(The lights go off and there's a big explosion followed by fireworks. The lights go on again and on the titantron "VENOM" appears. After that we see clips for last weeks Venom and clips of things that happend during this week).

John Pilchard: Welcome people to yet another Venom. Its the third week in a row that we have VENOM, VENOM is hot and VENOM RULEZ. And just like every week, we have quite some intresting matches for you. Tell them Neil, but first tell all who is this weeks sponsor.

Neil Down: This week Venom is sponsored by "The Job". The place where you have to go if you want a jobber, uhm I mean a job.

Ok, her we go. Like John said, its gonna be another intresting night for all of you wrestling fans. Again no title matches, but enough promised action. We got no less than 7 matches here tonight. Varying from tagteam, 3 way, single and 4 way matches. So what more do you want. All your favorite and not so favorite wrestlers will appear tonight. So better get ready for that.

JP: Yes. And Neil, Invader is in another match here tonight. So again I ask you to control yourself, will you, otherwise you have to leave the parking lot like a maniac again.

ND: Hey, that was just a rumour. That never happend.

JP: Yeah, right.

ND: Lets go to the first match here please.

" The Loose Cannon" Shane Johnson vs. "The Main Event" Rage

JP: Yes and it promises to be a good fight. It are two good competitors. We already seen Rage in action a few times, and he always leaves a good impression. Remember his rumble, that was impressive. And well Shane we only seen attacking jobbers so far, so you can't really say that much of his skills. But it promises to be a good fight.

ND: Lets go to Jay Blue.

Jay Blue: This match is scheduled for one fall. First from St. Louis Missouri, weighing in at 215lbs, here is "The Loose Cannon" Shane Johnson.

(Shane appears from behind the curtains to Linkin Park's "One step closer". He rushes to the ring. He is eager to get in the ring. He wears black wrestling tights with a dark green coat of arms on the sides and green lightning coming down on either side, knee high boots with knee pads. He jumps over the ropes and is waiting in the ring for his opponent).

Jay Blue: His opponent from Chicago Illinois, weighing in at 247lbs, "The Main Event" Rage.

(Voices by Disturbed comes loud out of the speakers and Rage makes his way to the ring. He doesn't rush to the ring like Shane, he takes it more slowly. He arrives at the ring, but doesn't walk in right away. He first circles around the ring a bit, and looks at Shane. Then he steps in).

JP: Ok, lets get this match underway, boys.

ND: Rage is in the ring, they circle eachother for a few seconds and they lock up. Rage whips Shane in the ropes, Shane rebounds and Rage wants to punch Shane down. But he blocks it, and both men giving eachother punches now, but they both block it everytime. Now Shane whips Rage into the ropes, he rebounds in the ropes and ooh spinning headscissors from the highflyer. Yeah thats the kind of action we wanna see here.

JP: Yes we do. Shane picks Rage up from the ground and delivers a snappmare. And holds the hold and has a sleeper hold on Rage now. Rage counters with giving two elbows right into the face of his opponent. Shane lets go of the hold now. Both men on their feet again. They lock up again and Rage whips Shane in the ropes again, he comes back and belly to belly suplex. Yes that took The Loose Cannon down to the mat. Rage follows the suplex with picking Shane up and whipping him in the corner. He charges in and splashes on Shane. Shane falls down to the ground. Rage gets on the topturnbuckle and performs a kneedrop on Shane's face. Rage gets up and steps on the turnbuckle facing the people and raises his hands. The crowd boos him though. Well some of them do anyway. Rage is still facing the crowd, but didn;t notice that Shane got up in the meanwhile. Shane comes up from behind Rage and steps on the topturnbuckle aswell. Rage tries to give Shane some elbows, but they don't take the Loose Cannon down. Shane lifts Rage up and wooowww a backdrop suplex from the toprope on the mat. Some move.

ND: Yeah, Rage knocked out now. Shane gets back on the topturnbuckle, now he faces the crowd. Is he gonna make the same mistake as Rage? Oh noo, he is not waving to the public, he's gonna do a moonsault. And yes, just delivered the perfect moonsault on Rage. Shane picks Rage up again and starts punching him in the face. Rage tries to counter, he kicks Shane in the stomach and follows that with a knee to the stomach. Shane sitting on one knee now. Rage grabs Shane by the head and whips him into the corner again. He charges in again and wants to do another splash like he did before. But Shane got out of the way in time and Rage flies into the turnbuckle and falls over the topropes to the outside of the ring. Man, what a bang.

JP: Yeah he's down on the apron now right in front of us. But whats Shane doing? He starts running and dives over the toprope right on Rage. We haven't seen that much here in the EWCL. It knocked the wind out of Shane aswell though. Both men laying on the ground now. Shane is the first one to get to his feet again. He picks Rage up by the head and wants to whip him into the ringpost, but Rage reverses and Shane flies shoulder first into the ringpost himself. Rage walks over to Shane, grabs his head and rolls him back into the ring. Rage gets in the ring aswell and scoopslams Shane in the middle of the ring. Rage decides to go to the topturnbuckle again and steps on. And frogsplash on Shane. Yeah also executed amazingly. We got two fine athletes in here tonight. Rage picks Shane up and whips him in the ropes, he comes back from the ropes and Rage wants to clothesline Shane, but Shane ducks under the arm, and moves into the ropes again, comes back and flying forearm right into Rage's face. Now Shane gets quickly to his feet, he picks Rage up and wants to superkick him, but Rage grabs the leg. He is holding one of Shane's legs now. But Shane counters it by doing an enzigiuri, and kicks Rage right in the head. Again he lifts Rage up and goes for another attempt of the superkick. But again Rage grabs the leg, but now he doesn't wait till he gets kicked with the other leg, no he sweeps away Shane's other leg and Shane falls to the mat.

ND: Rage goes for the ankle lock now. He got a hold of Shane's ankle and hooks the hold. Shane is desperately trying to move over to the ropes and he slowly makes his way to it. Yeah, he's almost at the ropes and reaches it. The referee makes Rage break the move. Rage is the first one to get up though, and kicks Shane in the head, grabs him and german suplexes his opponent. Rage picks Shane up again and whips him in the ropes. Are we gonna see his spine buster now? Noooo, Shane just executed a hurricanrana. Rage definately wasn't expecting that now. Both men on the ground now. Shane moves towards Rage and puts on the crippler crossface submission hold. Ooh Rage is screaming, but he is close to the ropess, but can he reach them. Can he? He is trying to and yessss, he reached the ropes and this time the referee makes Shane break the move. Shane is the first one to get up, he delivers a few kicks to Rage's head and then picks him up. He whips him in the ropes, but Rage reverse the move and sents Shane into the ropes, he comes back and spinebuster by Rage. Usually he finishes it with his Raging Climax (Walls of Jericho) now. But not now. He walks over to the corner, and what is he doing?

