(The lights go off and there's a big explosion followed by fireworks. The lights go on again and on the titantron "VENOM" appears. Then the titantron shows clips of last weeks VENOM. Then the screen fades to black).

John Pilchard: Welcome to Venom people!!! During the week people come up to me and ask me how it is to to announce Venom and the EWCL action. All I can say to them is that I love it!! I love the action that the EWCL superstars show here week in, week out. And I know the crowd loves it aswell. Otherwise they wouldn't come out here every week. Just like every week lately, the card is sold out.

Neil Down: Yeah and also all the things that happend last week on Venom made the people eager even more to come out here. I think everyone remembers the ending of last weeks Venom. During the match between Alexander Glory and Kritical Kondition. KK was attacked and after that Glory refused to finish KK off. Prez Cazzo came out to tell Glory to finish the job, but Glory didn't do it exactly the way the Prez wanted it. In the end Prez Cazzo went into the ring and pinned KK. As a result of this, the Prez got a lot of critisism. We also seen his reaction to it. Pamela, his girlfriend, tried to talk some sense into him. We probly find out tonight if that was of use or not. So tonight is gonna be an exciting night. John what matches do we have?

JP: In total we are gonna see 7 matches. One part of the main event is the tagmatch for the tagtitles between current champs Society's Rejection (Kritical Kondition and Joe Johnson) vs. The Real Deal (Mauler and Vego) with special referee Alexander Glory. And the one who gets the pin in this match, deserves a titleshot against Alexander Glory for the Universal Title, right after the tagmatch. But thats not all we are gonna see. We have three other titlematches. Shane Johnson will defend his Prime Time title against former champ Bull Dozer. Ex-Terminator has his first Internet title defense against Invader. And we have a fourway for the Hardcore Title. In that match we will see champ Joe Johnson, The Flashmaster, Dan Prohibition and Dawg Fase. Thats gonna be some match. Next to that The Punisher and Tony DeLucci gonna square off against eachother and the first match of the evening is James Demise vs. Grunt.

ND: You know that in theory Joe Johnson could fight three matches in a row!!! That reminds me of the Christmas in Hell ppv we had in Dezember in which Sparhawk had to fight three times in one night.

JP: Oh yeah, those were the days my friend. But enough about the past. Its time to get this thing started. First we are gonna see the tape of the first match. As usual the first match already took place a little while ago. Here it comes.

James Demise vs. Grunt

(First we see how Grunt and his manager Pedmeister make their way to the ring and Grunt steps in. After that we see how James Demise makes his debut appearance at Venom. He comes walking out, but while he is walking to the ring Dan Prohibition runs in and nails him from behind with the stopsign. Dan rolls Demise in the ring and runs back to the lockerrooms. While Dan walks back all of a sudden the Freak Destroyer appears. He takes Dan down with a clothesline and runs to the ring and slides in. So it turned out to be a threeway match.

All three men went a it with pure venom as there were very few wrestling holds in this bout. At the 9 minute mark. Demise put Freak Destroyer on the toprope for a belly to back suplex. As Freak came down, his arm accidently nailed the referee. Demise has things going his way as he signals his finisher move. At this time, Grunt is back out with a table. He quickly sets it up and gets on the ring apron. Demise goes over to get Grunt, but as he does, the Freak knees him in the back. Grunt pulls Demise out to the apron and sets him on topturnbuckle on the outside. Freak goes to the outside aswell, hooks in a front-facelock on Grunt and delivers an evenflow ddt on Demise from the topturnbuckle through the table and to the floor. Freak rolls Demise back into the ring and the ref, who is back up again, counts the three count and Freak Destroyer wins on his comeback.

Winner: The Freak Destroyer

The Punisher vs. Tony DeLucci

JP: Wow, we seen the comeback of the Freak Destroyer and he gets his point acrossed right away.

ND: You can say that again.

JP: So that was the opening match of the evening. Lets continue with our next match. We are gonna see The Punisher, pride leader of the Ministry of Total Justice going up against Tony "The Hitman" DeLucci, member of the Royal Family. Lets go to ringside.

(As the commentators talk, the lights go out and out comes the Punisher. He looks focussed and calm as he walks out. A few moments later that Painted Guy comes running out and he takes Punisher down from behind. He uses a baseball bat to do that. After that the Painted guy disappears.

Then DeLucci comes in next and he gets booed by the people. DeLucci grabs Punisher and rolls him in the ring and enters the ring and this match is on).

(This is a brutal 10 minutes of action in which Punisher had the advantage most of the time. At the eight minute mark, both men are omn the topturnbuckle. Punisher is attempting a superplex from the toprope. DeLucci blocks it, picks Punisher up and does a jackhammer suplex to the outside....onto the spanish announce table. The table breaks from the impact. DeLucci goes back into the ring for the countout, but Punisher gets up and barely breaks the count. DeLucci goes into the ropes, comes back for another move, but Punisher grabs him and chokeslamms DeLucci to the mat. After that Punisher picks DeLucci up and executes the GAVEL on DeLucci. Punisher for the cover. 1.......2.........3.....And The Punisher wins this match. Punisher raises his arms into the air).

