
Date: 9nd November 2003
Place: San Jose, California
Arena: San Jose Arena

A curtain of blood rolls slowly down the screen, forming itself around four bold, straight-edged letters…


White Stripes 'Seven Nation Army' blares into life as scenes of EWCL bedlam flash across the scene, bathed in blood red, black and gold.

Im gonna fight em off
A seven nation army couldnt hold me back
Theyre gonna rip it off
Taking their time right behind my back
And Im talking to myself at night
Because I cant forget
Back and forth through my mind
Behind a cigarette
And the message coming from my eyes
Says leave it alone
Dont want to hear about it
Every single ones got a story to tell
Everyone knows about it
From the Queen of England to the hounds of hell
And if I catch it coming back my way
Im gonna serve it to you
And that aint what you want to hear,
But thats what Ill do
And the feeling coming from my bones
Says find a home
Im going to Wichita
Far from this opera for evermore
Im gonna work the straw
Make the sweat drip out of every pore
And Im bleeding, and Im bleeding, and Im bleeding
Right before the lord
All the words are gonna bleed from me and I will think
No more
And the stains coming from my blood
Tell me go back home


…Cages… Tables… Ladders… Barbed Wire… Chairs… Cells… Gore…


….Danger Driver.........DEICIDE.....Darkest Hour .........Outcast ...........Gold Rush...... ... Point of Impact....…Landfall...


...Universal Title… EWCL Title… PrimeTime Title… Extreme Title… Tag Titles…


…Logan Darkholme...........Nick Dangerous ...........Scott Monroe .......Drone............Sean Corvik..........Jesus Van Dangerous..........Stephen Jackson...... .


…Fireworks explode about the arena, lighting up the enormous stage set to present wrestling's premier event this week…

…EWCL Insurgence is on the air…

Dean Thornton: Good evening everyone!! Three more shows to go folks. Three more till the very end of the EWCL. Two more Insurgence shows and then we have the final PPV called "The Final Chapter". The last PPV will be special, its gonna be a tribute to the EWCL. We will see great matches, but we will also hear from current and past stars what they feel about the EWCL. It's gonna be great.

Neil Down: Ha, you probly haven't heard the news yet.

DT: What news?

ND: The news, that I will keep my job after we merge. Neil Down, three time Holy Shit Award Winner will be live on television every week. Oh yeah!!!

DT: Yes, I actually heard that news. I guess I will be out of a job.

ND: Sorry man, I hope your kids won't be too heartbroken that they can't go to college now.


ND: And sorry to you aswell John. It appears you are too old for the merge.

John Pilchard: Noone is too old to do anything......wise words of Dangerism.

ND: Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that Pilchard. Fact is that I will keep my job and the future for both of you guys is still unclear.

DT: Ok, are you done now? Are now? So we can move on to tonights show. Thats what the people are waiting for. We got some great matches lined up for you. In the main event we have Nick Dangerous who takes on Stephen Jackson. But thats not all, Drone will be the special referee in that match. More about that match and the tagmatch between Nick and Belton against Jackson and Vasquez later though. Another intresting match is gonna be the Universal Title match between Logan Darkholme and Jay Masters. It will be a First Blood match between them two.

ND: Uhuh...

DT: So Neil, did you hear that they started to work on your house? Masters gave the order to reconstruct it again. So does this mean you forgive him now?

ND: Well, its a start. Maybe I can forgive him once my house is done, but I can tell you that I will never forget.

DT: Now, furthermore we got Drone versus Damien and Belton against Shadowcast.

JP: The highlight of the evening is going to be though when Dangerism will unmask Drone and everyone will find out that it was Sean Campbell all along. The world will be shocked to see that. I can promise that.

DT: Nobody said that it is Sean Campbell John. You don't know if it is him.

JP: My sources say he is.

ND: Your source is Nick Dangerous!!!...Thats not really a reliable source John.

JP: Nick.....Not reliable???? How on earth can you say that. You take that back, otherwise I leave right now!!

ND: Why would I take that back? ..Plus you will be out of a job in 3 weeks anyway. You might aswell quit right now.


DT: Come on Neil, apologize.

ND: I will not.


DT: Apologize

ND: Ok...ok.....I am sorry John.

JP: I won't accept the apology!

ND: Pfft....I didn't mean it anyway!

DT: Bunch of kids. Lets go to our first match.

Coby Belton Dangerous vs. Shadowcast

DT: Right, time for the next match here. Shadowcast who made his debut last week against Logan Darkholme in a Universal title match, which angered a lot of people. Logan defeated him, and therefore Shadowcast is not off to a good start here. Coby Belton Dangerous also seems to have a lot of confidence, so the advantage may be with him tonight, although he has to get the match over with as fast as he can to prepare himself for the tag team title match.

JP: Good point Dean, Belton has to make sure this is finished with to keep himself fresh. Dangerism needs to be fresh.

ND: Uh-huh.

(Numb by Linkin Park plays over the PA, and Shadowcast comes out to a moderate pop from the crowd. He makes his way down the ramp and slides into the ring, awaiting Jesus Van Dangerous.)

(Closer by Nine Inch Nails plays, and out comes Jesus Van Dangerous walks out from the back, before sliding into the ring.)


ND: We'rte under way here, and as you said Dean, I'll be looking for Belton to end this quickly. The pair circle each other for a few moments before locking up in the center. Shadowcast shoves Jesus down, and smiles at him. The pair lock up again, with the same result. The sequence is repeated for the third time, before Jesus gets straight up and runs at Shadowcast, knocking the big guy back against the ropes. JVD, throws Shadowcast across the ring now, and jumps for a Thesz press as he returns, but Shadowcast counters and catches Jesus, before twisting it into a spinebuster. He picks him right back up again now, and backs him to the ropes. Belton comes back, and tries for a cross body, but is caught again, this time into a fall away slam.

DT: JVD using the wrong type of strategy here folks, he really wants to be trying to get Shadowecast off of his feet, using speed and agility to do that, theres no chance of him matching power. Shadowcast drags him back up, and knee's Jesus twice in the gut, before powerbombing him to the mat. He should go for the cover, but he doesn't, he leans in to pick him up. Shadowcast brings JVD back up now, and throws him to the buckle. He charges in, but Belton moves, and manages to catch Shadowcast with a dropkick to the back after he bounces out of the corner. Shadowcast stumbles now, and Belton hits a german suplex, and follows it up with two more. Belton moves to the corner now, catching his breathe, before taking a few steps forward and dropping a knee to the head of Shadowcast. JVD for the pin.




JP: Big time kickout by Shadowcast there, tossing Jesus right across the ring. He gets back to his feet now, and charges in for a clothesline, but JVD ducks it, and unloads with two stiff kicks to the thigh of Shadowcast He tries to gain some advantage, but is over powered by the Talent Killer. He throws Jesus to the ropes, bvut JVD dives onto the top rope, before twisting back with a cross Body on Shadowcast, taking him down to the mat. Excellent move by JVD there. He gets back to his feet, and drops two quick elbows, before running to the ropes and hitting a quick running legdrop. He goes for the pin again now.




DT: Shadowcast did it again, he managed to get out there. Jesus Van Dangerous can't believe it. He stands up, but so does Shadowcast and BLACKOUT!! It's over just like that. Shadowcast leans down to pin JVD, but Belton grabs the head, and turns it into an inside cradle.





DT: JUST LIKE THAT!!! JVD wins the match here ladies and gentelemen. He wins the match here, and goes on to later tonight.


