(The lights go off and there's a big explosion followed by fireworks. The lights go on again and on the titantron "VENOM" appears. After that we see clips for last weeks Venom and clips of things that happend during this week).

John Pilchard: Welcome people to yet another Venom. You all probly still have last Venom in mind and we hope that tonight will be as good as last week. And this week Venom is sponsored by "Hotdogs R Us".

Neil Down: Yes, we do and scheduled for tonight we have some interesting matches. No title matches though, but we do have 2 matches for number 1 contenderspots. One for the Hardcore Title and one for the Universal Title. Other than that I think we have another match in the first round of the tagteamtournament and some other matches.

Invader vs. The Matrix

JP: First up we have two relatively new guys battling eachother. It's Invader, who was beaten as the last person in the rumble last week. And he goes against rookie The Matrix. Not much is known about this guy, he has his debut here tonight. Any thoughts on this match Neil?

ND: Yeah, I hope that criminal Invader loses, haha!!

JP: You sure you would say that?

ND: Aahhh what can happen, he's not listening now.

(At that moment "Make me bad" by Korn starts to play and Invader makes his entrance).

Jay Blue: This match is for one fall. First weighing in at 256 pounds, from's Invader.

(Invader steps into the ring and walks over to the side where commentators John and Neil are sitting. He points at Neil and gives him a mean look. A look that says "I'm giving you one last chance, or else").

Jay Blue: And his opponent weighing in at 250 pounds, also from Deathvalley....The Matrix.

("Kryptonite" starts to play and The Matrix comes running out and slides under the bottom rope into the ring).

JP: Ok, lets get this match rollin and Neil, don't say anything stupid!!

ND: Me, saying something stupid??? Never.


JP: Both wrestlers walk around eachother first. Invader gives The Matrix a look of disgust. Then they lock up. Invader whips Matrix into the ropes, Matrix rebounds and a clothesline by Invader. He goes right for the cover. 1....kick out. The Matrix jumps to his feet and makes a no way sign to Invader. They lock up again. Now Matrix whips Invader in the ropes, rebounds and hurricanrana by the rookie. What a move so early in the match!! The Matrix picks Invader up and suplexes him. He then gets on the topturnbuckle and delivers an elbow drop on Invader. Matrix gets on the topturnbuckle again and goes for another elbow drop, but Invader moves out of the way. Invader gets up, grabs Matrix and slams him. He grabs him again, throws him in the ropes, rebound and....powerslam. Invader gets up and raises his arms, but the fans booo him.

ND: Yeah, ofcourse they booo him. He's a criminal.

JP: Neilll!!!..........Invader wants to powerbomb the Matrix but the rookie reverses it and then backdrops Invader. Matrix slowly walks over to Invader now and starts stomping his right leg. Invader gets up but he is limping. Wow legsweep by Matrix...Invader on the ground again. Matrix picks him up, throws him in the corner and runs after him to splash him......but oooh noooo big boot by Invader right in the face of the Matrix. Invader gets on the topturnbuckle and...double axehandle on the head of Matrix. But he didn't go down.....Now ddt by Invader....yeah that got Matrix down. That was some vicious ddt.

ND: Naaa, I've seen better ones.

JP: Oooh he wants to go for another ddt. But Matrix gets out of the hold and ......diamond cutter. Matrix in the advantage again now. He wants to execute a piledriver, but he can't seem to lift Invader up, he can't do it. Invader then kicks him in the gut and neckbreaker on Matrix. He's out. Invader makes the sign of the Invomiter.

(Neil gets up from his chair and goes over to the ring and starts yelling at Invader).

ND: You belong behind bars, you criminal!!!

(Invader lets go of Matrix and walks to the ropes. And starts yelling back to Neil).

Invader: You shut your mouth, before I shut it forever.

(In the meantime Matrix got up and sneeked up behind Invader.....and.....small package).

JP: 1.....2......kick out at the last moment. Wow, almost a win there. Invader gets up and whips Matrix in the ropes and superkicks him. You can see he is really pissed off now. Invader lifts Matrix up and pinning powerbomb into a cover. 1.....2......3.....its all over, Invader won this match.

(Invader doesn't seem happy, he steps out of the ring and makes his way towards commentator Neil Down. Neil makes a run for it and gets his ass out of there, he's running to the lockerrooms).

Winner: Invader

Maniac/One Time vs. "The Main Event" Rage/Showtime

JP: Hey Neil, you are back. That was some run from you, man. But well, lets get to our next match now! We have a tag match for the big tag tourney. This should be good.

ND: One Time and Maniac going up against 'The Main Event' Rage and Showtime. I can't wait to see this one JP.

Take the power back by Rage against the machine blasts on the speakers as Maniac and One Time come out through the entrance, walk down the ramp, and enter the ring. Then 'The Main Event" Rage's music blasts on the speakers as he and Showtime run down the ramp and start to attack One Time and Maniac.

JP: It's on now. All men are sharing blows to the head. The ref can't keep control of it all.

ND: Don't hurt Maniac! He hasn't had a lot of time to shape up at the playboy mansion.

