VENOM - 04/11/2001

(The gold and white EWCL logo flashes across the screen, rolling from left to right. A beat starts… slow at first, but growing in intensity. Suddenly a speck appears on the screen, screaming forwards, getting larger and larger until it becomes legible… the EWCL logo. The whining screech increases in intensity until it appears to SMASH through the viewer's television screen. Shattering glass provides the background sound as the EWCL theme kicks into gear. A montage of the EWCL superstars overlayed in blue, red, green and gold flashes across the screen. Universal Champion Exile, The Punisher, Kritical Kondition, Dan Prohibition, Super Trouper, Joe Johnson, Brody James, Saphio and more. Scenes of violence, carnage and action as only the EWCL can provide barrages the viewers until finally the Venom logo spins in to view, only to be crushed by the EWCL trademark.

Then we see clips of last weekend. Highlights of Venom are shown. We see Eddie Osbourne destroying 7-11 Punk, we see Dan taking the win from Mystic, Cerberus beating Steel Brasco, and Brody James defended his title against The Mauler. Clips are also shown of how Saphio wins the Hardcore title by defeating Super Trouper for it. After that we see how Mystic backstabs Sean Corvik and how Joe Johnson gets the win and is the new Internet Champion. Last but not least we see Exile and Roadblock in action in their match against The Punisher, we see the run in from Prez Cazzo and how Exile nails the prez with the chair and Exile gets the eventual win).

(The titantron fades out and we go to our commentators of the evening Neil Down and John Pilchard).

John Pilchard: Welcome back people! Only a week away from our next PPV "HIGH STAKES". After one week on strike Bill Carty and I have decided to go back to work again. We think the strike worked and we made clear how we feel. Now we're back and its good to be back.

Neil Down: Yeah, yeah, are you ready with your opening speechh?

JP: Whats that suppose to mean?

ND: Nothing......Damn, I miss that little spanish guy already (he whispers).

JP: What?

ND: I never said anything.

JP: Oh I thought I really heard you say something. But ok then, time to start off tonights show. Main Event match, something some have been waiting for, something that was bound to happen again. Prez Cazzo stepping back in the ring again. The last time he fought was against Exile in a cage match. Now its not a cage match, but again his opponent again is Exile.

ND: Exile seems to be the only person who can get our prez in the ring.

JP: Yeah well those two sure got a long history.

ND: Then another big match tonight is Joe Johnson and Mystic versus Sean Corvik and a mystery partner. Last week we saw how Mystic turned on Corvik and cost him his Internet Title. Now tonight Corvik gets the chance to get payback against those two people.

JP: We'll talk more about that match later Neil. Lets quickly go through the other matches. We are gonna see "Non-Hardcore" Brody James defending his Prime Time Title against Super Trouper. Saphio is defending his Hardcore Title against Dan Prohibition. Ex-Terminator and Eddie Osbourne are taking it on. Also another tagmatch, in this one The Punisher and Warlock are taking on The Mauler and Cerberus.

ND: And the match that was suppose to be the opening match of the evening has been cancelled. Yes, the match between Steel Brasco and Fazzer has been cancelled. We don't really know the reason why though, but I heard the rumour that both wrestlers had some kind of weird reason why they couldn't show up. We probly gonna hear more of that within the next couple of days.

(Then the titantron comes on and we see the parking lot of the arena. We see how a car stops and Roadblock and someone with a Darth Vader mask come out of the car. The two walk to the door and enter the arena and head to the lockkerroom area. The camera follows the two for a while and in the back we see how the two enter a lockerroom).

JP: Uh ok. What was that?

ND: That was Roadblock with Darth Vader.

JP: Duh, I saw that. Just wondering why Exile would dress up as Darth Vader.

ND: Yeah I can tell you were on strike, you should pay more attention during the week John. Exile did a Star Wars impression earlier this week and this is what he does to remind the people of it.

JP: Ooh ok, that sounds reasonable.

ND: It does?

JP: Anyway, that brings us to the first match of the evening.

The Punisher/Warlock vs. The Mauler/"The Armageddon" Cerberus

JP: Punisher and his protege Warlock taking on Mauler and Cerberus of the Bad Guys. Mauler and Cerberus already worked together as a tagteam two weeks ago, but that time they lost against Brody James and Steel Brasco. Now tonight they are facing a new partnership, the tagteam of Punisher and Warlock. The question is if the experienced Punisher could get Warlock ready for this big match.

ND: Punisher made sure that Warlock was training constantly. We saw footage of that. So Warlock probly is ready. My question though is if Punisher is ready. He was more busy with training Warlock than with working out of his own. He could have made a mistake there.

JP: Punisher is a great athlete Neil, he knows what he's doing. He's ready I can tell you that. And he definately wants Mauler coz Mauler already assaulted Swamp Fox for three weeks in a row.

ND: Hey, noone acknowledged that it was Mauler who did that.

JP: Well its rather obvious ain't it! Mauler made even clear that he wants a shot for the number one contenderspot for the Universal Title.

(Bodies by Drowning Pool starts to play and The Mauler and Cerberus come walking out. They both are wearing "Bad Guys" shirts and the crowd boos them while they walk to the ring. They slide in the ring and wait for their opponents).

(American Made starts to play and Punisher and Warlock appear on the ramp. They stand there for a few seconds and the crowd goes wild. An USA chant starts and Punisher and Warlock start walking to ringside. They reach ringside and they slide in).

Ding ding ding

JP: Venom has begun! Its The Punisher and Mauler who are gonna start off here while Warlock and Cerberus stay on the outside. The two lock up and its Mauler who gets a knee in right away. He follows that up with a big right one. Mauler comes in with another right one, but this time Punisher blocks it and counters with a big punch of his own. Punisher irish whips Mauler into the ropes and when he comes off he clotheslines Mauler to the mat. The American Hero into the ropes and a big legdrop on Mauler.