Winner: Coby Belton Dangerous

Drone vs. Damien

DT: The second match of the evening is the one between Drone and Damien.

JP: You mean Sean Campbell and Damien.

DT: No, I mean Drone and Damien.

JP: Sean Campbell and Damien.

DT: Anyway, Drone and Damien are gonna face eachother here. Not much of a history between these two guys actually. So lets get this match started.

(Bodies by Drowning Pool blares over the PA system and Damien appears from behind the curtains. Dante joins him as the two make it to ringside. Damien slides in the ring and Dante stays on the outside).

(New Noise by Refused plays and Drone appears on the ramp. He stands there for a moment before he makes his way down to the ring. He reaches ringside and rolls in).


DT: The bell has rung and Drone and Damien circle eachother for a couple of seconds. They then tie up and it is Drone who grabs Damien into a side headlock. He throws Damien into the ropes and when he comes off, he takes him to the mat with an armdrag takedown. Damien quickly makes it back to his feet and storms in on Drone, but Drone counters with a headscissors takedown. Damien is annoyed by it that he was taken down twice already and he makes it up and charges in on his opponent again. But this time it is Drone with a tilt-o-wirl armdrag takedown!!...That looked pretty impressive by Drone. And we now see that Damien rolls to the outside.

ND: Damien takes some time for himself on the outside right now. He takes a few deep breaths and looks up to Drone. Drone then hits the ropes.....comes off....and he leaps through the second and toprope to the outside and he takes Damien down to the concrete floor!!..Now, Damien absolutely did not see that one coming at all. Damien is layed out and Drone crawls back to his feet again, while the crowd cheers him on. Drone surely is a favorite of the fans here. He drags Damien to his feet and irish whips him into the security guardrail. Damien goes in backfirst and Drone follows in hot pursuit. But ....ohoooooo....Damien counters and backdrops Drone over the guardrail into the crowd!!

JP: Thats a nice counter by Damien there. Thats exactly what he needed. He now reaches over the guardrail and he grabs Drone and pulls him over to ringside. Drone is laying on the floor now and Damien with some kicks to keep him down. Damien then pulls Drone to his feet, kicks him into the midsection, turns him ....and......BULLDOGS DRONE TO THE CONCRETE FLOOR!!!......Wow.....Drone went facefirst into the concrete. Thats gotta hurt for sure. And Damien is not stopping here. He lifts Drone up and rolls him back into the ring again. Damien rolls in aswell and climbs to the toprope. He makes it up .....faces the crowd......and moonsaults off the top onto Drone!!!.....What a textbook moonsault that was. He must have learned that in Japan...........Damien hooks the leg for the cover.....




DT: Drone will not give up this fast. He is not out here tonight to lose against Damien. He is out here to show Nick Dangerous that the Canadian has to fear him. Fear him and that Drone is going to win at "The Final Chapter".

ND: Tell him Dean.

JP: Dangerism fears nothing. Do you get that? Dangerism fears nothing and nobody!

DT: Damien pulls Drone to his feet now and he sets him up for a suplex. But Drone lands on his feet behind Damien and grabs a hold of Damiens head and executes a reverse DDT!!!....Damien down on his back and Drone with a standing shooting star press on his opponent!!...This could be it for Damien. Drone going for the cover....The referee makes the count....



KICKOUT......but Damien kicks out of it. That standing shooting star press was not enough to finish off Damien. Drone shakes his head and he brings Damien to his feet. He chops Damien to the chest a couple of times and he then irish whips him into the ropes.

ND: Damien comes off and Drone hits him with a crescent kick!!....Good God....he almost took Damiens head off with that kick!! Did you see that one!!....Drone kips up to his feet again, lifts up Damien and then delivers a stalling vertical suplex. Drone showing that he has the strength. Damien landed hard on his back and Drone comes off the ropes and does a kneedrop. Drone pumps himself up and picks up Damien and throws him into the ropes one more time. Damien comes off and Drone going for a backdrop.....but Damien counters with a flipping neckbreaker!! And he quickly hooks the leg for the cover.......




JP: I believe that was actually three though. I think the referee miscalculated there. Damien brings Drone to his feet and he whips him into a corner. Drone goes in backfirst and Damien charges in.....but Drone moves out of the way in time. Damien goes in chestfirst and Drone immediately waistlocks his opponent and German suplexes him to the mat. Drone holds on to the move and delivers a second German suplex. He holds on to it once more and hits a third German suplex and goes for the cover.....




DT: Now thats what I call a narrow escape. That was pretty close. The crowd is cheering on Drone loudly at this stage in the match. They see that Drone picks up Damien and that he waistlocks him.....but Damien with a mule kick lowblow!!....Cheap shot by Damien that brings him back into the match again. He grabs Drone by the arm and sends him into the ropes.....Drone comes off and Damien hits him with a powerslam.....The fast cover attempt......



TH.....KICKOUT!!......But Drone is able to kick out of it.

ND: Damien picks up Drone and waistlocks him for a German suplex. But Drone lands on his feet.....He quickly climbs through the ropes to the apron.....and...SPRINGBOARD CLOTHESLINE!!!.....And that takes out Damien!! Damien is out of it right now. We see that Drone grabs him .....and......SHADOW'S WHISPER!!!.........Reverse firemans carry driver!!!......It's over right now!!!.......Drone for the cover.....




DT: Drone wins this match and he does show us that he is ready for Nick Dangerous. And I tell you one thing, he is gonna confront Nick later when he is the special referee in that match between Nick and Stephen Jackson. He will confront Nick.


Winner: Drone

Nick Dangerous/Coby Belton Dangerous vs. Stephen Jackson/Javier Vasquez - Tagtitles

DT: We are back folks and its time for the first title match of the evening. The tagtitles will be at stake in this match between Dangerism and the team off Stephen Jackson and Javier Vasquez. They battled eachother last week and lets take a look how that ended.

(The CazzoTron comes on and takes us back to 7 days ago).

DT: And Dangerous with an overhead belly to belly suplex on Vasquez!! He hits it!!.....WOW!!!..Jackson storms in on Dangerous, but Nick catches him in a spinning samoan drop!!! .....Dangerous then goes back to Vasquez and grabs him and he sets him up for a Danger Driver!! Thats gonna be it!!... But Vasquez escapes out of it!!....And out of nowhere he DDT's Nick to the mat!!!....Nick is layed out and Vasquez goes to the corner and climbs to the top. He stands on the topturnbuckle!!...HE JUMPS OFF.....BUT NICK GOT UP AND HE CATCHES VASQUEZ INTO ANOTHER FUJIWARA ARMBAR!!!.....AND HE GOT THAT SUBMISSION HOOKED IN ON VASQUEZ AGAIN!!!......And Vasquez is in severe pain!!!.....

JP: The referee checks on him now!!....Jackson meanwhile got back up. He wants to break the submission, but JVD charges in and hits him with a high knee!!! JVD then picks Jackson up ...and hits him with The Son Rise!!....Jackson is layed out on the mat and we see that Dangerous still has Vasquez in that armbar......AND.........HE TAPPS OUT!!! ...JAVIER VASQUEZ HAS JUST TAPPED OUT!!!.....DANGERISM WINS THIS TAGMATCH!!!..They defeat Stephen Jackson and Javier Vasquez.

(The CazzoTron fades out).

JP: Yes that sure was one good victory. Right now Dangerism can win the tagtitles. The tagtitles that are free again since Logan Darkholme and Scott Monroe, who were the tagchampions, split up last week.