JP: He is trying to get the pad of the topturnbuckle. Why is he doing that? Does he want to majorly hurt Shane's back? Hurt it so bad, that the highflyer can suffer a major backinjury here? Well Rage is capable of doing that? We seen a heck of a fight by both wrestlers, but Rage don't need this. But yeah thats why he calls himself Rage. Anyway, Rage just ripped the toppad of the turnbuckle and the steal is exposed. He walks over to Shane and wants to whip him into the steal turnbuckle. He whips Shane, but Shane reverses the whip and sents Rage into the turnbuckle himself. Rage just felt the steal in his own back and goes down. Shane jumps on the topturnbuckle, makes the sign of the Resurrection and executes his swantom bomb on Rage. He goes for the cover and 1.....2..........3.........Yessssss, the rookie, the newcomer, the youngster, the Loose Cannon Shane Johnson won his first match here in the EWCL. And he beat none other than The Main Event Rage. What a match we seen here, what a beginning of this evening. Shane is celebrating, and ofcourse he should. He is raising his arms and the crowd is cheering wildly for him.

ND: But whats Rage up to? He sneaks up behind Shane and wacks him to the ground with a double axehandle. Shane to the ground. Rage then goes in The Raging Climax submission move. He should have done that earlier!!! Shane tapps out, but the match is over, there is no one that can make Rage stop. Shane is screaming out of pain, but Rage won't let go. The referee is trying to make Rage stop, but he refuses to. Man, Shane is in severe pain here, common let go Rage. Rage holds on the move for another half a minute and then lets go. He kicks Shane in the head one more time and then leaves the ring and walks back to the lockerrooms. Shane is left in the ring and tries to get to his feet, but he is in real pain here. He slowly makes his way out of the ring and to the backstage area.

Winner: "The Loose Cannon" Shane Johnson

Apocalypse/Stalker vs. "Happy" Henry Henderson/Mr. X

JP: Ok, on to our next match. Its another first round match in our tagteamtournament. And its gonna be intresting to see how these guys gonna do it here tonight.

ND: Yes thats certainly true. Well lets just go to ringside.

(The lights in the arena slowly fade into darkness as the fans in attendance begin to cheer and rise to their feet. Suddenly Rollin Rollin by Limp Bizkit begins to blare through the P.A. system. The fans begin to boo as pyro fires from atop the stage. Apocalypse steps through the curtain to a chorus of boos from the fans. Apocalypse looks over the booing crowd and simpy ignores them. Walking slowly towards the ring, Apocalypse stops at the ring and then sneers at the fans. Reaching up slowly, Apocalypse grabs the top rope and pulls himself onto the apron. Steping over the top rope, Apocalypse walks around the ring for a moment, then moves to the far corner.

Pyro once again begins to fire from the stage as Between angels and insects by Papa Roach begins to blare through the P.A. Stalker steps through the curtain. Seeing Stalker, the fans continue to boo as he walks slowly down to the ring. As he approachs, Stalker looks over Apocalypse and climbs the steel steps. Walking towards Apocalypse, Stalker begins mouthing off. Apocalypse looks over him for a moment, then pushes him into the corner. Stalker steps forward again, but the ref seperate the two. Stalker steps onto the apron and simply stares at Apocalypse.

Pyro once again begins firing from the stage. N2gether Now by Limp Bizkit begins to blare through the P.A. as Mr. X steps through the curtain. The fans cheer at the sight of him and Mr. X stops halfway down the entrance ramp and begins singing along with the song and playing to the fans. The fans begin to sing with him as Mr. X continues on his way to the ring. Rolling under the bottom rope, Mr. X stands up quickly and looks over at Apocalypse. Apocalypse simply stares back. Apocalypse begins to say something, but Mr. X smirks and along with the music tells Apocalypse to shut the f*ck up. The fans begin to cheer even louder as Apocalypse glares with hate filled eyes at Mr. X. Mr. X smirks and turns around and walks over to the turnbuckle. Apocalypse charges him quickly and begins to pummel him. Mr. X stumble into the turnbuckle and Apocalypse continues the beating. Apocalypse then whips Mr. X across the ring, as Mr. X is set to bounce off the ropes, Stalker catches him, locking him in the ring the f'n bell. Stalker wraps his legs around Mr. X's waiste appling the hold while on the other side of the ropes. Apocalypse stands there with a sneer on his face.

Pyro begins to blare once more as the sound of Clown music begins to blare through the P.A. Happy Henry Henderson charges to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope, he charges Apocalypse, who simply stares down at him).

JP: The ref begins calling for the bell as Stalker releases Mr. X from the ring the f'n bell. Mr. X falls to the ground, nearly out from the submission move. Henderson charges at Apocalypse again, but Apocalypse simply stands there, sneering down at the little man. Henderson goes for a knife edge chop, but Apocalypse catches his arm and shoves him to the mat. Apocalypse then turns around and begins to laugh. Henderson comes up with a low blow. Apocalypse quickly grabs his crotch and drops to his knees. Henderson catches him and drives him down hard with a DDT. Mr. X pulls himself up slowly and moves to his corner of the ring. Henderson mounts Apocalyspe and begins firing lefts and rights. Apocalyspe blocks for a moment, then throws Henderson off. As Apocalypse attempts to climb to his feet, Henderson drops him with a drop kick to the knee. Mr. X begins to slowly get back into the match. Henderson grabs Apocalypse leg and drops a knee to his thigh. Apocalypse swipes Henderson, knocking him away.

ND: Rising slowly to his feet, Apocalypse pulls Henderson off the mat and whips him into the ropes. As Henderson bounces back, Apocalypse catches him and drives him down hard with a tilt a whirl body slam. Henderson arches his back at the impact. Apocalypse stands over him with a smug look on his face. Mr. X begins beating on the turnbuckle, trying to get the crowd to give their support to Henderson. The crowd begins to cheer, but Apocalypse pulls Henderson up, then drives him back down to the mat with a forward slam. Apocalypse then begins to stomp on Henderson. Henderson attempts to roll out of the ring, but Apocalypse catches him and pulls him back up. As Apocalypse is pulling Henderson up, Henderson nails him with a forarm smash, catching him in the nose. Apocalyse stumbles back for a moment, Henderson, seeing his oppertunity attempts to make the tag.

