VENOM - 07/04/2002

(The gold and white EWCL logo flashes across the screen, rolling from left to right. A beat starts… slow at first, but growing in intensity. Suddenly a speck appears on the screen, screaming forwards, getting larger and larger until it becomes legible… the EWCL logo. The whining screech increases in intensity until it appears to SMASH through the viewer's television screen. Shattering glass provides the background sound as the EWCL theme kicks into gear. A montage of the EWCL superstars overlayed in blue, red, green and gold flashes across the screen. Universal Champion Sean Corvik, Blade, Exile, Chris Christ, Steve Studnuts, The Punisher and more. Scenes of violence, carnage and action as only the EWCL can provide barrages the viewers until finally the Venom logo spins in to view, only to be crushed by the EWCL trademark).

(Right after this opening we see that already a couple of EWCL employees start to take down parts of the Venom Logo. The camera then goes over to our two commentators of the evening).

John Pilchard: I can't believe that they are already taking down the stage. We are in the middle of a live show!! How can they do that?

Neil Down: Aren't you gonna start off by welcoming the people?

JP: Oh sorry. Welcome folks!

ND: Well you're too late now!!

JP: So what do you think of this all Neil? What do you think of the end of the EWCL and that they are already taking down the set here?

ND: I've been depressed all day John!

JP: You see, it also effects you Neil. Before you said you didn't care, but in fact it does effect you. You DO have emotions Neil and have alot of bonding with the EWCL!!

ND: Well actually I was depressed all day coz Chris Christ lost in the SEI tournament!

JP: Oh.....

ND: He lost to someone called Groond.

JP: But look at the bright side. Sean Corvik, Joe Johnson, Exile and Steve Studnuts progressed to the second round. Thats pretty good news for the EWCL.

ND: I rather would have had it that everyone would have lost and that Chris Christ would have gone through!

JP: What?

ND: And thats the truth, dammit!!

JP: You are one sick man, Neil. All EWCL superstars did real good in the tournament and then you say something like that. Thats not nice.

ND: Ahhh, sue me!!

(The Cazzotron then comes on and we see a limousine stopping on the parking lot. The driver gets out and he walks over to the passengers door and opens it and a few moments later its Eric "Cazzo" Van Zandt who gets out of the car. Prez Cazzo wears a black suit and after he got out he puts on his black sunglasses. He walks over to the entrance door and enters the building. After he entered we see that Herbie "The Mailman" Hiscock comes over to him).

Herbie: Hey Cazzo.

Prez Cazzo: Herb, what the hell are you doing in my eye-sight? Shouldn't you be druling all over Nick Dangerous?

Herbie: Well, I got a message for you, Cazzo.

(Cazzo mumbles to himself: "Damn those jobbers take their gimmick always too serious. He then looks up to Herbie and does a fake grin).

Prez Cazzo: What is it, Herb?

Herbie: What is what?

Prez Cazzo: The MESSAGE!

Herbie: Oh yes, the message. I got a message from Sean Corvik. He's looking for you!!

(All of a sudden Cazzo isn't calm anymore. His eyes grow bigger and there actually appears sweat on his forehead).

Prez Cazzo: Corvik?!?

Herbie: Yes Sean Corvik.

Prez Cazzo: What does he want?

Herbie: He seriously wanted to have a word with you. Shall I sent him to your office?

Prez Cazzo: NOOOOO, not my office!! Just tell him I'll meet him in the cafetaria.

Herbie: Ok, will do.

(Prez Cazzo quickly passes Herbie and he walks away).

(Scene fades out).


ND: You mean Cazzo?

JP: Yes him!! Coming out here with a limosine and his flashy suit. The company goes bankrupt after he took all that money and now he even dares to come out with a limo and a tax. That man really makes me sick.

ND: Yes, he sures a bastard allright. But enough talk John, its time for tonights matches.

Mystic vs. Eleven

JP: First match of the evening sees the comeback of Mystic. He hasn't been around for a while.

ND: I heard the rumour he was in rehab.

JP: Still spreading rumours huh Neil!

ND: Well I gotta do something....uh...I mean....noooo...thats what my source told me!!

JP: Uhuh...Anyways, Mystic will fight the young kid Eleven tonight.

ND: Again let me say that Eleven isn't 11 years old, he's 16. Oooh 16 what an age....

JP: NEIL!! Don't start with talking about your childhood again!! Thats not what the people want to hear.

ND: How do you know?!?

JP: Trust me!! I do!!

(Outshined by Soundgarden starts to play and Mystic comes out from behind the curtains. The crowd recognises the former Prime Time Champion and he gets some cheers. Mystic starts his way down the aisle to ringside and after reaching it he slides in and waits for his opponent).

(Enter Sandman starts to play and moments after its Eleven who comese out. He stands still on the top of the ramp for a moment, but then he makes his way down to the ring. He enters the ring and he looks up in the air and points to the sky).

JP: Eleven is probly still thinking of The Mauler. His mentor, his master, his...

ND: Sexslave.


ND: ...

Ding ding ding

JP: The bell has rung and the match has started. Eleven and Mystic circle eachother for a couple of moments and then they tie up. Mystic comes in with a knee to the midsection and right after he irish whips Eleven into the ropes. Eleven comes off and its Mystic with a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker!! Nice way to start this match off here. Mystic bounces into the ropes and comes off and does an elbow drop and hits it!

ND: Mystic grabs Eleven and hands out a couple of chops to the chest. He then sends Eleven into one of the four corners and charges in right after. But oooh Eleven moves out of the way in the last second and Mystic flies chestfirst into the topturnbuckle!! Mystic stumbles backwards and Eleven comes in and he dropkicks his opponent in the back and Mystic flies chestfirst into the corner again!