DT: This has been some quick booking for these tagtitles though. About the only 2 teams left are fighting for those titles now. The edge goes to Dangerism since they beat Jackson and Vasquez last week.

(Blackout by DMX plays and Stephen Jackson and Javier Vasquez come out from the back. They make it to ringside and enter the ring)

(Closer by Nine Inch Nails begins to play and out comes Coby Belton Dangerous. Coby runs to the ring and rolls in).

(Fire in The Head by the Tea Party hits the PA, and Nick Dangerous comes from behind the cutain. The crowd boo's him tremendously, and he has a look of disgust on his face. He reaches the ring, and slides in.)


DT: Coby and Nick highfive and it is Nick who is the one who is gonna start off for Dangerism. That does make sense, since Belton already had a match earlier tonight. Thats one thing that in favour of Jackson and Vasquez. If they can manage to work on Belton, then they might be able to get the win here. Dangerous starts off against Jackson. They will face eachother in the main event of this Insurgence later on. Dangerous and Jackson lock up, and its Jackson with a knee to the gut. Dangerous goes down to one knee and Jackson hits the ropes, comes off and kicks Dangerous to the head. Nick falls down to the mat and Jackson jumps on top off him and starts to slap Nick in the face.

JP: Thats uncalled for!! Thats not how you treat Nick!!......Jackson now with some right and left hands. The referee should make a stop to this. Thats not part of wrestling, thats a regular catfight!!

ND: Catfight? Where??

DT: Jackson grabs Nicks head and he now begins to ramm his head into the apron. We see the frustration and aggrevation in Jackson here. He is sick of Nick Dangerous, sick of Dangerism. And well I can't say that I blame him. It is understandable that he is. Jackson lets go off Nicks head, but instead he drags him over to the corner. He places Nick backfirst against the turnbuckles and starts to kick him to the midsection until Nick falls down to the mat again!!!....What a start for Jackson here. After Nick falls down, Jackson uses his boot to choke Nick. The referee makes the count till 5, and after that Jackson pulls Dangerous to his feet. He whips Nick into the ropes........he comes off...but he ducks the forearm. And when Jackson turns towards him, Nick grabs him and delivers an overhead belly to belly suplex!

JP: Thats the big comeback that he needed. Dangerous picks Jackson up now and throws him into the ropes. Jackson comes off and Dangerous hits him with a Japanese armdrag!! Ooh yesss!!!......Dangerous throws Jackson once more into the ropes and repeats what he just did and hits a second Japanese armdrag on Jackson. Nick then goes to his corner and tags in JVD. Belton enters the ring and together they grab Jackson and throw him into the ropes. Jackson comes off and Nick with a drop toe hold. Jackson goes facefirst to the mat and Belton comes off the ropes and does a legdrop to the back of Jacksons head!! Great teamwork between Nick and Coby!! Thats a father and son combination that I have never seen before.

ND: Nick goes back to his corner and Belton picks Jackson up and throws him into the ropes. Jackson comes off and Belton leapfrogs over him....Jackson comes off the opposite ropes and Belton hits him with a dropkick right in the face. The Perfect Storm goes down and Belton grabs him and hooks him into a chinlock!!.....Jackson tries to move out of it now. He manages to make it to his feet and hits a couple of elbows to escape from that lock. Jackson hits the ropes and comes off...and shoulderblocks Belton to the mat!!.....Jackson then quickly makes the tag to Vasquez.

JP: Vasquez enters and charges in on Belton and clothesline him to the mat. Dangerous comes in now, but Vasquez also clotheslines him to the mat. Vasquez thinks he is on fire and he picks up Belton and lifts him up into a military press above his head!!!.....But ooooooh Nick comes in and he ...SPEARS VASQUEZ AND BELTON LANDS ON TOP OFF VASQUEZ!!!........He goes for the pin.......



THR.......BUT JACKSON BREAKS THE COUNT AND KICKS BELTON TO THE HEAD!!!........Oh my God...that was close. We almost had new tagchampions. The best tagchampions ever in the EWCL.

DT: I think you are forgetting some tagteams that we had in the past John. Just think about The Knights of Justice or what about Society's Rejection. Now those were great tagteams. I agree Nick and Coby aren't bad, but I wouldn't call them the greatest tagteam ever to grace this federation. That would go a little bit too far I think. But yeah they almost grabbed those titles here!!!.....Jackson broke that count and now Nick charges in on Jackson and they start to brawl. They hand out right and left hands. Nick with a right hand, but Jackson blocks it. He goes for a right hand of his own, but Nick ducks it and ...HE CLOTHESLINES JACKSON OVER THE TOPROPE TO THE OUTSIDE!!!

ND: Jackson lands on the concrete and Nick climbs the corner, makes it to the topturnbuckle......and....HE JUMPS TO THE OUTSIDE!!......BUT JACKSON GETS TO HIS FEET AND HE NAILS NICK WITH A RIGHT HAND!!!.....And Dangerous goes down to the floor!!!....Jackson grabs him and starts to choke Nick some more!! .....In the ring Belton picks up Vasquez and throws him into the ropes. Vasquez comes off and Belton for a leapfrog......but Vasquez saw that one coming and he catches Belton out of midair and turns it into a reverse atomic drop....Belton staggers backwards and Vasquez charges in and takes him to the mat with a lariat!!!....Belton flies to the canvas and Vasquez for the cover......




JP: On the outside Jackson is still choking Nick. There is no referee on the outside, so Jackson can do whatever he want. Come on someone stop him please!!!....Nick is layed out and Jackson finally lets go. He gets to his feet and smirks. He then picks up Dangerous, lifts him up and drops him facefirst into the security guardrail. He drags Dangerous towards the apron and then irish whips Nick.....but Nick reverses the irish whip and Jackson goes facefirst into the steel ringpost!!!...Jackson hits it hard and goes down to the mat......Dangerous charges in and he lifts up Jackson .....and....SPINNING SAMOAN DROP TO THE CONCRETE FLOOR!!!........HOLY SHIT!!!....Great!!!.....Jackson is layed out now and Dangerous slowly is moving back to his corner again.

DT: Vasquez climbs to the toprope now......but Belton gets to his feet and he bounces into the ropes and Vasquez loses his balance.....and he goes crotchfirst into the topturnbuckle!!!.....Belton quickly climbs up the toprope, grabs Vasquez.....and....SUPERPLEXES HIM TO THE MAT!!!......What a move by Belton.......Both men are now layed out onto the mat!!! What a match we are seeing right here!!!.....Belton now finally crawls over to his opponent and lays his arm on him. The ref comes in to make the count......



THR.............KICKOUT!!..........It''s not over yet!!!....Vasquez is still in this match. Belton looks to his corner and sees that Nick is there, but that he is taking deep breaths after all the choking that Jackson has been doing.

ND: Belton grabs Vasquez and he sends him into the ropes......Vasquez comes off and Belton with a headscissors takedown. Thats one of his favorite moves. He then picks up Vasquez.....He signals for The Son Rise!!!....Nick nods and likes what he sees now!!!......But Vasquez moves out and he kicks Belton to the midsection and sets him up for a powerbomb!!!.....Belton in the air.....BUT OOOOOOH....BELTON REVERES THE POWERBOMB INTO A HURRICANRANA!!!....AND HE GOES FOR THE PIN!!.....




JP: It's still not over, dammit!!!......But Belton now grabs Vasquez.......and......THE SON RISE!!!...Thats it!!!........Belton hooking the leg for the cover right now.........





DT: Congratualations John.

JP: Thanks.