JP: Well he shouldn't have been there then. One Time and Showtime get in their corners now. ME(Rage) takes control of it all now as he pummels MC(Maniac) into the corner. ME raises his hand and comes down with a slap to the chest of MC. He straightens him up again for another one. Whap! There's another one heard all across the building. ME throws him into the other corner. He runs after him. He jumps up..and a big splash there by ME. Me now puts his right boot on the neck of MC choking the life out of him. The ref starts counting to four. Finally MC drops to the ground. ME picks him up by the hair. He sets him up for a snap suplex. There it is. Nicely maneuvered. ME picks him up again and throws him in his partners corner. ME with kicks to the mid-section. MC goes down and leans on the bottom turnbuckle. ME walks over to OT(One Time) and gives him a shot in the head. OT starts to complain to the ref as the ref is trying to get him to shutup. ST(Showtime). Gets down on one knee and starts choking MC. The ref finally turns around and sees it and he gives ST a warning. ME picks up MC by the hair. ST puts his boot up and leans it on the top rope. Smack! The tag was made at the same time MC's face hit the boot.

ND: oh man! If MC doesn't be careful we might not be able to see anymore hot chicks in his Playboy Mansion clips. Crap!

JP: don't worry about it. ST in the ring now as he throws MC into the ropes. MC comes back. ST goes for the clothesline. He misses as MC ducks . MC comes off the other ropes. WhaCK! Flying shoulder block there by MC. He him up. He throws him in his corner He continues to lat right hands to his head. He then tags in OT. OT climbs in and finishes the right hands for MC. But faster than usual. He wants this guys bad. He's still hitting him. He slings him into the other corner. OT runs after him OH! ST gets the boot up in his face. OT stumble back. ST runs after him..BAM! OH! What a clothesline. MY GOODNESS! THAT WAS THE BIGGEST ONE I EVER SEEN!!!! MY GOODNESS! OT is out cold. He goes for the pin... It doesn't matter,,the ref calls for the bell. TKO, TKO!!! SHOWTIME DOES IT!

ND: what in the blue hell was that?

JP: I don't know but look at this. Maniac is picking up Onetime. What th...? He's setting him up...CRAZY CORKSCREW!!!! MY goodness..he didn't deserve that..dammit he didn't deserve that. He was knocked out. WAIT! Rage has a chair, Rage has a chair!!!!!! WHACK!!!! OH! HE JUST CRACKED MANIAC!!! BOTH MEN ARE DOWN!! They're, they're just leaving...they're walking up the ramp.

Falling away from me KoRn blasts on the speakers as the Prez shows up at the top of the ramp.

Prez: well, well, well! What in the hell was that ref? I was looking forward to a great match up here. But what the hell was that? Get the hell back into that ring and beat their asses American style boys.

JP: WOW! This match is still on after all. The Prez just reversed the decision. Rage and Showtime Shrug their shoulders and walk back into the ring. Showtime and Rage put there foot on both their chests as the ref counts...1....2....3...It's over anyway.

ND: The Prez just shrugged his shoulders and left. JP: I think the ref made an excellent decision. Onetime just couldn't go on!

Showtime and Rage raise their hands in the air....!

Winners: "The Main Event" Rage/Showtime

Apocalypse vs. Fazzer

JP: Our next match is between Apocalypse versus Internet Champion Fazzer. Let me begin to say that this ain't a title match, but still the honour of Fazzer is at stake here. But first we have a special guest commentator for this match. He's beaten to crap almost every day this week, but still standing on his feet, here is Peter Pan.

(There's a big bang followed by a scream and Peter Pan comes out. He wears a shirt with "Tobjob" handwritten on it. There are actually fans cheering for him).

PP: Hey Jim, you must be honoured to meet me, huh??

JP: No, not really actually.

PP: Ah I know you are just saying that. I've got the most dedicated fans in the world. And I even got Cazzo begging me to team up with him for the tagteamtournament.

JP: Thats not what I heard. But lets get started with the match.

(Apocalypse comes out to "Rollin". People don't really know yet what to think of him, so not many cheers or booos).

(Lights go off, it's time for "The Dark One" Fazzer. The current Internet Champion comes out and people boooo him. He didn't gain popularity after winning the royal rumble).

PP: If I would have been in the rumble I would have kicked his ass.

JP: But you were in the rumble, remember. You were the first one to fly out.

PP: No, don't recall anything like that. Agh, what the hell am I doing here anyway, I don't want this.

(Peter Pan gets up from his seat and leaves ringside again).


JP: Fazzer slides under the bottomrope and bang double axe handle on Apocalypse. Then he lifts him up and atomic drop, followed by a clothesline to the back of the head. Apocalypse is down, what a start for the champ. Apocalypse makes his way out of the ring to have some time to recover. He walks around the ring for a short while and decides to get back in again with The Dark One. They lock up and Apocalypse executes a backbreaker. He then picks Fazzer up and whips him in the ropes, Fazzer rebounds, comes back and ducks under the arm of Apocalypse, he rebounds again off the ropes and.....double clothesline....both men down to the ground.

ND: Fazzer is the first one to get to his feet. He waits for Apocalypse to get to his feet aswell and.....spears him back to the ground again. Fazzer now is giving Apocalypse punch after punch and throws him out of the ring. Fazzer probly thinks he is still in the rumble. Apocalypse is laying on the concrete floor. Fazzer gets to the outside aswell and walks over to Apocalypse. He wants to bang his opponet into the steal ringpost, but Apoc gets out of the hold and Fazzer bangs with his shoulder into the ringpost himself. Apocalypse then grabs Fazzer by the head and tombstones him on the concrete floor.

JP: As you can see, the tombstone ain't forbidden in the EWCL. Bad thing for Apocalypse is that he can't cover Fazzer outside the ring. So now he is rolling Fazzer back in the ring and gets back in the ring aswell. Apocalypse throws a couple of punches in the face of Fazzer, but it seems that Fazzer awakes from these punches. Now they are giving eachother punch after punch......oooh out of nowhere Fazzer executed a german suplex. He then lifts Apocalypse up and puts him on the topturnbuckle. Its superplex time for Fazzer. And.....yesss he superplexed his opponent. He goes for the cover. 1.....2....kick out.