ND: Nice legdrop, but I still can't imagine that this was once the finishing move of a certain wrestler.

JP: Anyway, Punisher picks Mauler, but Mauler with a lowblow and he grabs Punisher and sets him up for a suplex and executes it!! Mauler picks Punisher up and he sends him into a corner. Mauler charges in and ooooh Punisher wants to get out of the corner, but its Cerberus who held him!! And Mauler splashes on Punisher!!! Good God!! Mauler is now kicking Punisher in the midsection, while Cerberus is still holding Punisher and now even starts to hit him in the fac!!

ND: Warlock comes in and wants to stop whats going on, but the ref makes Warlock go back to his corner again!! And while he does that Mauler and Cerberus really double team Punisher!! Mauler then grabs the arm of Punisher and he sends him into the opposite corner. He charges in after, but Punisher counters with clotheslining Mauler to the mat!! The former Universal Champion goes to the toprope and he jumps off for an elbow drop on his opponent.

JP: Punisher now to his corner and he tags in Warlock. Warlock comes in and he starts with a series of kicks to the head of Mauler. He then picks him up and sends him in the ropes, he comes off and ....belly to belly suplex by Warlock. The guy has been training this!! Warlock in the ropes, comes off for an elbow drop, but Mauler moves out of the way and he rolls to his corner and tags in Cerberus.

ND: Cerberus runs towards Warlock, and its Warlock for the superkick, but Cerberus grabs the leg and he kicks Warlock to the ground with a reverse karate kick!! Cerberus bounces in the ropes...comes off and he does a summersault and lands on Warlock!! Cerberus still in control and he goes towards the corner and .....split legged moonsault!!! OH YEAH WHAT A MOVE by The Armageddon!! Cerberus now for the cover, 1...........2........but a kickout.

JP: Cerberus picks Warlock up and he bodyslamms him to the mat. He then tags in Mauler and both Cerberus and Mauler start to climb a turnbuckle. Both guys are on top now and WOWW They dive off at the same moment!! BUT Warlock moved out of the way in time and Mauler and Cerberus collide into the mat and eachother!!! Nice thinking by Warlock. And he's slowly crawling to his corner now. He has to make the tag now.

ND: He's almost there now, does he make it?? OOOOH noooo, he does not. Cerberus grabbed his leg and he dragged him back towards their side of the ring. Now its Punisher who wants to come in, but the ref stops him. Cerberus to the outside now and Mauler, the legal man, starts to work on Warlock. He lifts Warlock up and ...PILEDRIVER!!! Mauler for the pin, but he only gets a two count. Warlock is down and Mauler walks over to Punishers corner and he slaps him in the face!!!

JP: OOh man, that really pisses Punisher off now!! Punisher storms in the ring, but the ref is blocking him off again!! Meanwhile Cerberus comes in again and he and Mauler pick up Warlock and they send him in the ropes.....he comes off and .....double clothesline!!! Mauler for another cover attempt, 1...........2.........but Punisher comes in and breaks the count.

ND: Mauler picks up Warlock, but its Warlock with a kick to the gut and he quickly bounces in the ropes and tags in Punisher. Punisher comes in and....big boot to Mauler!!! Cerberus comes in and.....OOOOOH Big boot to Cerberus!!! Mauler up again, but Punisher with a clothesline!! Punisher sure is cleaning house here!! Punisher picks up Cerberus now and he sets him up for The GAVEL.

JP: But Mauler comes in with a knee to the back and Punisher lets go of Cerberus. Mauler goes back to his corner now, but he first goes over to Warlocks corner and he punches Warlock off the apron!! OOOh man!!! Its back to Cerberus and Punisher now. They both tie up now. But Mauler is destracting the referee now!!

ND: AND HEY THATS EX-TERMINATOR who comes running out!!! And he got a steel baseball bat in his hands!! What is he gonna do!!??!!

JP: Cerberus irish whips Punisher into the ropes and.......HOLY SHITTTT....just when Punisher hit the ropes, Ex-Terminator got on the apron and he nailed Punisher with that steel baseball bat!!! BAMMMMM!!!! And Punisher goes down!!! Cerberus quickly to the toprope and ......DOOMSDAY!!!! Cerberus for the cover and. 1...................2.......................3...........its over!! Cerberus and Mauler get the win!! But once again Punisher got screwed over, this time it was Ex-Terminator who interfered and attacked him.

ND: Everyone is after the hero, thats what it is.


Winners: The Mauler/Cerberus

(We come back from commercials and we go straight to Prez Cazzo's office. He has his weekly Venom meeting with his financial advisor Bo Lucas. Bo sits on his chair while Prez Cazzo is nervously walking around).

Prez Cazzo: Can we make this quick Bo?

Bo Lucas: Uhm....uh....if thats what you want.

Prez Cazzo: I got a match coming up later with Exile and I have to prepare myself Bo.

Bo Lucas: Ok, we'll wrap this up quickly then.

Prez Cazzo: Thanks Bo. So any news?

Bo Lucas: Not really much news on new sponsors. We are still working on that. We had in mind that Eddie "Impact" Osbourne would bring in some major sponsors, but sofar we didn't attract the sponsors that we wanted though.

Prez Cazzo: Yeah thats too bad. Oh and did you see The Mauler a few days ago? He says he got an offer by a big federation and he demands a raise. Doesn't the guy follow whats going on? We were talking about cutting costs and lowering the salaries of the wrestlers and he demands a raise.

Bo Lucas: So what are you gonna do about that?