(Then Damned if I do by Life of Agony starts to play and Prez Cazzo comes walking out. He no longer is walking on crutches, but still you can see that he has trouble walking. Prez Cazzo asks for the mic and enters the ring. He walks over to the Punisher and they shake hands and the prez pads Punisher on the back. Then Prez Cazzo starts to talk).

Prez Cazzo: First of all. Congratualations Punisher on your tremendous victory only moments ago!!! Once again you shown that justice had its way. Not only did you win your match, no you only beat Tony DeLucci. Punisher, you did what you had to do and we seen you more agressive than ever and we all seen that it was a reasonable easy win for you.

But there was something that I should have told the two of you before the match started. I added a stipulation to this match, but somehow I forgot to tell you.

(The Punisher looks over and smiles a bit).

Prez Cazzo: Ok, I did tell the Punisher about the stipulation, I only forgot to tell Tony DeLucci about it. Oops, sorry, hahaha!!! So Tony, the stipulation I forgot to tell you about was the following: The stipulation for this match was: "LOSER GETS FIRED, MATCH!!!!!!!" So Tony, as you lost this match, there is only one thing I can say to you....... YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!

JP: Oh my GOD!!!! I thought that Prez Cazzo changed his ways. But apparently he didn't.

ND: Well all he said earlier this week was that he wasn't gonna interfere in matches or whatsoever and that he was gonna concentrate on policy things and on prez business. And in my eyes this is something that is a job for a prez. Things concerning hiring and firing is one of the tasks that a prez has. So he is just doing his job.

JP: Yeah, but it comes very convenient that it just happens to be a Family member.

(We see that Prez Cazzo and the Punisher shake hands one more time and then the two of them leave ringside, while the fans cheer them on).

(Then a commercial for the EWCL Music cd comes on).

Winner: The Punisher

Shane Johnson(c) vs. Bull Dozer - Prime Time Title

JP: I'm still thinking why Prez Cazzo would fire DeLucci.

ND: Well just be honoust John. DeLucci more or less refused to appear at house shows. Next to that he hasn't done many promo's lately. So when you add one and one together, its understandable that he got the lay off.

JP: Yeah, but still. I don't think I could ever fire someone.

ND: But thats coz you are a wuzz, John.

JP: Hey, watch it, Down!!!

ND: Yeah yeah. Now on to our first title match of the evening. Last week we saw how Shane Johnson won the Prime Time Title in a threeway match with Mauler and at that time champion Bull Dozer. Now in only moments Shane has to defend that title against Bull. Lets go to ringside.

(Breakstuff by Limp Bizkit starts to blare over the speakers and Bull Dozer makes his appearance. He is alone as he told Jimmy and Jack to stay at home and not to show up at the arena. Bull enters the ring and waits in the corner).

(Then on the titantron we see Jimmy and Jack. The two of them are sitting in Happz bar and watching Venom on a big screen).

Jimmy: Hey, Bull.....BEHIND YOU!!!!

(Bull turns around quickly to see whats going on, but there's noone or nothing there).

Jimmy: Haha, fooled you.

Jack: Stop it Jimmy. Bull, we wanna wish you lots of luck. Free drinks on us if you win that title back again tonight.

(The titantron turns back to black and we see a little grin on Bull's face).

(Papercut by Linkin Park starts to play. Prime Time Champion Shane "The Loose Cannon" Johnson comes running out and makes his way to the ring. He slides in the ring and the match begins).

JP: Shane charges at Bull but he gets clotheslined to the mat straight away. Bull picks Shane up by the head and the two lock up. Headlock by Bull, but Shane counters by elbowing Bull in the face. Bull lets go of the hold now and Shane bounecs in the ropes, comes back and does a flying headscissor on Bull. Shane quickly to his feet again and he grabs Bull by the head and does a snappmare and holds his head for a headlock. This time it is Bull with an elbow and Shane breaks the hold.

ND: Both men lock up again. But Bull pushes Shane backwards. He wants to do a hiptoss on Shane, but Shane blocks it and Shane counters with a hiptoss of his own. Shane quickly climbs on the topturnbuckle and moonsaults off on top of Bull. Shane goes for the quick cover. 1......2.....but a kickout by Bull. Shane grabs Bull by the head, but Bull gives a knee in the stomache and follows that up with a big clothesline that sends Shane to the mat. Bull bounces in the ropes and does a kneedrop onto Shane. Bull in the advantage now and again he picks Shane by the head and sends him in the ropes, Shane comes back and Bull with a spinning heelkick in the face of The Loose Cannon. Bull for the cover. 1......2.....but a kickout by Shane.

JP: Bull goes for Shane's leg and hooks in a figure four leglock on his opponent. Shane is in pain right now, but he is close to the ropes and he grabs the ropes with his right arm and the ref makes Bull break the leglock. Bull gets up and stomps on Shane's knee. He picks Shane up by the head and sends him into the corner. Bull charges in right after, but Shane puts his elbow out and Bull flies right into Shane's elbow and falls to the mat. Shane climbs on the topturnbuckle and dives off with a flying elbow to land on Bull. Shane for the pin. 1.......2........late kickout by Bull.