JP: Apocalypse however catchs him by the waist and simply tosses him towards his corner of the ring. Apocalypse motions for Stalker to attack him, Stalker however simply stands there. Apocalypse walks over quickly and pushes Stalker, telling him to get into this match. Stalker steps down from the apron. Apocalypse begins to yell at Stalker, and Henderson takes advantage. Henderson quickly darts across the ring and makes the tag to Mr. X. Apocalypse turns around and is stunned to see Mr. X standing there. Mr. X begins throwing rights and lefts, driving Apocalypse into the corner. Stalker stands there as Mr. X stomps Apocalypse into the canvas. Mr. X then pulls Apocalypse up and whips him into the ropes. As Apocalypse bounces back, Mr. X nails him with a stiff lariat, driving him down hard to the mat. Mr. X begins to stomp on Apocalypse, then pulls him back to his feet.

ND: Mr. X kicks Apocalypse in the stomach and then attempts a body slam. Apocalypse however blocks the attempt, and drives a forarm into Mr. Xs back. Mr. X drops to one knee, and Apocalypse kicks him in the head. Mr. X hits hard on the canvas and Apocalypse follows up with and elbow drop. Apocalypse then goes for a pin. 1....2.... Mr. X gets his shoulder up. Apocalypse pulls him up by the hair, then gives Mr. X a knife edge chop. Mr. X takes a step back, then fires back with one of his own. Apocalypse squints his eyes under the pressure of the chop and Mr. X follows up with a knee to Apocalypses gut.

JP: Apocalypse stumbles back and hits the ropes. Stalker stands on the outside and laughs. Mr. X then knocks Apocalypse over the top rope with a lariat. Apocalypse lands hard on the outside. As Apocalypse attempts to climb back onto his feet, Stalker pounces him, and applies the ring the f'n bell. Apocalypse begins to struggle, only making the move more effective. Mr. X, Henderson and the ref look on, shocked. The ref, not knowing what to do, simply begins the ten count. 1...2..3...4...5... Stalker releases the hold, then pulls Apocalypse up and rolls him into the ring.

ND: The ref stops the count, and Mr. X pulls Apocalypse up as Stalker walks away from the ring. Mr. X whips Apocalypse into the turnbuckle and sets him on the top rope. Henderson climbs the far turnbuckle as Mr. X suplexs Apocalypse off the top, Henderson leaps off with the happy henderson high flying headbutt. Henderson conects and Mr. X tags him. Henderson covers and the ref begins to count. 1......2........3.......The ref calls for the bell as Henderson rises slowly. Mr.X looks over at Hendrson and simply extends his hand. Henderson takes his hand, and the Mr. X raises it. The two then play to the crowd as a dazed and defeated Apocalypse rolls out of the ring.

JP: Yes we seen it Henderson and Mr. X go to the next round in the tournament. And they might get pretty far in it.

Winners: "Happy" Henry Henderson/Mr. X

F*king Mental Guy vs. Freak Destroyer vs. Homicide

JP: On to our next match. Scheduled is a threeway match between F*cking Mental Guy, Freak Destroyer and Homicide. It promises to be a tough battle. So lets see what this match is gonna bring us.

(Twist by KoRn begins to blare through the P.A. system. The fans rise to their feet and begin to cheer as F*cking Mental Guy steps through the curtain. Standing atop the entrance ramp, he motions with his hand and points at the fans, then heads towards the ring. Climbing up the steel steps, F.M.G. steps through the ropes and turns his attention back to the entrance.

Freak on a leash by KoRn begins to blare through the P.A. as Freak Destoryer steps through the curtain. Freak Destoyer points at F.M.G. and then heads quickly towards the ring. Freak grabs the top rope, and pulls himself on the apron. Steping over the top, Freak and F.M.G. stare at each other then begin to exchange rights and lefts. Freak gets the advantage and knocks F.M.G. through the middle rope.

Spice 1 - Born 2 Die begins to blare through the P.A. as Homicide charages towards the ring. Freak turns quickly and stares as Homicide charges down the ramp. Homicide rolls into the ring and stops, staring at Freak).

ND: F.M.G. climbs back into the ring, and nails Freak in the back with a forarm shot. Freak stumbles forward and Homicide kicks him in the stomach, Freak doubles over and Homicide drives him down with a double arm DDT. Homicide rises quickly, but F.M.G. is already standing over him. F.M.G. begins to pummel Homicide, then whips him into the corner. F.M.G. follows up with a clothesline, then continues pummeling Homicide. Freak rises slowly, then charges F.M.G. driving him into the corner on top of Homicide. Freak then begins to stomp both men. Freak then pulls F.M.G. up and whips him into the ropes. Freak attempts a clothesline, but F.M.G. ducks the clothesline and catches him with a neckbreaker.

JP: Homicide pulls himself out of the corner. F.M.G. climbs back to his feet, only to receive a punch in the back of the head by Homicide. Homicide then grabs F.M.G. by the hair and throws him to the ground. Homicide steps on F.M.G.s face and grinds his heel into F.M.G.s eye. Freak attempts to get up, but Homicide runs over quickly and drives his knee into Freaks head. Freak drops back to the ground. Homicide then grabs both of Freaks legs, spreads then and drops a low blow to Freak with his knee. Freak grabs his groin and rolls around on the mat. F.M.G. climbs to his knees, Homicide grabs him by the head and drives repeated knees into his face. F.M.G. falls backwards and simply lays there. Homicide goes for a cover. 1.......2.......Freak manages to dive onto Homicide and break the count.

ND: Homicide attempts to stand, but F.M.G. grabs his foot. Freak gets to his feet and kicks Homicide in the stomach, Homicide double over and Freak plants him with a spike piledriver. F.M.G. gets up slowly, only to be driven back down by a clothesline from Freak. Freak pulls F.M.G. up and whips him into the ropes. As F.M.G. bounces back, Freak connects with a big boot. Freak then turns his attention to Homicide, droping an elbow on him. Freak then hooks the leg for a cover. 1......2.......F.M.G. breaks the count up. F.M.G. kicks Freak in the head, then applies an armbar. Freak fights the hold, trying not to submit.

