSED!!...So in two weeks it is going to be Monroe vs. Dangerous with both the Prime Time Title and the EWCL Title on the line.

(The crowd cheers this time).

Cazzo: Although I have another stipulation to that match. The one who wins that match, can only keep one titlebelt. The winner of that match has to vacant one of the two titles within a week. Which one is all up to the winner.

(A part of the crowd cheers, while another part boos).

Cazzo: Thats all I have to say. Now lets get this match rolling.

(Cazzo drops the mic and climbs out of the ring and walks out).


DT: Wow, did you hear that. The week after the PPV we have Nick Dangerous versus Scott Monroe. What a match is that going to be. I can't wait. I just can't wait till that. But what about now, this 6 men match has officially started. The first pin wins, those are the rules of this match. We see that Scott Monroe begins, but who is gonna begin for the other team. We see that Monroe first points to Stephen Jackson, but Jackson is not stepping into the ring. Monroe then points to Dangerous, but Nick only grins and shakes his head. Monroe then points to Damien, and Damien has no chance in reacting as Dangerous shoves him into the ring. Yeah, thats the teammate you want huh.

JP: Thats smart thinking, thats what it is. So its Monroe and Damien who are the first ones to start off here. Monroe looks back towards Darkholme if he wants the first shot at Damien, but Darkholme motions that Monroe can start. Monroe and Damien circle eachother for about 4 seconds until they tie up. Damien gets Monroe in a waistlock, but Monroe quickly reverses it and lifts Damien up and delivers a backsuplex. Damien takes it on the neck, which is not a good way for him to start this match. Monroe lifts Damien up and he hits him in the head with some left and right hands. He irish whips Damien into the ropes, he comes off and Monroe hits him with a roundhouse kick. Monroe picks Damien up and delivers a quick short arm clothesline. Damien goes down and Monroe for the cover.....




ND: Monroe brings Damien to his feet again and he sends him into a neutral corner. Damien goes in backfirst and Monroe slowly moves in. He hands out a couple of shots to Damien and he then puts Damien in a tree of woe position in the corner. Monroe does a kick combo to Damiens head, and he then takes a couple of steps backwards. He wants to run into Damien, but just when he wants to do that it is Jackson who enters the ring. He comes up from behind Monroe, turns him around.....AND DDT'S HIM TO THE MAT!!! Jackson just took out Monroe!!! Darkholme and Drone want to enter the ring, but the referee stops them!!! The referee got his back turned on Monroe and that also is a sign for Dangerous to enter the ring. He comes in and he and Jackson both stomp down on Monroe.

JP: Together they pick up Monroe and they whip him into the ropes. Monroe comes off and they double backdrop Monroe to the mat again. Drone and Darkholme try harder to help Monroe, but the referee continues to hold them back. Damien drags himself over to Monroe now and he goes for the cover. The referee turns around and goes for the count.....



KICKOUT!!.......Nope, Monroe with a kickout. They didn't do enough damage to him. Damien is still worn out from earlier on and he now slowly makes it over to his corner to make the tag to Jackson. Jackson enters and he immediately takes Monroe in a chinlock.

DT: Jackson tries to keep Monroe on the mat in this match. To keep him on the mat so he can't make a tag, thats the plan here. He now has Monroe in that chinlock for about 30 seconds now. But Monroe now is getting to his feet again, and he hits Jackson with an elbow......and another elbow..... Jackson lets go and Monroe hits the ropes. He comes off with a flying forearm that takes Jackson to the mat. And Monroe now crawling over to his corner. He makes it over in time ....and he tags in Logan Darkholme. The Universal Champion enters the ring and he charges in on Jackson right away. He picks Jackson up and sends him into the ropes. Jackson comes off and Logan hits him with a flying backelbow.

ND: He then takes Jackson by the head and does a snappmare, following it up with a stiff kick to the back of the head. Jackson felt that kick between his shoulderblades. Man, what a kick. Darkholme brings Jackson to his feet again and whips him into the ropes. Jackson comes off and Darkholme catches him and executes a powerslam!!!.....Jackson is layed out now and Darkholme does not hesitate and he hooks in a sharpshooter. Working on that back of Jackson here!!!.....The referee checks on Jackson now. He is near the center of the ring and Darkholme faces the corner of his opponents. The referee is concentrated on Jackson..........SO HE'S NOT AWARE OF NICK DANGEROUS. DANGEROUS HAS GRABBED A STEELCHAIR, GETS BACK ON THE APRON......AND .....BAMMMMMMM!!....HE NAILS DARKHOLME IN THE HEAD WITH THAT STEELCHAIR!!!....

DT: Holy Shit!! What a chairshot! Darkholme is layed out now and Jackson escapes out of that sharpshooter. The referee didn't see a damn thing. But he must have heard something!!....I mean the entire arena saw it, except him. Jackson and Darkholme are both layed out now. The referee checking on both of them now. After about 7 seconds Jackson crawls over to Darkholme and goes for the cover.......



THR......KICKOUT!!......but the Universal Champion with a kickout. That was close. That was real close. Jackson gets to his feet and he picks up Darkholme and delivers a German Suplex to him. The Perfect Storm holds on to Logan and executes a second German Suplex!.....And the pin attempt.....




JP: But Darkholme kicks out of it again. Jackson goes for the tag to one of his teammates. He goes to tag Nick, but Dangerous first doesn't want to. Jackson then pads him on the arm anyway thus making the tag. Dangerous is not happy with this situation though. Nevertheless he enters the ring. He applies an armlock on Darkholme now!!!......He holds on to it for about 10 seconds and he then lets it go and tags in Damien. Now thats what I call smart. Dangerism is smart!!! Damien enters and he shows some aggression on Darkholme. He stomps down on Logan like there is no tomorrow. He then picks Darkholme up and sends him into the ropes. He comes off and Damien for a hurricanrana!!.....Darkholme goes down and Damien back up and he comes off the ropes and does a running shooting star press!! Wow!! Greatly done by Damien. And he hooks the leg for the cover........




