(The camera zooms in on the EWCL Arena, moments after we see thousands of people screaming at ringside. They are definately ready for another VENOM. At that moment fireworks go off and on the titantron the word VENOM appears, followed by last weeks highlights. Ofcourse clips of the Hell in the Cell match between The Rage and Achilles pass. After all these clips the titantron fades to black and we see the two dedicated EWCL commentators John Pilchard and Neil Down).

John Pilchard: GOOD EVENING EVERYBODY!!! Its Venom time once again!!! The highlight of the week, the moment we all have been waiting for.

Neil Down: Well my highlight of the week is when I get my paycheck.

JP: Ok, as you can hear Neil Down is also here again.

ND: Whats that suppose to mean? Does that mean you rather not see me here?

JP:.........Ok, tonight we have 7 matches in total for you. And the main event hasn't even been announced yet!!!

ND: Hmmm, sure John don't comment on my question. But you were right we have no less than 7 matches for you. And the highlight of the evening will be the main event, but nobody knows who will be in it.

JP: But we'll find out soon enough, Neil. Now lets go to our first match of the evening.

Jawz vs. Jack Off Joe

JP: Now what a match is this gonna be huh. Yes John Pilchard can be cynical aswell. This upcoming match is another example of the bad functioning of the commissioner Exile. A couple of days ago we saw that Exile booked his friend Jawz in a match with non other than topjobber Jack Off Joe.

ND: Don't underestimated Jack. You never know when he's gonna pop, you know.

JP: Neil!!......Anyway, its still the debut of Jawz in the EWCL, so we might see some of his skills then.

(Desensitized by Green Day starts to play and Jawz comes running out. He doesn't waste any time to get to the ring. He slides in and bounces in the ropes and waits for his opponent).

(Then Simply the best by Tina Turner starts to play and Jack Off Joe comes walking out. He proudly raises his hands in the air. But only a few seconds after he came out, we see that Hank "Simply the Best" Turner shows up from behind the curtains. He goes over to Jack Off Joe and pushes him a bit).

Hank Turner: Hey man, you stole my entrance music!!!!

Jack Off Joe: Sorry man, but you know I don't even have an entrance song of my own. So I thought you would be ok with it if I used yours.

Hank Turner: Yeah I know you worship me and I am a true legend under the jobbers, but still you should of asked before. I am really proud of my music, thats why.

Jack Off Joe: I know and I am sorry.

Hank Turner: Apology accepted.

(The two jobbers hug and at that moment Exile comes out from behind the curtains. He also got a mic in his hands).

Exile: You guys make me sick. Now Jack Off Joe get your ass in that ring and Hank Turner get the hell out of here. Oh and I have on extra announcement for this match. The winner of this match gets a shot at the Prime Time Title that Mr. Prohibition is holding at the moment. So Jawz good luck next week.

Jack Off Joe: Hey, what do you mean next week? He first has to beat me to get there!!!

Exile: Yeah yeah, now get your butt in gear and get in that ring.

(Exile then leaves ringside and JOJ runs to the ring and slides in).

JP: Ok, again I have no words for this. JOJ slided in the ring and Jawz gets the advantage right away. He picks JOJ up by the head and whips him in the ropes. JOJ comes back and ooh big clothesline by Jawz. Jazw picks JOJ up once more and sets him up for a piledriver and yeahhh executes it.

ND: Jawz goes for the cover now. 1..........2..........ooh but Jawz stops the count himself by lifting JOJ's shoulder up. Yeah yeah, play with him, hahaha. Jawz gets back to his feet and grabs JOJ by the hear. He hooks in a double arm ddt and bammm Tantrum, his finisher!!! Jawz goes for the cover again. 1................2................3..........and yess he won his debut match in the EWCL. He showed some great skills here.

JP: Hello, he was wrestling Jack Off Joe!!!

ND: The only thing that counts is that Jawz will get a title shot next week at Dan Prohibition's Prime Time Title.


Winner: Jawz

(We come back from commercials and we see the backstage area and to be more specific the Prez’s office. Inside his office we see Prez Cazzo preparing himself for his match with Dawg Fase later tonight. We also see Pamela Charles who is smoking a cigarette and she’s nervously walking from side to side. Then there’s a knock on the door. Pamela walks over to the door and opens it. In the door opening we see Herbie ‘The Mailman” Hiscock. He has a little card in his hand and he starts to speak).

Herbie: I have a singing telegram for you, miss Pamela Charles.

Pamela: Oooh how nice. Did you hear that Eric? A singing telegram for me.

(Then Herbie starts to sing and dance at the same time. And let me just say that isn't a nice sight and good for your ears.)


“Pamela, Pamela, it’s your turn”
“It’s your time to suffer and burn”
“Hanging around with the Prez”
“Only gets you in a mess”
"Pamela, Pamela, you're a ho"
"Your face is gonna meet my el-bow"
"Pamela, you will end up in a ditch"

(Right from the start when Herbie starting signing the face of Pamela changed from happy to fear. And especially after hearing those last words she is freaking out. Freaking out like we have seen many women do over the last few weeks. Prez Cazzo comes to hold her and he makes Herbie leave the card and tells Herbie to get out of the office).

