VENOM - 30/09/2001

(The gold and white EWCL logo flashes across the screen, rolling from left to right. A beat starts… slow at first, but growing in intensity. Suddenly a speck appears on the screen, screaming forwards, getting larger and larger until it becomes legible… the EWCL logo. The whining screech increases in intensity until it appears to SMASH through the viewer's television screen. Shattering glass provides the background sound as the EWCL theme kicks into gear. A montage of the EWCL superstars overlayed in blue, red, green and gold flashes across the screen. Kritical Kondition, Dan Prohibition, Danny Christ, Joe Johnson, Fazzer, Exile, the EWCL Champion The Rage, and more. Scenes of violence, carnage and action as only the EWCL can provide barrages the viewers until finally the Venom logo spins in to view, only to be crushed by the EWCL trademark.

Then the titantron shows clips of Havoc that took place two weeks ago. Among other moments we see the Royal Family chairshots, the already legendary razorbat ladder match between Dan Prohibition and Joe Johnson and the cagematch between The Rage and Sean Corvik. After those moments we see footage of last weeks Venom. We see the arguments between Joe Johnson after his tagmatch with partner Sean Corvik. Exile runs in after and quits the Royal Family. Other moments we see is the interference from The Rage in the match between Dan Prohibition and The Punisher. After these moments we go to the commentators of this evening John Pilchard and Neil Down).

John Pilchard: Welcome from the Delta Center, Salt Lake City, Utah!!

Neil Down: Welcome all!!

JP: Its good to see all of you back again this week on Venom. What a week it has been, oh yeah what a week. Lots of rumours going on backstage. Neil you are the rumours expert, tell us the stuff that we heard.

ND: You damn right, alot has been rumoured the last few days. The biggest rumour that has been going around the last couple of days is that Universal Champion The Rage Rick O'Connor's contract has run out and that he is gonna sign to Andrew Grimm's new XPCW. The XPCW, the fed that The Rage left to come to the EWCL. The XPCW, also a fed in which other wrestlers of the current EWCL roster have wrestled.

JP: The fact if his contract really run out, is the question. Only two persons would know that, Prez Cazzo and The Rage himself. But we'll probly find out some things after tonight. Coz tonights The Rage is scheduled to fight in the main event against his tagteampartner Dan Prohibition. On the line in that match are the tagtitles. Whoever wins that match can choose who his new tagpartner is gonna be.

ND: But don't forget about some other matches we got here tonight. We have Sean Corvik in a handicap match against The Mauler and Tony Canon from Creeping Death and we have Joe Johnson against The Punisher. The big question is gonna be if Joe and Sean are gonna stick to what they said a few days ago. Are they gonna back eachother up? Is there still live in the Royal Family? Thats the big question, coz one thing is almost for sure, they can't fall back on Exile anymore after last week, as he "divorced" from the Royal Family last week.

JP: That has been going through my mind all week. The Royal Family coming to an end? That is just unthinkable.

ND: Besides those matches we have Super Trouper defending his Hardcore title against Ex-Terminator, we have Fazzer booked against Angus once again. And we have two newcomers to start the evening off with.

JP: But before we go over to the first match I hear we first go to Bill Carty....Bill?

(On the screen we see Bill Carty and he's standing near the wrestlers entrance door. He looks a big chaotic, but after he hears his name he tries to act calm).

BC: Oh..uhm hello John.

JP: So what are you doing there Bill?

BC: I'm standing near the entrance and I'm waiting to see some of the wrestlers arrive. Some wrestlers we already seen arrive were superstars like Dan Prohibition and The Punisher. Someone we haven't seen yet though is The Rage. So thats why I'm standing here.

(Bill Carty then turns around because hears something and then the door opens. The camera zooms in on the door and its Sean Corvik, Kritical Kondition. In one hand he holds his sporting bag and in the other hand he is holding a cigarette).

BC: Its SEAN CORVIK!! He has arrived for his handicap match with Mauler and Tony Canon. Sean!! Sean!!

(Bill Carty calls out to Sean and for a second Corvik stops).

BC: Where's Joe Johnson?

Sean Corvik: How should I know, we came with separate cars. And if you don't might, I have a match to prepare for.

(And Corvik takes off).

BC: There you have it John. Sean has no idea where Joe is. And well we also still don't have a clue where The Rage is. But back to you John.

JP: Thank you, Bill.