ND: But Logan kicks out for another time. He shows why he is the current Universal Champion here. And Damien now hooking in a figure 4 leglock on Darkholme. He got it hooked in and the referee checking if Logan wants to give up. If he wants to throw in the towel.......While the referee checks on Logan, we see that Damien grabs the ropes for extra leverage!!!......Monroe and Drone shout out to the ref, but when he looks at Damien, he already let go off the ropes. The ref then checks on Logan again.......and at that moment Damien does the same thing again and grabs the ropes for leverage. Drone and Monroe can't take it any longer and they enter the ring now.........But once again it is the referee who stops them!! This is insane!!.......

DT: The ref is blocking off Monroe and Drone, but behind his back Dangerous and Jackson both enter the ring now. Damien still has Darkholme in that figure 4 leglock, even holding the ropes. Jackson and Dangerous both come in from opposite ropes......AND....THEY DOUBLE BASEMENT DROPKICK DARKHOLME TO THE HEAD!!!.....HOLY SHIT!!...The pain that Darkholme must be in right now!! That was some viscious threeway move by those guys. Who would expect them to do that kind of teamwork. I know I wouldn't. Damien now lets go off the figure 4 and he goes for the cover on Logan.....The ref turns around and goes for the count.....




JP: can't be!!.....Darkholme kicked out again. This can't be happening. Damien picks up Darkholme now and slams him back to the mat again. Damien then goes over to the corner and begins to climb to the top. He makes it to the top.....When all of a sudden Darkholme rises up and charges into the corner aswell.....he quickly climbs up......and......TOSSING GERMAN SUPLEX OFF THE TOPROPE!!!....HOLY SHIT!!....Look what he did to Damien there!!!........But both men are out right now!!....They are both out!!....Damien from that toprope move and Darkholme from all the beatings that he took from the 3. Now after about 8 seconds we see that both guys are getting up. They are both going for their corner........and.....and....they make the tag at the same time. Darkholme to Drone and Damien to Jackson.

ND: HOT TAG TO DRONE!!!.....Drone comes in and SPRINGBOARD clotheslines Jackson to the mat.........Damien comes in and Drone also clotheslines him to the mat.........Jackson charges in on Drone, but he backdrops Jackson to the mat........Damien also comes in, but he gets the same treatment by Drone...........He took out both Jackson and Damien......But Drone is not aware of it, that Nick Dangerous is sneaking up behind him.......But wait.....Drone turns around in time and he looks right into the eyes of Nick Dangerous. There we have it in the middle of the ring. Drone and Dangerous face to face. Nick goes for the right hand, but Drone blocks it, kicks Nick into the midsection ....and ....executes an overhead belly to belly suplex on him!!

DT: Drone picks Dangerous up now and he lifts him in a stalling vertical suplex and drops him several seconds later to the mat!!!......Dangerous lands on the mat hard and Drone is going for the cover on him.......but the referee is not counting. Nick Dangerous is not the legal man in the ring. The legal man is Stephen Jackson. And it is Jackson who now kicks Drone to the back off the head. He picks Drone up and sends him into the ropes. Drone comes off and Jackson hits a tilt-a-wirl powerslam on him. Jackson going for the cover now....



KICKOUT!!...but Drone also with a kickout out.

JP: Drone is down now and Dangerous gets up again and he and Jackson both lift up Drone. They got him in the air.....and...DOUBLE BRAINBUSTER TO THE MAT!!!.......What a double team move by Nick and Jackson. And Jackson tags in Damien now. Damien knows what he is suppose to do and he climbs to the toprope. He makes it to the top and he is gonna jump off. Nick and Jackson are holding Drone by his arms and his feet, so there is no way for him to go!!!........But look!!! Monroe and Darkholme are coming in!!!........Monroe runs into Jackson ....and....hits him with a shining wizzard!! OOOOOH MAN!!!...

ND: Darkholme runs towards the corner, climbs on top.....and......DOES A TOPROPE HURRICANRANA TO DAMIEN!!...I didn't know that Darkholme had a move like that in him, but apparently he can do anything!!!.......Monroe gets up from the mat after that shining wizzard to Jackson.....but it is Nick Dangerous who catches him......and....SPINNING SAMOAN DROP!!!....He surprises him with his trademark move!! ...Dangerous picks Monroe up from the mat now. He lifts him up and ...HE IS SETTING HIM UP FOR THE DANGER DRIVER!!!........BUT MONROE MOVES OUT OF IT!!...HE KICKS NICK IN THE MIDSECTION....AND.......DEICIDE!!!...YES!!!!

DT: Monroe took Dangerous out with Deicide!! Nick Dangerous is knocked out. Drone now moves over to Damien, the two legal men in the ring. He grabs him.....and.....SHADOWS WHISPER!!!....Finishing move on Damien.......and Drone hooks the leg for the cover......






DT: They won!!.....Drone, Scott Monroe and Logan Darkholme have won this match. A bit of a messed up match in the end, but the winners are clear here. And they all look pretty determined for next week. The PPV!!....Next week we will see Monroe vs. Jackson, Darkholme vs. Damien in a House of Pain match and Drone and Melkore vs. Dangerous and JVD. What more do you want? This is gonna be some kind of PPV. Add to that the match between Neil and Jay Masters and a few other matches and you sure have a right to be .......DAZED AND CONFUSED!! So people this is it for tonight. We will see you next week!!!

Winners: Drone/Scott Monroe/Logan Darkholme


© 2003 EWCL.