ND: Shane grabs Bull, but Bull counters and grabs Shane's head and throws him over the ropes to the outside. Bull takes the time to recover a bit now. Shane is laying on the outside and slowly gets to one knee. Then from out of nowhere the Russian Star Zev Sanezca comes running in. He is holding a sledgehammer and ramms it into the midsection of Shane and Shane goes down. Zev wants to ramm the sledgehammer on Shane's head, but Bull slided to the outside and he blocks the sledgehammer with one arm and punches Zev in the face with the other arm.

JP: Bull then grabs the sledgehammer from Zev and takes a swing at him and nails him in the gut. Zev goes to his knees and tries to make his way out of there and he leaves towards the lockerrooms. Bull drops the sledgehammer and walks over to Shane. He picks Shane up and rolls him back into the ring. Bull climbs in right after and goes for Shane. He picks Shane up and suplexes him to the mat. Bull with the cover. 1.......2.......but a late kickout by Shane. Again Bull picks Shane by the head and he sends Shane into the ropes and follows that up with his steinerline clotheslines which sends Shane to the mat again. Bull goes for the cover again. 1.......2........kickout by Shane again.

ND: Bull grabs Shane by the head and sends him in the ropes once more. He goes for another steinerline, but Shane ducks the arm, bounces in the ropes again, comes back and performs a spinning neckbreaker on Bull. Wow!!!! Bull down and Shane trying to recover. After a couple of seconds Shane gets to his feet and he climbs on the topturnbuckle. He signals for the Resurrection and dives off!!! But Bull moves out of the way just in time!!!!!! Oooh Shane must have felt that!!!! Bull hooks in the figure four leglock again. Shane in severe pain here, but again he is not that far away from the ropes. After about 10 seconds he reaches for the ropes and the ref makes Bull break the hold again. Bull grabs Shane and lifts him on the topturnbuckle, he climbs on aswell and BAMMM!!! Bull executes a superplex on Shane!!!! Bull for the cover. 1......2........but a very late kickout by Shane.

JP: Bull grabs Shane and whips him into the ropes, Shane comes back and Bull grabs him by the throat and he lifts him up so he can execute a chokeslam. But, OOOOH MYYYYYYYY GODDDDD!!!! After Bull lifted Shane up, somehow out of nowhere Shane reversed that into a hurricanrana!!!!! What a move by the youngster!!!! What an exciting move was that!!! Shane quickly up, climbs the topturnbuckle and executes the Resurrection on Bull!!! Shane goes for the cover. 1.......2...........3.......and yesssss the Loose Cannon won!!!!! He is still the Prime Time Champion!!!! What a win for him!!!

Winner: Shane Johnson

Ex-Terminator(c) vs. Invader - Internet Title

JP: What a win for the kid. He is still the Prime Time Champion and he and Bull put on a good show in that match.

ND: Thats true allright. Question is if the Internet Champion Ex-Terminator can defend his title succesfully against former fellow MOTJ member Invader. Lets get this match started to find out.

(Invaders music starts to play and he comes out and makes his way to the ring).

(Moments later Seek and destroy starts to play and Ex-Terminator comes out walking to the ring. He got the Internet Title on his shoulder and seems very proud of it. He arrives at the ring and hands the title over to Jay Blue. After that he uses the ringsteps to climb in the ring).

JP: Invader and Ex-T lock up and Ex-T throws Invader in the ropes. Invader comes back and Ex-T performs a flying shouldertackle that takes Invader down to the mat. Invader quickly to his feet though and he hands out some rights into Ex-T's face. Ex-T does the same, so the two are handing out punches after eachother. Ex-T goes for another big punch, but Invader blocks it and executes a ddt. He follows that up with a legdrop on Ex-T. Invader grabs Ex-T and sends him in the ropes and executes a neckbreaker on him. And goes for the pin. 1......2....kickout by Ex-T.

ND: Invader lifts Ex-T up for a piledriver, but Ex-T reverses and backdrops Invader. Ex-T picks Invader up and gives him a big headbut and whips him in the ropes, Invader comes back and Ex-T gives him a big boot in the face. Invader to the mat and Ex-T climbs on the second turnbuckle and executes a legdrop on Invader. Now Ex-T for the cover. 1......2......kickout by Invader this time. Ex-T grabs Invader and now he wants to piledrive him. Now it is Invader who reverses it and he backdrops Ex-T to the mat.

JP: Invader picks Ex-T up and clotheslines him back into the mat. Invader bounces in the ropes, comes back and wants to do a kneedrop, but Ex-T moves out of the way. Ex-T to his feet, and when Invader gets up, he does a spear that takes Invader out. Ex-T for another try for a piledriver and this time he manages to execute it. Ex-T for the pin. 1....2.kickout. Ex-T doesn't hesitate and he starts choking Invader with his foot. Invader has a foot on the rope, so the ref makes Ex-T break the chokehold. But Ex-T doesn't stop. He continues to choke Invader with that foot, till finally the ref pushes him out of the way. Some nerve of that referee man.

ND: Ex-T focusses on Invader and sends him into the ropes, he comes back and Ex-T does a flying headbut. Ex-T follows that up with a jackhammer suplex. And he goes for the cover. It takes the ref some time to start the count. 1......2......but a kickout by Invader. Ex-T is not too happy about the slowcounting of the ref.