Prez Cazzo: What I am gonna do? Well up till now we only talked about lowering the wrestlers salary. But right now I say we start taking action. As of now Maulers salary is gonna be 25% less than he makes now!!! Thats a start and saves a bit of money!! I hope that will stop people asking for raises in this current situation.

Bo Lucas: Ok, it saves a bit, but we also got another thing to worry about.

Prez Cazzo: What is it?

Bo Lucas: Remember that fan that got assaulted by Super Trouper during one of his matches?

Prez Cazzo: Hmm, yeah...what about him?

Bo Lucas: Well he's sueing the EWCL!!

Prez Cazzo: HE WHAT??!!??

Bo Lucas: He's sueing the EWCL! He wants one million dollars for his suffering and he claims that he lost his work, coz he can't lift boxes anymore coz of his injuries.


Bo Lucas: Yes, 1 million.

Prez Cazzo: So hows our case? Can we win it?

Bo Lucas: Hard to tell Eric. You know that some organisations don't like what we do because of the violence. And now they have a way to try and put a stop to that. So its probly gonna be tricky.

Prez Cazzo: Put our best lawyers on it, ok!!

Bo Lucas: We will!!

(Then the scene fades out).

ND: Dammit! I thought the financial problem was solved, but it only gets worse every week.

JP: Just have some trust in our Prez, Neil.

ND: Easier said than done, John.

JP: Just let us do our job and announce this next match.

(We come back from commercials and we go to our commentators).

JP: The crowd are rocked and ready to roll tonight Neil!

ND: It certainly looks that way Johnny boy.

JP: Don't call me Johnny!

ND: Oh Ok...Johnny

JP: What did you just say?

ND: Nothing

(As the two continue to squabble AC/DC Highway to hell blasts over the p.a system. The crowd go crazy and raise to their feet. After a few seconds Saphio comes out wearing nothing but his wrestling pants. Which are orange with red diamonds down each leg. He also has the hardcore belt over his left shoulder. Saphio is grinning and tags hand as he struts his way to ringside. He climbs into the ring taking a mic off thr ring announcer. The crowd have begun to chant Saphio and Saphio revels in the noise. The chants die down and he raises the mic to speak).

Saphio: Dan,Dan,Dan. I cannot really make you out. You comment before your recent promo about the definition of the word Saphio. Yet a little later on you say their is no definition of the word Saphio.hhmmmmm.....That makes you a little bit silly then doesn't it Dan. But lets carry on looking at Mr Dan Prohibition. A staple gun? What the hell are you gonna do with a staple gun? You think a staple will hurt? A small insignificant piece of metal going into my body will hurt me? Dan do you realise what my body has felt in the EWCL? Do you know the pain I have suffered? NO! Nobody in this fed knows the pain I have felt. I have been scalded by my old friend Cazzo. I have been set on fire by Fazzer and Dawg Fase. I have been almost murdered by Fazzer. Picking up broken ribs, concussions and fractured verterbrae in one night. I have been thrown through tables, smashed wtith my own Maggie and fell off the top of cages. Can you say you have done all that in EWCL? NO! Because the best you have ever done is fly to Japan and fight some guy who nobody has ever even heard or is even arsed about. Dan you recently commented on how the only thing thats funny is my career. Lets compare our acheivements shall we. First question, have you ever won the Universal title? Answer, No. Second question, have you ever won the Hardcore title? Answer, No. Third question, have you ever had a rememerable feud? Answer, Yes. Fourth, Did you win any of them? Answer, Of course not. You see Dan you may have fought the best but you ain't yet fought Me. All of your feuds are with some of the biggest names in the business Joe Johnson and Rage to name a few. But they all ended in nothing. Now my career on the other hand takes a different path. First question, have you ever won the Universal title? Answer, Yes. Second question, have you ever won the Hardcore title? Answer, Yes. Twice in fact. Third question, have you ever had any rememerable feuds? Answer, Yes. Fourth Question, did any of them end in victory? Answer, All of them. You see Dan I think you'll find that the only thing that is joke is YOUR career. Oh, and maybe Lydias face!! Give her the hockey mask for goodness sake man. It's a good job you don't look at the mantlepiece when your pokin the fire if ya know what I mean?!? Tonight Dan I will be bringing Maggie with me to the ring.

(The crowd let out a cheer)

And maybe I will have a little chat with her. Maybe she'll feel in the mood for some Dan-bashing. We will then see who is the most hardcore. We will then see who has the hardcore blood as you say. We will then see who walks out with hardcore belt around their waist. So be a good little scout Dan and BE PREPARED!!

(Saphio drops the mic as his music starts up again. He struts out with a smile on his face and continues to tag the hands of the fans).

JP: Well Neil, strong words from the commisioner. Dan Prohibition was well and truly stunned by what Saphio had to say there.

ND: What John? You mustn't have been listening to the same idiot I was. John you need you ears cleaning if you think Saphio is better than Dan!!


"Non-Hardcore" Brody James vs. Super Trouper

JP: On to our next match "Non-Hardcore" Brody James is defending his Prime Time Title against Super Trouper. ST finally got his chance. If he wins tonights match than he is gonna be the first grand slammer ever in the EWCL!! But Brody James made very clear that he doesn't want to be a stepping stone for Super Trouper.

ND: Lets start off here.

(Between angels and insects starts to play and Super Trouper comes walking out. The boo starts to boo like they always do when ST comes out. ST smirks and he walks down the aisle to the ring and rolls himself in the ring).

(Hey man nice shot by Filter starts to play and "Non-Hardcore" Brody James comes walking out. The crowd starts to cheer and they start to chant his name. Brody waves to the fans and shakes the hands of some of them. He then reaches ringside and he hands over his Prime Time Title to Jay Blue and then he uses the ringsteps to get on the apron).