(Nick and Jesus are given their tag titles as they hold them high in the air. Nick is later handed a mic.)

Nick: Ahhhh yes this is just the beginning of the day for me ladies and gents, after I head backstage we're just in intermission for me to once against kick the stink out of Jackson. That's right, today is a day where I get to beat the life out of Jackson, take a break, and come back only to once again beat the life out of Jackson. So I'm gonna give you all a little something to think about during my short break from the ring until the main event. It concerns the new member of Dangerism...

JP: Oooohhh I can't wait to find out who that is...

Nick: The new follower of Dangerism is a great man, who just like me, is always looked down upon for his views and opinions.

JP: I could only wonder who it is.

Nick: He's a bold man, a total class act, and I thought, seeing as this is the week of my birthday, being now 26 years of age I thought hey, since this is a day of joy, and giving, why not celebrate it? So right here, right now I am introducing to you, the newest, honorary member of Dangerism! JOHN PILCHARD!


ND: Oh stuff it.


Nick: John Pilchard is a man who just goes out there and gives it his all each and every night, and the man gets little to no respect for it at all. But more importantly, the guy is always there for me, John Pilchard is always there to remind me that people like Neil Down are just plain stupid and I shouldn't take his opinions into any kind of consideration. Thusly, John Pilchard has everything Dangerism would require a man to have. He has brains, he has the ability to say what he feels despite the people he works with trying to take him down a peg for thinking the way he does, and just being an all out honorable man. So what I've done is I made a simple little video compilation of John Pilchard at his best.

(The camera pans to the Cazzotron as Bugg Superstar by Smashing Pumpkins hits the PA system, the compilation includes excerps from John Pilchard doing his commentary.)

"I can say that we can all rest easy knowing something went right for Dangerism tonight, Nick retains his Universal title meaning Dangerism is still on top, whether you like it or not."

"JP: Dangerism is back and tonight Nick Dangerous and Coby Belton is gonna show it to the world. They are gonna beat Drone and that traitor Victor Emmit."

"I wouldn't want to be in Drone's and Victor Emmits shoes right now. Coz Drone and Victor gonna have a hard time since they have to face Nick Dangerous and Coby Belton, the team of Dangerism."

"JP: Think about it, Nick Dangerous in the second match of the night. He's a former Universal Champion, current EWCL Champion, and leader of Dangerism! Why should he have to face Wilkes?"

"Welcome to another night of the successtory of Dangerism."

"JP: You know Nick had a point there. Why is Drone all doing that? Why is he doing all of that for Sean Campbell? There's something spooky about that. Whats the connection between Drone and Sean Campbell. All we know is that they are friends, but we never seen them together."

(The montage ends with text saying "Thank you, John, for the memories.)

Nick: That's just me paying homage to EWCL's finest. Now John, I'd like to pull you up to the ring and celebrate your initiation with you, but you know what? Let's save it for next week, I have a big night planned in your honor. Tonight you can just anticipate the main event, because when it's over, you can come to the ring, and you can call Sean Campbell out, seeing as Drone will already be in the ring with his mask and ref shirt, will be fun to see him give me the three count I'm inevitably going to score.


Winners: Nick Dangerous/Coby Belton Dangerous

Logan Darkholme(c) vs. Jay Masters - Universal Title - First Blood Match

DT: Welcome back people. After that intresting tagmatch it is now time for our second title match of the evening. Logan Darkholme is going to defend his Universal Title against Jay Masters. But before we talk about that match, lets take a look at what happend last week between Logan Darkholme and Scott Monroe. They were once good friends and tagchampions. But not anymore.

(The CazzoTron comes on again and takes us back to last week).

(With that Monroe turns his attention back to the ring where Logan has come to his feet...)

Monroe ~ As for disgraced my legacy, you disgraced my friendship and you've disgraced this federation. Eric might have thought that you showed potential but I am the only reason you ever became anything. You think you did it on your own? You're nothing but a Scott Monroe clone. Remember when Nick Dangerous nearly drove John Daniels away from this place by simply calling him Johnrovick? Well I'm not quite as clever as Dangerous when it comes to names but the truth is that I don't have to be. You and I, we're finished. You can take this Tag Team championship that you don't give a damn about and use it to hold your pride up. Darkholme and Monroe are finished...

(The boos begin again except from one part of the audience. Screams of happiness erupt from the Morlocks as Monroe looks over...)

Monroe ~ The only people in this entire arena with the good sense to see the truth.

(The Morlocks continue to scream as Monroe then rolls back into the ring. Logan charges him and knocks the blade from his hand, it falls to the mat and slides out of the ring as Logan tries to take Monroe's head off. Monroe ducks and as Logan turns, Monroe leaps into the air and kicks him in the face. Logan hits the mat hard as Monroe drops to his knees over his former pupil).

Monroe ~ You wanted to what happens when you raise my ire? When you lie to Scott Monroe?

(Smoke begins to stream from the top of the arena until the arena is covered in a thick fog. Spotlights blast the ceiling as a large gothic crucifix begins to lower from the Heavens. It lands in the ring with a thud as Monroe kneels down and grabs Logan by the hair).

Monroe ~ You know, some people have compared you to Alex. I don't think that's fair at all, I think a better comparison would be to compare you to the men you've been beating each week. Men who don't deserve what they've been getting, men who think that they do. Well I've got a little surprise for...

(Monroe then pulls Logan from the ground and throws him into the cross. Clasping the first and second bolts, Monroe laughs to himself as he ties Logan's legs. Stepping onto a notch in the back, the cross begins to rise again. Eric Van Zandt suddenly comes from the backstage area, screaming at the top of his lungs. Monroe and Darkholme however cannot hear, as they make their way to the top of the Cazzo-Tron. The cross lowers itself slowly and Monroe checks it before stepping down. Looking at Logan, he spits in his face before turning back to the crowd).

Monroe ~ This is what you wanted, right?

(Monroe then notices Eric).

Monroe ~ You want to know what the heart and soul of this federation is? It isn't you, it isn't Corvik, it isn't Dangerous and it damn sure isn't Darkholme. I am the soul of this God forsaken place and now I condemn this place and its paper champion to the same fate as my own. Let Heaven close its doors because I'm the only man who can tear them down.

(The fans begin to scream as Logan begins to stir but Monroe doesn't notice, Eric does however and grabs a microphone).

Eric ~ Scott..stop this now or I swear to God..

Monroe ~ WHAT?!? WHAT CAN YOU DO THAT THIS BUSINESS HASN'T ALREADY DONE?!? You sent me to the institution, Eric, after Laps tried to weasel his way into the title picture. You didn't want me back when I came for revenge against the Family that swore to protect me. I made your championship mean something Eric, I made the E.W.C.L. mean something by winning the I.W.F.'s End of Days. I took out that buffoon Cable and tried to make those Tag Titles mean something. I've done nothing for the past year and a half but try to please you and what do I get? What do I f*cking get?

Eric ~ You get what's finally coming to you...

(Monroe narrows his eyes confused then simply shakes his head).

Monroe ~ I'll be the last Universal champion that this federation ever sees...

(Suddenly Monroe hears a voice from behind him.).

Logan ~ NO YOU WON'T!

(Monroe turns as Logan grabs him by the throat. Monroe tries to struggle but it's to late, Darkholme drives a hard right into his face then spins him around and throws him from the top off the Cazzo-Tron. Monroe plummets through the air and hits the stage below, tearing through it continuing. Eric suddenly looks up at Logan and begins screaming as E.M.T.s rush down to ringside).