Prez Cazzo: Baby, don't worry ok. I will promise you, I'll get to the bottom of this. I will find out who has been behind all of these notes.

Pamela: You promise?

Prez Cazzo: You got my word.

(Then the camera fades out).

JP: Man, who all got that kind of note? Lydia got it, Angelina Ferrari got it, Amy got it, now even Pamela Charles got it. What are your thoughts about this man, Neil?

ND: Well I know one thing. The man can't rhyme. Man that was bad.

JP: Yeah, ok, but who do you think it is?

ND: I really have no clue, John.

Tony DeLucci/Lazarus vs. James Demise/Billy Demise

JP: Next up is the match between Tony DeLucci and Lazarus against the Demise Brothers, James and Billy. Last week we saw how James Demise beat Tony DeLucci in a one on one match, while Lazarus and Billy interfered. Now these four men are gonna settle it in a tagmatch.

(We are gonna see a short recap of this match that took place earlier tonight).

(After the four people involved entered the ring these two new tagteams got in on right away. In this bout all four men were allowed to be in the ring at the same time. This match was a wild ten mintue brawl with DeLucci and Lazarus having a slight edge due to more experience as a team but they couldn't put one of the Demise's down for the count. The match ends when Bill Demise and Lazarus are battling on the floor and DeLucci has taken advantage of James Demise with an eye-rake!!! DeLucci goes for his finisher, but James counters with a spear. He goes over to DeLucci and hooks in his Deadline crippler crossface. And seconds after DeLucci taps out. So James and Billy Demise were the proud winners of this match).


Winners: James Demise/Billy Demise

Sgt. Death vs. Freak Destroyer Cerberus

JP: Our next match is the one between Sgt. Death and Freak Destroyer Cerberus. It seems like there is a huge history that we don't really know about. Apparently it has to do with the fathers of both these men. And since Sgt. Death came into the EWCL, Cerberus has been trying to do everything to get in the ring with his rival.

ND: Now tonight he gets the chance.

(Highway to hell starts to play and Freak Destroyer Cerberus comes running out. He runs to the ring and slides in).

(Sgt. Death's music starts to play and he appears from behind the curtains. Once he shows up the crowd starts to boo him as they favour Cerberus in this match. Sgt. Death marches to the ring and enters it).

JP: Some heat between the two here. Its Cerberus who grabs Sgt. Death by the throat right away when he enters the ring. Cerberus goes for a straight chokeslam, but ooh Sgt. Death manages to block it and get out of the choke hold. Cerberus doesn't resist though and he nails Sgt. with a viscious right hand. A couple of fists now and ooh tornado punch by Cerberus.

ND: And Sgt. Death goes down to the mat. Cerberus goes to the second rope and dives off with a double axe handle. Cerberus for the quick pin. 1.........2.......but a kickout by Sgt. Death. Sgt. Death amazingly quickly back to his feet and he starts to thrash talk to Cerberus. Cerberus just stares at him and when Sgt. Death gets closer to him, he even headbuts the Sarge in the face. OOOh my GODD!!!

JP: Yeah, that was some headbut. I think Sgt. Death even is busted open by that!!! He notices the blood and it seems he is freaked out by it. He kicks Cerberus in the gut and follows that up with a clothesline. Sgt. Death picks Cerberus up and lifts him up and does a backbreaker on him. Sgt. Death doesn't let go and again picks Cerberus up and oooh sideslam.

ND: Death for the cover now but he only gets a two count. Death picks Cerberus up and whips him, but Cerberus reverses the whip and Sgt. flies in the ropes himself. He comes off the ropes and ooooh Cerberus hooks in the chokehold and.....YEAHHH chokeslam by the Freak!!!

JP: Cerberus isn't going for the cover but again he climbs to the second turnbuckle and this time he dives off for an elbow drop and lands straight on the Sarge. This is far from over when I look at Freak Destroyer Cerberus. He doesn't just wants to beat his opponent, nooo he wants to destroy him.

ND: Cerberus picks Sgt. Death up and just when the Sarge wants to whipe the blood out of his face, Cerberus nails him with another headbut!!! Cerberus follows that up with lifting him up and executing a belly to belly suplex!!! Cerberus still doesn't go for the cover though. Man, he sure likes to beat Sarge up.

JP: But it seems like Sarge isn't really into the match. I dunno, but it seems like he isn't really focussed on this match. He should be and he has all the reasons, but still. Its just a feeling. Cerberus grabs Sgt. Death by the hair, but oooh lowblow by the Sarge.

ND: There you have it, he's not out yet. He's still in the match. The Sarge rakes Cerberus in the eye and follows it up with a right hand to the side of the head. Oooh what a cheap shot. OOh I love it!!