JP: Eleven gets up and he turns Mystic around and hands out a few shots to the forehead. He then irish whips him into the ropes. Mystic comes off and Eleven does a spinning heelkick to take Damien Kincade down to the mat!! Eleven points to the sky again and he then goes over to the nearest corner and climbs it all the way to the top. He stands on top and he dives off for a 450 splash and .....he hits it!!! Excellent!!

ND: And Eleven goes for the cover right away, 1.......................2............but Mystic kicks out. Eleven gets to his feet again and he stomps away on Mystic. He then picks him up by the head and goes to irish whip him again, but this time Mystic reverses the irish whip and sends Eleven into the ropes himself. Eleven comes off and Mystic grabs him, turns him around and ..RUDE AWAKENING!!

JP: And now its Mystic with the cover attempt, 1.......................2..........but also only a two count. Mystic picks Eleven up and executes a snap suplex. The former Prime Time Champion grabs Eleven and sends him into the ropes again. Eleven comes off and its Mystic with a spinebuster!! Mystic for the pin, but only a two count.

ND: Mystic is back to his feet and he picks up the kid and sends him in the ropes once more. Eleven comes off and Mystic goes for his CYNERGY BLAST......but Eleven ducks the leg, bounces into the opposite ropes and comes off with a spinning heelkick!! Eleven then quickly goes to a corner and gets on the topturnbuckle. He then waits till Mystic gets back to his feet and then ......RAGNA ROCK!!! A spear off the toprope to take Mystic down!!!

JP: WOW!!! And Eleven goes for the pin and. 1.........................2.......................3........He gets the victory. His first victory in the EWCL!!


Winner: Eleven

(We come back from the commercials and we go to Prez Cazzo's office. We see Prez Cazzo sitting at his desk, just staring in front of him).

Prez Cazzo: Sean Corvik, looking for I am scared of him....ha... that makes me laugh..

(At that moment there's a knock on the door and the look in Cazzo's eyes changes from confident to fright. At first Cazzo doesn't respond but when he there's another knock on the door followed by the words "Its Frank Styles from the FBI", Cazzo calls out that he can come in).

(Frank Styles enters the office and he goes over to Cazzo, shakes his hand and takes a seat).

Prez Cazzo: Frank, Frank, Frank, how many times do I have to tell you that I DON'T KNOW where Alexander Glory is!! How can I get through your little FBI brains and get clear to you that I just don't know.

Frank Styles: I'm not here for Glory.

Prez Cazzo:'re not?.....Then why are you here?

Frank Styles: I'm here for another investigation.

Prez Cazzo: ANOTHER investigation!! What investigation?

Frank Styles: A certain embezzlement concerning millions and MILLIONS of dollars.

(Prez Cazzo gets up from his chair and grabs his chair and throws it to the other side of the office).


Frank Styles: I got all the right to be here, Mr. Van Zandt.

Prez Cazzo: And I tell you that you should get the hell out of my office!!

Frank Styles: First you need to answer some of my questions!!

Prez Cazzo: No, I don't!!

(After saying that Prez Cazzo passes Frank Styles and leaves his own office. Leaving the FBI agent alone in the office).

(About a minute later its Sean Corvik who storms in the office, shouting out "SHOW YOURSELF YOU RAT!!, SENDING ME TO THE CAFETARIA, YOU ARE THE LOWEST OF THE LOWEST". Corvik then sees Frank Styles and calms down a bit).

Frank Styles: Sean Corvik, right?

Sean Corvik: Thats the name.

Frank Styles: Your President just left. I don't think he wants to talk to anyone right now.

Sean Corvik: Do you know where he went?

Frank Styles: No, I have no idea. But Mr. Corvik, while you are here I have a question for you.

Sean Corvik: I don't have time for silly questions.

Frank Styles: Its only one. Do you know where Alexander Glory is?

(Sean Corvik looks surprised after hearing that question).

Sean Corvik: I haven't heard from Alexander ever since he got arrested. I wish I seen him, but I haven't.

(Corvik then turns around and leaves the office).

(Scene fades out).

Xavier vs. Mystery Opponent

JP: Well, well, well, Cazzo now even got the FBI all over him. The Bastard deserves it!!

ND: I doubt he has to worry alot about the FBI. They haven't really showed alot of professional skills.

JP: You can say that again. But its time for our next match. This match will see Xavier against a Mystery Opponent. Any idea who this mystery opponent is, Neil?

ND: I have no clue. I hope its Danny Christ.

JP: I seriously doubt its Danny Christ, Neil.

ND: Well who asked you, John! But if it isn't Danny Christ, then I think the mystery opponent will get a tough battle. Seeing that Xavier injured James Nethery that bad last week that he will be out of wrestling for a couple of months.

JP: Yes, Xavier worked on Nethery's knee last week as if he was taking down a building.

(Then "Bulls On Parade" by Rage Against the Machine begins to play as the lights go black and the green lights form an X on the ring. Fireworks pop around the Cazzotron as the lights come back on. Xavier makes his way down the aisle. After he reaches ringside, he slides in the ring).

JP: Now I wonder who his opponent is gonna be.

(Xavier is looking up to the ramp where sofar nobody can be seen. Then the lights go out and a hellish voice says:

The time has come for him to pay for the sins of the one
A warrior from another world, the one they call
(Then "Out of my head" by Puddle of Mud starts to play and Flames burst up and the lights come on again. We see that FLAME is already in the ring and he stands right behind Xavier. The 6'5" Flame then attacks Xavier from behind and takes him down to the mat with a neckbreaker).