JP: Brody on the apron and he wants to get in the ring now, but OOOHHH its Super Trouper who runs in and he bounces in the ropes and flies into Brody and Brody falls off the apron to the ground!! ST climbs through the ropes now and he jumps off the apron and lands on Brody!! ST gets back up again and he picks Brody up and he slamms his head into the apron!! ST now drags Brody towards the steel ringpost and he is about to ramm Brody's head into it.

ND: But ooooh Brody blocks it and he ramms ST's head into the ringpost!!! BAMMM!!! And he does it again!!! BAMMM!!!! Brody James now rolls ST back into the ring again. Brody jumps on the apron and he now jumps from the apron over the ropes, uses the toprope as a springboard and he lands on top off ST!!!! WOWWWW!!! Did you see that??!!??!! Some move!! Brody goes for the cover, but he only gets a two count.

JP: Brody picks up ST again and he sends him into the ropes. He comes off and ...SPINEBUSTER by Brody!! Brody still in charge here and he picks ST up again and he sends him into a corner! Brody runs in right after and he jumps on ST and he does one of his trademark monkey flips and ST flies backfirst to the mat!! Brody with a kneedrop to follow that up!!

ND: Brody picks ST up now, but its ST with a lowblow. He then sends Brody into the ropes, and takes him down with a clothesline!! ST for the cover, but he only gets a two count. ST now sends Brody into the ropes again, but Brody comes off and slides through the legs of ST, gets up and SUPERKICKS ST to the mat!!! Woww what a superkick!!!

JP: ST on the mat and Brody James grabs a hold of the legs and he hooks in his Reality Bites Boston Crab!!! He already made The Mauler submit to his finishing move!! What is Super Trouper gonna do?? You can tell that he is in pain here!!! Is he gonna tap out??!!?? He doens't want to, but Brody got the move hooked in pretty good and in the middle of the ring!! AND YEAH Super Trouper tapped out!!!

ND: Oh man, "Non-Hardcore" Brody James got the win!!

JP: And a very good win I might add!! He did what he said he was gonna do!!!

(We see that Brody James got a pillow from under the ring and he takes it in the ring. He then turns ST on his back and lays the pillow on top of him. Brody goes to the toprope and he dives off for his Noncaholic shooting star press and hits the pillow and ST!!).

JP: Now thats what I call Non-Hardcore!! Brody James is raising his hands in the air now and the crowd is loving it!!

ND: But hey its Dan Prohibition!! Dan Prohibition runs to the ring and he slides in the ring and WOWWWW!!!! HE JUST NAILED BRODY JAMES WITH A FLUORESCENT LIGHTBULB TUBE!!!! The glass flew all over the ring there!!!

JP: I don't know what the crowd thinks of this though. Mixed reactions here. But man did Dan smack that lightbulb into Brody's head. And Brody is still on the mat and the blood is flowing out of the back of his head. Dan already left ringside again!!!

(We now see how Saphio comes out and slides in the ring and he helps Brody up again).


Winner: Brody James

Saphio(c) vs. Dan Prohibition - Hardcore Title

JP: We are back people and during the commercials we saw how Saphio helped his Good Guy buddy Brody James back to the lockkerroom area. I think Brody only got a cut in the back of his head and probly is doing fine for the rest.

ND: The first cut is the deepest.

JP: Hey no Rod Stewart songs please!

ND: Why not!

JP: I wonder if Saphio is gonna bring his bowlingball Maggie with him.


JP: I just said, no Rod Stewart songs!!!

ND: Sorry!

(One Step Closer hits, the titantron flashes an sXe symbol. Dan and Lydia walk out. Dan has the stop sign in his hand and the staplegun in his pocket. Dan raises his hands over his head in the shape of an X while Lydia wraps her arms around his waist. Dan holds the rope open for Lydia and she climbs into the ring and Dan gets into the ring and climbs on the second rope, again making the X. Dan raises the bottom rope for Lydia and she exits the ring and stands on the arena floor as Dan waits for his opponent.).

JP: You noticed that Neil. The crowd still don't know how to react to Dan after what he just did. The fans like Brody James and Dan just attacked him out of nowhere!

(Then Highway to Hell by AC/DC starts to play and Hardcore Champion and Commissioner Saphio comes strutting out. The crowd goes nuts right away and cheer him on big time. He got Maggie in on hand and with the other hand Saphio shakes hands with the fans. He reaches ringside and gets in).

JP: Saphio really got the people behind him!!

ND: Its Saphio with Maggie the bowling ball against Dan with "STABBIE" The staplegun and "STEWART" The Stopsign!

JP: Nice one Neil.

Ding ding ding

JP: The match has started and Saphio and Dan start to hand out fists right away. Its Dan with a chop to the chest that makes the crowd go OOOOHHH. And Dan with another chop to the chest. He then sends Saphio in the ropes, and when he comes off he hits him with a powerslam. Dan slides to the outside now and he already goes for his stopsign. Thats early in the match!!

ND: Well Dan finally got a shot at the hardcore title. A title that he always wanted, but never could get. We remember that he fought Joe Johnson for this title numerous times, but never managed to win it. Now its a different opponent and new chances for the Hardcore Saint. Dan back in the ring with his stopsign and he goes over to Saphio and BAMMM!!! Whacks the stopsign into the head of Saphio!!! Saphio falls to one knee and Dan slamms his stopsign into Saphio's face one more time.

JP: "Hit me baby, one more time".

ND: Oh man, and then you tell me no Rod Stewart songs and now you start with Britney Spears songs herself!!

JP: Just got carried away Neil.

ND: That reminds me. Shouldn't Britney be called "Britney Gores" instead of "Britney Spears"?

JP: Lets go back to the match Neil.

ND: I was just wondering.