Logan ~ wanted us to be over..well now our partnership might be over but so is your career.

(Eric then drops down from the stage and heads beneath, checking on the battered and broken Monroe. From the audience a woman jumps over the guardrail, the guards unable to catch her. Racheal Everhart runs alongside the stage only to see the E.M.T.s putting Monroe on the stretcher. She looks at Eric who can't speak, then to Darkholme who only smiles down with a sadistic face...)

Racheal ~ We all make mistakes Logan..but I'll see you burn in Hell for this.

(With that the E.M.T.s rolls Monroe out of the arena as the fans in attendance then realize the truth...)

(The CazzoTron fades out again).

DT: Monroe is not happy. He is not happy at all. He does not like what Darkholme has been doing ever since he became the Universal Champion. Monroe does not like how Darkholme defended that title. And especially not against who Darkholme defended that title.

JP: He is right though. Because Nick Dangerous should have been the first one to get a rematch for the Universal Title. But he never got it. NEVER GOT IT!!!...No, instead Darkholme fought, Damien, Dante, Jay Masters, Shadowcast and now Jay Masters again.

ND: Yeah lets see how Darkholme does against Triple X tonight.


DT: Why you call Masters that way?

ND: I was totally sure I was watching a Vin Diesel movie when I saw Jay Masters his latest promo.

(Thornton shakes his head).

DT: Well....allright.....Now Logan Darkholme the champion, a good champion in my eyes will fight Jay Masters in a First Blood match. The rules are pretty simple, the one who bleeds first ...loses!!

(Highway to hell begins to play and out comes Jay Masters. He stands still on the ramp for a moment and then makes his way down the aisle. He reaches ringside and uses the ringsteps to enter the ring).

(The lights go out, and "Us" By Samael hits the PA. The drum beat begins, as a strobe light hits on each beat. The guitars kicks in, and spotlight comes down on the top of the ramps, while other spotlights move around the audience. Logan Darkholme and Charlou Ashall appear. Logan wears his wrestling attire, of black boots, and baggy black cargo pants. He wears also a leather jacket, which he pulls back to reveal his Universal title. The spotlight changes to a strobe light, alternating between several colours as they walk down the ramp. They reaches the ring, and use the ring steps to get up onto the ring apron. The lights stop flashing, and are replaced again by a single spotligh, aimed down on top of Logan. He raises his arms, before stepping into the ring. He goes to all four corners, taking his belt off and holding it up at each. Finally, he stands in the middle of the ring with his title draped before him)


DT: The match is on and Darkholme and Masters are going at it right from the start. They brawl it out and go from one side of the ring to the other side. Darkholme gets the upperhand as he is able to block a shot and nail Masters with a big right one. Masters stumbles backwards and Logan grabs him and irish whips him into the ropes. Masters comes off and Logan hits him with a high knee. Jay down to the mat and Logan grabs him by the head and delivers a snappmare and follows it up with a hard stiff kick to the back. And Logan with a couple more stiff kicks to the back.

ND: He kicked Masters right between the shoulderblades. That can be very painful. Logan picks Masters up, throws him into the ropes and when he comes off he hits him with a tilt-o-wirl backbreaker!!!.....Logan holds on to Masters, lifts him up and......SIDESLAM INTO THE MAT!!!.......There is no need to go for a cover attempt though, since this is a First Blood match. Not many rules to live by in these kind of matches. Darkholme picks Masters up and drags him over to the nearest corner. Darkholme seems to be in a zone right now here. Only focussed on one thing and thats to hurt Masters. Thats the champion we want to see!...He grabs Masters his head and starts to ramm it into the topturnbuckle........1........2..............3...............4....................5........................6..........................7..............................8...............................9..............................10.....

JP: Masters is stunned for a moment now and we see that Darkholme is doing something in the corner. What is he doing? ...Oh, wait a minute. It looks like he is going for the Corvik way. It appears that Darkholme is taking off the topturnbuckle pad. Yes, thats what he is doing. He takes off the pad and throws it to the outside. I think that he wants to ramm Masters into the steel and make him bleed that way. Thats probly how he wants to win this match quickly!!!.....Darkholme grabs a hold of Masters, brings him back into the corner and goes to ramm him into the steel unprotected turnbuckle!!!........But Masters blocks it by putting his boot to the second rope!!!......And instead he elbows Darkholme to the midsection!!

DT: And he hits the champion with another elbow to the stomache. He then shoves Logan out of the corner, climbs quickly to the toprope.......AND HITS DARKHOLME WITH A SPINNING HEELKICK OFF THE TOPROPE!!!.......Darkholme goes down hard and Masters makes it back up and stomps down on Logan for a while. Masters then grabs Logan his feet .........and.....HE SLINGSHOTS DARKHOLME AND HE GOES INTO THE UNPROTECTED TOPTURNBUCKLE!!!.....BUT LOGAN IS ABLE TO COVER HIS HEAD WITH HIS HANDS BEFORE HE FLIES INTO THE STEEL!!!......He saved himself there, otherwise he definately would have been busted open!!!

ND: Hitting steel does not automatically mean that you will be busted open Dean. I thought of all people that you would know that. I think you watched a little bit too much wrestling on tv.

DT: Whats that suppose to mean?

JP: Masters moves into the corner now and he shouldertackles Logan to the back a couple of times. He then lifts Logan up and puts him on top off the topturnbuckle. Masters climbs up aswell and he waistlocks the champion. But Logan with an elbow......and Masters falls back to the mat. However Masters is fast on his feet again and goes to climb up again. Meanwhile Logan faces the ring right now.....Masters gets up and he grabs Logan for a superplex......but Darkholme blocks it and headbutts Masters ......and........SIT OUT POWERBOMB OFF THE TOPROPE TO THE MAT!!!.......HOLY SHIT!!!.......What a move by the champion!!!....If it would have been a regular match, then I guess it would have been over now!!

ND: Yeah, but its not. This is a First Blood match. This is far from over because there is no sign of any blood on Masters. Darkholme slowly makes it back to his feet now. He picks up Masters and he irish whips him into that corner......and Masters goes backfirst into the steel!!!.......Darkholme shouts it out and follows in hot pursuit and charges into the corner......but Masters moves out of the way in time and Logan splashes into the steel!!!....Again he hit that steel!!!.....But no blood yet!!!......But Logan is stunned though......And we see that Masters rolls to the outside. He looks under the ring and.....he grabs a steelchair!!

DT: Masters has a chair and he throws it into the ring. Jay makes it back in and he moves over to Darkholme .......and.....WHACK......Hits Logan to the back with the steelchair!!!......Logan stumbles to the center of the ring right now.......WHACK......and Masters with another chairshot.....but this time to the head!!......Darkholme staggers some more.......WHACK.......and he goes down to the canvas!!!......Darkholme is out. The referee checks to see if he sees any blood, but there is still no sign of it. Masters can't believe it and he throws the chair to the mat. He then circles around Darkholme and motions to the referee to check once again if there is a blood.

JP: The referee does another check, but he motions to Masters that the match is still on. No blood. Masters still can't believe it and he picks up Darkholme and throws him into the ropes......Logan comes off.....but he slides through Masters his legs.....gets up behind him.......and.....DANGEROUS DDT'S MASTERS HARD INTO THE STEELCHAIR!!!......HOLY SHIT!!!........Right into the steelchair!!!.....Masters is knocked out cold right now. His head onto that chair.....We can't see wether he is bleeding or not. Darkholme is also out of it. Those chairshots earlier on sure had impact and he still feels them. Now after about 10 seconds, he gets up and he rolls Masters to his back. The referee checks, but still no blood.