The Renegade vs. Warlock

JP: Its time for our first match of the evening people. Two newcomers, two wrestlers that haven't stepped in the EWCL ring yet. The Renegade vs. Warlock, not much to tell about these guys.

ND: True.

JP: So just go to ringside and look what they got to offer.

(Chicken huntin by Insane Clown Posse starst to play and Warlock comes walking out. The crowd hasn't seen this wrestler before, so the audience is awfully quiet. The 25 year old wrestler from Detroit, Michigan walks to the ring and slides in).

(Then Alive by Pearl Jam starts to play and The Renegade comes running out. The Renegade doesn't waste anytime as he runs to ringside and he slides in and goes for Warlock right away).

JP: Renegade with a furious start here.

ND: Yeah, he's fast and furious.

JP: Renegade with a right one to the face of Warlock and he follows that up with irish whipping Warlock in the ropes. Warlock comes off and superkick by The Renegade that sends Warlock to the mat. The Renegade to the topturnbuckle, already this early in the match. He's on top now and he dives off for a splash and he lands on Warlock. Renegade for the pin, 1.........2.......but a kickout.

(Then on the titanton we see Commissioner Saphio's office. The cameraman goes in and we see the commissioner with his feet on his table and he's looking at the television that is set up on his desk. We hear him say "ooh thats gotta hurt". At that moment "Non-Hardcore" Brody James comes walking in his office).

Brody James: Commissioner Saphio, you seem like an ok guy. Can't you get me in a match tonight?

Saphio: A match? Uhm a match you say, huh. Let me think. Uhm....main event....nahhh.....Punisher vs. tagpartner of Kritical the Super Trouper, Ex-Terminator also not....what about the Fazzer match....nooo, you're too good for him...........Uhm well there's only one option.

Brody James: And what is that?

Saphio: To make the opening match a threeway match.

Brody James: You mean the match between The Renegade and Warlock?

Saphio: Yeppas. But there's only one little thing you need to know.

Brody James: Which is?

Saphio: That match has already started, and by the looks of it, The Renegade almost got the win.

(Saphio didn't even finish his last sentence when Brody James takes off and runs out his office. Then the screen fades to black).

JP: That was intresting, so we might see "Non-Hardcore" Brody James in this match.

ND: That is, if its still usefull for him to get in this match. The Renegade is going strong here. He just ddt'ed Warlock to the mat and went for another threecount, but again he only got two. Now we see that The Renegade is signaling something. What is he calling out?

JP: I think he said "Death Plant"! That his finisher!! The Renegade picks Warlock up and sets him up for a razors edge into a piledriver and Yesss he executes it!!! This is it.

(At that moment we see "Non-Hardcore" Brody James running to the ring. The crowd starts to cheer while the blond haired wrestler runs to the ring and slides in).

JP: Wow, just when The Renegade wanted to pin Warlock for the win, its Brody James who slides in. And remember its legal as Commissioner Saphio decided he's in this match. Bordy James charges in on Renegade and oooh Frankensteiner to begin with!! Brody James full of energy and The Real Man whips The Renegade in the corner and charges in right after and follows up with a monkey flip!!

ND: Brody James to the topturnbuckle now and he stands on top and he gives the signal for his finisher the Noncaholic!! And he dives off for a 450 splash and he lands on The Renegade!!! What a move!!

JP: Brody James for the cover now. 1.............2.............3.........yesssss "Non-Hardcore" Brody James got the win here!! And the crowd is loving it, they love this real man!!

ND: But what is he doing now? What is James up to?

JP: Beats me.

("Non-Hardcore" Brody James drags The Renegade in a corner, and now The Renegade is sitting down on the mat in the corner. We then see that Brody James sliding out of the ring and he grabs something from under the ring. He slides back into the ring and we see what he got from under the ring).

JP: He grabbed a PILLOW??!!??

ND: Yeah a pillow. He goes over to The Renegade and lays the pillow on Renegade's face. Brody James then goes to the other corner and starts to climb the turnbuckle. He stands on top and a second later.OOOOOOOH MY!!!! Van Terminator into that pillow and The Renegades face!!!

JP: Now thats what I call "Non-Hardcore"!!!!