JP: The Sarge sends Cerberus in the ropes now, he comes off and ooooh how did Cerberus did that!!! Out of nowhere Cerberus hooked in the Hell's Fury on Sgt. Death!!! And he executes it!!! What a move by the Freak. He goes for the cover. 1.............2................3...........yeah Cerberus beat the Sarge. Cerberus raises his hands in the air, while the Sarge is still whiping the blood out of his face.


Winner: Freak Destroyer Cerberus

Exile(c) vs. Freeze - Non title match

JP: Ok, now we are gonna see Exile in a match that he hasn't booked himself I think. Exile has to square off against a newcomer. A guy I haven't seen in action yet and a guy that frankly I don't know really.

ND: Neither do I, John. I wanted to check him out over the last week during the House shows, but he never showed up. Nice way to start in the EWCL, huh.

JP: So we have to wait and see how he's in the ring.

(Extreme Days by DC Talk starts to play and Exile comes walking out. He got the Internet Title around his waist and he struts to the ring, not giving the fans laugh or a smile. He reaches the ring and enters it and asks for a mic).

Exile: Something worries me!! It worries me that some may say or think that I didn't earn this Internet Title.

JP: You're damn right he didn't earn it!!

Exile: To show everyone out there, that I am truly the best and worthy Internet Champion, I am gonna prove that to you here tonight. I will put my title on the line here against my opponent Freeze. And just to make that I mean business I'll add a special stipulation to the match. If Freeze is able to touch me in this match, he wins the Internet Title.

JP: What!!!! What does that mean???

ND: That means that if Freeze even lays a finger on Exile, that he won the Internet Title.

JP: Yeah I know what it means, I just wanna know whats behind it all.

Exile: Common Freeze lets get it on.

(Ice ice baby music starts to play, but there is nothing happening. There is no Freeze coming out. In the ring we see that Exile tells the ref to start counting. So the ref starts his count. 1..........2..........3..............4................5...............6...............7)

(Then the camera goes backstage and it focusses on Freeze's lockerroom. The cameraman goes in and we see Exile's mates Roadblock and Jawz doing everything in their power to hold Freeze, so he can't leave and make it to the ring).


(Roadblock and Jawz also heard the counting and after the "10" they let Freeze go and he storms off heading to ringside).

(Back in the ring the ref already raised Exile's arm in the air and Exile takes the mic again).

Exile: And still your undefeated Internet Champion......EXILE!!!!!! (Most fans start to booo)

(At that moment Freeze shows up and stands on the ramp. He looks over at Exile and Exile sees him).

Exile: Sorry chump, you had your chance of fame and you spoiled it. Now security guards take that man ouf of here.

(There are even 5 security guards coming out and it takes all 5 of them to force Freeze to leave).

JP: Unbelievable, Exile did it again. Again he backed out of a real match. Amazing.

ND: Noo, I call that smart.


Winner: Exile

Cazzo vs. Dawg Fase

JP: In our next match we are gonna see the Prez in action. We haven't seen him in the ring ever since the Tough Love PPV.

ND: In which he got a severe beating by Exile.

JP: He never got a severe beating. It was a very close cage match and you know it. But anyway its Cazzo vs. Dawg Fase here tonight. They got a long history together, but there was always hatred between them. One thing has slightly changed though since their feud last year. Cazzo has worked his way up to become the Prez and even was Universal Champion for a while. While on the other hand Dawg Fase is still at the same level as when he came in the EWCL.

ND: But he was the Hardcore Champion.

JP: Yeah for about 5 seconds.

ND: Well who's counting, he was the champ.

(Then Damned if I do by Life Of Agony starts to play and Prez Cazzo comes walking out. With a big grin on his face he comes walking out and the fans start to cheer. Cazzo is wearing his famous Dropkick King shirt again. On his way to the ring he shakes the hands of some fans. Then all of a sudden Dawg Fase appears from behind the curtains and comes out and runs towards Cazzo. Dawg has a steelchair in his hands and the fans try to warn Cazzo, but he just raises his hands in the air as he thinks they are cheering him on. Dawg then comes up from behind the Prez and nails him with that steelchair. Cazzo doesn't go down though. Dawg ramms the chair once again in Cazzo's head and this time he goes down).

JP: OOOOH MY GODDD!!!! With a chair!!!

ND: Yeah, but thats allowed in this match. Oh, but by the way to win this match you have to get a three count like any other match.

JP: Ok back to the match. Dawg now is dragging Cazzo to the ring with one arm. In the other hand he still is holding that steelchair. He drags Cazzo all the way to the ring and he throws the chair in the ring and after he rolls the prez in and follows right after.

ND: Dawg goes straight for the pin now. 1.........2........but a kickout. But that was close. Dawg picks Cazzo up by the head, but Cazzo counters with a punch in the midsection. Cazzo gets back to his feet and does a spinkick that takes Dawg to the mat. Cazzo now in the ropes, comes back and a legdrop on Dawg.