JP: Ex-T turns towards the ref and pushes him backwards. He then turns back to Invader, picks him up and whips him into the corner. He goes after and grabs Invaders head and ramms it into the turnbuckle for about 5 times. Ex-T climbs the corner and starts punching Invader on the head. After he did that 6 times, Invader counters and he lifts Ex-T up and executes an atomic drop. Invader follows that up with a tornado ddt that takes Ex-T to the mat. Invader for the cover. 1.......2.....kickout by Ex-T. Invader slides to the outside and grabs a chair. He climbs back into the ring and walks over to Ex-T.

ND: Ex-T got back to his feet, but he is too late to react to Invader who nails him with that steelchair. Ex-T goes down. Invader now uses the side of the chair and uses it to choke Ex-T. The ref tries to stop Invader, but when Invader threats the ref to hit him with the chair the referee backs up and just looks at it. Invader ramms the chair once more into Ex-T's face. But then there's someone coming out to the ring and he is carrying a baseball bat. Hey, I know who that is!!! But what is he doing here???

JP: Yes, I also know who that is!!! It is XCWO President Xavier Treme. But like you said. What the hell is he doing here??? Invader hasn't seen him yet though, as he has his back turned to that side of the ring. XCWO Prez X climbs in the ring, walks over to Invader and whacks that baseball bat on Invader's head. OOH MANNNN!!!! The baseball bat even broke down the middle from that hit!!!

ND: Yeah, thats a homerun allright!!! XCWO Prez X goes over to Ex-T and drags him and lays him on Invader. Prez X looks at the ref and the ref starts to count. 1......2.........3.......And yesss, Ex-Terminator is still the Internet Champion!!!! But wait XCWO Prez Xavier Treme has a mic in his hands. I wonder what he has to say. He leans over onto Ex-Terminator. And he starts to speak.

President Xavier Treme: It has been brought to my attention that a group of people called The Royal Family has been causing a great deal of trouble and of pain to my buddy here. And that great deal of trouble runs through Amy. From what I know you guys have taken Amy and have defeated Ex-Terminator for her. Well there's one more person who just so happens to have a "relationship" with her who you haven't defeated. That person is in this arena at this very time. That person just so happens to be me. You have my niece scumbags.

(The crowd begins to cheer as XCWO Prez Xavier Treme lowers the microphone from his mouth. He smiles and then places it back.)

President Xavier Treme: That's What is going to go down is I am going to face one of you. Winner gets Amy...loser...well lets just say loser loses...

(President Treme drops the microphone and exits the ring. He and Ex-T disappear behind the curtain together in determination.)

JP: Wow, did you know about that Neil?

ND: Noo, I never knew any of that, John!! I can imagine now why the XCWO Prez came out here, I would do the same if that stuff would have happend to my niece. So I think the XCWO Prez just challenged Kritical Kondition right?

JP: I believe so, Neil. I wonder what the Family has to say about that.

(Then commercials start again)

Winner: Ex-Terminator

Joe Johnson(c) vs. Dan Prohibition vs. The Flashmaster vs. Dawg Fase - Hardcore Title

JP: This is gonna be some match Neil. These four men are gonna give everything what it takes to capture that Hardcore Title. That title that already is in Joe Johnson's possession for I don't know how long. But like he said it himself. This is gonna be the toughest challenge for him to defend that title. I wonder.

(Then Damned if I do starts to play and Prez Cazzo comes out. He has a mic in his hands and he enters the ring).

Prez Cazzo: I know you all are waiting for this match to start and trust me it will soon. I just came out to tell you all the speciall stipulations for this match. It goes as follows. For the first four men its gonna be a finisher only. So when someone executes a finisher move on another person, that person is out. Then for the three men left, its a tables match. If you go through a table, you are out. Finally the last two is gonna be a "I quit/You're Hardcore" match. Ok, I hope its all clear to you.

(Prez Cazzo drops the mic, he climbs out of the ring and leaves ringside).

(My only enemy starts to play and Dawg Fase comes out. He has Stacey with him, but no Team Hardkorupt. Dawg looks mean as ever when he climbs in the ring).

(Flash by Queen starts to play and The Flashmaster makes his appearance.He wears his outfit with the black sunglasses, cap, trenchcoat and boots. He has a grin on his face and enters the ring and waits in a corner and stares at Dawg Fase).

(One step closer starts to play and Dan Prohibition comes out. He has his stopsign in his hands and is wearing his Hardcore Saint shirt. He enters the ring and surprisingly enough he waits in one corner).

(Save yourself by Stabbing Westward blares over the stereo and Hardcore Champion Joe Johnson comes out. He has the title around his waist. And before he enters the ring he goes over to Jay Blue and hands the title over to him. After that he enters the ring and waits in the fourth corner).

Ding ding ding

JP: Oooh, the bell rings and Flashmaster goes for Dan right away and Dawg and Joe Johnson go at it aswell. Flash grabs Dan's throat before Dan can use his stopsign. Flash starts choking Dan and Dan lets go of the stopsign. Flash lifts Dan up and chokeslams him to the mat. He jumps on top of him, grabs his head and ramms it into the mat. Dawg Fase quickly picked up Dan's stopsign and nails Johnson with it. Joe falls to one knee. Dawg ramms the sign in his head for a couple of times. Dawg wants to go for his finisher already, K911, but Joe blocks it and ramms his fist into Dawg's face. Joe follows that up with an even flow ddt.