JP: Dan places the stopsign in the middle of the mat. And he now picks up Saphio....he lifts him up and.....PENANCE OF YOUR SINS on the stopsign!! He just piledrived Saphio into that stopsign!! Oh man!! Ain't it typical that lately Saphio mostly has a bad start in his matches!! Dan is going for the cover now, 1.................2...........and a kickout by the hardcore champ!!! But Dan is back to his feet again and he picks up Saphio and he sends him in the ropes.

ND: Saphio comes off the ropes, and ooooh Saphio reverses and with a power clothesline he takes Dan to the mat!! Saphio wipes the blood out of his face and then he picks up the stopsign. He goes towards Dan and WHAMMM!! That was the sound of a stopsign colliding with Dan's mask!! Saphio bounces in the ropes and comes off and nails Dan again with the stopsign and this time Dan goes to the mat!

JP: Saphio throws the stopsign to the outside and he rolls out and he's getting Maggie. Maggie his beloved bowling ball!! Saphio grabbed Maggie and the crowd starts a "MAGGIE" chant!! Saphio rolls back into the ring and he holds Maggie over his head and then heads for Dan!! He wants to nail Dan with that bowling ball, but Dan ducks and blocks it!! And its Dan who reverses into a swinging neckbreaker!!! OOoh man!!!! And Maggie falls to the mat aswell and rolls out of the ring to the floor!!

ND: Dan uses the ropes to get back to his feet and after he did that he moves in on Saphio and picks him up. Dan throws Saphio in one of the four corner and Dan starts to work on Saphio. He starts to use his fists and 1...2...3....4...5....6...7....8...9....10... Dan with ten fists to the bleeding head of Saphio!!! Dan lifts up Saphio and places him on the topturnbuckle now!! Dan climbs on aswell now and he grabs Saphio!!

JP: What is Dan gonna do now?? Dan with a right one, but wow Saphio blocks it and he grabs Dan by the tights and OOOOOOHHH FRONT FACE SUPLEX OF THE TOPROPE!!!! HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!! Who would of thought that Saphio was gonna do that. Saphio is slowly getting up again, he takes his time coz he already took some blows this match. The commissioner now picks up Dan and grabs him around the waist and executes a german suplex!!

ND: And Saphio doesn't let go off the hold and he executes another german suplex on Dan!! Saphio for the cover now, 1..............2.........but a kick out by the Ultraviolent star. Saphio picks Dan up again and starts to strut around him like a boxer, jab, jab, uppercut, jab!! Saphio follows that up with sending Dan into the ropes, but OOOOOH YEAHHH....Dan uses the second rope as a springboard and he comes off and spins in the air and superkicks Saphio to the mat!!!

JP: Dan to the toprope now. He climbs the turnbuckle, he's on top and he dives of for a frog splash and he hits it!! Dan is going for the cover now, 1.................2................kickout by Saphio. Dan grabs Saphio by the arm and he irish whips him, but Saphio reverses the whip and Dan flies into the ropes. He comes off and its Saphio with a spinning heelkick that sends Dan to the mat.

ND: Saphio irish whips Dan in the ropes and he wants to backdrop him to the mat. But Dan comes off and reads the move and its Dan with a kick to the midsection of Saphio and he sends him into the ropes. And OOOOH Dan just executed the Skeladriver on Saphio!!! This could be the beginning of the end here!!! And Dan is going to the corner now, he's gonna climb it. But hey wait whats that?

JP: ITS BRODY JAMES!! Brody James just came out from behind and he's at ringside now. He's probly here to get back at Dan, who attacked him earlier tonight after his match with Super Trouper. Brody picks up MAGGIE but then stays on the outside. He's not getting in the ring here!! Dan hasn't seen him yet though!! Brody now sees that Dan Prohibition is climbing the topturnbuckle now. Dan is on top now and he's gonna dive off for his Flying Guillotine!!!

ND: But just when Dan wants to dive off its Saphio who comes back to his feet and at that same moment Brody throws the MAGGIE towards Saphio!!! Saphio catches it and just at that moment Dan flew off the toprope!!! AND BAMMMMMMMMM!!!!! SAPHIO NAILED DAN WITH MAGGIE IN MID AIR!!!! INCREDIBLE!!!! And Dan is knocked out on the floor!!

JP: Saphio goes for the cover now and. 1......................2.......................3..................yesss and the crowd goes wild!!! Saphio wins and is still the Hardcore Champion!!! Brody raises his hands in the air and he gets a hold of the Hardcore Title and he slides in the ring and hands it over to Saphio!! Then both Saphio and Brody raise their hands in the air!!!


Winner: Saphio

Ex-Terminator vs. Eddie "Impact" Osbourne

JP: Next match is Ex-Terminator, who we just saw interfering, against Eddie Osbourne. Last week Eddie defeated 7-11 Punk and it was Ex-Terminator who appeared on the ramp after that match and he and Eddie traded some punches. Now tonight they face eachother in the ring.

ND: Yep, thats the story of this match.

(Walk by Pantera starts to play and Eddie Osbourne comes walking out. He runs to the ring and he slides in).

(Right after Seek and Destroy starts to play and Ex-Terminator comes walking out. The guy who supposedly is one of The Bad Guys now, gets booed. Ex-T walks to the ring and uses the ringsteps to enter them).

JP: The bell rings and the two lock up. Ex-T with a sideheadlock and and he bounces in the ropes and ....BULLDOG.....Good start by Ex-T here!! Ex-T picks up Osbourne and he dropkicks Osbourne back to the mat!! Ex-T picks him up again and hooks in a sleeper hold!! But Osbourne is trying to get out of the sleeper hold. Osbourne with an elbow to the side of the head now, but Ex-T holds on!