Ding ding ding

JP: So THATS the mystery opponent. Its Flame! Did you ever see this guy in action Neil?

ND: No, I haven't John. This kid is all new to me. But he seems to have some talent. He just nailed Xavier with that neckbreaker and now he picks up Xavier and he sends him into the ropes. Xavier comes off and Flame does a flying forearm that takes X to the mat. Flame picks Xavier up from the mat, but ooooh Xavier with a lowblow!!

JP: Flame goes down to one knee and Xavier gets to his feet and he does a roundhouse kick to the face that takes Flame all the way down to the mat!! Xavier grabs Flame and sends him in the ropes. Flame gets off and Xavier does a headscissors takedown!! Xavier lifts his hands in the air, but the crowd reacts with boos!! Xavier puts his hand to his ear, but he only gets more heat from the crowd.

ND: Xavier picks Flame up from the mat again and he irish whips him into the ropes. Flame comes off and Xavier comes in with a high knee that takes the new guy to the mat. Xavier goes to the corner and climbs it. He is on top and he dives off for a frogsplash, but ooooh Flame moves out of the way in time and Xavier flies chestfirst into the mat!! Flame doesn't hesitate and he grabs Xaviers legs and hooks in a sharpshooter submission!!

JP: Xavier is shouting it out from the pain right now as Flame hooked that submission in pretty good! The referee is asking Xavier if he wants to tap out, but Xavier is shaking his head. At the same moment he is trying to reach for the ropes. He's not that far away and his attempts to grab them seem to work. Xavier gets closer to the ropes and......he got them!! He grabbed the ropes and ref makes Flame break the sharpshooter.

ND: But Flame doesn't give Xavier alot of time to recover, he grabs him and ....he executes a DDT!! Flame goes for the cover, 1.......................2............but Xavier kicks out. Flame then picks Xavier up again and he sends him into the ropes, but this time Xavier holds on to the ropes. However Flame follows in hot pursuit and he comes in and he clotheslines Xavier over the toprope to the outside!!

JP: Oh man!! Xavier is laying on the outside now. And whats Flame doing? Flame is climbing the topturnbuckle now. What is he gonna do? He stands on the topturnbuckle now and he looks down at Xavier and.....he dives off and.......DIVING HEADBUTT FROM THE TOPTURNBUCKLE TO THE OUTSIDE!!!...........Holy SHIT!! Did you see that!!! What a way to risk your career!! And that in his first ever EWCL match!!

ND: On the outside we see that both men are still on the concrete. Right now its Flame who's the first to get back up again. He picks Xavier up by the head and he rolls him back into the ring. Flame gets in aswell and he goes for the cover right away, 1..........................2......................but somehow Xavier manages to kick out!!! Flame can't believe it and he goes to a corner again and starts to climb the toprope. He stands on top and he also dives off for a frogsplash, but oooooh this time Xavier lifts his knees up and Flame lands straight on them!!

JP: Ooh man!! And its Xavier who crawls over to the ropes now and he uses them to get back to his feet. Xavier goes over to the roprope now and gets all the way up there. He sees that Flame is still in pain and he jumps off and .....DRAGON FLIGHT!!! What a move by Xavier!! And he goes for the pin now, he covers Flame and the referee makes the count. 1..................................2............and we see that Xavier puts his legs on the ropes to use them as extra leverage................3.......And Xavier gets the win!!!

ND: Good win for the X-man.

(Xavier raises his hands in the air and after he slides out of the ring and walks out. In the ring we see that Flame is getting back up and he asks for a microphone, which he gets).

Flame: Xavier, you are the one that will pay for my sins. You will know true fear and pain! And thats a promise!!


Winner: Xavier

(We get back from the commercials and we see reporter Bill Carty standing backstage. And he's not alone. He got EWCL Superstar The Punisher standing next to him. Carty looks in the camera and starts his report).

Bill Carty: This is Bill Carty and right next to me is 1 time Universal Champion and 4 time Prime Time Champion The Punisher.

The Punisher: Evening Bill.

Bill Carty: My first question is, how disappointed are you after your first round loss in the SEI tournament?

The Punisher: I am disappointed Bill, but thats not really important right now. Whats more important right now is the EWCL. The EWCL is dieing. The EWCL that I have been in since the very beginning, ever since the time of Fletch. This is my federation, this is my yard, I have spent my best wrestling years in here and its hard to accept that this same federation is on his last journey.

Bill Carty: So what are your thoughts about the way the EWCL is ending?

The Punisher: I just have no words for it Bill. Its all the fault of one man, its all on Cazzo's shoulders. If he wasn't this greedy and selfish than everyone would still have a job in two weeks. I just don't believe how someone can be like that and act like that. Thats not the American Way.

Bill Carty: So how does your future look like?

The Punisher: My future? I haven't thought about that yet. All I have on my mind is the EWCL. Like I said before, this is my federation and I will always be part of it. So I will be here till the very end of it. After that time I will see where I'll go. These days with a EWCL reference on your resemee you get pretty far. But my future isn't that important, its the future of the EWCL which is.

Bill Carty: Thank you for these words Punisher.

The Punisher: You're welcome.

(Scene fades out).

Gargantuflem vs. RPG

JP: The following match is between Gargantuflem and RPG. Last week G-Flem wrestled and beat Xavier and James Nethery. G-Flem earned himself the last entry spot in the Prime Time Title Battle Royal at Family Values. But after that match with Xavier and Nethery it was a wrestler called RPG who came out and he attacked G-Flem. G-Flem was overwhelmed and taken by surprise. Now G-Flem will take on RPG one on one.

ND: Thats if Xavier decides to stay in the back. RPG and Xavier are mates so I wonder if he stays out or that he will make an appearance here.