Winner: "Non-Hardcore" Brody James

Fazzer vs. Angus

JP: Right now its time for a match that was scheduled for last week. But last week Fazzer no-showed coz he just wasn't gonna fight someone called Angus. Fazzer never showed himself and all week he was in hiding, probly in his church. But now tonight its Fazzer vs. Angus again. Question is though if Fazzer is gonna be here tonight, coz well there hasn't changed much. His opponent is still Angus.

ND: Yep same ole situation.

(Then O'Fortuna starts to play and the lights go out and a few seconds later they come on again. There's some fireworks right after, but there's noone coming out from behind the curtains. It stays empty out there).

JP: I guess he's still on strike here. Fazzer should know that he can't do this. The commissioner booked this match, so its up to Fazzer to meet to this obligation. I don't think that commissioner Saphio is gonna be too happy about this. For two weeks in a row his authority has been questioned by Fazzer. That doesn't show off much respect.

ND: But yeah Saphio and respect, does that go together??

JP: He IS our commissioner Neil. So you better show some respect for him.

(While John and Neil continue to argue "Ball breaker" by AC/DC starts to play and someone comes out from behind the curtains and steps on the ramp. The wrestler has a mic in his hand).

JP: Its STEEL BRASCO!! He's one of the new guys in the EWCL.

Steel Brasco: Fazzer!!! Are you too good to refuse a match against Angus??!!?? Are you?? Are you too dark to refuse a match against someone named after the guitarist of AC/DC?? Are you?? Well Fazzer I'm out here to tell you that you don't have any right to refuse matches. Not with the excuse you gave!! Fazzer if you do this one more time, than I promise you, that you won't get up feeling good in the morning. Fazzer, if you question an opponents skills even before meeting them one more time, you are gonna feel THE POINT, and thats the last thing you will feel!!!

(Steel Brasco then drops the mic and leaves the ramp while the fans cheer this new guy on).

JP: He means business!! Now Fazzer probly will have more motivation to step into the ring next week, Neil.

ND: Yes, I know. And I wonder who Commissioner Saphio is gonna book against Fazzer next week.


Winner: No contest

Super Trouper(c) vs. Ex-Terminator - Hardcore Title

JP: Rematch from last week. Last week Super Trouper defeated Ex-Terminator and gained the Hardcore Title. The only reason why Super Trouper wanted that title is coz he wants to be the first Grand Slammer. The only title he needs now is he Prime Time Title.

ND: Yeah and Super Trouper is pretty mad at Prez Cazzo for keeping that title vacant. He thinks that Prez Cazzo got something against and that the Prez rather want Kritical Kondition to become the first Grand Slammer as KK only needs the Hardcore title for that.

JP: But thats a bit insane, Prez Cazzo did alot of Super Trouper in the past and I don't think that Prez Cazzo wants Corvik to become a Grand Slammer.

ND: I don't think he wants anyone to be a Grand Slammer, haha.

JP: Anyway, Super Trouper asked Ex-Terminator to take the Prime Time title with him. Creeping Death stole the Prime Time Title and its still in their hands now. Even though its worthless now, they still cling on to it.

ND: Its all they got, John. I mean you also cling on to your fatass wife, just coz its the only women you can get.


ND: Thats pretty difficult you know considering how big she is.

JP: Shut up, Neil!!

(The lights start to flash and Between angels and insects by Papa Roach starts to play. After a few seconds Super Trouper appears from behind the curtains and comes up on the ramp and makes his way to the ring. The crowd boos him while he walks to the ring. He slides in and raises the Hardcore Titlebelt in the air).

(Moments after Seek and Destroy by Metallica starts to play over the pa system and Creeping Death leader Ex-Terminator comes walking out. He wears a Creeping Death shirt and points to it while he walks to ringside and uses the ringsteps to enter the ring).

JP: He doesn't have the Prime Time Title with him though. Ex-Terminator never listened to Super Trouper. And well why would he anyway.

(Super Trouper motions to Ex-Terminator where the Prime Time Title is. Ex-T only chuckles and motions like he wouldn't know. He says it with a grin on his face.) ND: Ex-T turns away from Super Trouper for a second and during that moment Super Trouper takes advantage of the situation and he charges in on Ex-T and nails him with his Hardcore Titlebelt!!! BAMMM!!! BAMMM!!! BAMMMM!!!! BAMMM!!!! Man, he's out of control!!!