JP: Homicide, seeing a chance applies a sleeper to F.M.G. The ref ask all men if they want to submit, but none of them will. F.M.G. releases Freak, who rolls away slowly. Homicide releases the sleeper and rises quickly, pulling F.M.G. with him. Homicide gives F.M.G. an uppercut, then bounces him off the ropes. As F.M.G. bounces back, Homicide catches him and plants him with a powerslam. Homicide goes for another cover. 1.....2.....Freak grabs Homicide by the head and pulls him up. Homicide attempts to struggle, but Freak wraps his hand around Homicides throat and throws him over the top rope with one hand. Homicide lands hard on the outside and simply lays there. Freak then goes for a cover. 1.....2.....F.M.G. gets the shoulder up.

ND: Freak climbs to his feet, then begins to stomp on F.M.G. Freak pulls F.M.G. up and throws him into the corner. Walking over slowly, he attempts an elbow, but F.M.G. kicks him in the stomach. Freak stops for a second, then continues to advance. F.M.G. then kicks Freak in the stomach again. Once again Freak stops for a moment, then continues to advance. F.M.G. kicks him the stomach a third time, this time Freak stumbles back. F.M.G. quickly jumps to a sitting position on the top rope and when Freak comes forward again, F.M.G. leaps off the top and catches Freak with a vicious implant DDT. F.M.G. then goes for a cover. 1......2......Homicide comes into the ring and stops the count with a stomp to F.M.G. Homicide has brought a chair with him.

JP: Homicide stands in front of both men and motions for them to rise. Both F.M.G. and Freak are dazed and both begin to rise. F.M.G. rises to his feet and Homicide swings, F.M.G. however saw the chair and dropes to the mat. Freak however doesn't and gets nailed in the head. Freak falls to mat. F.M.G. launches himself at Homicide, taking him down and knocking the chair from his hand. The two begin to roll on the mat, punching, biting and clawing at each other like wild animals. Homicide punches F.M.G. in the throat and knocks him off. F.M.G. grabs his throat and lays on the mat, gasping for air. Homicide rises to his feet and looks from F.M.G. to Freak. Homicide then walks over and grabs the chair. Homicide then delievers a vicious chair shot to the already hurt Freak. Homicide turns his attention back to F.M.G. who simply lays there. Homicide lifts the chair high above his head, F.M.G. then gives Homicide a evil smirk, and kicks him in the stomach. F.M.G. jumps quickly to his feet and pretends to gasp for air as Homicide looks at him, stunned.

ND: Homicide then charges F.M.G., but gets caught with a drop toe hold. Homicide lands hard, droping the chair. F.M.G. locks him in a camel clutch and leans back, trying to snap Homicides back. The ref ask Homicide if he submits, Homicide shakes his head no. Across the ring, Freak rises slowly, holding his head. F.M.G. releases the hold and pulls Homicide up. F.M.G. whips Homicide across the ring, and directly into Freak. Freak catches Homicide and plants him with a vicious gorilla press over the top rope. Freak then points to F.M.G. the two stare each other down, then lock up. Freak throws F.M.G. to the ground. F. M.G. stares at Freak for a moment, then quickly stands back up. They lock up once again, and again Freak throws F.M.G. back to the ground. F.M.G. glares at Freak and initiates another lock up. As Freak goes to lock up, F.M.G. moves quickly behind him, and kicks him in the back of the leg. Freak stumbles forward, and F.M.G. continues kicking him in the leg. After the third kick, Freak goes down. F.M.G. grabs the leg and drops a knee to his Freaks thigh. Homicide rolls back into the ring.

JP: F.M.G. goes for a figure four, Homicide catches him in mid spin and drops him with a DDT. Freak grabs the ropes and pulls himself away. Homicide follows him, and attempts a flying body press, Freak however catches him and sets him on the top rope. Homicide quickly jabs Freak, then rakes his eyes. Freak stumbles back, and Homicide leaps of the top rope, catching Freak with the 187 ( Tornado DDT ) Homicide goes for the cover. 1.....2.....F.M.G. breaks up the count. F.M.G. whips Homicide into the turnbuckle, Homicide however uses the momentum to leap to the top. Homicide then spins and goes for the 187 on F.M.G., seeing it coming however, F.M.G. reverses the move into a release northen lights suplex. F.M.G. moves quickly to Homicide and pulls him up. F.M.G. whips him into the corner again then sets him on the top rope. F.M.G. attempts the F*cking Crazy, but Homicide blocks. The two men start throwing rights and lefts, Homicide then rakes F.M.G.s eyes. F.M.G. drops to the ground but lands on his feet. Homicide attempts to stand on the top rope, but F.M.G. pushes his feet out from under him. Homicide is crotched on the top rope. Homicide then falls forward and is hung in the corner. F.M.G. drives him down with a variation of the F*cking Crazy. F.M.G. goes for the cover. 1......2......3.......

ND: F.M.G. wins the match. Stalker runs quickly down the entrance ramp and into the ring. F.M.G. rises slowly, only to be locked in the ring the f'n bell. Freak rises slowly and sees the double Stalker, Freak then kicks Stalker in the head, breaking the hold. Homicide rolls out of the ring. Stalker rolls out as well. Freak helps F.M.G. to his feet. Stalker and Homicide stare into the ring at F.M.G. and Freak. The stare down continues for long moments. Homicide and Stalker then turn and head towards the back.

Winner: F*cking Mental Guy

The Punisher/Invader vs. Zev Sanezca/Blade

JP: well, here we go now. Time for the next match of the evening. We will see The Punisher and Invader try and make their way up the tag team ladder against Blade and Zev Zenezka.

ND: This should be a great one tonight JP! I love The Punisher and Invader. They remind me of! Back when I could get it on with the ladies, drink a couple beers and smoke a little...

JP: Yeah well that's enough out of you lets get to our match.

(Rollin', the RIP music starts and Zev Sanezca walks out to a mixed reaction with Blade, they greet some fans on the way down to the ring, and they steps into, Zev gets a mike and waits for the cheers and jeers to die down, signs can be seen by the camera reading stuff like "RIP RULZ" "XwO nWo no difference!!" "Cazzo Rocks" and other things, Zev raises the mike to his mouth, looking quite annoyed).

Zev: oh! Shut up will ya? I mean, I've been watching my monitor backstage and all I'm hearing is crap about cazzo. It's making me sick to my know what I'd like to do?? I'd lik...