ND: Ok, whats Fazzer gonna do now. Oh he put Apocalypse in the sharpshooter position. This is one of Fazzers favorite moves and he's good at it. Apocalypse is in pain, but tries not to show it. He is in the middle of the ring so it is no use of trying to go for the ropes. Fazzer still has the sharpshooter on Apoc, but Apoc is trying to reverse the hold and turn it into a figure four leglock, and he does. Where did we see this before!! This also happend last week with Fazzer. Fazzer in the receiving end now. But Fazzer is gonna make it to the ropes, yes he is gonna make it. He reaches the ropes and the referee makes Apocalypse stop the submission hold. Apocalypse gets up and starts complaing at the referee and giving him little pushes. He got some nerve doing that to the referee.

JP: Yeah I know, that can get him disqualified. Wow, he just smacked down the referee, man oh man, that was not a good thing to do. Hey but what is Fazzer up to. Fazzer got out of the ring, and goes over to the timekeeper and grabs te ringbell. He gets back in the ring and......he hits Apocalypse on the head with the steal ringbell, wow what a bang!!! Fazzer throws the ringbell out of the ring again, awakes the referee and goes for the cover. 1.....2.....3.......Yep this thing is over. Fazzer wins. In an illegal way, but he wins.

Winner: Fazzer

The Punisher vs. Sledgehammer

JP: Ok, that was a win for Fazzer. But it was closer than he had expected I think.

ND: Yeah I know. But let us now focus on this next match between The Punisher and Sledgehammer. It is a sledgehammer on a pole match! Don't get me wrong. It doesn't mean that Sledgehammer is sitting on a pole. No a sledgehammer lays on the pole.

JP: Sledgehammers are surely popular here in the EWCL lately. The pole and the sledgehammer are already setup. The pole is setup behind one of the four corners, so in order to get the sledgehammer they have to get on the topturnbuckle to grab it. It might be a bit different than other pole matches, but hey this is the EWCL. Let the games begin.

(The lights dim in the arena and a spot light shines down. The spotlights then change color and begin to flash around the arena. On the EWCL screen, Ministry of total justice begins to flash. The crowd goes wild as "We didn't start the fire" by Billy Joel begins to blare over the P.A. Clips of Linkin Parks video mixed with clips of the Punisher in action begin to flash over the EWCLs screen. A bright blue light then shines down to a hole at the top of the ramp. The Punisher rises from the hole, his eyes glowing red. As he steps onto the stage, pyro then explodes. Walking slowly to the ring, the Punisher walks slowly up the steel steps and then steps through the ropes.

Then , "Hotdog" by Limp Bizkit plays over the speakers. Sledgehammer makes his appearance and steps through the curtain and walks to the ring).

ND: Both men are in the ring now and the referee calls both men out to the center of the ring and gives both them their instructions. The ref signals the bell and the match is underway. Sledgehammer has the first advantage, he hits several chops on the chest and kicks Punisher right in the gut. Punisher doesn't go down though. They lock up and Sledgehammer holds Punisher in a headlock. He moves into the ropes, comes back and a bulldog on Punisher. Wow some move for such a big guy. Sledgehammer picks Punisher up and wants to execute a powerbomb, but he can't lift Punisher up, instead Punisher counters with a backdrop. Sledgehammer is now on the ground and Punisher starts stomping on the legs of Sledgehammer. Sledgehammer gets back to his feet and punches Punisher in the face. Punisher answers by punching Sledgehammer right in the face and then holds Sledgehammer in a sleeperhold. They are in the middle of the ring so Sledgehammer can't go for the ropes. It looks like Sledgehammer has passed out. The referee grabs his arm, lifts it up and lets it go...thats one....another time, thats two. Is this thing over already?? Nooo, just before Sledgehammers arm goes down for the last time, he manages to get some strength back and moves his arm back up. He then elbows Punisher, who lets go of the sleeper hold now.

JP: Punisher still in the advantage though. He whips Sledgehammer into the turnbuckle and charges in. Sledgehammer moves out of the way, and Punisher flies right into the steelpost with his shoulder and falls to the ground. Sledgehammer steps on the second turnbuckle and a double axe handle on Punisher. He picks Punisher up and throws him in the ropes, rebound, and wow Sledgehammer does a overhead belly to belly suplex. He goes for the first cover in the match. 1....2.kick out by Punisher. Punisher gets quickly to his feet and kicks Sledgehammer in the stomach area and follows that with a neckbreaker. Punisher then picks Sledgehammer up and throws him to the outside. Punisher also comes to the outside, grabs Sledgehammer and throws him into the ringsteps. Punisher picks up the ringsteps stage and wants to hit Sledgehammer on the head with it. But Sledgehammer got to his feet and spears Punisher. He lifts the ringsteps over his head and throws it on Punishers head.

ND: Sledgehammer rolls Punisher back into the ring and slides in aswell. When Punisher gets up, Sledgehammer hits him with a chopblock. Punisher gets up again and ddt's Sledgehammer out of nowhere. Sledgehammer gets up and they start trading shots back and forth. Sledgehammer then superboots Punisher in the face. Sledgehammer wants to go for the pole, but he gets atomic dropped by Punisher.Punisher picks Slegehammer up and executes a piledriver. Punisher wants to step on the toprope, but Sledgehammer gets up and he lowblows Punisher.