JP: You can say that again!! Super Trouper is losing it here!! Ex-T can't even get up here, Super Trouper continues to bash that Hardcore belt into Ex-T's head. And the blood already started to flow here!! Ex-T is already busted open. After smack number 10, Super Trouper drops the hardcore belt and he picks Ex-T up and whips the bloody wrestler into the corner and charges in for a shoulderblock.

ND: ST grabs Ex-T's arm and whips him into the ropes now and when he comes off he takes him to the mat with a big clothesline. ST now to the outside and from under the ropes he grabs a table. He sets the table up on the outside and then rolls himself back into the ring and he picks Ex-T up and he lifts him on top of the turnbuckle.

JP: I know what ST is gonna do now. He is gonna do his Heavy Artillery on Ex-T to the outside through the table!!! I think thats what he is gonna do!!

ND: ST now starts to climb the corner himself.

(Then we see that Creeping Death members The Mauler and Tony Canon come running out. Mauler got the Prime Time title in his hands and both wrestlers slide in the ring. Mauler ramms the Prime Time titlebelt into the back of ST, who still was climbing the corner. And ST falls backwards to the mat).

JP: Now its Mauler and Canon who are stomping and kicking ST while he is laying on the mat. The two Creeping Death members then lift ST up and they move towards the ropes and they set Super Trouper up for a double suplex to the outside. They lift him up and WHAMMMMM!!! OOOOOH HOLY SHIT!!!!! Mauler and Canon double suplexed Super Trouper to the outside THROUGH THE TABLE!!!!

ND: Remarkable stuff here!!! Now we see that Mauler and Canon help Ex-Terminator up again and after that Mauler grabs the Prime Time title and takes it with him and they slide out of the ring and leave.

JP: On the outside we see Super Trouper laying on whats left of that table. He's knocked out there, but what would you expect. And in the ring we see that Ex-Terminator is wiping the blood out of his eyes. Ex-T sees that ST is out on the outside and he rolls to the outside and goes over to his opponent. Ex-T grabs ST by the head and drags him over to ringpost and ramms ST's head into it!!

ND: He's giving ST some of his own medicine now!! BAMMM and another time he ramms ST's head into it!! Ex-T then picks ST up and bodyslamms him to the concrete floor. Ex-T for the cover now, 1...........2..........but a kickout by the hardcore champion. Ex-T picks up ST once again and he whips ST into the guardrail. Ex-Terminator charges in right after and wants to clothesline ST over the guardrail, but ST counters and backdrops Ex-T over the guardrail into the crowd.

JP: OOoh man!! Ex-T in the audience now!! ST now climbs on the guardrail and stands on top of it and jumps of for a double axehandle and nails Ex-T with it. ST goes for the pin now, 1.......2....kickout. ST picks Ex-T up, but a lowblow by the Creeping Death leader. ST to one knee and Ex-T kicks him in the midsection. Ex-T then charges in on ST, but at the last moment ST grabs a guy out of the audience and pulls him in front of him.

ND: OOOOH NOOO, that smells like a lawsuit!!!

JP: That fan is knocked out now and Ex-T straddles. ST comes in and clotheslines Ex-T to the concrete floor!! ST then sees that knocked out fan and he lifts him up and he raises the fan over his head!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!! HOW CAN HE DO THIS!!! HE JUST LIFTED A FAN OVER HIS HEAD!!!!

ND: Super Trouper still got that guy over his head and then he just drops it on top of Ex-T who still was layed down on the floor!!!!! I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE!!! ST pulls the fan off of Ex-T and goes for the pin. 1...............2..............3.........Super Trouper won and is still the Hardcore Champion!!!

JP: But there's one thing I can garantee you. This is gonna have consequences, we haven't seen the last of this. Super Trouper definately is gonna get fined for this, for attacking a fan. And oooh man I wouldn't want to be Prez Cazzo right now, coz we all know that that guy is gonna sue the EWCL. And with the fact of the recent lows of the the EWCL stocks and the current economy, this doesn't look good for the EWCL.


Winner: Super Trouper

Sean Corvik Kritical Kondition vs. The Mauler/Tony Canon - Handicap Match

JP: During the commercials we heard that the fan is doing reasonably. They are still taking him to the local hospital though for check up. I still can't believe what we have just seen, this is something new in the wrestling scene.

ND: We also heard from Bill Carty during the commercials and he said he still never seen one sign of The Rage Rick O'Connor.