ND: In the meantime the Flashmaster picked Dan up and send him into the ropes, but Dan hangs on to the ropes. Flashmaster charges in, but Dan backdrops him over the toprope to the outside. Dan climbs the topturnbuckle and dives to the outside to show his Flying Guilliotine (toprope blockbuster) on Flashmaster. Man what a move!!!! Thats not something you expect from Dan. Dan gets up and from under the ring he grabs a thrashcan. He walks over to Flashmaster and ramms it into his face. Dan still has the trashcan in his hands and he climbs the guardrail. He jumps off with the trashcan in his hands, but Flashmaster moves out of the way and Dan lands on the trashcan on the floor.

JP: In the ring Johnson whips Dawg in the ropes and dropkicks Dawg back to the mat. Joe climbs on the topturnbuckle and doese a corkscrew moonsault to the outside and he lands on top of Dan. Johnson then grabs the trashcan and throws it on top of Dan. Flashmaster took the time to recover and climbs back into the ring. On the outside Johnson picks Dan up and he whips him into the ringpost. He charges in after, but Dan ducks and Joe's head flies into the ringpost. Dan goes for the trashcan and ramms it into the midsection of Johnson.

ND: In the ring Dawg grabbed Flashmaster and he executes a northern lights suplex on him. Dawg bounces in the ropes and comes back and does an elbow drop on Flashmaster. Dawg picks Flashmaster up and sends him in the ropes, but Flashmaster comes back and does a flying forearm that takes Dawg to the mat. Flashmaster follows that up by picking Dawg up and executing a german suplex on him. Flashmaster goes for another suplex, but Dawg counters with a hayabusa spinkick!!!

JP: On the outside Dan grabbed the trashcan once again and he wants to ramm it into Joe, but Joe blocks it and kicks Dan in the stomache. Dan drops the trashcan and Joe Johnson executes a spinning neckbreaker. Johnson grabs the trashcan nails Dan on the head with it and he throws the trashcan into the ring. The trashcan lands in front of Dawg Fase. Dawg grabs the trashcan, but before he can use it, Flashmaster spears him. Joe Johnson climbs back into the ring, he goes over to Dawg and executes a bulldog on him. Now also Dan Prohibition climbed back in the ring and all four men are handing out punches now.

ND: First its Dan with Dawg, then Dawg with Flash, and Dan with Joe. Like I just said, everyone is taking shots at everyone. Amazing, but not really wrestling! Then Dawg performs an arabian face buster on Flashmaster. And Dan executes a downward spiral on Joe Johnson. Dan goes to the topturnbuckle and is on top now facing the crowd. Just when he wants to dive of, Joe got back to his feet and he grabs Dan from behind and executes a backdrop suplex!!!! Joe picks Dan up and OOHHHH YEAHHHH!!!! He just did the Resurrection on Dan!!!! That was Joe Johnson's finisher!!! And that means that Dan is out!!!

JP: Yes, thats right. He is out and has to leave. We see how Dan slowly walks back to the lockkerrooms. When he almost reaches the curtains, James Demise comes out and he ruins Dan's night even more, by nailing him with a barbewired bat. Oh man!!!!

ND: In the ring it are three men left. Joe Johnson, Flashmaster and Dawg Fase. Now its a tables match. Dawg is using that trashcan on Flashmaster, while Joe Johnson went to the outside. From under the ring he grabs a table and throws it into the ring. I think Johnson wants this match to be over quickly. But can't blame him because he has another match to fight right after this one. Joe Johnson gets back in the ring and he sets up the table. He sees that Dawg just scoop slammed Flashmaster to the mat and that Dawg is standing on the topturnbuckle now. Dawg dives off with a frogsplash but Flashmaster lifts the knees up and Dawg lands on them!!! Flashmaster in the advantage and he grabs Dawg, sends him in the ropes and does another flying forearm that takes Dawg to the mat.

JP: Flashmaster then turns towards Joe. The two lockup and then Joe whips Flashmaster into the ropes and he performs a dropkick when Flashmaster comes back from the ropes. Johnson then focusses on Dawg Fase he wants to whip him into the corner, but Dawg reverses the whip and Joe flies in the corner himself. Dawg goes over and kicks Joe till he falls to the mat and he is sitting in the corner now. Dawg looks at the Flashmaster. Flashmaster comes charging in and performs his Flash Buster on Joe. Thats his version of the Bronco Buster.

ND: Dawg and Flashmaster pick Johnson up and they whip him into the ropes. He comes back from the ropes and Dawg and Flashmaster take him to the mat with a double clothesline. Dawg grabs Joe, drags him over to the corner where the table is standing, he lifts him up and he lays him on top of the table. Dawg then orders Flashmaster to climb the topturnbuckle and to eliminate Joe. Flashmaster nods and climbs the turnbuckle. But hey, just as Dawg turns around Flashmaster hops down and what is he doing??? He is taking Joe off the table again!!!