(At that moment "Cocky" by Kid Rock starts to play and Marcus Babylon and his Justine appear on the ramp and they make their way down. Marcus Babylon got a titlebelt on his shoulder and when the cameraman zooms in on it, it appears to be the Prime Time Titlebelt. Marcus Babylon and his Justine reach ringside and they go over to John and Neil. They take a seat and both put on a headset).

JP: Uh...hello...who are you?

Marcus Babylon: I am Marcus Babylon, the current EWCL Prime Time Champion and thats my lovely Justine.

ND: Yes, she's sure lovely.

JP: But what the hell are you doing with that Prime Time Title on your shoulder? I don't recall that you won that belt.

Marcus Babylon: I am the Champion...I am the Main Event... why shouldn't I have the Title?

ND: He is right about that one John.

JP: How is he right about that? Explain that to me? In my world you first have to defeat a champion before you become a champion.

ND: Thats just so passé John. We live in the year 2002, grow up will you.

JP: I don't believe this!! So why are you here Babylon?

Marcus Babylon: I'm your special guest announcer for the following match. Then at least that match has something intresting in it.

ND: He is right about that aswell John.

JP: Shut up and stop being a suck up Neil.

ND: Ok I'll shut up then.

(Neil then turns his head towards Justine and looks at her breasts).

ND: So Justine, when did you visit Silicon valley?

(Justine doesn't even react to Neils question).


ND: ...

Marcus Babylon: Who's in this match again?

JP: G-Flem and RPG.

Marcus Babylon: Remind me again, why I came out here to guest announce.

(At that moment I stand alone by Godsmack starts to play and RPG comes out. The fans boo him while he makes his way down the ramp to the ring. Once he reaches ringside he slides in and gets ready for his match).

(Want by Disturbed starts to play over the pa system and Gargantuflem appears on the ramp. The crowd starts to cheer G-Flem on and he appreciates it and makes his way to ringside. On his way to the ring he greets some of the fans and when he reaches ringside he sees his friend Manuel sitting in the front row. He goes over to him and shakes his hand and talks a bit with him. G-Flem then slides in the ring).

Babylon: Does this guy work in the elderly home or what?

JP: No, thats just his friend who helps him with training and all. He used to be a wrestler aswell.

Babylon: When was that, before world war 1?

(Neil Down turns towards Justine again at this time).

ND: So tell me Justine. How much did it cost to have "them two" improved?

(Justine doesn't react again and looks to the wrestlers in the ring).

Justine: That big guy is G-Flem right, he's earned himself the last entry in the Battle Royal right?

JP: True.

ND: Aha, so you like big guys huh!!


Ding ding ding

Babylon: Saved by the bell!! Oh dammit, the match is only beginning. I thought it was over already.

JP: G-Flem and RPG circle eachother for about 6 seconds. Then they tie up and its G-Flem who hooks in a side headlock. They go into the ropes and G-Flem lets go off RPG and he goes into the opposite ropes. RPG comes off and G-Flem with a flying shouldertackle!! G-Flem picks his opponent up again and sends him into the ropes for a second time. This time when RPG comes off, its G-Flem who takes him down with a power clothesline!

ND: G-Flem picks RPG up again and delivers a one-arm scoop slam. He follows that up with bouncing in the ropes and delivering an elbow drop!! G-Flem is really on top here. Hey, that reminds me. Justine, do you prefer to be on top or not?

(Justine just shakes her head in disbelief).

JP: G-Flem picks up RPG and he drops him facefirst into the ropes. Oooh man!! G-Flem follows that up with grabbing RPG and he lifts him up and .....double underhook powerbomb!!! Wow, what a move by the big guy. Real impressive!!

Babylon: Thats got to be the worst powerbomb I have ever seen.

JP: Didn't you just see that. That was an extraordinary powerbomb!!

Babylon: You want me to show YOU how a real powerbomb is executed!!!

JP: take your word on it....

Babylon: So you agree with me that THAT was a badly executed powerbomb?

JP: Uhhh........I do....

ND: G-Flem is going for the cover, but he only gets a two count. G-Flem picks up RPG, but its RPG with a lowblow. And he counters with irish whipping G-Flem into the ropes. G-Flem comes off and RPG does a spin kick to take him down. RPG picks G-Flem up from the mat and he irish whips him again, but this time G-Flem reverses the whip and sends RPG into the ropes. G-Flem wants to go for a backdrop, but RPG reads the move and he counters with a scissors kick!!!

Babylon: Come on, SPINAROONIE!!

JP: RPG goes for the pin now, 1............................2..............but G-Flem kicks out. RPG then goes over to the corner and starts to climb the toprope. He takes his time and he didn't notice that G-Flem is getting back to his feet again. While RPG is still getting to the top, G-Flem also started to climb that corner. He gets up and grabs RPG from behind and .....BACKDROP SUPLEX FROM THE TOPROPE!!! Greatly done by G-Flem!!

ND: G-Flem now gets back to his feet again and he picks up RPG and sends him into the ropes. RPG comes off and tilt-o-whirl driver by G-Flem!!! G-Flem picks RPG up again and he grabs him by the throat and he delivers a stalling chokeslam!! RPG goes down to the mat.

JP: Now thats wrestling!! He's definately Prime Time Title material!! Unlike other people, who haven't even proved it, yet they claim to be the champion!!

Babylon: Don't tell me, you are talking about me?

JP: Well frankly I am!!

Babylon: Marc my Words Pilchy... come the close of Family Values, as the curtain falls on this whole sorry Federation and its pathetic legacy, I will still be the PrimeTime Champion, and you will still be a fat eunuch with a bad toupe and a penchant for relations with farm animals!