JP: I wonder if that rumour is true then or not. The rumour that The Rage is signing for the XPCW. Stay tuned for that. But first things first. First now we are gonna see Sean Corvik Kritical Kondition in a handicap match against The Mauler and Tony Canon. And we say earlier that Mauler and Canon can do some damage together.

ND: But we also say last week how KK and JJ defeated Mauler and Canon rather easily.

JP: But that was last week and this is this week. Everything can change within a week and don't forget that this is a handicap match. Corvik might be a former Universal Champion and a current Internet Champion, but still this is 2 against 1.

(Angry again starts to play and Sean Corvik Kritical Kondition comes walking out. He carries the Internet Belt on one shoulder and points to it several times during his way to the ring. Corvik hands the title over Jay Blue and uses the ringsteps to get in the ring).

(Then Bodies by Drowning Pool starts to play and The Mauler and Tony Canon come walking out. They walk to the ring and when they get closer to ringside it appears that The Mauler is wearing the Prime Time Titlebelt around his waist).

JP: The Mauler sure makes a habit out of it in wearing titlebelts that don't belong to him. Last week he was wearing the Internet Belt and now he got the Prime Time belt, that officially doesn't belong to anybody.

ND: Yeah well but you know The Mauler, thats typicall an action of him.

(The referee just explained the three wrestlers the rules and the bell rings).

JP: The match is on and KK and Canon start off. They tie up and KK whips Canon into the ropes and takes him to the mat with a flying shouldertackle. Canon quickly gets back to his feet and runs in on KK, but KK with an armdrag takedown and follows that up with an armlock. KK got the armlock hooked in right, but then its Mauler who gets in and he kicks KK to the head and he lets go off the lock.

ND: Mauler goes back to his corner and Canon takes advantage of the situation and he gets back up and he punches KK in the gut. And its Canon with a viscious neckbreaker. Tony Canon into the ropes and he comes off and does an elbow drop on KK. Canon in the ropes again and he comes off for another elbow drop, but this time KK moved out of the way and Canon lands on the mat.

JP: KK back to his knees and he sees that Canon wants to tag in Mauler, but KK grabs him around the waist before he can reach his corner. Ooh german suplex by KK. KK for the pin, 1.......2.....kickout by Canon. Mauler hangs over the ropes and yells out to Canon to tag him in, but Canon is too far away. KK sends Canon into the ropes and oooh powerslams him to the mat!!! Now its KK who goes to the corner and he starts climbing the topturnbuckle.

ND: Corvik on top now and he turns around to face the crowd and to go for a trademark moonsault. But oooooh just when he wants to jump off, its Mauler who pulls the ropes up and down and KK loses his balance and he falls balls-first into the turnbuckle. Oooh that must have hurt!! Now, I know how Bill Carty felt the other day when Stephanie knee'ed him in the balls.

JP: Canon now rolls himself over to his corner and he tags in The Mauler. Mauler steps in and goes over to the corner and still sees KK sitting on the topturnbuckle. Mauler climbs on aswell and he grabs KK from behind and BACKDROP SUPERPLEX!!!! What an impact!!!! What a move!!!! This could easily be the end of KK. Mauler goes for the pin, 1...........2.........but nooo 3, KK kicked out in time.

ND: Mauler can't believe it. He is standing in one corner and is shaking his head. He then waits till KK gets back up and then Mauler charges in on him and.....GORE!!!! KK down to the mat again!!! This time Mauler doesn't go for the pin, but he runs towards the ropes and goes for a lionsault!!! But ooooh KK lifted up his knees in time and Mauler flies into the knees!!!

JP: Now its Canon who's shouting out to Mauler to make the tag. But Mauler is in pain on the mat now, while we see that KK grabs Mauler by the head. KK lifts Mauler up and executes his SEDATION!!! KK for the cover, 1........2.....but Canon gets in and pulls KK off of Mauler. The ref comes in and he makes Canon go back to his corner. In the meantime KK picked up Mauler and he sends him into the ropes. He comes off and flapjack by KK!!! But we see that in the air Mauler makes the tag to Canon.

ND: Canon comes in, but KK sends Canon into the ropes, he comes off and Insanity's Embrace, and Canon to the mat!!! KK pulls Canon up by the hair and he sends him into the ropes one more time. But this time Canon holds on to the ropes and he tags in Mauler. KK doesn't hesitate though and he runs in towards Canon and he clotheslines him over the toprope to the outside. Canon is knocked out on the outside from that blow.