ND: Darkholme slowly lifts Masters up now and he sends him into the ropes, but Masters holds on to the ropes......Logan notices it and he runs in and ...HE CLOTHESLINE MASTERS OVER THE TOPROPE AND FLIES OVER ASWELL!!!....Both men land hard on the concrete floor.....both men are layed out. The crowd is going nuts here......They are going nuts!......It is Logan who's first to make it to his feet. He makes it up and kicks Masters to the head. He then brings him to his feet and body slams him back to the concrete again. A couple more stomps and Logan picks up Masters .......and.....ESCAPE FROM REALITY!!!....Oooh man.....his finishing move to the concrete floor!!!.....Thats insane!!

JP: And Masters is not moving. He is out of it, but still not bleeding. Darkholme stares at his opponent for a while, but he then decides to kick him some more.

ND: I think we are close to the end of this match here.

JP: Logan picks Masters up from the concrete floor. He grabs Jay by the arm and irish whips him straight into the steel ringpost!!.....Masters goes in headfirst and falls down to the floor. Darkholme quickly moves in and he grabs Masters by the head and starts to ramm his head into the steel ringsteps!!!.......BAMMM......BAMMMMM........BAMMMMMM.......BAMMMMMMM..........BAMMMMMMMM......BAMMMMMMM......He's not stopping it at all....BAMMM......BAMMMMM........BAMMMMMM.......BAMMMMMMM.....Good gracious God!!!.....And I think Masters is bleeding....I think he is busted open from those shots into the steel ringsteps!!.....But the referee is still inside the ring and he can't see it, since Masters is layed out onto the concrete floor.

DT: All Darkholme has to do right now is rolls Masters into the ring and this match is over. He grabs Masters.......but HEY LOOK!!....Thats Racheal Everhart!!...What's she doing here??........She comes out from the crowd and she stands eye to eye with Darkhome right now. He sees her and he lets go off Masters. Darkhome goes after Rachael........He gets in her face.....BUT OOOOOOOOOOOOH......SHE BLOWS A FIREBALL INTO HIS FACE!!!........I CAN"T BELIEVE WHAT I JUST SAW!!!.......Racheal Everhart just blew a fireball into Logans face!!

ND: Now thats what I call some blowjob.


DT: Darkholme fell down to the concrete floor and we see that Jay Masters crawls over to Darkholme. The referee still hasn't seen that he is bleeding. Masters wipes some of the blood out of his face and he rubs his bloody hand over Darkholme's face!!!...Now Masters his blood is on Darkholme's face!!!.......And Masters now takes out a towel from under the ring. He takes the towel and he wipes all of the blood out of his own face. Masters then picks Darkholme up and rolls him into the ring. The referee sees the blood on Logan's face .....and......



DT: But Darkholme got robbed!! He got robbed!!.....First Racheal with that fireball in his face and secondly its not even his own blood in his face!!! Its not even his own blood, dammit!!!

(Monroe comes out of the crowd as Master is being handed the Universal championship. Spinning Masters around, Monroe kicks him in the stomach and drops him to the ground with Deicide. Throwing the Universal championship down onto him, Monroe then kicks him towards the ropes and finally from the ring. Racheal then stalks down the aisle, in her right hand a kendo stick and the left a pair of handcuffs. As Logan rises from the ground Monroe knee's him in the face and sends him falling back into the ropes. Racheal hooks the first cuff to the top rope and then steps back as Monroe grabs Logan by the arm. Moments later Logan Darkholme is trapped within the realm of a nightmare, with Scott Monroe conducting the orchistra).

Monroe ~ You swore you were something, didn't you Logan? Didn't you? Yet this week you proved everything that I said about you. You proved everything that I said was the truth. You failed, Logan, you failed and because of that I'm going to make you regret the lies that you have spoken.

(As Logan begins to stir Monroe motions for the kendo stick. Racheal tosses it to him as Logan looks up, only to recieve a shot across the face. He slumps back against the ropes as Monroe sneers down).

Monroe ~ Jay Masters, Universal champion. How many people ever thought that they'd hear those words? How many people ever believed that Jay Masters would attain such a thing. His name now stands in the same as the greats...

(Monroe then strikes Darkholme again as he looks over to the still unmoving Masters).

Monroe ~ Does he deserve it? Does Jay Master, real or false, deserve to be Universal champion? Does he have the right to say that he is the best warrior in the federation?

(Monroe then suddenly strikes Darkholme over and over...)

Monroe ~ You let a man who was a laughing stock become the Universal champion. For once in his life Jay Masters can be proud of an accomplishment, while you have proven that you are nothing more than a disgrace. Did you think that by throwing me from the top of the Cazzo-Tron that I would just go away? I won't die, Logan, I won't die and I won't quit. Racheal promised you Hell and now you're going to see it. Welcome to the end of everything that you care for, Logan Darkholme, E.W.C.L. champion is now nothing more burning as the paper that he truly was.

(Darkholme tries to pull himself free from the ropes but Monroe only strikes him over and over again).

Monroe ~ You're going to regret ever believing that you deserved to stand by me. There is only one God, there is only one Devil and there is only one Scott Monroe!

(Monroe then kicks Darkholme in the face and sends him to the canvas. Racheal then reaches under the ring and grabs a small container of gasoline. Handing it Monroe, she then rolls into the ring and pulls a silver Zippo from her pocket).

Monroe ~ Some people say I'm crazy, Logan..did you know that?

(Monroe begins to chuckle as he begins to douse Darkholme in gasoline).

Monroe ~ Some people really think that I don't know what I'm doing. They really think that I'm just some lunatic who manages to be in the right place at the right time to get the job done. Too bad for them that they never bothered to look past the surface. Too bad for them that the only way to explain my actions is with the fact that I'm living in a dreamworld, that I'm insane.

(Monroe takes the Zippo from Racheal as he leans down and stares at the broken Darkholme).

Monroe ~ I'm not insane, Logan, I'm driven. There is a big, big difference.

(With that Monroe rises from his feet and steps back, flipping the top to the Zippo he strikes the flint at the same time. He holds the Zippo in his left hand and then extends his right arm, the father, the son and the holy spirit, he moves his arms in the motion of the crucifix and then lowers his head. Racheal lowers her head as well and both seem to simply stand still for a moment, then, without a word, Monroe tosses the Zippo onto the prone Darkholme. He erupts into flame and begins to struggle as E.M.T.s rush from the back. Rolling from the ring, Monroe and Racheal both stop as they come to Jay Masters. Pulling Masters up, Monroe points down at the Universal championship while holding him by the hair..)

Monroe ~ You got lucky..good luck keeping that belt from around my waist. As soon as Eric decides when, that championship is mine.

(With that Monroe throws Masters head back to the ground as both he and Racheal exit the arena via the crowd, the entire time Monroe smiles as the chorus of boos rain down upon him).


Winner: Jay Masters

(We return from the commercials and go backstage and see the office of the President of the EWCL. Eric "Cazzo" Van Zandt is seen sitting in his desk and he is apparently in deep thoughts about things. He is writing down a couple of things when there is a knock on the door).

Cazzo: Come in.

(The door opens and we see Aaron Gold entering the office).

Cazzo: Well hello Aaron. How can I help you?

Aaron Gold: I need a favor, Eric.

Cazzo: A favour? What is it? You want more budget for "The Golden Moment"? Sure no problem.

Aaron Gold: No, thats not it.