JP: What is the Prez doing now? He goes over to the chair and he sets it up in the ring. Now he picks up Dawg and he whips him in the ropes, comes back and ooooh drop toe hold and Dawg lands facefirst on the chair!!!! OOOOH YEAHHH!!!! But Cazzo isn't finished yet. He folds the chair up again and he starts to climb the topturnbuckle still holding that chair.

ND: Dawg is still on the mat and Cazzo on the topturnbuckle now and he dives off holding that chair close to his chest. He wants to splash on Dawg. But oooooh yeahhhhh. Dawg just moved out of the way in time and Cazzo lands on the chair and on the mat. OOH MAN!!!!! Dawg rolls himself on top of Cazzo and goes for the cover. 1............2........but a late kickout. Dawg is the first go to get to his feet again and he picks Cazzo up and slaps him in the face, Cazzo gets back to his senses and he returns the slap.

JP: Then the slapping changes into punching. And then out of nowhere Cazzo dropkicks Dawg and he falls backfirst into a corner. Cazzo quickly sets up the chair in front of that corner. Then he runs towards it and uses it as a springboard and splashes on Dawg!!! WOWWWWW YEAHHHH!!!! Prez showing some great stuff here tonight!!!! Dawg falls facefirst to the mat. Cazzo rolls him over and pins him, but he only gets a two count. Cazzo now picks Dawg up by the head, but Dawg lowblows him. He follows that up woth a kick in the gut and a quick ddt.

ND: Dawg stomps Cazzo a few times in the head and then he grabs the chair once again and folds it up. He waits till Cazzo is back to his feet again and then he swings to nail the prez again with that steelchair. But ooooooh at the last moment Cazzo blocks the arm and spears Dawg to the mat. Cazzo then quickly grabs the chair and climbs the topturnbuckle again. Now he is on the topturnbuckle and he waits till Dawg is back up.

JP: Dawg is up now and then Cazzo throws the chair in Dawg's direction. Dawg catches it, but at the same time Cazzo jumped off the topturnbuckle and does a missle dropkick!!!!! HOLY Shit!!! He dropkicked that chair and the chair crashed into Dawg's head, what a bang!!!! Cazzo goes for the cover now. 1................2.................3.........and yeah the prez has won the match!!!! What a great win!!!!


Winner: Cazzo

Dan Prohibition vs. Ex-Terminator

JP: Now onto our next match and what a match its gonna be!! Finally Dan Prohibition and Ex-Terminator are gonna face eachother in the ring. They have been at eachothers throat for I don't know how long. Ever since they were in the Ministry of Total Justice together, there has been friction between the two. And especially the last couple of weeks the anger, hatred and frustration only piled up.

ND: Yep, but a thing that was a bit confusing was that last week Ex-Terminator attacked Dan's opponent Sgt. Death. And it more or less helped Dan in his match.

JP: You are right, that was really confusing. But over the week it seemed that nothing has changed in their attitude towards eachother. And I think they even more or less agreed that neither Lydia and Amy were gonna appear at ringside.

ND: Damn!!!

(Seek and Destroy starts to play and Hardcore Champion Ex-Terminator comes walking out. He got the Hardcore belt on his shoulder and a focussed look on his face. This is the time to prove to everyone that he is more than just a big man. He walks to the ring and uses the ringsteps to enter it).

ND: There he is, he's the one and nothing else matters.

(Then One step closer starts to play and the Prime Time Champion Dan Prohibition comes running out. Stopsign in one hand and stapler in the other hand. Like we have seen many times before. Like always he also wears a hockey mask. He enters the ring and the ref starts explaining the rules).

ND: Hey ref, take that stopsign and staplegun away from Dan!!!

(The ref hears Neil's words and he takes the items from Dan and he hands them over to Jay Blue who lays them on the table in front of him).

JP: In the ring we see that Dan and Ex-T circle eachother for about 6 seconds. Then the two tie up. Its Ex-T who hooks in a headlock. Dan tries to maneuvre himself out of it, but Ex-T holds him tight and then changes the headlock into a waistlock. Again Dan tries to elbow Ex-T, but Ex-T ducks it and executes a german suplex. Ex-T really starts this match concentrated. Ex-T bounces in the ropes and when he comes off he delivers an elbow drop on Dan and goes for a cover. 1........2..........but kickout by Dan.

ND: Ex-T picks Dan up and sends him in the ropes. Ex-T goes for a clothesline, but Dan ducks the arm, comes off the ropes once more and counters with a spinning neckbreaker. Dan waits a few seconds and then picks up and delivers a few right a punches. Dan now sends Ex-T in the ropes and superkicks him when he comes off the ropes.

JP: Dan then jumps on top of Ex-T and starts handing out fist after fist. Now thats alot of aggression in those fists.

ND: Yeah he's probly pissed they took away his staplegun, haha.

JP: Neil!! Don't get yourself in trouble will you.