JP: Hey whats Joe Johnson doing?? Joe Johnson just came running out and he ran straight to the timekeeper's desk and he grabs the ringbell. Joe Johnson walks over to the ring and climbs on the apron. In the ring we see that KK got a hold of Mauler and he irish whips him into the ropes, but wait Mauler reverses the whip and sends KK into the ropes. AND BAMMMM!!!! OOOOOH NOOOOOO!!!! Joe Johnson just nailed KK with that ringbell. He was supposed to nail Mauler, but because he reversed the whip KK flew in the ropes and this is the result.

(The camera zooms in on Joe Johnson's face and there isn't really an expression on it. No concern, no intention or whatever. All he does is just stand there for a couple of moments, then he decides to drop the ringbell and to take off).

ND: KK is knocked out and Mauler goes over to him and goes for the cover, this could be it, this could be the win for Mauler and Canon. Mauler for the pin,, nooo three count. In the very last moment KK kicked out. Mauler picks KK up by the head and grabs him, but oooooh KK reverses and hooks in The Darkest Hour!!!! His finisher submission move!!! And its over!!!! KK got the win here!!!!

JP: But what does what happend mean for the relation between him and Joe Johnson? Only time will tell!!!


Winners: Sean Corvik Kritical Kondition

The Punisher vs. Joe Johnson

(American Made starts to play and The Punisher and Swamp Fox come walking out. The Punisher gets cheered on while he walks to the ring. He's wearing an USA shirt. On their way to the ring they shake hands with the fans, therefore it takes them some time to reach the ring. The Punisher climbs in the ring and Swamp Fox stays on the outside and he tries to hype the crowd up even more).

(Deftones's My own summer starts to play and "The Hardcore Event" Joe Johnson comes out. The former Hardcore and tagteam champion walks to the ring, reaches ringside and slides in).

JP: The ref explains the rules and then they start. Joe and Punisher tie up and its Punisher with a knee to the midsection and with a quick clothesline to follow that up. And Punisher with a kneedrop to the face. Punisher then starts a USA chant and the crowd is into it and starts to yell USA!!

ND: It looks like Punisher gets even more adrenaline from that chant and he grabs Joe and whips him in the ropes. But its Joe who slides through the legs of Punisher, gets back up and ooooh he does a spinning heelkick to take Punisher down to the mat. Joe picks Punisher up and hooks in a cradle suplex and executes it.

JP: Joe gets up and starts to climb the topturnbuckle now. He's on top and he jumps off with corkscrew splash and lands on the Punisher!!!! Some aerial move by Joe Johnson!!! Joe for the early cover, 1.........2.......but kickout by the Punisher. Joe picks The Punisher up and sends him into a corner. Joe charges in, but yesss The Punisher lifts his leg up and Joe flies face-first into the big boot!!!

ND: Punisher to the second rope and with a flying forearm he takes Joe to the mat!!! Punisher for the cover, but he only gets a two count. Punisher picks Joe up from the mat and the two wrestlers lock up again. Punisher then puts Joe in a headlock, but Joe elbows Punisher who lets go off the headlock. Joe then bounces himself in the ropes and when he comes off he dives on Punisher for a flying forearm, but The Punisher catches him, walks over to the ropes and throws him to the outside!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!

JP: That was some serious stuff!!! We see some movement in Joe, but not much. The Punisher stepped on the apron and he jumps down and does a legdrop on Joe!! This does not look good for the former hardcore champ. The Punisher grabs Joe by the head and drags him over to the ringsteps and ramms his head into the steel ringsteps!! BAMM!!!! THe Punisher then lifts Joe on top of the ringsteps. Its not that high, but still.

ND: The Punisher now also on the ringsteps and he grabs Joe and sets him up for a piledriver. He lifts Joe up, but oooh he can't execute the piledriver and Joe counters and reverses with backdropping The Punisher from those ringsteps to the concrete floor!!!! The Punisher laying on his back and Joe steps on the apron, runs in and ooooooh Frog splash from the apron to the floor on top off The Punisher!!!

JP: But Joe also felt that!!! Ofcourse he felt that, he's still suffering from injuries after that match at Havoc against Dan Prohibition!! Joe rolls Punisher back into the ring now and slides in aswell. Joe for the pin, 1............2.........but a kickout by the Punisher. Joe then rolls Punisher on his back and hooks in The Painkiller, an elevated sharpshooter!!! The Punisher in pain here, but Joe can't hook it in the way he wants it, because of his own injuries.