Cazzo: You want to use another female in your promo's? Sure no problem.

Aaron Gold: No, thats not it. Although I will keep that in mind.

Cazzo: Then what is it that I can do for you?

Aaron Gold: It's Jay Masters, Eric.

Cazzo: What about him?

Aaron Gold: I just can't happen that Jay Masters is the new Universal Champion. You don't want him to represent the EWCL as its big champion. When people hear the name Jay Masters, they think of a jobber.

Cazzo: Well Aaron, first of all that was the old Jay Masters. But what can I do, Aaron. Masters defeated Logan Darkholme, he is the new champion.

Aaron Gold: But he cheated!!!....Didn't you see the match, Eric? Didn't you see that Masters was bleeding and put his own blood on Darkholme?

Cazzo: Well.....welll...I mean I've been know....with the merger and all.

Aaron Gold: Don't tell me you didn't see it.

Cazzo: ....uhmmm.....sorry I didn't.

Aaron Gold: Come on Eric. You gotta reverse the decision of that match. You gotta!! If you would have seen it, you would have reversed it.

Cazzo: You know I can't do that, Aaron. .....But what I can do is book a rematch for next week. Jay Masters versus Logan Darkholme in a Last Man Standing Match.

Aaron Gold: Great!. Thanks for trusting me Eric.

Cazzo: No problem.

(Scene fades out).

Nick Dangerous vs. Stephen Jackson

DT: So its been booked. Next week Jay Masters has to defend his newly won title against Logan Darkholme.

JP: You see, thats what I don't get. Darkholme gets a rematch right away, but Nick Dangerous never even had a rematch for his Universal Title. Thats just bad.

DT: Yeah, but its the circumstances that count John. You also saw that Masters cheated. He may have changed, he may have helped the CIA, but he still didn't had a clean win here.

JP: Ahh...forget it. Lets focus on our main event of the evening. Nick Dangerous is gonna whoop Stephen Jacksons ass for the second time tonight. Dangerism Bless!

ND: Man, wouldn't it been way better if John would have left at the beginning of the show.

DT: I hear ya.

JP: This is it. Nick Dangerous and Stephen Jackson finally in a singles match. Its time for Nick to revenge his fluke loss against Jackson.

DT: Don't forget that Drone is the special referee in this match. We don't know how he is gonna react in this match. Is he gonna favouring Jackson over Nick or is he favouring Nick over Jackson. Or is he gonna call everything down the middle like he should?

(Fire in The Head by the Tea Party hits the PA, and Nick Dangerous comes from behind the cutain. The crowd boo's him tremendously, and he has a look of disgust on his face. He reaches the ring, and slides in.)

(Blackout by DMX plays and Stephen Jackson and Javier Vasquez come out from the back. They make it to ringside and enter the ring)


DT: The match has started and Jackson and Dangerous stare at eachother. They both then stare at Drone, who motions that the match is on already. Dangerous grins at Drone and says "I know the match has started......SEAN". Drone shakes his head and Dangerous grins some more.....but Jackson takes advantage of the moment and charges in on Nick and nails him with a double axe handle. Dangerous goes down to the mat and Jackson brings him up again and hits him with a couple of backhand chops to the chest. He then irish whips Nick into the ropes......he comes off and Jackson with a belly to belly suplex. Jackson hops back to his feet again and he turns Nick over and hooks in a sharpshooter. Holy smokes thats early in the match to apply that move!!

JP: Thats too early. Not a smart move by Jackson. Nick still has all the energy in the world, so its not a big problem for him to reach the ropes. Just look at that.......I am right.....Nick gets closer and closer to the ropes .....and....grabs a hold of them right now. Jackson lets go off the move, but quickly kicks Nick to the back. He then brings the Canadian to his feet again and whips him into the ropes. Nick comes off and Jackson goes for a kick, but Nick grabs the leg!!.....But oooooh Enziguiri by Stephen Jackson and he hits Nick to the back off the head. I don't think Nick expected that, and neither did I.

ND: Jackson in control here in the first part of this match. He picks up Nick now and whips him into the ropes again.....but Nick holds on to the ropes......Jackson went for a dropkick and only hits air and lands on the mat. When Jackson comes up from the mat, Nick comes in and does a basement dropkick to the chest!!.....Nick lifts Jackson up, throws him into the ropes and then hits him with a Japanese armdrag. We saw him do that in the tagmatch aswell. Thats another move that he probly learned in Japan, right Pilchard?

JP: Right.

DT: You sure? Coz I have wrestled in Japan myself, but I hardly see Japanese wrestlers use that move.

ND: Did you wrestle in Japan Dean?

DT: Yeah I did. I had numerous battles with Rick O'Connor there.

JP: Nick is back on his feet and he grabs Jackson and kicks him into the stomache.....and....LIGERBOMB!!!...Out of nowhere he hits Jackson with that one. Thats extraordinary. What a move by Nick. Jackson is out and Nick is not even going for the cover. Nah, I wouldn't do that either, its too easy. Nick lifts Jackson up again and ......LIGERBOMB!!!......He hits him with another one!! Good God!!.....Nick then talks some trash towards Jackson and shouts out if he wants another one. Man, Nick is good tonight.

DT: Nick picks Jackson up and .....hits him with a third LIGERBOMB!!.......I have never seen this happen before in my life. Jackson out cold and Nick now going for the cover......



BUT NICK STOPS THE COUNT HIMSELF!!!........He stopped it himself, and referee Drone is not too happy about that!!...He tells Nick to go for the cover.....Nick covers Jackson again........



BUT BE BREAKS IT AGAIN HIMSELF!!!........He did it again!!.....And Drone really is not happy about it......He's even shouting to Nick right now!!!....

ND: He's threatening Nick right now with a disqualification. Nick then goes for the cover again.....



THR.....KICKOUT!!!.......but Jackson kicks out of it this time. Jackson is still in this match, its not over yet. Thats Nick his own dumb fault. Nick now pulls Jackson to his feet and whips him into a corner....Jackson goes in backfirst and Nick storms in......But ooooh Jackson sticks his elbow out and Nick flies in facefirst. He staggers backwards and Jackson runs into him and clotheslines him hard to the mat.

JP: He can't do that!! And Jackson now drags Nick over to the ropes. He places Nick under the bottom rope and he then places his boot on the ropes and begins to choke Nick. What is it with Jackson and choking tonight? He did it before and now he is doing it again. Drone makes the count till 5, but after 5 Jackson does not let go off the choke. Drone shouts at him, but Jackson refuses to break the chokehold. Drone then grabs Jackson by the shoulders and he pulls him off of Nick and to the center of the ring. Jackson now gets into Drone's face and the two do some more trash talking.

DT: Drone does not have an easy match here as a referee. Both Nick and Jackson refuse to fight according to the rules. In the meantime Nick got back to his feet again. He sneaks up behind Jackson, but The Perfect Storm turns around in time and he kicks Nick to the stomache and sets him up for a piledriver and executes it!!....Nick landed hard on his head there. He's out of it and now it is Jackson who is repeating moves as he lifts Nick up again and delivers a second piledriver!!..... Nick lands hard on his head again and Jackson gets to his feet and he spits at Nick. Drone saw that and gets in Jacksons face about it.