JP: Pretty freaky!!! Dawg turns around again and sees that Flashmaster rolled Joe off the table. Dawg looks confused, but OOOHHHHH!!!! before Dawg can do anything he gets double teamed by Joe Johnson and Flashmaster and they double suplex him and......he goes through the table!!!!!! Dawg Fase has just been eliminated!!!!! Now there are only two people left in this match!!! Who would have thought that Flashmaster would do that, Dawg thought Joe was gonna be eliminated!!!

ND: But whats going on now? Flashmaster walks over to Dawg and what!! He opens his trenchcoat. OOH NOOO!!!! But, huh? Flashmaster is wearing clothes under his coat!!! Wow, thats something. He got a shirt on that says Flash and he even got shorts on. Freaky!!

JP: Anyway, its left to two people for the hardcore title. The I quit/you're hardcore part is on now. But what??? Joe Johnson and Flashmaster both step out of the ring and they walk back to the lockerrooms!!! What is that about???? They are not coming back!!!! I guess this is it then! I guess we have a draw in this match.

ND: Yeah, and that means that Joe Johnson is still the Hardcore Champion.

(The screen fades to black and a XCWO commercial comes on).

Winner: Draw - Joe Johnson and The Flashmaster

Society's Rejection(c) vs. The Real Deal - Tagteam Title

JP: Oooh man, all the action we already seen tonight and all the surprises. What else is gonna happen, I wonder.

ND: We have the match for the tagteamtitles up now. Joe Johnson doesn't have time to recover from his hardcore match coz he already has to fight again together with his partner and fellow Family member, Kritical Kondition. Its gonna be their first titledefense and they have to fight The Real Deal. A partnership between The Mauler and Vego. It promises to be an intresting fight.

JP: And don't forget that Alexander Glory is the special referee in this match. And he already made clear what he thinks of the people involved in this match.

(Ms. Jackson starts to play and The Real Deal comes out. Mauler is wearing his Best Damn Universal Champion shirt and Vego has a shirt on with some kind of martial arts sign on it. They make their way to the ring and climb in. They are ready).

(Then Bleed the freak by Alice in Chains starts to play and Kritical Kondition and Joe Johnson appear from behind the curtains. The crowd starts to boo and cheer at the same time. Some boo them, some cheer them on. Society's Rejection arrives at the ring and climbs in).

(Its time to play the game starts to play and Alexander Glory makes his appearance. He even is wearing a referee shirt. He slowly walks to the ring, and doesn't even look at the fans. He arrives at the ring and uses the ringsteps to get in the ring. Glory explains the rules to all four of them and just when he wants to signal that the match has to begin Damned if I do starts to play. Prez Cazzo comes walking out. In a slow pace he walks to the ring and he comes over to the announcers table and grabs a mic).

Prez Cazzo: Sorry guys, I never meant to interfere or anything. Actually I only came out here for two reasons. First thing is that I want to wish everybody good luck from the bottom of my heart. I really mean that (ahum). Second of all I will make you guys a promise. I am gonna promise that its only gonna be the four in the ring that are gonna decide who is gonna win. I will personally make sure that noone, and I do mean, noone is gonna interfere in this match. You have my word on that. Ok, thats it from me. Glory, let the match begin.

(Prez Cazzo drops the mic and takes a seat next to Jay Blue. Meanwhile the bell rings and the match is on).

JP: Its Kritical Kondition and Mauler who are gonna start off. They lock up and KK has the first advantage and he whips Mauler in the ropes. When Mauler comes back he grabs him and executes a fishermans suplex. KK picks Mauler up and uppercuts him. He follows that up with a clothesline that takes Mauler out. Then KK goes for the pin, and even though Glory counts really fast, he only gets a two count. KK goes over to Joe Johnson and tags him in. Joe Johnson jumps over the toprope to get in the ring.

ND: He goes over to Mauler and whips him in the ropes, Mauler comes back and ducks under Joe's arm and counters with a flying clothesline himself. Mauler stomps on Joe for a couple of times then he bounces back in the ropes and does a kneedrop on Johnson. Mauler for the tag and Vego comes in. He picks Johnson up and does a japanese armdrag. And he hooks in an armlock. Johnson tries to get out of the hold, but you can see that he lost alot of strength and energy in that hardcore match.

JP: Yes, you can say he could be the weak factor in this match, but then again never underestimate Joe Johnson. Vego got to his feet and he grabbed Johnson by the head. He lifts Johnson up and executes a backbreaker. Vego goes to the topturnbuckle and when Joe gets back to his feet he jumps off doing a missile dropkick. OOOHH right in Joe's face!!!! Vego for the cover. Glory hesitates first, but then he slowly goes over and starts to count. 1......2....but kickout by Joe. Vego grabs Joe by the head, but Joe counters with a lowblow. Joe gets to his feet and goes for a kick in the stomach and a snapsuplex right after. Joe then goes for the tag and KK comes in.

ND: KK runs over to Vego, but Vego counters with a running karate kick. KK wasn't expecting that allright. Vego showing some good moves here. He picks KK up and executes a judo flip. Then Vego tags in Mauler. First the two of them double team and both hand out punches. But Glory comes between them and makes Vego step out. Mauler whips KK in the ropes and elbows him when he comes back. Mauler whips KK in the ropes again and this time he powerslams KK to the mat. Mauler for the cover, but only gets a two count. Mauler looks over to Glory as he thinks it was another slow count. Glory just stares at him.