ND: I do my best.

JP: Dan grabs Ex-T head and ramms it into the mat. He then gets back up and drags Ex-T to a corner. Ex-T is laying in one of the four corners now and Dan uses his boot to choke Ex-T. The ref is counting and after a while he makes Dan break the chokehold. Dan first refuses to break it but then he finally does. Dan picks up Ex-T and sends him in the opposite corner.

ND: He charges in right after to splash Ex-T, but Ex-T moves out of the way in the time and Dan flies into the cornerbuckle chestfirst. Ex-T pulls himself together and grabs Dan's head and ramms it into the turnbuckle. 1.........2.............3.........4.........5..........6.........7..........8..........9..............10.....He then lets go off Dan's head and Dan falls backwards to the mat. Ex-T climbs the second turnbuckle now and he jumps off to execute a legdrop.

JP: Ex-T goes for the pin, but he only gets a two count. Ex-T lifts Dan up and goes for a suplex and executes it. Ex-T lifts Dan up once more and goes for another suplex. But ooooh this time Dan blocks it and yeah counters and executes a suplex of his own. Dan seems to be back in the game again as he rather quickly gets to his feet and he bounces in the ropes and comes off and delivers a kneedrop.

ND: Dan picks Ex-T up and lifts him up and executes a piledriver. Dan for the pin now. 1..........2.........but Ex-T kicks out. Dan grabs Ex-T by the head and he throws him over the toprope to the outside. Wowww, I hope Ex-T never hurt himself there!! Dan also slides to the outside now and he kicks Ex-T in the head. Not once but about 4 times. Dan grabs Ex-T by the head and ramms it into the ringpost.

JP: Dan holds on to Ex-T's head and walks over to the ringsteps and now he ramms Ex-T's head into it. Dan now grabs Ex-T by the arm and whips him into the guardrail. Dan charges in right after, but Ex-T lifts his leg up and Dan flies facefirst into the big boot. Dan is on the ground now and Ex-T needs the time to get back in the match.

ND: Ex-T then picks up Dan and lifts him on the guardrail. Ex-T climbs on the guardrail himself now and wow what is he doing? He hooks in a superplex and yeahhhhh he executes it!!!!! A superplex from the guardrail to the concrete!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!! What a move!!!! Dan is knocked out on the concrete now, while Ex-T slowly starts getting back up. He gets back up and he grabs Dan and rolls him back into the ring.

JP: Ex-T climbs the ring aswell and he kicks Dan in the head. He follows that up by picking Dan up and bodyslamming him back into the mat. Ex-T then hooks in a sharpshooter submission hold. Dan is screaming it out now from the pain. Dan is trying to reach the ropes but he is too far away to reach them.

ND: Suddenly we see Lydia coming out and she runs to the ring. She's at ringside now and she is trying to talk to referee in stopping Ex-T. But the ref ain't listening to her. Lydia then climbs on the apron and tries to distract the ref now. The ref goes over to her and tries to stop her. While in the back we see that Ex-T is still holding Dan in that sharpshooter position. Ex-T even holds on to the ropes now to make the hold even more intense.

JP: Lydia can't take it and she tries to get in the ring. But then down the aisle we see Amy, she comes running down to ringside and she grabs Lydia by the leg and drags her of the apron to the ground!!! Man!!! Amy now jumps on top of Lydia and starts slapping her in her face.

ND: Meanwhile in the ring, the ref finally made Ex-T break the sharpshooter. Ex-T lets go of Dan and then he sees that both Lydia and Amy are at ringside. He moves over to the side and yells something to Amy. He then turns back towards Dan and picks him up by the head, but Dan lowblows him. And gets back up. Dan got trouble walking due to that sharpshooter, but he still manages to ddt Ex-T to the mat.

JP: Dan follows that up by picking Ex-T up and with all the power he got he sends him into the ropes. Oh man we see that both men are really worn out here. Ex-T comes back from the ropes and ooooh double clothesline!!! They are both out now!!!! Whats gonna happen next!!! Outside the ring we see that Amy is still slapping Lydia.

(Neil Down then grabs the stopsign off of Jay Blue's table and he calls Amy and throws it to her. She cathes it and at first she doesn't know what to do with it. Shall she hit Lydia with it or shall she throw them in the ring so Ex-T can use it. Then Neil Down gets of his seat and he runs to the opposite corner and calls the referee. The ref comes over to the corner and at that moment Amy wants to throw the stopsign to Ex-T. In the ring we see that both Ex-T and Dan are back to their knees).

JP: Just when Amy wants to throw the stopsign to Ex-T, Lydia grabs her hair from behind and punches her in the face. Lydia then grabs the stopsign and throws it in the ring to Dan. Dan sees it coming and cathes it and while the ref is still turned and talking to Neil Down, Dan goes over to Ex-T and BAMMM!!!! He nails Ex-T with that stopsign. Dan throws the stopsign out of the ring again and he goes for the cover. The ref turns back again and he starts to count. 1..............2...............3...........and yessss Dan Prohibition wins this match!!! What a weird outcome.