ND: But Jackson shoves Drone away and moves over to Nick again. He picks Nick up, grabs him by the head and throws him into the ropes. But Nick holds on to the ropes again......Jackson had a feeling that was gonna happen and he charges in and...does a hurricanrana and Nick flies over the toprope to the outside!!!.......Nick with a bad fall to the concrete and Jackson is now waiting till Nick is back on his feet again. Nick slowly makes it up, and Jackson hits the ropes.....comes off and slides to the outside and hits Nick to the chest!!....And Dangerous goes down to the concrete floor once again.

JP: I hate to say it but Jackson is in control right now. He raises his hands in the air and he then climbs onto the apron. He stands on the apron and waits till Nick is on his feet again. This seems to be a new tactic, waiting till the opponent is up and then attack him again. Nick now stands on his feet .....and Jackson jumps off the apron .....for a hurricanrana.....BUT NICK DANGEROUS REVERSES IT AND SWINGS JACKSON HEADFIRST INTO THE STEEL RINGSTEPS!!! OOOOOH YEAH!!!.....He reversed it perfectly. I first thought that he was turn that hurricanrana into a powerbomb, but this is perhaps even better. He smashed Jackson into the steel.

DT: Nick now takes his time and he then grabs Jackson and irish whips him into the security guardrail. Jackson goes in backfirst and Nick charges in and clotheslines Jackson!!!....Nick then takes Jackson and he drags him to the ring and rolls him in. Dangerous makes it in aswell and he grabs Jackson his arm and he hooks in a Fujiwara armbar!!!! Thats how me Vasquez tap out last week and thats the move he had on Jackson when he and Belton won the tagtitles earlier tonight. Whats Jackson gonna do? Is he gonna tap out or what? No, he's not tapping out!! We can see that Jackson is in pain, but he is not tapping out. He drags himself over to the ropes now and he reaches for them and Drone makes Nick break the move.

ND: Nick smirks and he then takes Jackson and throws him into the ropes. Jackson comes off and Nick catches him, lifts him on his shoulders and goes for a spinning samoan drop.....but Jackson moves out of it and lands on his feet. He turns Nick around......and....DIAMOND CUTTER!!!.......Nicks out and Jackson hooks the leg for the cover......And Drone going for the count....



KICKOUT!!.................Jackson almost with the victory here. Jackson pulls up Nick from the mat and he hits him hard with a couple of right hands. Nick is stunned and Jackson drags him over to the nearest corner.

DT: Jackson climbs to the toprope now. He then pulls Nick up aswell. Both wrestlers on the topturnbuckle right now and it is Jackson who is going for his Landfall. A toprope piledriver. If he is able to hit that, he is gonna win this match. I am certain about that. He tries to lift Nick up, but Dangerous blocks it.....and he then rakes Jackson in the eye.....and grabs Jacksons arm and dives off the toprope and .......hooks in another Fujiwara armbar!!!.......Good God, did he do that? Out of nowhere!!!.......And Jackson in more pain than before. Everytime you get hooked in that armlock it hurts more. I can tell you that from my own experience.

ND: But Jackson is crawling over to the ropes now. He crawls over and......grabs a hold of it......but Nick refused to let go off that armlock. He refuses to let go here!!!.....Drone shouts out to him, but Nick is not hearing it, or refuses to hear it. He holds on to the armlock and whats Drone gonna do??..........OH MY GOD!!!.......DRONE WITH AN ELBOW DROP......ONTO STEPHEN JACKSON"S BACK!!!........AND NICK AUTOMATICALLY HAS TO LET GO OFF THE ARMLOCK!!!......What an onorthodox way off breaking that lock. Nick gets to his feet and he stares at Drone. He then picks up Jackson and throws him into the ropes. Jackson comes off and Nick catches him and .....SPINNING SAMOAN DROP!!!

JP: Thats it!!!......Nick goes for the cover attempt, but look.......Drone is not counting. He's just standing there doing nothing. Only staring at Nick. What is this? Is this some sort of payback because Drone just elbow dropped on Jackson? Or what is this? More mindgames by Drone? Well they are working allright. I can tell you that. Nick gets up now and he moves in the direction of Drone. They stand face to face right now. More trashtalking in this match. We have seen alot of that in this match already. Nick and Drone now standing eye to eye, toe to toe.......But look!!!......Jackson sneaks up from behind Nick.....and ...rolls Nick up for the cover......




DT: The very late kickout by Nick Dangerous. Wow!!!...That was close!......Jackson and Nick both on their feet again now. Jackson grabs Nick by the arm and he whips him into the ropes. Nick comes off and Jackson going for a clothesline, but Nick ducks the forearm, stops behind Jackson, turns him around, kicks him in the midsection .......and.....DANGER DRIVER!!!.......Finishing move on Jackson!!!....And he hooks the leg for the cover......And Drone actually making the count right now.......




JP: Nick Dangerous wins!!!....Well the match is over, Jackson's career may be over, but the saga of John Pilchard has only just begun.

ND: Have fun John, frigging tool.

(John steps out of his seat and brings a mic to Nick Dangerous in the ring as Drone watches on.)

Nick: John my good buddy! Feelin' good about next week?

(John nods his head in approval.)

Nick: Good, good, we're gonna have some good times then, my friend. But right now I have a little Q&A for Drone. Last week Drone, I summoned you to the ring so I could issue an ultimatum to you. This was an agreement that I wouldn't have you fired if you were to have Sean Campbell and yourself together in the ring with myself at the same time. Because I am to this day convinced that you are Sean Campbell. There is only one way to ease my confusion and I think my ultimatum made last week is all it takes to prove my point. So without further adieu, I must ask Johnny to do me a favor and pop the question.

(Nick holds the mic to John's mouth.)

John: Where the hell is Sean Campbell Drone!? Where is he?

(Drone just looks on at Nick and John.)

Nick: Figures, he isn't saying anything. What's the matter Drone, cat got your tongue?

(Drone just continues to look on.)

Nick: ....You're pathetic Sean. You know that? Why can't you just leave? I'm sure there are many other places where lesser talents like you could slum around, why did you come back here looking like that? This is just disgraceful, I hope you feel really embarassed about yourself right now. Just because you can't make a single decision for yourself, really is a pity. But I guess since you've been so helpful to us today I can allow John to do me the honors and announce the true identity of Drone, this should be the last time we see Drone's face or mask again. John?

(John gets the mic once again.)

John: Ladies and gentleman it is my proud honor to announce that the true identity of Drone, none other than SEAN! CAAAAAAAMPBEEEEEEE-

(Suddenly John's voice is muted by the sound of Last by Nine Inch Nails, the crowd pops as Sean Campbell is actually seen on the stage.)


(John drops the mic as the two try to run away, but Drone gets in their way, threatening to use violence to keep them from escaping. Nick and John turn around to see Sean Campbell enter the ring. Campbell just smirks at the opportunity to score revenge on Nick.)

ND: THE CROWD IS GOING NUTS FOR SEAN CAMPBELL! SEAN CAMPBELL LOOKS TO BUST NICK'S CHOPS WITH A SUPERKICK! But wait a second!? John Pilchard just dove in and took the shot for Nick Dangerous! Nick Dangerous hesitates soon before rolling out of the ring as fast as possible and escaping through the crowd. The crowd boo's as they seem disappointed that Sean didn't get him some of Nick, but I am pleased as hell to see John take a kick in the teeth. Ohhhh yes. At least Sean Campbell's appearance isn't going totally to waste. Campbell picks up John and sets him up, and hits DOWNED ON JOHN PILCHARD! I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT THIS IS THE GREATEST ENDING I'VE SEEN TO A SHOW IN A LONG TIME! GOODNIGHT FOLKS!

Winner: Nick Dangerous


© 2003 EWCL.