JP: Mauler lifts KK up for a german suplex, but KK reverses and executes a belly to back suplex. KK to the toprope and wowowww he dives off with a frogsplash and lands straight on Mauler. KK for the cover. 1.......2....but Vego interferes and breaks the count. Glory makes Vego go back to his corner, and in the meantime Joe Johnson comes in and he executes a evenflow ddt on Mauler and Joe steps back out of the ring again. KK now grabs Mauler head and whips him in the corner. KK charges in right after, but Mauler gives him a big boot and KK goes down to the mat. Mauler climbs the second turnbuckle and does a legdrop and lands on KK. Mauler goes for the cover, but Glory grabs Mauler and throws him to the outside. OOh MANNN!!! Nice referee!!!

ND: Vego steps in the ring and attacks KK. He does a spinning kick that takes KK down to the mat again. We also see that Joe Johnson climbs the topturnbuckle and he dives off it and lands on Mauler. Mauler and Johnson battling it on the outside now. Johnson whips Mauler in the guardrail and he charges in right after. But Mauler backdrops Johnson into the crowd. He grabs Joe by the head and drags him back over the guardrail to ringside. Mauler kicks Johnson in the gut and gives him a headbutt.

JP: In the ring Vego grabs KK and goes for another karate kick, but KK grabs the leg. Vego for the enziguiri, but KK sees it coming and ducks and sweeps Vego's leg. KK follows that up by executing a piledriver on Vego. And KK goes for the cover. But hey Vego isn't the legal man for The Real Deal. But Glory doesn't seem to care and starts the count. 1......2......but kickout by Vego. KK lifts Vego up and delivers a northern lights suplex. Again he goes for the cover but again he only gets a two count.

ND: On the outside Mauler goes for another headbut on Johnson and he follows that up by lifting Joe up and powerbombing him on the concrete. Holy shit!!!! Mauler leaves Joe laying on the ground and he climbs back into the ring. He charges into KK and takes him down with a clothesline. Mauler then looks at Glory, it seems like he wants to attack him but then he sees that KK gets back to his feet and he concentrates back on KK. Mauler for the powerbomb on KK, but KK counters and backdrops Mauler to the mat. KK wants to go for the tag but sees that Joe is still laying on the outside. KK then bounces in the ropes and does a legdrop on Mauler and hooks in a headlock. Thats pretty smart, coz that gives Joe time to recover and get back into the match.

JP: But Vego gets in the ring again and low dropkicks KK in the face and KK has to let go of the headlock. Vego steps back out of the ring again. But Mauler tags him in right away. Vego grabs KK and takes him down with an armdrag. In the meantime we see that Joe climbed back on the apron again. It seems that he feels better again, as he is calling KK to tag him in. But Vego just hooked in a boston crab on KK. KK is doing everything in his power to get out of the hold. Inch by inch he gets closer to the ropes.

ND: Then all of a sudden Shane Johnson comes walking to the ring. What is he doing here? Why is he here?? He almost reached the ring, but then we see that Prez Cazzo gets up from his chair and walks over to Shane. We see how Prez Cazzo is talking to Shane. He definately is making something clear to Shane and he points to the curtains. We see that Shane looks up to his brother Joe. Joe nodds and Shane decides to leave ringside and walks back to the lockerrooms and dissappears behind the curtains. We hear Prez Cazzo say: "You see, I promised I would let noone interfere in this match!!" After saying that Prez Cazzo goes back to his seat next to Jay Blue.

JP: In the ring we see that KK is really close to his corner and yesss he manages to tag in Joe. Joe climbs in and nails Vego with a flying bulldog. After that he grabs Vego and whips him in the corner and follows that up with his famous baseball slide to the head. Joe Johnson on a role here!!!! He picks Vego up and slams him back to the mat. Johnson climbs the topturnbuckle and wants to dive off, but then Mauler runs over and clotheslines him to the outside. OOOH MANN!!!! What a bump was that!!! Mauler goes to the outside and wants to roll Joe back in the ring, but before he can do that KK charges in and nails Mauler with a viscious right forearm. KK grabs Maulers head and ramms it into the guardrail.

ND: Meanwhile Joe got back to his feet and climbs back in the ring and he and Vego lock up again. On the outside KK ramms Mauler one more time into the guardrail and then he decides to go back to his corner. JP: Hey what the f$&k!!! Dawg Fase comes running out to the ring. What is he up to???? He is holding something behind his back that we cannot see. Again we see that Prez Cazzo gets up from his chair and he walks over to Dawg Fase before Dawg can interfere in the match.

ND: You see, Prez Cazzo is a man of his word. He is gonna tell Dawg Fase to get out of here, just like he told Shane.

JP: We see that Prez Cazzo is giving Dawg the same speech as he gave Shane before. Dawg nodds and it looks like he is leaving. But then from behind he holds up a sledgehammer and he nails Prez Cazzo with it. Prez Cazzo busted open right away. Dawg continues to use that sledgehammer on the Prez. Then he grabs the Prez and rolls him into the ring. Dawg Fase climbs in the ring aswell and the first thing he does is attack Alexander Glory and nailing the sledgehammer in his stomach. Then Dawg hands the sledgehammer over to Mauler. Mauler walks over to Glory and nails him on the head with it.