JP: Slegdehammer grabs Punisher by the head, whips him in the ropes and then powerslams Punisher to the mat. Slegdehammer walks over to the corner where the pole stands. But Punisher got up and pushes Sledgehammer into the turnbuckle. Punisher starts pounding on the back of Sledgehammers head till Sledgehammer falls to the ground. Punisher moves into the ropes and punches Sledgehammer in the face. He then picks Sledgehammer up by the head and wants to go for a chokeslam. But Sledgehammer also grabbed Punishers throat. Oooh my God, they just chokeslammed eachother. Both men are down. Who will be the first one to get up??

ND: They both lay in the ring for about 7 seconds, then Punisher gets to his knees and gets up first. He walks over to the pole, but Sledgehammer grabs his leg. Punisher counters by elbowing Sledgehammer in the face. Sledgehammer doesn't give up and runs to Punisher and clotheslines him in the back of the head. He waits till Punisher gets up again and puts him in a jacknife powerbomb and....executes it. Sledgehammer looks satisfied, stomps a few times on Punisher and makes his way over to the corner where the pole is. He slowly walks over to the corner, thinking that Punisher is totally knocked out. But Punisher ain't out yet. He gets to his feet and taps Sledgehammer on the back and hits him right in the face. He then picks Sledgehammer up and executes a brainbuster on him. Punisher grabs Sledgehammer again and goes for THE GAVEL. Yeah he just executed his finisher. He slammed Sledgehammer into a front suplex, bounced him up and slamms him down again. That is the Gavel people.

JP: Punisher walks over to the corner where the pole is and starts climbing the turnbuckle. He gets on the topturnbuckle and reaches for the sledgehammer. And Yes he just grabbed it. Punisher won this match!!! But what is he gonna do next??? Punisher is still on the topturnbuckle, he got the sledgehammer in his hands and "flies" towards Sledgehammer (who got to his feet in the meantime). He hits Sledgehammer with the sledgehammer right in the face. He is busted wide open from this blow. Sledgehammer down to the mat and lays in his own blood. Punisher throws down the sledgehammer to the outside and raises his arms in the air and Punisher yells: "Justice is no longer blind". The crowd goes wild!!! And "We didn't start the fire" starts to play over the PA system.

Winner: The Punisher

JP: you know what's coming next ND! The interview with the one and only President of this company. We don't know what to expect here tonight with The Prez. But it might not be just the Prez coming out here. And I highly doubt that it is. Glory could be out here, Punisher could be out here, Cazzo, hell even Peter Pan could be out here. Who knows?

ND: Peter Pan? I love that guy! I hope he comes out. He's not afraid of anyone or anything. He's a cold hearted SOB if ya ask me.

JP: yeah well no one asked you! Peter Pan will of course not be out here I was just exaggerating a little.

ND: why did you go and get my hopes up? That's just sad man!

JP: Oh, stop talking like a puck! The Prez will be out here any minute. See, Pamela is in the ring waiting for him.

The lights dim, glimmering red flashes flood the arena....Falling away from me by KoRn detonates on the systems as The Prez walks out through the entrance way and walks down the ramp. He's seems to be wearing dress clothes and shoes. He enters the ring and stands beside Pamela Charles.

Pamela: Boy, that wasn't too easy on the eyes!

Prez: From what I heard about you and Max Pain the only thing easy is...ah get the hell out of my ring (crowd pop and boo at the same time).

Pamela gets out of the ring and stands up by the bell ringer guy.

Prez: now, first off I want to get something off my chest that's been getting on my last nerve for a while. And that's the fact The Mauler is repeatedly saying that he's the best world champion that was ever in the EWCL, ya see, I have a little problem with that see cuz I know and he knows that... A) He lost it the first time he defended it. B) He defended it about 3 days after he had it, if not than less. And ..C) How he won it! Ya see, I was a wrestler and so was he. So I finally came to a decision that I couldn't go on with it anymore. But I had alittle problem with quitting. I was the champion! So I simply left the belt in the ring for someone to get it. Funny thing was. That the little shit was the first one to read my roleplay so he ran in and grabbed it! Haha...remember that Mauler? So, that's just a little story for you to remember when he calls him self once again "The greatest Champion the EWCL has ever had".

Now, on to more important things. I've been sitting in the back at mmy office at every show and noticing that everyone has a beef with Alexander Glory . I got a tiny problem with that seeing that he is the next Universal champion and I will make sure that nothing happens to change that. But if you want a piece of Alexander Glory before the big match....that's just too damn bad. My champion doesn't stoop to the low of beating on defencless jobbers. Any way, lets get Glory out here right now.

The lights dim, glimmering, blues, reds, greys, and greens all flash over the crowd and all around the arena. A dark figure stands in front of the entrance way. The crowd start to let out aversive and unsympathetic boos to the man. A water bottle is thrown over his head as he starts to walk down the ramp with dripping hair. He throws the empty bottle out to the fans and even with the hatred for the man they all jump for it like a pack of birds invading a predator. Some fans blow course and odious words across to him. He just looks at him and nods. He walks to the side of the ring and jumps on the apron with his right knee holding all the leverage. He then grabs the top rope and lures himself up to his feet. The fans still booing as the man just stands there with his head down and facing the fans. The music still playing through as the course of it plays. A course so detrimental that you can tell what type of individual he really is. All of a sudden his hands are raised swiftly and forcefully as all the water sprays out of his mouth and sprawls all over his already wet body. He then enters the ring and looks at The Prez. He then climbs to the second rope and raises one hand in the air while the other keeps him up by leaning on the top rope. He then climbs down and stands next to The Prez.