ND: Punisher is trying to reach the ropes and....and...he does!! The ref is making Joe break the hold, which he does. Joe grabs Punisher by the hair, but Punisher counters with a lowblow!! And Punisher sets Joe up for his GAVEL!!! He hooks it in, but then Joe pushes Punisher away from him. But Punisher counters and clotheslines Joe to the mat!!! Punisher grabs Joe and goes for an irish whip, but Joe reverses the whip and sends Punisher backfirst into the corner.

JP: HEY!!! Its Sean Corvik who's coming to the ring. We saw how Joe interfered in KK's match earlier on and almost cost him that match. In the end KK won, but he can't thank Joe for that. Now KK is at ringside and he just stands there on the outside. He's not saying anytime, he's not interfering or anything. He just stands there and watches how Joe handles himself in this match. Remarkable.

ND: Joe Johnson noticed KK and he stares at him right now. He's also not saying anything. They don't need words right now I reckon. But Joe doesn't notice though that The Punisher comes up from behind him. Punisher with a roll-up for the cover, 1..........2.........oooh late kickout. JP: Now we actually see movement in KK. He goes over to the ringkeeper and just like Joe did before we see how KK grabs the ringbell and climbs on the apron. In the ring The Punisher grabs Joe Johnson and he whips him into the ropes, ooooh is Joe going into tha ringbell? Or what?? Nooo, Joe reverses the whip and The Punisher flies into the ropes and BAMMMM, flies straight into the ringbell!!! KK nailed him with that ringbell!!

ND: KK helped Joe here, does this mean everything is good again??

JP: Joe grabs the knocked out Punisher and he hooks in the Cruxifixion and executes it!!! Joe executed his finisher and now goes for the pin and. 1...............2...............3..............its over...Joe Johnson won this match!!! He won it with the help of Sean Corvik. I think the Royal Family is still alive!!

(We see that Corvik calls Joe and Johnson slides out of the ring to the outside. Joe has a satisfied look on his face after his win).

JP: Joe reaches out his hand to Corvik. Corvik reaches out his hand aswell now and are they gonna shake hands?? Is everything gonna be ok again??.......NOOOOOOO. KK grabbed Joe's hand and he hooked Joe into a rockbottom and executes it!!!! Corvik just rockbottomed Joe to the concrete floor!!!

ND: OOoh my GODD!!! Who would have thought that was gonna happen??!!?? And Corvik isn't finished yet, he picks Joe up and he lays him on the spanish announcetable. Corvik climbs on top aswell and Asphyxiation!!! Asphyxiation through the table!!! And Joe is busted open!!! Especially after that razorbat match with Dan Prohibition, it doesn't take that much to get him busted wide open.

JP: I can't believe this!!! I just can't believe this. Joe and Sean, Society's Rejection, how is this possible??!!?? This can't be true.

(Just when Corvik picks Joe up again "Extreme Days" by DC Talk starts to play and Exile comes running out with a steelchair. Exile runs to the ringside and he comes in between KK and Joe and breaks them up).

JP: At least we got one person here who tries to break them up.

ND: Exile gets in between and is trying to calm everyone down here. KK looks at Exile, then looks at Joe and then turns his back. Joe does the same thing and also turns his back on Exile and KK. This is unbelievable. Three of the great Royal Family just turn their back on eachother.

(Exile looks at KK and Joe and then swings his steelchair and BAMMMMM first nails KK with the chair and then BAMMMMMM he nails Joe with the steelchair. Both KK and Joe go down to the floor from that big smash to the head).

JP: I got no words for this!!!

(Exile then grabs a mic and starts to talk).


JP: I think that says it all, Neil!!!


Winner: Joe Johnson

The Rage(c) vs. Dan Prohibition(c) - Tagteamtitles

JP: Man, I'm still shivering on my feet from what I saw before the commercials!! The Royal Family has totally collapsed, there is no more family. Its over, ooh yeah its over allright!

ND: Who needs family anyway, its a dog eat dog world, everybody for himself now.

JP: Talking about everyone for himself. Just look at our current tagteamchampions Dan Prohibition and The Rage. They are suppose to be a tagteam, but never ever acted that way. But still they managed to hold the title ever since. Although that also has to do with the shortage of tagteams in the EWCL. But like I said Dan and The Rage never gotten along good, they fought eachother several times and for tonight the final bout is scheduled.