(The lights go out and spot lights come on. The light change colors and shine move all over the arena. On the Ovaltron the words MINISTRY OF TOTAL JUSTICE flashs on the screen. The crowd goes wild as "We didn't start the fire" by Billy Joel plays. They realized that this could only one of two men. Clips of Linkin Parks video mixed with clips of The Punisher and Invader at their usual hang out. The two men walk out through the curtain and walk down the ring).

JP: well, we're ready for action here.

ND: c'mon guys! Nail em from behind.

JP: Yeah, win by cheating, that'll be great eh ND?! ND:...

JP: Thank you. Oh! Invader and Zev in the ring first as Invader takes advantage while he repeatedly give him forearm shots to the head. ZV(Zev) falls right to the ground. IN(Invader) starts to stomp on him now. Punisher cheering him on. He picks him up now. He throws him in the corner...SLAP!! Ouch I felt that slap to the chest. He's going up again...SLAP!!! Ouch, look at ZV's chest! It's all red. IN throws him to the other corner by his partner. He starts to stomp him in the mid-section until he falls to the mat. IN then sticks his boot into ZV's neck. He's choking him with his boot against the turnbuckle. The ref starts the count to 4. Blade yelling at him form the otherside. IN picks him up and tags his partner. IN lifts up his arm as PN (Punisher) gives his a hard and rapid right to the kidneys. PN sends him to the ropes. He comes back and....Bam!! Powerslam! He goes for the pin...

1...2, he kicks out!

ND: slow count ref! But who cares right!?

JP: PN picks him up again. Oh! What a hard right hand and ZV is down with his head leaning against the ropes on both knees. PN picks him up again. He sends another right hand to the face of ZV. ZV then slowly gets up. PN leans back....Bam!! Nice clothesline taking him down again. PN picks him up again. He lifts him up..boom! Body slam! IN asking his partner for the tag now. He tags PN. PN picks ZV up. He sets him up for a powerbomb!! OH! What a move there. He picks him up again. He should've pinned him. OH!!!! Piledriver!!! ZV is out cold. He might've broken his neck on that one. He's picking him up again. Could it be?? *The Gavel*, The Gavel already!! BAM! And BAM! He goes for the pin...

1...2..oh! Blade elbow dropped PN. PN stands up and stares at him. Blade is asking for his life. PN runs after Blade. He goes for a clothesline but blade ducks! Blade grabs his hair from behind him. IN's in the ring. He grabs onto Blade. He throws him out of the ring. IN follows him. PN walks over to ZV again. He goes for the pin..

1....2....3...It's over! Punisher and Invader win.

ND: what's Invader doing?

JP: Invader's getting something from in under the ring. He's got a hammer!!! MY Lord don't do it!!! Blade is to his feet. CRACK!!!! MY GOODNESS!!! HE JUST CRACKED BLADE IN THE HEAD WITH A HAMMER!!! BLADE HAS BEEN BUSTED WIDE OPEN! The paramedics are running down the ramp. Why the hell did he do that? The match was over! There's blood all over the place. Punisher is grabbing a mic. Invader is just staring at Blade.

Punisher: What was that!? Give us a damn challenge...that was pathetic. We're the best tag team in the world industry today. Give us some credit!!! Oh yeah! JUSTICE IS NO LONGER BLIND!!!

(Punisher drops the mic on the beaten body of ZV. And they walk back up the ramp).

Winners: The Punisher/Invader

One Time vs. Maniac

JP: This next match has a history Neil. Its One Time and Maniac facing eachother in a Kendo stick match.

ND: Yes they have a history. Not so long ago One Time and Maniac where one of the most promising tagteams here in the EWCL. But then the unexpected happend. Last week at Venom in a tagmatch between them two and Rage/Showtime, Maniac put his finisher move on One Time. That did it, that was the final split up of this once promising tagteam.

JP: Yes, and all of that resulted in this Kendo stick match. The match goes like this. We got the kendo sticks laying right here on our announcetable. So the sticks aren't in the ring yet. The first one that makes it to our table and grabs the kendo sticks can use it in his advantage first. Next to that you still have to pin or let the opponent submit to win this match.

(Maniac's music starts to play and he comes out from behind the curtains. New Playmate Monica joins him. They slowly make their way to the ring. Maniac stops on his way and starts to swear at a guy in the crowd that has the sign "HHH - Hugh Hefner Ho" up in the air. Maniac grabs the sign and tears it apart. After he and Monica walk over to the ring. Maniac steps in and Monica stays on the outside of the ring.

Then One Time's music starts to play. He comes running out. He got a score to settle with Maniac so he wants to get in the ring as quick as possible).

JP: One Time dives under the bottomrope and goes for Maniac right away. He clothesline Maniac to the mat. He then starts stomping on every part of Maniac's body. He is definately one pissed man, well what can you expect, the man feels betrayed. One Time picks Maniac up and scoopslams him and follows it by an elbow drop. One Time already wants to make it towards our table to get the kendo sticks. He reaches the ropes but Maniac punches him in the back of the head. They now face eachother and stare in eachothers eyes and start swearing at eachother. Maniac slaps One Time in the face and One Time returns the favor. Man, we got two tough men slapping eachother in the face. Maniac whips One Time in the ropes, and when One Time comes back from the ropes, he takes him down with a clothesline. One Time gets up but gets hiptossed by Maniac. Again Maniac whips One Time in the ropes, but One Time rebounds the ropes and executes a spinning heelkick right in Maniac's face. That took him down.

ND: Yep Down is my name. One Time steps on the topturnbuckle now and legdrops Maniac. Then One Time makes his way out of the ring. He is walking towards us now, he is going for the kendo sticks. But Monica stops him, she's trying to convince One Time to stop or something. One Time is only a metre away from our table and thus only a metre away from the kendo sticks. But Monica is stalling time or something. In the meantime Maniac got out of the ring aswell, grabbed a steelchair and sneaked up behind One Time. And he nails One Time in the head with the steelchair. Yeah, who needs kendo sticks when you got a steelchair, huh.

JP: Yeah I know. One Time is laying on the ground right in front of us. Maniac gives Monica a kiss on the lips and comes over to us and grabs the kendo sticks. He walks over to One Time so he can give it to him with the kendo sticks. But Monica comes to Maniac again, asking for another kiss. And Maniac doesn't refuse that. But hey, which man would walk away from that nice looking lady huh. Maniac and Monica kissing now. But this time it is One Time that got the steelchair in his hands and wants to nail Maniac with it. One Time takes a swing with the steelchair and wants to hit Maniac, but just when he wants to Maniac moves out of the way and One Time nailed Monica with the steelchair. Monica down to the apron and she's bleeding.