(Neil Down is shaking his head now while he walks back to the announce table).

JP: What were you thinking Neil??

ND: Hmm, well, hmmm I just wanted to help Amy. You know I am fond of her.

JP: I don't think she likes you more now, Neil. And I would avoid Ex-T if I was you.


Winner: Dan Prohibition

JP: Ok after we seen all of that I want to take you back to yesterday. Folks, just yesterday I went out to Dean Thornton's home to get a special interview following the incredible fall he took last week from the Hell in a Cell at the hands of The Rage. Lets take a look at that footage..

(The scene of Rage throwing Achilles from the top of the Hell in a Cell to the concrete between the stands is shown. The audience in attendance cheers boisterously as the scene fades to black.)

ND: I. I've never seen anything like that in my life. Never.

JP: I got to speak to Dean about how he's doing and whether or not he'll be back in an EWCL ring. Lets go to that now..

(The scene opens with Dean Thornton sitting on a large leather couch, John Pilchard beside him upon a leather armchair. Behind the interview area, which is actually the legitimate basement of Achilles' house, stands a long bar with a Jack Daniels sign on the rear wall flanked by row upon row of bottled alcohol. John sits with a blue folder in his lap and his legs crossed, adjusting a pair of glasses sitting at about the middle of his nose. Dean reclines back in the lounge, a white neck brace holding his head stationary, and a beer in his hand. He is clad in every-day attire, an old blue long-sleeve button-down with a small aWo in the corner, and a pair of faded blue jeans. John clears his throat and begins, 'I'm here with Dean Thornton, aka Achilles, just one week after a shocking fall from the Hell in a Cell last Sunday on Venom. Dean, how are you doing?'

Achilles sniffs, 'How do you think I'm doing John? And may I just correct you there. I didn't take a 'fall' from the Hell in a Cell. I was thrown... by Rick O'Connor.' John nods, 'I apologise. I didn't mean to demean what you're going through. We're all aware that you've been to see the noted sports surgeon Dr Youngblood regarding your injuries. Can I ask what the prognosis is?' 'I got off lucky actually, considering the impact I sustained. Apparently Dr Youngblood believes I have a herniated disc between my L4 and L5 which is pressing on the sciatic nerve, which extends down from my spine to the back to the calf. That's the most serious problem at the moment. I also have a severe concussion, and I'm awaiting some X-Ray results on my neck.' John nods solemnly, 'For those who may not know a lot about those injuries, what does that all mean?'

Dean shifts slightly, 'What it means is that I'm practically bed-ridden right now. Most of the time it's all I can do to lie on the damn couch. I can't do any weight training, nor can I do any cardio. Hell, I can barely bend over.' 'It sounds serious.' 'You're damn right it's serious Pilchard,' Dean barks, 'It's my career hanging in the balance.' John turns a page on his clipboard, 'Will you be back Dean? Will you make a return to the EWCL?' Dean stares off past the cameras for a time before answering, 'I don't know John. It depends on what Youngblood can do about my back, it depends on the state of my neck, and it depends on the severity of this concussion. Will I be back? Yeah, I hope so. Wrestling's my life.' John nods appreciatively, 'In closing, what words do you have for the man who may have ended your career?'

Dean leans forward slightly, as much as he may, 'Rage. Rick. I am going to beat this. And then I'm going to come back bigger and badder than ever. And then kid, I'm going to make your life a living Hell. 'Cos you know I'm the man with all the stroke. and one day. sooner than you think. you're going to have to pay.' John extends a hand which Dean accepts, 'Thank you for your time Dean. I know that everyone at EWCL and all the fans wish you a speedy recovery.' Dean releases the hand and sits back slowly as the scene closes.)

ND: Will Dean be back? Will The Rage even be back?!

JP: Good question Neil! The Rage is under indefinite suspension following the Hell in a Cell last week! We expect to hear something about his possible return some time during the week, although it's questionable after his brutal actions whether or not President Cazzo will bring him back! Lets hope both men can make it back. it'd be a Hell of a blow to the EWCL to lose them.

ND: Amen.

(Cut to Commercial)

Main Event

JP: Ok people its Main Event time right now!!! Who is it gonna be?? Thats the big question. But when you start thinking of it all, who hasn't fought yet?

ND: Um lets see, Punisher.

JP: Yeah, and...

ND: Morning Star...

JP: Yeah and....

ND: Oh I know...Sparhawk!!!

JP: Yes, it has to involved them. Just has to. If thats true then its definately some return for Sparhawk, to comeback and fight in the main event right away.

(Then Damned if I do by Life Of Agony starts to play and Prez Cazzo comes walking out. After his victory earlier tonight he looks quite happy. He makes it over to the ring and after he stepped in he asks for a mic and starts talking).