Prez: Now Glory now that your out here, I'd like to call out another friend of mine....CAZZO!

The fans all stand up and cheer as Cazzo shows up by the entrance way with a microphone.

Cazzo: Alright! What the hell do you want?

Prez: Have some patients there Cazzo, I'm rewarding you.

Cazzo: well hurry up and do it!

Prez: Okay, seeing that we're wasting time here for you big main event to face Glory at Beneath the Whispers I guess I could just come right out and tel you. Cazzo, I feel too much in charge. I need someone to have a decent rivalry with. Someone to make some decent matches and go for all you idiot fan favorites. I need a second hand. I need a Commissioner, or a CEO, or a Vise President. So, you've been doing some awesome things here in EWCL the past few weeks so I'd like to you reward you with whatever you want to be. I mean, it doesn't mean dick to me so..there ya're the whatever you want to be. I feel it's in the interest of fairness that I do that.

Cazzo: Well, aaahhh! Is this a joke? I mean..You don't expect me to say thank you do you?

Prez: Not at all! Just come to the ring and ( takes something out of his pocket) sign this contract.

Cazzo: haha...right! I'm going to walk in there so that two punks can try to kick my ass...right! I mean it's quite obvious. There isn't even a table there.

Prez: well, I figured you could write it on Glory's back! Haha!

All of a sudden the Mystery Man shows up behind Cazzo.

Prez: well, well, well..If it isn't old Masked man guy?! How are ya?

Masked Man:.....

Prez: There, now both of you can come down to the ring so Cazzo can sign the contract.

Glory glares at Cazzo with horrid eyes just waiting for him to walk down that ramp. Cazzo nods his head and the Masked man and he start to walk down the ramp.

Prez: c'mon boys, hurry up. We're running out of time here!

JP: He's going up there ND!

ND: Get Peter Pan out here..he'll settle things.

Cazzo enters the ring. Glory takes a step ahead as the Prez holds him back with his arm telling him to stay cool. The Prez hands Cazzo the contract and pen. The masked man keeps his eyes glued to Glory. Cazzo puts the contract on the ground and reads it.

JP: Cazzo now, reading this before he signs it. Smart thing to do there!

ND: I'm scared JP! Hold me damn you!

JP: What is your problem? Cazzo is giving the papers back to the Prez.

Cazzo stares at the Prez and squints his face. He then cautiously steps out of the ring with help from the Masked Man.


JP: Maybe he doesn't want anyone to know.

ND: And why isn't The Prez or Glory attacking those guys? What's wrong with them? They must have something up their sleeves. But...they're just walking back up the ramp. I don't get it!

JP: Maybe it's just business...well, Cazzo and the Masked man have just left. That was rather boring!!!

ND: yeah! Tell me about it.

Damien Black vs. Max Pain

JP: Next up is a big match. It's a match between Damien Black and Max Pain for the #1 contenderspot for the Hardcore Title.

ND: And it is an even more interesting match because Damien and Max are both part of the XwO. A new stable in the EWCL. Yes, all of a sudden we have a couple of stables here in the federation. We have XwO, RIP and there is still the Ministry Of Total Justice. But lets go to ringside and see what this match will bring us.

Jay Blue: This next match is scheduled for one fall. First from Pittsburgh, weighing in at 238 pounds.....Damien Black.

(Even before Black comes out, the audience start to boo. Then Black appears from behind the curtains, but wait he is immediately followed by Max Pain. They both walk to the ring together. They also both are wearing the same type of shirt saying XwO on it. They enter the ring and both make the XwO sign).

Jay Blue: His opponent from LA, weighing in at 276 pounds.....Max Pain.

(Black takes the mic from Jay Blue and starts to talk).

Damien Black: XwO will RULE the EWCL!!! Just remember these words!!!

(He hands the mic over to Pain).

Max Pain: "And let me add this. To all you jobbers and our a$$ Prez, you can all go to hell!!!!!

JP: Ok, we are here to fight and not talk people. Lets get down to business.


JP: The match has started now, common guys. Both men circle each other for about 10 seconds and then lock up. Black pushes Pain into the corner. They lock up again and Pain gets in an armdrag takedown. Pain is quickly back on his feet while Black is up on one knee glaring at Pain. The two lock up again and Pain gets another armdrag takedown. This time he holds on to the arm but Black forces Pain into the corner. Black breaks by slapping Pain in the face. Pain returns the slap and both men have to be separated by the referee. They begin to circle eachother again for about 3 seconds. Pain comes in for another tie up but Black gets a quick kick to the gut. Pain quickly picks Black up and whips him into the ropes and delivers a gorilla press slam to Black. Black drags himself to a corner with Pain right behind him. Pain nails Black with two chops and then whips Black into the opposite corner. Pain charges in but Black puts up a boot to Pain's face.

ND: Pain is recovering from the blow on his head, but Black executes a german suplex on Pain. When Pain gets up again Black hooks in a snap suplex and follows it up with a quick elbowsmash. And he goes for the cover. 1...kick out by Pain. Black throws Pain into the ropes, but Pain reverses it and and goes for a backdrop. However Black lands on his feet, but then he gets clotheslined to the ground by Pain. Now its a cover from Pain. 1...and also a quick kickout. Pain goes for a sidewalk slam but Black flips out of it and puts Pain in a piledriver. He picks Pain up again and oooooh reverse DDT.