ND: Is it that time of the month then??

JP: Neil!!!!

ND: Sorry!

JP: Maniac doesn't know what to do now. Does he have to see how Monica is doing or continue his fight with One Time. He looks at Monica, then looks at One Time, and the anger in his face boils up. He charges in to One Time, but One Time hits him right in the face with the steelchair. Now Maniac and Monica are laying flat on the ground next to eachother. One Time lets go of the chair, he grabs Maniac and rolls him in the ring. One Time then grabs the kendo sticks and gets in the ring aswell.

ND: Maniac still knocked out. One Time gets on the topturnbuckle and jumps on top Maniac nailing him with the kendo sticks. Oooh now he is using Maniac as a set of drums. He hits him in the stomache numerous times with the kendo sticks.

JP: Ooh and he goes for the cover now. The referee counts 1......2.......3......Yes this one is over. Both Maniac and Monica are still knocked out. But the winner is One Time.

Winner: One Time

(Now we see the backstage area. To be more specific we see the commisioners office. The door says "Commisioner Cazzo". We see Cazzo sitting in his chair in his office.

Cazzo: Gotta make a final decision now. Have to decide what I am gonna do, put my priorities straight here and gotta think of the time I have. I can only focus on one or two things at a time. Yes, I made my decision, it is clear to me.

(He pushes in the intercom and says:).

Cazzo: Pamela, can you let the guy in that I asked for?

Pamela: Yes, the pleasure is all mine to do that.

Cazzo: Um, ok.

(A guy we don't see in the face steps in Cazzo's office).

Cazzo: Sit down, you are just the man that I had to talk to. I got an offer for you.

(Then the camera fades out).

JP: What the hell was that all about?

ND: I don't know, but I have the feeling we are gonna find out soon enough.

Damien Black vs. Max Pain vs. "The Hardcore Event" Joe Johnson

JP: Yes, we probly will. So then lets get going with our next match. Its a threeway hardcore match for the number 1 contenderspot. So for a title shot at Beware The Whispers. Its gonna be Damien Black vs. Max Pain vs. "The Hardcore Event" Joe Johnson.

ND: Last week we seen how Joe Johnson attacked both Damien Black and Max Pain. The two of them were having a hell of a fight to determine who was gonna go to the PPV as the number one contender. But then Joe Johnson came and interfered and knocked both of them out with a steelchair, with a result that both Black and Pain got counted out. Tonight we have this threeway match to see who finally will get that number one contender spot.

JP: Yes, thats true, but I'm afraid for Joe Jonson that its gonna be more like 2 against 1, than everyone for himself. As he got himself against the two XwO members that he attacked. We'll see, but lets go to ringside.

Jay Blue: The first person in this match, from Pittsburgh PA, here is Damien Black.

("Are you ready????!!!!!" ......blares over the speakers and Damien Black makes his way out. He is wearing a XwO shirt. On the way to the ring he doesn't shake hands or anything, he is only focussed on the ring. He arrives at the ring, steps in and waits in a corner).

Jay Blue: The second person, from Los Angeles, here's Max Pain.

(Max Pain comes while "Come with me" plays. Like Black he has a XwO shirt on. He steps in the ring and goes over to Black, they shakes hands and talk a bit. Probly talking over tactics).

Jay Blue: Finally our third and last person. From Chicago, Illinois, here is "The Hardcore Event" Joe Johnson.

("Save yourself" by Stabbing Westward starts to play and Joe Johnson appears from behind the curtains. And he walks over to the ring).

JP: Hey, but what does he have with him?? He is taking a steelchair with him, its probly the same steelchair he used last week on Black and Pain as we see some blood on the chair. He walks slowly towards the ring. But Pain and Black already got out of the ring and running towards Johnson. Didn't they see that he has that chair with him??

ND: They charge over to Johnson. Johnson takes a swing at Pain, but Pain blocks the chair and holds the chair. At the same moment Black spears Johnson down to the ground. He lands right on top of Johnson and starts pounding fist after fist on Johnson's face. Black gets up, picks Johnson up and holds him with his hands behind his back. Pain still holds the chair and he nails Johnson on the head with it. Johnson down to the concrete floor. Now Pain grabs Johnson by the head and picks him up. He whips Johnson right into the guardrail. Then Black and Pain pick Johnson up and they roll him in the ring. Black and Pain follow him into the ring. Johnson is on one knee now and looks up to his two opponents and spits on Pain's boots.

(The camera focusses on someone in the crowd. on the second ring we see Stalker watching this match).

ND: What is he doing here? Didn't he do enough for one day. Well I doubt he is gonna interfere here.

JP: Pain kicks Johnson in the gut and whips him into the ropes and he wants to clothesline Johnson. But Johnson ducks under his arm, bounces back from the ropes again and takes Pain down with a clothesline. But right after Black picks him up and performs an atomic drop to him which sents Johnson right into the turnbuckle. Black looks if Pain is ok. Meanwhile Johnson got on the topturnbuckle facing the crowd, and he moonsaults on both Black and Pain. He just took both of them down with that moonsault. He grabs Pain by the head and throws him through the ropes to the outside. He then focusses on Black. Johnson punches Black in the face a few times and follows it with a ddt to the mat. And he goes for the quick cover.. 1...2... kick out by Black. No, it takes more to pin that guy. Johnson picks Black up and whips him into the corner, he runs in after but Black gives him a big boot and follows that with a clothesline that takes Johnson to the ground. Black looks where Pain is. Pain is on his feet again and is about to step in through the ropes in the ring again. Black wants to whip Johnson in the ropes, but Johnson reverses it and sents Black into the ropes and right in Pain. Black and Pain bumped into eachother. Pain back on the floor on the outside again. Black is on hands and knees in the ring.

ND: Johnson runs towards Black, uses Black as a springboard and dives over the toprope right on Pain. Wowwww what a move was that. Yeah you can see he and Shane Johnson are brothers. But that also knocked the wind out of himself aswell. Black stepped out of the ring too now, and he takes a folded table from under the ring. He throws it in the ring, gets in the ring aswell and sets the table up.