ND: Hahaha, now thats funny.

JP: You are disgusting Babylon!!

(At that moment Marcus Babylon takes off his headset and he gets up from his seat and he takes his Prime Time Titlebelt and he goes over to the ring and slides in).

JP: What's he doing?

ND: Babylon gets in the ring and the referee looks a bit confused and doesn't know what to do. Babylon goes over to G-Flem and .....WHAMMMMM.....clocks him in the head with the Prime Time Title belt!!! Babylon then raises his hands in the air and the crowd booos him!!

JP: The referee is making signals to the ring announcer now. But before the ring announcer can say something, Babylone got a hold of a microphone.

Babylon: Hey referee, don't tell me you are gonna disqualify RPG, just because I interfered and took down G-Flem with the belt?

(The referee nodds his head).

Babylon: Now that wasn't my intention!

(Babylon drops the mic and he goes over to RPG and nails him in the head aswell with the Prime Time Title belt. RPG goes down to the mat and Babylon slides to the outside. Justine also got up from her seat and the two leave ringside to alot of booos from the crowd).

JP: What a character!

ND: What a woman!!

JP: Now back to the ring. The referee hasn't called anything yet, so I assume he is gonna let the match continue. G-Flem and RPG are both getting back to their feet again. RPG comes in with a big right one, but G-Flem blocks it and counters with a kick to the gut and....GARGANTUAN'DRIVER!!!...Thats it!!! G-Flem with his finisher and he's going for the cover now. 1................................2.......................3......And he wins!! Good win for G-Flem!!

ND: What a woman!


Winner: Gargantuflem

(We are in Prez Cazzos office and the prez sits behind his desk sorting some papers when there is a knock on the door.)

Cazzo: Come in.

(The door opens and in walks Internet champion Chris Christ. Hot off his defeat in the SEi tourny he does not look best pleased. He has his tin foil title slung over his shoulder and is already kitted out in his ring attire. He walks in and places his hands on the edge of Cazzos desk and peers down at the prez.)

Cazzo: What can I do for you Chris?

Christ: Well there is a couple of things I would like to get off my chest. Firstly i'd like to say i'm alittle dissapointed about the tournament result. Not for you, not for the fans, not for the EWCL but for me! I could have beat that guy and I didn't. So now I got a little pent up rage inside thats ready to explode all over Exile!! The commisioner may have the upper hand in the experience factor, but I got the upper hand in the skills department. The young takes on the old in an age old epic battle. In the movies you never know who is going to win until the very last battle. Well this ain't the movies! I'm going to win! Exile is going to serve as my punchbag for this tournament and it will not be a pretty site for that loony!! Why am I fighting this guy anyway? If you ask me this nutcase should be locked away!

Cazzo: I didn't ask you and you're fighting him because I said so.

Christ: Ok but I know there is a hidden motive there. Behind that stone exterior I know what you're getting at. You want me to take him out don't you. Exile has now become a little splinter in your hand and you want me to be the tweezers that pluck him out. Its fine, I can handle it. And I gotta say big man, nice thinking. You picked the right man!

Cazzo: Anything I cam help you with in-particular Chris?

Christ: Well I wanted to congratulate on you on your big "lottery" win if you catch my drift! Half the guys in this fed don't know what an asset you are to the company and now, finally, after years of taking advantage, they get their just deserts. Its about time Cazzo got some recognition in this fed and if by taking money is how you wanna do it, then i'm behind you one hundred percent!!

Cazzo: Well Chris, thats very interesting you should say that because I have a prop...

Christ: Another thing I wanna know is when am I going to get my Internet belt back? I mean since I won it almost a month back I still haven't had it around my waist. All i've got to do with it is bash Dangerous's head in, it was fun, but wasn't the same as holding it. So I was wondering. How about a match at 'Family Values'? Me against Drake Laps? Internet title on the line. Maybe we could throw a couple of stipulations in there but thats not important right now, what is is the actual booking of the match! Well? What do ya say??

(Chris waits as Cazzo ponders the thought.)

Cazzo: Ok, I'll do you this favour. You'll get your match against Drake Laps at Family Values. But don't forget that I did you this favour.

(Scene fades out)

Chris Christ(c) vs. Exile - Non-Title

JP: And you still cheer Chris Christ on. I don't believe you.

ND: Why?

JP: The guy doesn't even mind that Cazzo pulled that stunt with the money.

ND: You should know that Christ is all about forgiveness.

JP: Unbelievable!!

ND: But its final now Family Values will see Chris Christ versus Drake Laps, Internet Title at stake. Sounds good.

JP: So the entire card for Family Values, which takes place at April 21st is ready. Main Event is Sean Corvik against Exile in a dungeon match, then we have Chris Christ versus Drake Laps for the Internet Title. And then there's the Battle Royal for the Prime Time Title.

ND: Good card huh.

JP: But before we think of that, lets go to our next match. Chris Christ is taking on Exile in a non-title match. What are your thoughts Neil?

ND: Not much, I hope Chris is over his first round loss in the SEI tournament. I know I'm not. I hope he had the time to concentrate on this match.

JP: Exile also competed in the tournament and he did go through to the second round.

ND: Whats your point?

JP: No point really.

(Born of a broken man by Rage Against The Machine starts to play and Commissioner Exile comes out. Exile gets mixed reactions after last week when he attacked his own brother Blade. Exile walks down to ringside and slides in the ring).

(My Sacrifice by Creed starts to play and The Messiah Chris Christ appears on the top of the ramp. He got a tin foil belt on his shoulder. The crowd starts to boo him while he makes his way to the ring. He reaches ringside and slides in and goes straight for Exile).