ND: Yes, the final match, their tagteam partnership is coming to an end here tonight. And the match tonight is gonna decide who may keep the tagtitles. The person who wins may also determine who will be their new tagteampartner. Thats something.

JP: But the main question is still wether or not The Rage is gonna show. I haven't heard from Bill Carty in a while, so we don't have any news if The Rage arrived here in Utah or not. But we will know any minute now.

(One Step Closer hits, the titantron flashes an sXe symbol. Dan and Lydia walk out. Dan has the stop sign in his hand and the staplegun in his pocket. Dan raises his hands over his head in the shape of an X while Lydia wraps her arms around his waist. Dan and Lydia walk down to the ring and Dan slaps the fans high fives. Dan holds the rope open for Lydia and she climbs into the ring and Dan gets into the ring and climbs on the second rope, again making the X. Dan raises the bottom rope for Lydia and she exits the ring and stands on the arena floor as Dan waits for his opponent).

(Then American Badass by Kid Rock starts to play and the crowd already starts to go nuts as this is the entrance music of the Universal Champion The Rage Rick O'Connor. The fans down the aisle look down to the ramp, but they don't see anybody there. There is no movement back there).

JP: I got this feeling that....

(Before John Pilchard can finish his sentence American Badass starts to play again. And once again all the heads focus on the ramp. But still there is no movement. Nothing happening back there. In the ring Dan is looking over to Lydia and he moves his shoulders up, coz he doesn't know what is going here just like anybody else).

ND: Does this mean the rumour is true?

JP: Does this mean that The Rage has left the EWCL? That he took the Universal Title and is gonna sign for Andrew Grimm's new XPCW??? Is this really true??

(Then "Damned if I do" by Life of Agony starts to play and Prez Cazzo comes walking out. He has a concerned look on his face. He goes over to the ringkeeper and he grabs the bell and rings it).

Ding ding ding.

JP: I believe this match has started now.

(The ref looks at Prez Cazzo and then starts to count. 1.....2......3.......4.......5......6.......7........8..........9.........10. The referee motions to the side and the bell rings again).

Ding ding ding

(Jay Blue gets up from his seat and grabs a mic).

ND: Its about time that Jay Blue does something again.

Jay Blue: The winner of this match and rightfully owner of both of the tagtitlebelts is The Hardcore Saint Dan Prohibition!!!!

(The referee grabs Dan's left hand and raises it into the air. But Dan doesn't really seem that happy though. Dan asks for a mic and says what he has to say).

Dan Prohibition: Rick, so you didn't had the guts to step into the ring with the Ultraviolent star. So you didn't had the guts to fight for the tagtitles. So you decided to no show and maybe even sign for a concurrent federation. So be it, Rick!! I rather would have fought you here for the tagtitles, but now that you didn't even show up I am not gonna waste anymore time on you. I already spent too much energy on you anyway.

With regards to the tagtitles and the open spot I have a proposition for every one on the roster. Here's the deal. I am going to Japan this week to compete in another Big Japan Death Match tournament. Now I have an extra ticket for whoever wants to join me and have the balls to compete in that tournament. And if you are extreme and hardcore enough in my eyes, than you might even be the right person for the open tagtitle spot. There you have it.

(Dan Prohibition drops the mic and wants to leave the ring. But then its "Seek and Destroy" by Metallica that starts to play and we see Ex-Terminator appearing on the ramp. He points to Dan Prohibition and he takes a mic out of pocket and says).

Ex-Terminator: I accept!!!

JP: Ok, so Ex-Terminator is gonna join Dan Prohibition to Japan for a Big Japan Death Match tournament. And EWCL will show footage of that tournament live on VENOM next week!!!

(While Ex-Terminator leaves the ramp again, and Dan Prohibition also walked out of ringside, we see that Prez Cazzo stepped into the ring with a mic).

Prez Cazzo: The Rage!! Rick O'Connor!! What does you give the right to not show here tonight, huh!!! You're the EWCL Universal Champion! You're the peoples Champion!! You are not only letting me down, but you are also letting all of your fans down. But if thats what you want to do and you want to sign for the XPCW than you dammit do that!!

(Prez Cazzo drops the mic and everything fades to black and its the end of the show).

Winner: Dan Prohibition