Prez Cazzo: Ok, people this is it. The big main event of the evening. I doubt its gonna be a big surprise to you, but here it is. Ok, let the first person come out.

(Invasion starts to play and The Punisher makes his appearance and the crowd starts to boo him right away. The big man and tagteam champion just waves it away and he walks to the ring and enters it. He stands in the opposite corner as the Prez does and just stares at him).

Prez Cazzo: Then our next man.

(Sparhawk's music starts to play and the former half of the Knights of Justice tagteam comes walking out. The fans start cheering him on wildly as they remember him from a while ago. He is a former Universal Champion. Sparhawk shakes the hands of some fans and enters the ring. He and Prez Cazzo shake hands and Sparhawk now stares at Punisher).

Prez Cazzo: So its quite simple. Tonights main event is gonna be Punisher vs. Sparhawk. There you have it.

(But then Extreme Days by DC Talk starts to play and Exile comes walking out).

JP: Nooo, not him again!!

(Exile also enters the ring now and starts to speak).

Exile: Wow, wow wow wait it now. I don't think this is a fair match. This isn't right. I have a better idea. First of all let that other guy come out. Where's Morning Star!!?!!

(Warpigs starts to play and Morning Star comes out. He makes it to the ring and climbs in and stands next to his tagpartner The Punisher and they both start to grin).

Exile: Now, now you better stop laughing there in that corner. Coz the match thats gonna be the main event now will be Punisher vs. Morning Star and Sparhawk will be the special referee. Haha, what about that!!!

(Punisher and Morning Star look really confused now and also Prez Cazzo and Sparhawk got a surprised look on their face. Prez Cazzo doesn't interfere though as he probly thinks this match suits fine for him aswell now. Then Punisher steps forward and grabs the mic).

Punisher: Now wait a minute yourself as I recall from a little while ago I still have the power to book two more matches that I want to.

JP: Remember that he had that signed paper by Prez Cazzo that he could book any three matches he wanted to. Back then he only booked one match, he only booked the Kritical Kondition versus Shane Johnson match. But he never used the other two "wishes".

Punisher: So I think this is a good opportunity to use the second "wish" here now. The main event of the evening will be. Punisher and Morning Star vs. Sparhawk. Who's laughing now, huh!!!

(Punisher and Morning Star highfive eachother, while Prez Cazzo moves up his shoulders as he can't do anything and Exile kinda apologizes to Sparhawk. The ref then makes Prez Cazzo and Exile move out of the ring so this match can start).

JP: Man, I doubt this is what Sparhawk had in mind as a return.

Ding ding ding

ND: This match is on now and it are Morning Star and Sparhawk who are gonna start of. We also see that Prez Cazzo and Exile are both still at ringside. They aren't near eachother though. MS and Sparhawk circle eachother for a few moments and then they lock up. MS knees Sparhawk to the midsection and follows that up with sending him in the ropes. Sparhawk comes off the ropes and wowww MS almost takes his head off with that steinerline clothesline.

JP: Yep thats really a trademark move by MS. MS picks Sparhawk up by the head and does a snappmare that takes him back to the mat. MS follows that up by bouncing in the ropes and when he comes back he kicks Sparhawk in the head. MS bounces in the ropes one more time now, he comes back and again he wants to kick Sparhawk in the head, but this time Sparhawk seen it coming and he grabs a hold of the leg.

ND: MS wants to go for an enziguiri, but before he can do that Sparhawk sweeps the leg and MS falls to the mat. Sparhawk gets a hold of MS and sends him in the ropes, when he comes off he clotheslines MS to the mat. Sparhawk follows it up by hooking in a camel clutch submission hold. MS is screaming it out from the pain now. Then Punisher gets in and he kicks Sparhawk in the back and coz of that impact he lets go of the submission hold.

JP: Meanwhile Prez Cazzo orders the ref to make sure that Punisher goes back to his corner. Sparhawk grabs MS by the head and he throws him in the ropes again, but MS holds on to the ropes and he wants to tag in Punisher. But it seems like Punisher refuses to tag at first. I don't think he wants to get in the ring with Sparhawk or what? Oh ok now he makes the tag and Punisher climbs in the ring. He walks over to Sparhawk and Punisher even reaches his hand out so he and Sparhawk can shake hands.

ND: Sparhawk looks down at the hand, and just at that moment Punisher big boots Sparhawk to the mat.

JP: That man can't be trusted.

ND: Yeah, great huh.

JP: Nooo!! Punisher now lifts Sparhawk up and he starts handing out several right hands. Sparhawk is shaking on his feet now, but he doesn't go down. Punisher goes for another big right hand now and bamm that one takes Sparhawk down to the mat. Punisher follows it up with a kneedrop on his opponents head. Punisher now is trashtalking to Sparhawk. After that Punisher gets up and starts moving to his corner to tag in MS.