JP: Pain is in pain here. Once again Black picks Pain up and whips him into the ropes again, but yet another reverse by Pain and belly to belly suplex by Pain on Black. Pain grabs Black by the head and whips him in a corner, he charges in but Black moves out of the way, with the result that Pain flies into the steelpost and out of the ring. Black steps out of the ring and goes over to Pain. Pain then kicks Black in the ribs with his boots. Pain bends down to pick Black up, but Black responds with a low blow. Black waistlocks Pain, picks him up and drops him groin first on the steel guardrail. Black quickly goes to the ring apron and gets a running start on Pain. He clothesline Pain off of the rail from the apron and into the crowd. Black jumps over the rail to go after him. Black picks Pain up and throws him into the guardrail again. Black charges at Pain but Pain counters it by backdropping Black over the rail into the ringside area. Pain climbs over the rail to go after Black. Black anticipated to that and he clotheslines Pain down to the ground. Black rolls Pain back into the ring and follows up his advantage with a forearm smash from the toprope on the back of Pains head. Black lifts Pain up and puts him on the topturnbuckle, he wants to superplex Pain. But Pain starts punching Black in the face now.

ND: And he pushes Black backwards to the floor and follows it with a legdrop and lands right on Black. Pain goes for the cover now...1....2..kick out by Black. Pain picks Black up and oooh fisherman's suplex on Black. Again Pain picks up Black and now he lifts Black up on the topturnbuckle. Pain steps on aswell and yeahhhhh this superplex worked out right. What a bang, what a superplex, perfectly executed by Pain. He goes for the cover again..1....2...kick out by Black. This match ain't over yet. Pain grabs Black by the head and throws him in the ropes, Black comes back, but before Pain could clothesline Black, he gets a kick in the stomache by Black and it is followed by a reverse ddt. Both men down on the ground now. You wouldn't say that they are both members of the same stable. But yeah they said before the match that they both want to win this thing. Black is the first to get up, he picks Pain up and wow the Blackout (evenflow ddt) on Pain. That is Black finisher out of nowhere. But heyy Black isn't going for the cover!!! Black goes to the outside to find a steelchair. He returns to the ring and puts the chair on Pain's chest. Black goes to the toprope! Pain gets the chair off his chest and kays it out flat in the middle of the ring. Then he goes to the toprope, catches Black offguard with some fists and wow powerslams Black off the toprope....onto the steelchair!!! Black is in pain (no pun) right now. Pain picks Black up and throws him in the ropes and executes a belly to belly suplex on the chair. Then Pain goes for his finisher the Maximum Overdrive. And yes he just Olympic Slammed Black. But now Pain doesn't go for the cover. Now it is his turn to take the chair and he puts it on Black's ankle. Pain gets on the topturnbuckle and wants to do a legdrop. But amazingly Black got up and just when Pain jumps off the toprope, Black hits him right in the face with the steelchair.

JP: Man, that must have heard big time!!! Some match we are seeing here. Black is now gonna go for the cover. He walks over to Pain. But hey.....hey....want kind of music is that???

("Save yourself" by Stabbing Westward plays out loud on the speakers).

JP: I don't think anyone here in the EWCL uses that music? Whats going on?? Hey, hows that coming out?? Some guy comes running out and slides into the ring. He grabs the steelchair and hits Black on the head with it. Black goes down to the ground. In the meantime Pain got back on his feet again, but he also gets hit in the head with the steelchair. Both Black and Pain are down now. Who is that guy? The guy drops the chair and does some kind of sign. He picks up Black and puts him into the tombstone piledriver position and begins to run a few steps. He then does a spinning jump and crushes the head of Black into the mat. Man, what a move!!!! Wait, now he picks up Pain and noo, noooo, he is doing the same thing to Pain now!!! What a devastating move!!! Both men are knocked out now. But again who is that guy???

(The guy asks for the microphone).

Guy: Let me introduce myself. I am "The Hardcore Event" Joe Johnson. And you all just seen what I can do to any of you!!! I am here to claim the Hardcore Title!!! It belongs to me and it always will be mine!!! And you two guys were fighting for a hardcore title shot??? You make me sick!!!

("The Hardcore Event" drops the microphone, grabs the steelchair again and hits both guys who are still knocked out, one more time on the head with the steelchair. Then he throws the steelchair down to the ground and leaves the ring).

JP: I am out of words here!!! What the heck is going on. Oh but yeah this match ain't over yet, people. Ok, the referee is in the ring and starts to count both men. movement at all from any of the two. It is a double count out. No winner here!!! What does this mean? This means that we don't have a number one contender yet. Well this can only lead to one thing and in my view that is a threeway match next Venom between Damien Black, Max Pain and "The Hardcore Event" Joe Johnson for the number one contender spot.

Winner: No winner (double count out)

Cazzo vs. Mystery Man

JP: here is comes, the main event of this evening. The match we've all been waiting for here at EWCL. I can't wait to get this one started to see who will go head to head at beneath the whispers to see who really is the best in this company.

ND: Tell me about it. And I truly hope we'll find out who the Mystery an is tonight. It's getting on my nerves.

JP: yeah! Haha, same here. I want to see who tried to screw Alexander Glory out of his title shot .

Cazzo's music blares over the speakers. The fans all rise to their feet with signs all raised in the air.

JP(yelling over the fans): Wow! They really love this guy. This should be a great match.

Cazzo walks out to the top of the ramp and looks around the whole arena. Cazzo closes his eyes and continues to make his way to the ring.