JP: On the outside Johnson and Pain both got to their feet. They start giving eachother punch after punch. But Pain got the overhand here. He is giving Johnson several punches to the head now. He now walks over to the ringsteps and picks them up, he walks back to Johnson and nails him with the ringsteps. Oh what an impact was that. Black signals to Pain and Pain grabs Johnson and rolls him back into the ring. Black goes for the cover right away. 1....2.....but a kick out by Johnson. This ain't over yet.

ND: This really isn't a fair match here, two on one. Unbelievable, but Johnson still hangs in there. Black picks up Johnson and throws him into the ropes and goes for a backdrop, Johnson however reads the move and hooks him in a piledriver. Johnson picks Black up and jumps about 4 inches off the ground for added impact of the piledriver. Johnson goes for the cover....1....2...but Pain interferes and elbow drops Johnson on the head. Pain picks Johnson up, whips him in the ropes and bamnn belly to belly suplex. Black and Pain pick Johnson up and they whip him in the ropes again, Johnson rebounds and gets a double clothesline from the two of them and it sents him to the mat.

JP: That table is still standing in the ring and now Pain and Black lift Johnson up and lay him on the table. Both Pain and Black walk over to the corner and start climbing the turnbuckle, they both stand on the same topturnbuckle now. What are they gonna do?? Ooooooooh mmmmmy Godddddddd!!!!! At the same moment both of them jumped off the topturnbuckle onto Johnson. Black with an elbow drop and Pain with a legdrop. They both landed on Johnson and through the table. Man, man, man what a doubleteam move.

ND: All 3 down now, even though Pain and Black sent Johnson through that table, they feel the impact too. Black moves over to Johnson now and goes for the cover.....1....2.....

(But all of a sudden "The Loose Cannon" Shane Johnson comes running out. He jumps on top of the topturnbuckle and performs a moonsault on Black).

JP: My goodness!!!! The referee stopped counting, what definately would have been a 3 count. Shane walks over to Pain and dropkicks him right in the face and Pain flies over the toprope to the outside. Shane follows him to the outside and starts pounding Pain to the face. In the ring Johnson and Black start to get back on their feet again. Johnson throws Black into the ropes, rebound from Black and flying shouldertackle from Johnson. Johnson goes for the cover. 1...2....kick out by Black. Johnson lifts Black up again and executes a powerbomb on him. And now Johnson makes his way over to the corner and wants to climb the topturnbuckle.

ND: On the outside Shane just nailed Pain with a reverse ddt. Pain is on the ground, but Shane keeps on stomping on Pain. He picks Pain up and whips him into the ringpost. Pain falls down to the ground with his head on the ringsteps. Shane walks over, grabs Pain's head and wacks him on the ringsteps numerous times.

(Then new XwO member "Violent" Jack Daniels comes running out. He runs towards Shane and clotheslines him to the ground. From under the ring he grabs a trashcan and hits Shane over the head with it. Not once, but a few times. Shane goes down and Jack Daniels throws the trashcan in the direction of Black. And then Jack Daniels leaves ringside).

JP: In the ring Johnson started climbing the turnbuckle. He is almost on the top. But Black got to his feet already and grabs the trashcan. He moves over to Johnson and hits him in the back with it. But Johnson doesn't fall. Black hits him with the trashcan in the back again. Then Black throws the trashcan in the middle of the ring and starts climbing the turnbuckle too. Johnson is happy to hold on after the hits on his back with the trashcan. They both on the topturnbuckle now. They both face the crowd. Black hooks Johnson in a backdrop suplex and YESSSSSSSSSSS executes it. Johnson lands right on the trashcan.

ND: Unbelievable!!!! Black goes for the cover!!! 1......2..........3............YESSSSSSSSS DAMIEN BLACK is our winner!!!!! He won this outrageous match. Black is the number one contender and will go to the PPV as the number one contender for the Hardcore Title.

JP: What a slaughterhouse. In the ring Black is on one knee, raising his hands. Johnson is knocked out. On the outside both Shane Johnson and Max Pain are knocked out. Yeah this was quite a battle!!!

(Then the camera focusses to the entrance stage. Fireworks come out and big green lights appear. Then Damned if I do by Life Of Agony starts to play. From behind the curtains the Hardcore Champion Cazzo appears. The crowd goes wild. In one hand Cazzo has his hardcore belt and in the other hand he got a microphone).

Cazzo: People, I have an announcement to make. First of all to all you in and outside the ring. You've pulled out a great match here tonight, so my compliments for that. Then on to my special announcement. I have been thinking about this for quite a long time. As you know I am the raining hardcore champion and have been holding that title for almost 2 months now. But as you also know, I am going for the Universal Title and thats where my heart goes to. I have to set my own priorities and well the hardcore title ain't part of that. So as of now on I am no longer the Hardcore Champion. But that doesn't mean that the Hardcore Title is vacant now, uh uh. Not to worry about that. I handed it out to the man here in the EWCL who is more hardcore than anybody else, he is the extreme, he is more motivated than anybody else. He is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment!!!!! I handed the title over to............ PETER PAN!!!!!!!!!!! YES PEOPLE, PETER PAN is your new HARDCORE CHAMPION!!!!!!!

(Peter Pan comes walking out in a totally new outfit. He has a big smile on his face. He walks over to Cazzo. Cazzo hands him over the title and congratualates him).

Cazzo: Here Peter, you deserve this title. After all the beatings you got over the last several weeks, this shows the appreciation that you need. Here you go.

Peter Pan: Thank you! And don't worry. I will be the best Hardcore Champion there ever was!!!

(Then Cazzo and Peter Pan leave again and the camera focusses on the men in the ring).

JP: Damien Black and Joe Johnson just look at eachother. They are both surprised as hell!!!

(Then the camera fades and we go to a commercial break).

Winner: Damien Black

Alexander Glory vs. Cazzo vs. Saphio vs. Fazzer




Prez: hmm! Interesting, Interesting indeed. But let me get this straight. You want to fight Peter Pan?

Saphio: yeah! C'mon man. I deserve to be able to climb back up the ladder. I owe it to myself and my fans.

Prez: Well, alright! I guess I could do that for ya. Just let me make a few arrangements.

(Back at ringside)

JP: well, looks like Saphio wont be participating tonight's Main Event. I guess we'll have to have a three way then.

ND: yup! No four way afterall.

JP: well lets get to the match. Glory is ready to come out.

(The Game is Over blasts on the speakers. The crowd floods the whole arena with boos).

JP: what th...Glory just rolled out through the curtain. IT'S CAZZO! Cazzo steps out form behind the curtain and chases after the downed Alexander Glory. The crowd are cheering loudly. Glory is trying to get to his feet. He's still stumbling though. Looks like this match is underway already.