JP: Christ and Exile start to trade punches right from the start and its Christ with the upperhand. Its Christ with a couple of chops to the chest and he then sends Exile into the ropes and when he comes off its Christ with an overhead belly to belly suplex!! Christ picks up Exile from the mat again and the two start to trade punches again. Now its Exile who gets the advantage as he comes in with two kicks to the gut.

ND: Exile follows that up with sending Christ into the ropes. Christ comes off and Exile does a powerslam!! Exile gets back to his feet and he grabs Christ by the hair and he sends him into one of the four corners. Exile charges in right after and he splashes on top off Christ. Exile then climbs on the bottom rope and he starts to put his fist to Christ his forehead. 1...2....3....4....5....6....7...8...9....10....

JP: Exile stops and he gets off the rope and he irish whips Christ into the opposite corner. Christ flies in backfirst and he stumbles forward and falls facefirst to the mat. Exile slowly walks over and he kicks Christ to the back of the head several times. He then grabs Christ by the hair again and sends him into the ropes. Christ comes off and Exile clotheslines him back to the mat again!!

ND: Exile picks up Christ and sets him up for a piledriver, but Christ blocks it. Exile tries again, but Christ blocks the piledriver for a second time and counters with a backdrop of his own. He then picks Exile up and does a swinging ddt!!! Christ bounces into the ropes and comes off for a kneedrop on Exile!! Christ then grabs Exile by the hair and he drags him over to the ropes and throws him through the second and toprope to the outside.

JP: Christ climbs to the outside aswell now and he goes over to Exile and takes him down to the mat again with a double axe-handle. Christ then picks up Exile and he ramms him backfirst into the ringpost!! Oooohhh!! And Christ holds on to Exile and bodyslams Exile to the concrete floor!! Christ once again grabs Exile and drags him back over to the ringpost. And BAMMMM...Christ ramms Exile's head into the steelringpost.

ND: Common Christ!! Another time!! And ......BAMMMM....Christ does it again!! Christ then raises his hands in the air!! OOoh yesss!!! But I can't believe why the crowd is booing him now? Why? Why? Why? Christ now rolls Exile back into the ring again and follows in after. Christ looks at Exile and chuckles. He then goes over to Exile and picks him up and hands out a couple of chops to the chest.

JP: He irish whips Exile into the ropes and when he comes off he takes Exile down to the mat with a clothesline. And before Exile can even get back to his feet, its Christ who hooks in his Sweet Dreams!!! Its a modified crossface chicken wing. And Exile is screaming it out from the pain now. He definately is in pain!! But luckily for him, he's rather close to the ropes. He tries to reach it and yesss he got them. Exile got a hold of the ropes and the ref makes Christ let go off the Sweet Dreams.

ND: Christ first acts like he didn't hear the referee. But when the referee makes clear what he means, Christ lets go. Exile is using the ropes to get back up again. Christ doesn't give him any time and charges in, but Exile sees him coming and he pulls down the ropes with a result that Christ comes in and flies over the toprope to the outside!! Oooooh noooooo!!! And Exile rolls himself out of the ring now.

JP: He goes over to Christ and drags him over to the steel ringsteps and he bashes his head into them.....WHAMM!.....WHAMMM!!...WHAMMMMM!!....... He slammed Christ three times into the steel ringsteps. Exile then picks Christ up and rolls him back in the ring again. Exile gets in aswell and he lifts Christ up and executes a full nelson slam. Exile follows that up with picking Christ up and sending him in the ropes again. Christ comes off and Exile spears him down to the mat again!!

ND: Exile goes for the cover, 1............................2..............but Christ kicks out of it!! Exile grabs Christ by the head and he body slams him back to the mat again. Then Exile goes to the top. He goes all the way to the topturnbuckle. He faces the crowd and dives off for a moonsault and ......HE MISSES!!!...Christ moved out of the way in time!! Ooooh yesss!! Christ now is slowly getting back up again. He goes over to Exile and picks him up.

JP: Christ sets Exile up for a piledriver and hits it!!! Christ follows that up with going to the toprope and he dives off for a frogsplash and ....HE HITS IT ASWELL!!!! Christ is on top of his game now. He picks up Exile and sets him up for The Sign Off.

(But then the Cazzotron comes on and we see "The Highflying Miracle" Drake Laps. He got the Internet Title around his waist and a girl on each side of him).

Drake Laps: I'm enjoying my SPRING BREAK vacation right here!!! I got the Internet Title around my waist, I got hot women, good weather and beer. What do you got Chris Christ?

(And the Cazzotron fades out).

JP: Chris Christ looks up in disbelief and he let go off Exile. Exile on the other hand takes advantage of the situation and he grabs Christ and .....OUTCAST!!!......He did it!!! Christ is down and Exile goes for the cover and.1............................2...............................3..........Exile has won and Chris Christ is no longer undefeated!!

ND: NOOOOO!!! NOOOOOO!!! I can't believe it!! What a week!! What a bad week for me!!

JP: You mean for Chris Christ.

ND: Uh...yeah...thats what I meant.


Winner: Exile

(We come back from the commercials and we go backstage again and we see reporter Bill Carty once more).

Bill Carty: I'm here in the lockerroom area and all night I have been trying to talk to wrestlers about the current situation in the EWCL. A few have shared their opinions with us, but not everyone was willing to do that. They either didn't want to respond on television about it, or we decided not to air it as the language sometimes was too offensive. And seeing we are already in trouble with the PTC, we couldn't take the risk in airing that. Therefore ....

(At that moment Sean Corvik passes by).

Bill Carty: you have a second? Whats your opinion about the current EWCL situation?

(Sean Corvik comes back and lifts up his right fist to the camera).