ND: man o man! Do these fans ever shut up??

Cazzo enters the ring and just stands there waiting for his opponent.... Then the lights dim. No music plays. The Masked Man walks out to the top of the entrance.

ND: I hate this! Just take off your mask man..pleeeeez!

JP: I don't think that'll work there bud!

The Masked Man enters the ring. Both men start to walk around the ring staring eye to...mask.

JP: Both men now taking it easy. No love loss here. Just two men. Striving for that title. Nothing will stop these men.

'THE GAME IS OVER' blasts on the speakers...Both the masked man and Cazzo stare up at the ramp. Alexander Glory walks out from behind the curtain. Both mens eyebrows are raised. Glory starts down the ramp and heads for the announce table.

ND: what's going on here? Is Glory going to join us? Cazzo's grabbing for the mic!

Cazzo: I don't think so Glory! Remember, I'm the new Commissioner of this company. Now get your ass back where it came from.

JP: will ya look at that?! Glory is being sent away buy Cazzo. He just made his first decision and Glory, I guess, didn't even remember or realize that he was the Commissioner. Look at the look on Glory's face.

ND: No, Glory, come back. There's plenty of room for you here!

JP: well my golly! Lets get back to this NO DQ match up for the other half of the number one contendership shall we?


JP: and here we go, the bell has sounded lets get this one underway. Both men attack each other in hookup form now. Cazzo sets him in a headlock. MM then pushes his back sending him into the ropes. Cazzo coming back with a clothesline attempt. No good, MM ducks it. Cazzo comes off the other side. MM sticks his knee out...Ouch! He just hit CZ in the gut with that low knee. OH! What an awesome maneuver following up with a bulldog. CZ is down holding his face. MM picks him up. Boom! Low blow!! The ref can't call anything. It's a No DQ match. MM leans over in pain. CZ gets to his feet. He stes him up for a suplex. He lands a vertical suplex. CZ gets down on both knees and hammers away at MM's face.

ND: gee wiz! No love loss eh JP?

JP: give me a break! CZ just wants to win. CZ finally gets off him and picks him up. Oh! Inverted atomic drop on MM. CZ picks him up again. He send him towards the ropes. MM comes back. CZ leans over. Oh! he's up..and he's down. Nice back body toss there. CZ picks him up again. He throws him in the corner. Right hand after right hand is thrown at the face of MM. CZ climbs then to the second rope. He's going for the ten count..1...2...3...4...5...6..7. MM wraps his arms around CZ's legs. MM then sits down quickly. Smack! CZ's chin bounces off the turnbuckle. MM crawls out of the ring as CZ goes down holding his chin. MM taking a breather as he walks around the ring.

ND: yeah that's right! You take a breather. Because your going to need one when Glory's out here kickin' your teeth in.

JP: Oh please. What makes you so sure you'll see Alexander Glory out here? He's already been kicked out of here by the commissioner. Or.."whatever he wants to be that is" I guess we'll find that out after the show. But right now he's in charge.

ND: yeah! That's confusing.

JP: It's not con..never mind!...Both men outside the ring now. CZ is walking after MM. OH! MM with a kick to the mid-section there. MM grabs his head.. OH! My Goodness! What a dangerous DDT right on the mat. CZ is down. MM now looking under the apron. He just tossed out a lead pipe. He just tossed out the top of a garbage can aswell. He's got a fire extinguisher. Sssshhhhhh! He's just sprayed CZ's face with that fire extinguisher. CZ is up after that. He's staggering to his feet. What's MM doing here. He's bending his knees, it looks like he's getting ready to plow into CZ with that extinguisher. CLUNK!!! MY Goodness! CZ just got decked with that extinguisher.

ND: He almost took his head off JP!

JP: No kidding! His head just bounced right off it and then hit the ground. MM picking him up now. He's carrying him somewhere. No, no! Bam! Right into the steps goes CZ's back. MM picks him up again. MM gets in position behind CZ. He lifts him up..OOHHH! He just Crushed CZ's nads with the corner pole. CZ is hurting sprawling on the ground. MM starts to stomp on him. MM pushes the people in the corner away heading for the bell. With one swift motion of his hand he sweeps the bell ringer off the chair and grabs the ring bell. He walks over to CZ. He then takes a few steps back and gets ready to charge at CZ. CZ slowly gets to his feet. MM takes off. CZ DUCKS IT! He gets behind him...DONG!!!! MY GOD!!!! He just pushed MM head first into the corner pole with the bell hitting his face as well.

ND: oooh! That was harsh! Is MM busted open?

JP: I don't know, we can't tell remember?

ND: Oh yeah! Dammit will he ever take that thing off?

JP: haha..not sure! CZ on one knee now recovering from that blow with the fire extinguisher. He's up to both feet now. MM showing signs of life. CZ goes for the pin..1...2 and a kick out at two! Boy, that was close. What an upset that would be for the Masked man fans. CZ gets to his feet and picks up MM. He sets up form behind him. He's up....OH! A high angle suplex on to the outside. CZ is getting back into the ring. What will he do here? What th..? *He's going to the top rope*!!! MM is limping to his feet. CZ jumps..HOLY COW!!!! HOLY COW!!! THAT WAS CRAZY!! He just body pressed MM on the outside. Both men are down. Looks like CZ is aiding his arm. The ref asks him does he want to go on. CZ nods his head. And goes back after MM. He picks him up. He throws him towards the guardrail. MM's back bends over a little as he yells out a big roar. CZ runs after him. Oh! CZ just clotheslined him over the guardrail out into the fans. The fans are all patting them on the back.