ND: not yet. Fazzer's not out here.

JP: no but here he comes. He's coming down the ramp after the two men. Cazzo still punching Glory all the way down that ramp. Fazzer walks up behind Cazzo and starts to get a couple shots in at Glory as well. Glory is leaning against the ring. Fazzer and Cazzo are beating the hell out of him. Punch after punch. Elbow after elbow. Knee after knee. They throw Glory in the ring. Glory holding his back there. I think he injured that somehow last week. Fazzer and Cazzo jump in the ring. They continue to maul on Glory. But Glory is still trying to get to his feet. He just can't do it. They're beating the tar out of him.

ND: oh! Wait ‘till he gets up then.

JP: They're picking him up is that good enough? They throw him against the ropes. They're going for a double clothesline. Glory ducks it. He makes a complete stop now. Fazzer and Cazzo both turn around. So does Glory. Bam!! Glory just downed them both with a double clothesline of his own. That brought Glory to one knee. Glory is trying to catch his breath. Fazzer and Cazzo are both getting up now. Glory gets up. He grabs Cazzo by the head and picks him up. He sends him against the ropes. He comes back. OH! But a low-blow by Cazzo on Glory and Cazzo stops in his tracks and starts to stomp on Glory.

ND: were was the ref on that one JP?

JP: I have no idea but this match should already be over by rights. Glory down on both knees now. Fazzer is on his feet he grabs Glory by the hair and picks him up. Bam! He executes a perfect russian leg sweep. Cazzo picks him up again now. He sets him up for a belly to belly suplex. Bam! There it is. Glory is down. Fazzer starts to stomp on Glory. Cazzo picks him up again though while Fazzer is still stomping on him. He sets him up for some sort of suplex. He's up. OH! Jackhammer, and Glory is now once again being picked up.

ND: I don't know how much more of this he can take JP! He needs help.

JP: well, why don't you go up there and help him?


JP: thought so. Fazzer setting him up for something now. Looks like a ..Oh! Yes it is. Inverted atomic drop. Cazzo is climbing to the top now. Fazzer is getting out of the clear for Cazzo. Cazzo takes off. OH! GLORY MOVED!!! I don't believe it! How did he get the energy to do that? Cazzo is on the mat in pain holding his stomach. Looked like he went for a splash! Fazzer walks over to Glory. He picks him up. He stes him up for a suplex....and...vertical suplex landed perfectly. Glory can't do a thing. Fazzer picks him up again. LOW BLOW!!! Fazzer goes down and all three men are down.

ND: why wont the ref call any low blows here JP!? This is rediculous.

JP: I don't know but I don't want to see this match come to an end with a stupid ending like that! Cazzo is staggering to his feet. Glory is getting to his feet as well. Fazzer is still down. Both men are up now. Cazzo takes a swing at Glory. Glory blocks it. Glory swings at Cazzo. Cazzo blocks it. Cazzo swings again. Glory ducks out of the way and maneuvers himself towards Cazzo's back. He lifts Cazzo up...Bam! Back body drop. Cazzo is down now. Glory is getting back up. Fazzer is to his feet now. Fazzer swings at Glory. He ducks and spins around to Fazzer's back...oh..another Back body drop!

ND: Man is this guy ever tough!

JP: They don't call him ‘The Game' for nothing! All three men are down now. Glory getting up the fastest though. Glory finally gets to his feet. He picks up Cazzo. He sets him up for a suplex. Cazzo wont let up. Cazzo reverses it. And glory is down now but starting to get up again already. Cazzo walks over to him. He grabs him by the hair. Het sets his head under his arm and wraps it around him. DDT! Glory's head just bounced off the mat. Fazzer is on his feet now as well.

ND: man, both of these guys have been working together the whole match. Are they ever going to turn on each other?

JP: I guess you'll just have to wait and see ND. Fazzer is walking over towards Glory now. He picks him up. *Glory all of a sudden starts fighting back* He's energizing on Fazzer. He's pummeling him all around the ring here. Cazzo runs after Glory. Glory turns around. Glory with a kick to the mid-section on Cazzo. Fazzer is leaning against the ropes. Cazzo is leaning over. OH! Knee smash by Glory! Glory turns around. He clotheslines Frazzer over the ropes. Fazzer flips over to the outside.

ND: LOOK!! Peter Pan!!! He's running down the ramp!

JP: what the hell is he doing? He's looking at Glory. Glory looks at him. He climbs in the ring.


JP: He's going after Peter Pan!!! He climbs in the ring. Peter's not looking at him. He's still looking at Glory. Saphio gets up from behind him. *BITTER SWEET SYMPHONY* on Peter Pan!

ND: Saphio is taking Peter Pan out of the ring. He's signaling Glory to go ahead with the match.

JP: Cazzo's up though~! He turns Glory around. Wham! Rights hands to the face of Glory. *Fazzer got a chair on the outside* Cazzo sends him for the ride. * Glory reverses it* BAM!!!!! FAZZER JUST NAILED CAZZO WITH THE CHAIR BY ACCIDENT!!! Glory sets up...*GAME~OVER*


Falling away from me blasts on the speakers as the prez walks out past the curtain.

ND: what's he doing out here?

JP: Good question!

Prez : I'm going to get right to the point here. ...... Right here I have a contract with my name on it........ A contract that states that I am fully part of EWCL... But!.... Not as a president.... Ya see, I signed this contract as a wrestler because then I wouldn't have to sign up or ask Cazzo for a job. ... Are most of you getting it yet??.... as I am president right now I signed the contract so I could be an official EWCL full-time wrestler. .... So now I'm both wrestler and President!!! But that's not what I want. I want a challenge. I want to climb my way to the top of the EWCL ladder. ....*I want to,... and will,.... resign as Prez and hand it over to Cazzo* (crowd cheer). So as of right now, Cazzo...... You're the man! And I'm your worst damn nightmare...The one man rampage is back bitch! "Don't Fuck With Me"!!!

Triple X drops the mic and walks back through the curtain

JP: WHAT TH......? THE PREZ IS BACK IN ACTION....I DON'T BELIEVE IT FORMER EWCL CHAMPION IS BACK!!!!!! CAZZO IS THE NEW PREZ!!!! WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT WEEK?? Screen fades to black as Glory and Fazzer both still looking at the curtain where Triple X walked through!!!