ND: Just before Punisher reaches his corner, Sparhawk suddenly gets back up and he runs in at Punisher from behind and bammm bulldog!!! What a move!!! Sparhawk gets up and bamm nails MS with a right hand and MS falls of the apron to the concrete. Sparhawk gets on the topturnbuckle now and wants to dive of. He dives off, but Punisher is back to his feet again and oooooh Punisher grabs Sparhawk out of the air and reverses it into a powerslam!!!

JP: Now that was awesome. Punisher goes for the pin now. 1.........2.........noooo this isn't over yet, a kickout by Sparhawk. Punisher can't believe. He gets back up and picks up Sparhawk he sends him in the ropes for a clothesline, but when Sparhawk comes off, he ducks the arm and when he comes back from the ropes again he spears the Punisher!!!! Sparhawk landed on top of Punisher and goes for a cover. 1...........2..........but MS interferes and the count is stopped.

ND: Again Prez Cazzo yells to the ref to make MS go back to his corner. Sparhawk hooks in a sharpshooter hold on Punisher now. But before he can lock it in right, MS comes back in the ring and with a spinning heelkick he nails Sparhawk and he lets go of the hold. The ref is now more determined to get MS back to his corner. Sparhawk is still laying on the mat now, while Punisher crawls back to his corner. And Punisher tags in MS.

JP: MS comes in and picks up Sparhawk and sends him in the ropes and does a drop toe hold when he comes off the ropes. MS bounces in the ropes and oooh elbow drop on the back. MS picks Sparhawk up and he lifts him up for a powerbomb. But Sparhawk blocks it, and oooh yeahhh reverses with a backdrop!!! What a return!!!! Sparhawk on his last breath now, but he is hanging on here. He bounces in the ropes and comes off and superkicks MS, but now it is MS who grabs the leg.

ND: Whats gonna happen next? OOoh Sparhawk executes an enziguiri!! What went wrong earlier on with MS, goes the right way with Sparhawk now!!! Sparhawk goes for the cover now, but he already sees that Punisher started to get back in the ring again, so Sparhawk runs over to Punisher and spears him to the mat!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!! Now thats what I call a spear!!! Sparhawk grabs Punisher by the head and walks over to the corner and starts ramming the head into the topturnbuckle!!! 1..........2..........3.........4..........5.........6...........7.........8..........9...........10....

JP: Sparhawk forgot about MS who still is the legal man in the ring. MS gets up from behind Sparhawk now and he picks him up and oooh backdrop suplex!!!!! Punisher now climbed on the topturnbuckle and he jumps of with an elbow drop and lands on Sparhawk. The ref is trying to get Punisher out of there, but he can't seem to do it. Now you can see why these two are the tagchamps of the EWCL.

ND: Punisher and MS continue double teaming on Sparhawk now. They double suplex him to the mat. MS goes for the cover. 1..........2..........but its unbelievable but Sparhawk kicked out again!!! Punisher and MS continue to double team Sparhawk now. The ref can't stop them. They whip Sparhawk in the ropes and they double backdrop him to the mat. After that they both start stomping on him like madmans. Sparhawk is busted open now!!!

JP: Wow wait, whats that about?? Exile slides in the ring now and grabs MS and bammmm he executes his Outcast on MS!!!! The ref looks over at Prez Cazzo wether or not to stop this match as of interference and to disqualify Sparhawk. But Prez Cazzo motions to the ref to let this match continue. Exile now grabs Punisher and he kicks him in the gut, grabs him by the head and throws him over the toprope to the outside.

ND: Meanwhile Sparhawk used his last strengt to drag himself on top of MS to get the cover. The ref starts to count and. 1................2................3...............yeahhhh Sparhawk got the win here!!!! And what a win for him it was!!! He won a handicap match against the tagchampions!!! Amazing!!! But don't forget he got help by Exile and also by Prez Cazzo coz he let the match go on.

JP: Man thats pretty weird, both Exile and Prez Cazzo helped him. Exile and Cazzo can't stand eachothers guts, so whats this all about.

ND: I dunno, all I know is that Sparhawk should be lucky he got them both on his side.


Winner: Sparhawk

(We get back from commercials and we see that Prez Cazzo is still in the ring. All the others have left but he is still there and starts to talk).

Prez Cazzo: Now wasn't that a great match!!! (the crowd go wild). And wasn't this a great VENOM!! (the crowd go wild again). Now the reason I am still here in the ring is the following. As you all might know there will be another PPV in a few weeks. As you also might know we don't have an Universal Champion at the moment. Well I had this bright idea and put two and two together and came up with this.

On the next PPV (still unnamed), which will be held on the 29th of July, we will have a tournament for the Universal Title. At this point the planning is that the entire tournament will take place on that evening. But well that planning can still change. Anyway, that means that everyone who is on the roster at this moment, is gonna compete in that tournament. Unless if you are injured or unless if you are suspended at this moment. So thats what you can expect for July. We will have a new Universal Champion by then.

Thats all I have to say for tonight. So to everyone, see you next week and drive safely!!!! Till VENOM!!!!

(Then the camera fades to black).