Sean Corvik: THIS is what I think of the current situation!!!

(After saying those words Corvik slams his fist through the camera and all we see is static).

(Not long after that we go to Prez Cazzo's office. The phone rings and Prez Cazzo picks it up).

Prez Cazzo: Yeah? What is it Kelly?


Prez Cazzo: He's heading for my office?


Prez Cazzo: Are you sure?


Prez Cazzo: Well don't let him pass your office!!


Prez Cazzo: What?? Its too late for that!?!

(Cazzo hangs up the phone and he gets up from his chair and he ducks and hides under his desk. Only 5 seconds later Sean Corvik kicks in the door and storms in. Sean Corvik looks around but he doesn't see anyone in the office. He then mumbles something and starts to take the office apart.

He picks up the visitors chair and breaks it in two. Corvik then goes over to the desk and grabs a pair of scissors and goes over to the leather couch thats standing to the left of it. He uses the scissors and rips the leather off the couch and totally destroys the couch. Corvik then goes over to the desk and he picks up the computer and he holds it up over his head and walks over to the window and he throws the computer through the window to the outside!! The glass breaks and that sound is followed by the sound of the computer hitting the ground.

Corvik moves back to the front of the desk and he lifts the desk up and throws it to its side! The desk is no longer covering Cazzo and it is then that Sean Corvik sees Cazzo and realizes that he was hiding under the desk. Corvik and Cazzo stare at eachother and the Prez gets to his feet and tries to talk his way out of it).

Prez Cazzo: Now Sean, I dropped my pencil and was looking for it!

Sean Corvik: You rat, you weasel!! Get over here!

Prez Cazzo: Now now, no need to be all offensive and angry now.

Sean Corvik: I don't have time for words right now Eric. Its time for action!!

(Corvik walks over to Cazzo, but then Cazzo grabs a lamp that wasn't broken yet and he wants to slamm the lamp into Corvik's head. But Corvik blocks it and hands out a couple of right ones to Cazzo's head. Cazzo returns with a couple of right ones himself and the two start a brawl you would only see on the street. Then its Corvik who gets the upperhand and uppercuts Cazzo and the prez stumbles backwards into the wall. Corvik then grabs Cazzo again, but at that moment 5 security guys come in and they break the two up).

(The scene then fades out).

Sean Corvik(c) vs. The Punisher

JP: Ok, it looks like Corvik almost had a piece of Cazzo there. And I must say that I can't even blame him for that.

ND: He's probly warming up for his match against The Punisher.

JP: Maybe. But to talk about this match. Both Corvik and The Punisher fought in the SEI tournament this weekend. Sean Corvik beat multiple IWF Champion Powerhouse and The Punisher lost to IWF Johnny Profit. In addition I can say that Joe Johnson, who is still suspended here in the EWCL, also went to the second round after defeating IWF's Rage. Besides them Exile and Steve Studnuts also went through to the second round. Thumbs up for all of them.

ND: Yeah, rub it in.

JP: Rub what in?

ND: That Chris Christ didn't make it through.

JP: I wasn't rubbing that in.

ND: Yes you were.

JP: No I wasn't.

ND: Yes you were.

JP: Ok, before this gets out of control again, lets go to the match. Corvik vs. Punisher, a 3 time Universal Champion against a 4 time Prime Time Champion.

(American Made starts to play and The Punisher comes out from behind the curtains. The All American Hero comes out and gets a good pop from the crowd. He walks to ringside and gets in).

(Then Died by Alice in Chains starts to play and the lights go off for a moment. When they come on again we see Kritical Kondition Sean Corvik standing on the top of the ramp. The crowd boos him, but he doesn't seem to even notice it. He starts to make his way down the ramp to ringside. He finally reaches the ring and he uses the ringsteps to enter the ring).

Ding ding ding

JP: Corvik and Punisher circle eachother for about 8 seconds and then they tie up. Corvik comes in with a knee to the midsection, but Punisher counters with an elbow to the back of the head. Punisher then sends Corvik into the ropes and when he comes off he takes him down with a shouldertackle. Punisher picks up Corvik from the mat and he sends him into a corner. Punisher walks over to the corner and he starts a series of elbows to Corviks head.

ND: Punisher then grabs Corviks arm again and sends him into the opposite corner. Punisher charges in right after, but Corvik lifts his right leg up and Punisher flies in face-first. He staggers backwards and Corvik quickly hops on the topturnbuckle and jumps off and takes the Punisher to the mat with a double axe-handle.

JP: Corvik gets a hold of Punisher and gets in a reverse chinlock. The ref checks on Punisher, but he is not gonna give in. After about 30 seconds, Corvik finally lets go of the chinlock. He then picks Punisher up by the head and throws a couple of punches, before he lifts Punisher up and atomic drops him. Punisher bounces into the ropes and comes off and thats when Corvik does a hurricanrana!!!

ND: Master of the Moves!! He can do it all!! Corvik is up again and he lifts Punisher up and .....SEDATION!!!.......One of Corviks trademark moves. The Universal Champion now goes for the first cover attempt of the match, 1...........................2..........kickout. He won't get the win this fast I reckon. Corvik grabs Punisher by the head and he drags him over to the nearest corner and starts to ramm his head into the topturnbuckle.

JP: 1....2....3....4.....5..........6...........7..........8..........9..........10...... Corvik just slammed Punishers head 10 times into the topturnbuckle. Corvik lets go and Punisher looks pretty dizzy from those hits. He staggers around a bit, but is still on his feet. But then its Corvik who bounces himself into the ropes and he comes off and dropkicks Punisher to the mat!! Corvik for another cover, but again he only gets a two count.