ND: haha! Some nut just tried to get MM's mask off.

JP: yeah! But it's on there pretty tight. I think!

ND: I don't care what anyone says. It's coming off tonight! ND: here the go back to these screaming fans again JP.

JP: yep, it looks as though! MM picks him up again. He starts walking through the crowd. He throws CZ against the guardrail. Oh! CZ's back smacked right off it. MM now grabbing CZ. He's lifting him up....Oh! He just let his face drive down into the guardrail. MM picks him up again and throws him over. MM climbs back over. CZ is down recovering. MM walks over to the apron. Oh no! He's looking at that lead pipe. He picked it up. I don't beleive this. CZ is on his feet now. He swings it at CZ. CZ ducks. MM turns around CRACK! OH! He just smacked him in the head with that lead pipe, my goodness! MM going for that cable. He got that cable. He's wrapping it around CZ's neck. He's choking the life out of CZ. He wont stop. This is mad.

ND: He's going to kill him.

JP: stop this ref. JP: your one sick..

ND:... 1...2...oh and a kick out!

ND: How did he kick out of that one?

JP: I have no idea. Nor do I have an idea what MM is trying to pull of here now. It must be some sort of submission move! Of course, it's a leg-lock choke hold. He's choking the life out of CZ again. I don't know how much more of this he can take. He's not moving anymore, the ref is going to soon check his arm and see if he can get the three. And here he goes.

1...2...OH! He's still up! The fans are chanting his name, he's getting up. He's bringing MM up with him. MM quickly rushes him into a headlock What a tough son of a gun. He's laying elbows into the chest of MM now. MM releases the headlock. Cazzo with rights to the head of the Masked man. He's hitting him right up against the ropes. He send him for the rideto the other side. CZ starts to run off the opposite side. They both try for a jumping clothesline....OH! Both men are down. The ref starts the count..

1....2....3....4...5..both me starting to get up now...6....7...there up. CZ with rights to MM again. He send him for the ride again. MM comes off the other side. CZ lyes down flat on the mat as MM hops over him and comes off the other side. CZ gets up to his feet. MM tries for a splash. CZ moves..OH! MM just bounced off the ropes. CZ catches him from behind. He rolls him up.

1...2...oh! And a kick out again by MM. MM gets to his feet. CZ just lifting his head. MM.. BAM! What a clothesline...he goes for the pin...

1...oh and another kick out.

ND: how many pins are there going to be before someone actually loses here?

JP: I don't know but CZ is right back up on his feet. So is MM. They're just staring at each other. They both attack each other now..rights, lefts, everything is flying. They want their shot. They want their shot at the title. MM stumbles back against the ropes. He leans on them. OH! And CZ just clotheslined him over the top. CZ climbs down after him. CZ grabs him by the hair and pulls him up. *He's leading him up the ramp* ...CZ is punching him all the way up the ramp. They're at the top now. CZ throws him against the wall. He smacks his head off it. There getting pretty close to that edge there now. What the hell s CZ trying to do? CZ is trying to throw him off. Wiat! HE'S SETTING HIM UP FOR A POWERBOMB OFF THE STAGE!!!



ND: yes, yes!

JP: MY GOD IT'S GLORY! GLORY'S OUT HERE. He's nailing MM. Thank Good they're away from that edge. But CZ is still down there. Get the EMT's or something. Get the damn paramedics. Glory's Punching and kicking MM down the ramp. He's rolling all the way down. Glory walking right behind him. He picks him up. He's headed over this way with him. JP: Glory picks up the lead pipe that was used earlier. CRACK!! OH MY!!! HE JUST CLOCKED HIM WITH THAT LEAD PIPE!!! He's picking him up again. He's..dammit no! *He's putting him on our table*.....NO Glory don't...Dammit Glory don't do this. Damn you Glory. Get away ND. Stay back!.......*GAME OVER*!!!!!!!!!! MM JUST GOT GAME OVERED if you can say that!!!!

ND: yes, yes! There's your next champ right there ladies and gentlemen!

JP: IT'S NOT OVER!!!! Glory's picking him up again. He's pointing to the mask! The crowd wants him to take it off. *HE'S GOING TO TAKE OFF THE MASK*!!!! HE'S PULLING IT OFF, HE'S PUL......*SAPHIOż*!!!!! IT'S SAPHIO!!! IT WAS SAPHIO!!! Glory just shrugged his shoulders. He's picking up the lead pipe again...CRACK!!! MY GOD! Have you no mercy???

ND: what th...?

JP: PUNISHER HIS HELPING CAZZO TO THE ACTION. GLORY'S LOOKING RIGHT AT HIM...he's heading over there now. Punisher doesn't care. Cazzo can hardly walk right now. Glory's coming over with that lead pipe! He's running after Punisher with it. CRACK!!!! NOT AGAIN!!! PUNISHER JUST GOT HANDLED GLORY STYLE!!! Cazzo is to his feet. Glory doesn't see him. Glory turns around. He swings at him with the pipe. Cazzo ducks. Cazzo kicks him in the gut. Glory drops the pipe and leans over. Cazzo picks it up..CRACK!! MY GOD!!! THAT"S ABOUT THE FIFTH TIME THAT BAT WAS USED!!!! Cazzo is walking towards Saphio now.

ND: I still can't believe it's Saphio...

JP: I can't either...Saphio and Cazzo have both been busted open in several different places. There's a lot of Saphio's around us right now. Cazzo goes for the pin......


Winner: Cazzo