ND: Osbourne with another elbow, but Ex-T still holds on to the sleeper hold. Eddie is trying to do something else here now....and....oooh yeah jawbreaker by Osbourne!!! Eddie gets up and he picks Ex-T up and ddt's him back to the mat!!! Osbourne with a pin now, 1............2.........kickout by the big guy. Osbourne picks Ex-T up and he lifts him up for a northern lights suplex and he executes it!!!

JP: Osbourne is not going for another cover attempt, instead he lifts Ex-T up for another northern lights suplex and yeah he executed it again!!! Now he goes for the cover, 1.............2...........nooo kickout by Ex-T!! Osbourne shakes his head and he lifts Ex-T up again. He's going for another suplex, but this time Ex-T blocks it with his leg. Eddie tries again, but Ex-T blocks again and reverses with a suplex of his own!!!

ND: Ex-T slowly gets up and he picks up Osbourne and he POWERBOMBS him to the mat!!! OOOH MAN!!!! Did you see that!!??!! Ex-T for the pin, 1..........2........kickout!! Ex-T now picks up Osbourne and he drags him over to the corner and he lifts him on top of the topturnbuckle!! Ex-T climbs the topturnbuckle aswell now and he gets a hold of Osbourne and..........YEAHHHHHHH!!!! SUPERPLEX BY EX-TERMINATOR!!!

JP: Man, that was something!!! Ex-Terminator is getting up again and he picks Osbourne up and he drags him to the second corner and lifts him on it. Ex-T on the topturnbuckle aswell now and OOOOOOOH ANOTHER SUPERPLEX by Ex-Terminator!!! OOOH GOD!!! Thats two!! Ex-T goes for the cover now, 1..................2................and a kickout at the very last moment by Osbourne. He just made it out of there!!

ND: Ex-T can't believe it and he goes to the ref and makes clear that he thinks that the ref didn't count fast enough. Ex-T with a little push to the ref. But ooooh its Osbourne from behind with a roll-up!!!! The ref starts to count, 1............2.........kickout!!! Ex-T was too busy with the ref and that almost cost him that match. Osbourne picks up Ex-T and executes a tazmission plex on him!!

JP: Osbourne picks Ex-T up again and turns him around and......REVERSE DDT!!! OOh yeah Eddie Impact with a big ddt!!! Again its Eddie who picks up Ex-T. He sends him in the ropes, but Ex-T ducks the arm, bounces in the ropes and comes off with a flying shouldertackle and that sends Osbourne to the mat!! Ex-T goes to the topturnbuckle now and he's on top now and he goes for a diving headbutt and.....HE MISSES!!! Osbourne moved out of the way and Ex-T flew straight into the mat!!!

ND: Osbourne to his feet again and he goes to the toprope now. He's on top now and he dives off for a diving headbutt....BUT OOOOH EX-T moved out of the way in time and Osbourne flies headfirst into the mat!!! Ex-T gets to his feet and he picks up Eddie Osbourne, grabs him and.....OOOH YEAHHHHH EXTERMINATED!!!! He just did his finisher on Eddie Osbourne!! Ex-T for the cover and. 1...................2.................3.......... ooooh my Godd he did it!!! I can't believe it!! Ex-Terminator beat Eddie Osbourne!!!

JP: That sure is a great win for Ex-Terminator!! He can be a proud man right now!!

ND: I think he is, John!


Winner: Ex-Terminator

Joe Johnson/Mystic vs. Sean Corvik/???

JP: Back once again and like I said at the beginning of this show. We are only one week away from the next EWCL PPV called "HIGH STAKES". It promises to be another good ppv, but its not that time yet. First right now we have a very intresting tagmatch. We have "The Hardcore Event" Joe Johnson and Mystic on one side and Sean Corvik Kritical Kondition and a mystery partner on the other side.

ND: As you all know Mystic cost Corvik the match and the Internet Title last week. Mystic and Corvik go back a long time, but last week he turned on Corvik and tonight he's on Joe Johnsons side.

JP: But who's gonna be Corvik's partner?

ND: I would not know John.

JP: No theories?

ND: Well I'm hoping its gonna be Danny Christ, coz then you would have the best tagteam ever alive!! The Miraculous one and The Master of the Moves together, that would really make my day.

JP: For once I have to agree Neil. If they would team up, they would be unbeatable!! But lets go to the ring and find out who its gonna be.

(My own summer by the Deftones start to play and Internet Champion Joe Johnson and Mystic come walking out. Joe wears his usual attire and Mystic wears a shirt with IEA on it, but there's a big cross through it! Johnson and Mystic walk to the ring and enter it and wait for Corvik and his mystery partner).

(Angry again starts to play and Sean Corvik Kritical Kondition comes walking out. He slowly walks to the ring. As he reaches ringside he uses the ringsteps to enter the ring. He stares at Joe and Mystic for a while).

JP: And now its time for his mystery partner!! Who is it gonna be!!!

(One step closer starts to play).



(While the music plays The Hardcore Saint Dan Prohibition comes walking out. The crowd is amazed that he is the mystery partner of Sean Corvik. And the look in Joe Johnson's face is worth a million dollars. He can't believe that Corvik is bringing in Dan. Dan Prohibition who is the life long rival of Joe Johnson. Dan then starts to run and he runs to the ring and slides in. Dan stares at Corvik for a sec and then Corvik goes for Joe and Dan goes for Mystic).

(Corvik throws Joe out of the ropes, while Prohibition throws out Mystic. The two back up and spin around to each other. Corvik turns around to the ring announcer, who tosses him a microphone. He motions for another and gets it, tossing one to Dan.)

Corvik: So you did decide to hold up your end of the bargain.

Dan: You know that when someone is in need of help, the hardcore saint will help them, even a sinner like you. There is good in you Sean, you to can be saved.