ND: Now also Glory is busted wide open. While Mauler is working on Glory, Dawg and Vego are kicking and punching Prez Cazzo. Joe Johnson and KK just stand there and look at eachother. Ofcourse they are not gonna help out Prez Cazzo and it is also understandable why they don't help Alexander Glory. But hey, American Made starts to play and the Punisher comes running to the ring!!!! Its about time someone comes out to help out here!!! Glory and the Prez are almost unconscious here. Mauler nailed Glory with that sledgehammer for about 5 times and Vego just even dived of the toprope to do his finisher move Fate on Prez Cazzo, while Dawg Fase is still kicking the Prez.

JP: Punisher slides in the ring and wow Mauler, Vego and Dawg Fase back off. Its time for justice. Its a good thing we have a person like him in the EWCL. Punisher now is helping Prez Cazzo and helps him out of the ring. Prez Cazzo looks up to him and between all the blood we can even see a little smile on the Prez's face, coz the Punisher is helping him. But suddenly Punisher grabs Prez Cazzo from behind and executes THE GAVEL on him!!!!!!! OOOOHHH MYYYYYYYY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!! WHY DID HE DO THAT?????!!!!????? Unbelievable!!!!!

ND: I know, thats really shocking!!!! We also see that Glory is stumbling to his feet, but Punisher now grabs him and also executes THE GAVEL on Glory!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!! He took out both the Prez and the Universal Champ, but yeah they were already out from those blows from Mauler, Vego and Fawg Fase. "Invasion" starts to play now and wowww Punisher, Mauler, Dawg Fase and Vego start to hug eachother. After that they continue to beat the crap out of Prez Cazzo and Glory. But then all of a sudden the pause and Punisher grabs a mic.

Punisher: "The revolution has begun. This is the beginning of a NEW ERA in the EWCL! THE LEGION IS ON THE MARCH AND IT CAN NOT BE STOPPED!!!"

(Punisher drops the mic and he, Mauler and Dawg Fase leave the ring. Only Vego stays in the ring).

JP: Why is Vego staying in there?? Doesn't make sense to me. Vego looks to Prez Cazzo who is laying in his own blood, then he looks over to Glory who also is laying in his own blood. Then Vego shakes his head in disbelief. He probly can't believe what he just did!!! The paramedics come out and they take both the Prez and Glory out of there. Meanwhile Vego is still shaking his head.

ND: He isn't paying attention to Joe Johnson and KK who are still in the ring. Joe and KK grab Vego and they execute the Royal Divide on him!!!!! Yeah what a move!!!!! KK goes for the cover. Out from the back we see another referee coming out, he slides in the ring. And starts to count. 1.......2........3.....And yesssss KK pinned Vego for the win. Society's Rejection are still the tagchamps!!! You, see these guys are smart, they know that this match wasn't officially over yet. They waited and now they did their thing.

JP: And don't forget that KK deserved a title shot with Glory right now!!! Thats if Glory is recovered from that beating he got only minutes ago. I doubt that. We now see that KK is standing in the ring. He is raising his hands in the air. He read the schedule of tonights card and the schedule says that the match for the Universal Title would follow right after the tagmatch. So he is waiting for Glory to appear.

(Then Its time to play the game starts to play. But noone comes out. Noone is coming to the ring.

Then on the titantron we see the ambulance. In the ambulance we see Prez Cazzo. He is laying on a stretcher. He isn't unconscious anymore. He sees the camera and softly he says a few words).

Prez Cazzo: I thought I could trust you Punisher, but I was wrong. How could I misjudge you like that! You and your legion will suffer the consequences from this, I promise you that. I wanted this to be a fair match without interferences, I did all I could. And people and mostly KK I know you are watching. I saw Glory minutes ago and he doesn't look good, so he can't fight you here tonight. But I promise you one thing, KK, and you can take my word for it. Hereby I am gonna announce that you KK are gonna fight Alexander Glory in two weeks during the PPV: "EWCL Presents: FAMILY VALUES". You two will fight eachother then, no matter if Glory is the Universal Champion or not. Like I said you have my word on that.

(Then the titantron fades to black. In the ring we see KK and Joe Johnson. KK looks a bit confused. Joe walks over and hands over the tagtitlebelt and the two hug. But then something else appears on the titantron.

We see Alexander Glory sitting on a stretcher, he still has the blood in his face. But he looks at the camera and says the following:)

Glory: Legion, you think your going to get away with this? You think your going to step in to this ring, into my world, and try to take me out? I'll give it to you that you managed to put me out of action tonight, but that was a mistake that you will live to regret. As for Kritical Kondition, You and I meet at the next pay - per - view. You know what I think about that? It suits me just fine.

(After that the titantron fades to black).

JP: What a night!!!! Thats all I can say about it all!!!! What a f&#*king night!!!

ND: I know, it doesn't happen much, but I don't know what to say right now.

JP: Well our time is up anyway Neil. So people better tune in again next week to see what happens next!!!!

(And the camera fades out and its the end of Venom).

Winner: Society's Rejection