Corvik: Bullshit, Dan. I'm trying to rejuvenate my career but not at the cost of these religious themes.

Dan: Listen Sean, I helped you out. You know that all these poisons are just breaking you apart and that's the reason you've gone over the edge.

Corvik: Why did you do it? I've sneak attacked you, I put the blame on you for the death of my cousin, all sorts of shit.

Dan: Because I know you Sean. I've been here since you arrived. I know your mind has been clouded by the morons you hang around with. But I know you're smarter than those clowns. I know that you can be clean and think independently.

Corvik: They betrayed me. After all these years, they betray me. You're the last person I thought would be there for me.

Dan: Hey, with my help, we can get the right head on your shoulders. You got smokes in your pocket?

Corvik: Why would you want smokes...?

Dan: Just toss them here.

(Inquisitively, Corvik moves to the corner his cigarettes are in. He tosses the pack to Dan, who dumps them out and breaks them apart.)

Corvik: What the fuck...?

Dan: W're gonna start by removing all the evils in your life.

Corvik: I don't think I'm gonna like this...I don't know if I can put up with you.

Dan: Well, I have one little incentive.

Corvik: And that would be what?

Dan: The other half of the EWCL Tag Team Championships.

Corvik: Well, this did come unexpected. Alright, then, I'll give you a chance. But if you rip my fucking cigarettes again I'll shove my fucking foot down your fucking throat.

Dan: Fair enough.

(Dan holds out his hand and the crowd looks down in awe. Corvik looks at him, then his hand, and accepts it.)

Corvik: One more thing.

Dan: Yes?

Corvik: Take that fucking mask off. You look like a fucking moron.

JP: Do you believe this? Corvik and Dan working together and Dan even offering his half of the tagteamtitles to Corvik.

ND: And did you see the look on Joe's face. He's disgusted with it and he's going crazy. Just look him stand there down the aisle with Mystic. Who's laughing now huh!!

JP: So whats gonna happen now? Are we gonna have a match here or what?

ND: Don't know John.

(John's question gets answered when Joe and Mystic decide to slide in the ring and they attack Corvik and Dan).


JP: Joe and Corvik are trading out punches and Mystic and Dan are doing the same thing here now!!! Joe really seems pissed off now!! And he sends Corvik into the ropes and when he comes off he does a drop toe hold and Corvik falls to the mat!!! Joe picks up Corvik and they start to trade fists once again.

ND: Mystic grabs Dan's head and hits him with a neckbreaker!! Oh man the saint down on the mat!! Mystic with a legdrop, but Dan moved out of the way!!! Dan picks up Mystic and another series of slaps and fists starts!! Joe Johnson grabs a hold of Corviks head and runs to the ropes and throws him over the toprope to the outside. Just like Corvik did before, now Joe does it!!

JP: Joe fell to the outside and now Mystic throws Dan to the outside aswell. The tables have turned now. Dan and Corvik on the ground on the outside now and Joe and Mystic inside the ring!!! Joe and Mystic signal towards Corvik and Dan and both Corvik and Dan don't hesitate and they both grab a steelchair and they slide back into the ring.

ND: Corvik goes for Joe and BAMMMM!!! He hits Joe with the steelchair!!! Dan goes for Mystic and WHAMMMMMM!!! and Mystic goes down!!!!

JP: And this thing is over people!!! The referee motions to the bellkeeper and he rings the bell!!! Sean Corvik and Dan Prohibition have been disqualified!!! And the winners of this match are laying on the mat!!

(Corvik and Dan hear the result of this match and they drop the steelchairs and roll out of the ring and take off. While they walk down the aisle they stare back at the ring and see Joe and Mystic still knocked out on the mat).

JP: You know what this calls for!

ND: What?

JP: This calls for a tagmatch for the tagteamtitles next week at the PPV!!! If I had any booking power I would book that match!

ND: And make it a no-dq match!!!


Winners: Joe Johnson/Mystic

Exile(c) vs. Cazzo - Non Title Match

JP: We are back for the last time. And this is what we have been waiting for. Universal Champion Exile taking on our Prez Cazzo. Earlier tonight we saw the entrance of Roadblock and Darth Vader Exile. Now we only have to wait for the match to begin.

ND: I wonder if Cazzo can still do it in the ring, its been a while since he was in it. And he doesn't really have good memories about his last match. And that last match was against Exile, the same person he faces today.

JP: Exile really has been provoking Prez Cazzo lately. Burning down the EWCL logo, attacking him with a stopsign, nailing him with a chair. You name it. What is it that Exile really wants, we don't know.

(Damned if I do by Life of Agony starts to play and Prez Cazzo comes walking out. He is wearing his good old "Dropkick King" t-shirt and he shakes the hands of the fans on his way to the ring. He slides in the ring and waves to the crowd).

(Then the Star Wars theme starts to play and Roadblock and Darth Vader come walking out. It appears that Roadblock is playing the Star Wars theme on the kazoo. The two march to the ring and Darth Vader enters the ring while Roadblock stays on the outside).

JP: I still think its freaky that Exile has to dress up with that stupid mask like that.

ND: Know your classics John. Oh shit I wasn't allowed to use the word 'classics'.

JP: All I am say....

(John Pilchard gets interrupted by American Made that starts to play. The crowd roars their approval. Cazzo turns towards the ramp and smiles as The Punisher walks out carrying a mic. Darth Vader and Roadblock stare with hatred at The Punisher who begins to speak.)

Punisher: Exile, if you thought for one moment that I would let my friend Cazzo come out here by himself then you're more stupid then I give you credit. Bottomline, if Legoblock interferes in the match, I'll lay out the both of you.

(Punisher drops the mic and he walks to the ring while the crowd cheer him on. He reaches ringside and he goes over to Cazzo's corner and looks at him and the two nodd in approval).

Ding ding ding

JP: Ok, the match is on and let me refresh your memory that this isn't a title match. Prez Cazzo said he didn't need a title match to beat Exile.

ND: Cazzo goes over to Darth Vader and they tie up. Cazzo with a side headlock and he sends Vader into the ropes. He comes off and its Cazzo with a dropkick right in the kisser!! Thats why they call him the Dropkick King!! Cazzo picks up Vader and he bounces himself in ropes. Cazzo comes off and he hits Vader with a flying forearm!! Cazzo landed on top of Vader and he goes for the early pin, 1............2.........kickout!!

JP: Cazzo picks Vader up again and he bounces in the ropes one more time. But this time Roadblock pulls down the toprope and Cazzo flies to the outside!!! OOoh GODDDD!!!! And we see Punisher running around the ring now and he's going for Roadblock!! Punisher is chasing Roadblock now! That reminds me of last week.

ND: Hey you weren't even here last week!

JP: Well I saw it on tv.

ND: Yeah right.

JP: Punisher is still chasing Roadblock. Roadblock looks behind him and ouch!! at the same moment that he looks behind him, he runs face first into a ringpost!!! Oh that must hurt! Roadblock took himself out and Punisher goes back to Cazzo's corner. In the meantime Cazzo crawled back to his feet and he now rolls himself back into the ring again. Vader comes in and stomps Cazzo to the head!! Vader picks up Cazzo and bodyslamms him back into the mat!!

ND: Vader picks Cazzo up and he sends him into the ropes, he comes off and oooh spinning heelkick by Vader!! Again Vader picks up Cazzo and sends him in the ropes one more time. But Cazzo ducks the arm and bounces in the ropes another time, but man, Roadblock got up and he grabs the leg of Cazzo and the prez falls facefirst to the mat!! And Vader follows that up with an elbow drop to the back of the head of the prez.

JP: Punisher runs towards Roadblock again and .....he got him now!! Punisher got Roadblock by the throat now!! He lifts Roadblock up and.......CHOKESLAM!!!! Punisher chokeslams Roadblock to the concrete floor!!! He's gonna feel that in the morning!!! Punisher looks at Roadblock and sees that he's knocked out. The American hero then heads back to his corner.

ND: In the ring Vader is still working on Cazzo. Vader now with a headlock on Cazzo. But Cazzo tries to get to his feet. And yeah the prez gets to his feet and gives Vader an elbow and he lets go. Cazzo runs to the corner, jumps on the topturnbuckle and turns and executes a missile dropkick and he hits Vader!!! Missile dropkick oh yeah!! Cazzo landed on top of Vader and he's going for the pin now, 1............2.......kickout.

JP: Cazzo picks up Vader and he grabs him and ..........CAZZOBREAKER!!!! Oh man its been ages since we have seen that move!!! A powerbomb into a neckbreaker by the prez. He looks at Vader, then looks at Punisher and then he goes for the cover. The ref starts to count and. 1......................2......................3........Yeah Prez Cazzo got the win here!! Ooh man what an easy win!!! Exile should be glad this wasn't for the Universal Title!!!

ND: But hey whats that noise?

(The Star Wars imperial march theme plays really loud over the pa system!!! Cazzo looks at Punisher again and they both move their shoulders up and don't know whats going on. Then all of a sudden about 50 Storm Trooper come to the ramp and there's one person standing in front of them).

JP: Who's that in front of those Storm Troopers?


(Cazzo's eyes get bigger as he can't believe that its Exile who's on the ramp. Cazzo then looks at Darth Vader who's laying in the ring and he goes over to him and takes off the Vader Mask. He rips the mask off and its NOT EXILE, its just some guy, but not Exile!! Cazzo drops the mask and rolls out of the ring. Punisher joins him and they stand in front of the ring now and stare at the ramp).

(Exile signals to the Storm Troopers and they start to move).

JP: Whats Exile gonna do? Whats he up to?



(The approximately 50 Storm Troopers 'storm' to ringside and again Cazzo and Punisher look at eachother and get ready to position themselves).

JP: Oooh nooooo, this is gonna go wrong!!! 50 against 2!!! The Storm Troopers reach ringside and its Cazzo who takes one down with a superkick and Punisher takes one down with a big boot!! BUT OOOOOH THEN THEY GET OVERWHELMED BY THE MANY TROOPERS!!!! OOOOH NOOOOO THEY NEED HELP!!! Those Troopers are beating the life out of Cazzo and Punisher!! This is insane!!!

(On the ramp we see Exile laughing and giving himself pads on the back).

(At that same moment we see The Good Guys coming out!! Saphio, Steel Brasco, Brody James and Warlock come running out and they head to ringside and head towards the Storm Troopers!!!).


ND: But do you really think they can do it now??? Its only 50 against 6 now!!!

JP: You never know Neil!!! The Good Guys start to beat on a couple of Storm Troopers, but it doesn't take long before they also get overwhelmed by the many Troopers!! About 25 of them turn towards the Good Guys and they start hammering them down to the concrete!!!

ND: How on earth did Exile get this many people here? How is that possible?

JP: Got no idea. All I know is that Cazzo, Punisher, Saphio, Brody, Steel and Warlock are getting their asses kicked like they have never before!!!

(At that moment Exile whistles and the Storm Troopers look up and start returning to the ramp and to Exile!! What they leave behind is 6 wrestlers beaten on the concrete floor!! 6 wrestlers knocked out and beaten!!).



JP: This is gonna mean alot for next weeks PPV!!! So if you wanna see whats gonna happen next, then you better tune in next week at the same time for "HIGH STAKES"!!! For now we have to say goodbye!!

(We see medics coming down the aisle and then the scene fades out).

Winner: No contest