ND: The champion grabs Punisher and he sends him into the ropes. But this time Punisher holds on to the ropes. Corvik comes running in, but Punisher counters by backdropping him over the toprope to the outside. Oooh man!! I didn't know that our Universal Champion could fly. hehe!! Anyway, Corvik landed backfirst on the outside and now the Punisher climbs out of the ring and he goes over to Corvik.

JP: Punisher picks up Corvik and he drags him over to the guardrail and he lifts him up and, ooooooh he drops Corvik face-first on the guardrail!! That must have hurt!! Punisher picks Corvik up again and this time he grabs his head and ......BAMMMM....he ramms his head into the guardrail!! Punisher does then grabs Corvik by the arm and he irish whips him into the apron!

ND: Corvik flies backfirst into the apron and Punisher doesn't wait and he comes charging in right after. But Corvik manages to move out of the way in time and Punisher flies chestfirst into the apron himself. Punisher stumbles backwards and Corvik gets up to his feet now and he waits till Punisher turns around and .....INSANITY's EMBRACE!!! Wowwww, big ass superkick and Punisher goes down to the concrete floor!

JP: Corvik picks up The Punisher and he hands out a couple of right ones to the head. He then drags Punisher over to the ringpost and ramms his head in there like 5 times. I'm not sure if Punisher is busted open from those blows, but it sure looks like it. Sean Corvik is back into his aggression mode here. And thats not the way you want to see him. Especially not when he's your opponent.

ND: Corvik rolls Punisher back into the ring again and takes his time to get back in himself. Corvik climbs on the apron and the referee comes over to him. Behind the referee's back its The Punisher who is coming back to his feet again. But at the same moment its Steve Studnuts who comes out of the crowd, climbs over the guardrail and he slides into the ring. Studnuts got a silver ballbat in his hands. A ball bat that looks similar like the one Punisher has used several times on him.

JP: Studnuts comes from behind Punisher and..........WHAMMMMMMMMMMMMM.............He nails Punisher visciously with that silver ball bat and Punisher falls down to the mat!!! Studnuts then slides to the outside again and disappears in the crowd. At that moment the referee turns around again and Sean Corvik climbs back into the ring.

ND: Corvik picks Punisher up from the mat and ........THE GAVEL!!!!...........Wow, he hit The Punisher with his own finisher!!! Corvik goes for the cover and. 1..............................2.................................3........Its over!! Sean Corvik wins and he's still the Universal Title holder!!!

JP: What a Great Main event fans, this shows what the EWCL is all about.

(JP's microphone suddenly gets cut off, and he looks puzzled. In the ring we see that Sean Corvik is re-gaining himself after the match. Next the Cazzotron cuts and starts to fuzz out and over the PA system plays "Bad Boy For Life" By P.Diddy and then Marco walks out and as this happens the commentators get the power back to the Microphones)

ND: WHAT THE HELL, Its Marco from the IWF. So the rumours were right!!! Marco had to leave the IWF last week via a stipulation and now he has turned up here!!!

(Marco stands at the top of the ramp dressed in a torn black IWF shirt and blue jeans, the fans don't know what to make of him. Sean Corvik stands in the ring looking quite angry and he dares Marco to come on down. Marco looks up and nods and runs down to the ring).

JP: Are we going to witness another IWF battle verses EWCL?!? But what I really want to know is, why is Marco here?!? He left the IWF last week and now he's here, God dam this puzzling.

(Marco reaches the ring and slides in and he and Corvik stare at eachother now. They both step forward and there is some speaking and shoving going on. Then suddenly Marco extends a hand and Corvik shakes it).

(The Crowd Cheers while Marco rips off his IWF t-shirt and under it is a EWCL shirt and the fans give Marco a big pop. Corvik backs away and rolls out of the ring and grabs his Universal Title and leaves ringside, leaving Marco standing in the EWCL ring).

JP: Have we just witnessed a new signing to EWCL from our rivals the IWF?

(Marco gets handed a microphone).

Marco: HELLLLOOOOOOOOOOO Extreme Wrestling Championship League, those whom watch the SEI will already know my name. I am Marco and last week you saw me getting screwed again in the IWF.

(The fans boo and Marco has a grin on his face).

Marco: So I followed my word and that stipulation was to leave the federation for a length of time. Being the man that I am, I already knew my time was over because in that federation People hated me in and out of the ring. So I gave the suits of this place a call and signed on the dotted line.

(Marco walks around the ring and the fans give small pops).

Marco: Now I stand in front off you all, as a rookie in this federation and I am here to do a few things. 1st Find my self again and improve my wrestling skills, 2nd hopefully get some respect and make a couple of friends and lastly back Corvik and all the other EWCL stars in the SEI tournament into beating the IWF wrestlers in there!!! Corvik already beat the crap out of THAT MOTHER F*********** Powerhouse from the IWF the other day. You know in the IWF, I was treated like trash by guys like the Powerhouse because he thinks he is so great, but not really. Powerhouse if you watching.

(Marco extends a finger).

Marco: I hope your entire career goes to hell and eventually one day I will destroy you in front of your family, friends and treat you the way you fucked me about. Away from Bitches like Powerhouse, now that I am in the EWCL, you fans are going to see a new Marco in the ring.

(Marco drops the microphone and raises his hands, the crowd cheers and lets out a small Marco chant as he stands in the middle of the ring).

JP: Now, thats surprising. We first saw how MacBeth jumped ship from the EWCL to the IWF and now we see Marco doing the opposite. What do you think of all this Neil?

ND: Moving from the IWF to the EWCL and saying those words can only mean two things. He either is stupid or he got balls. And I would say that he got BALLS.

JP: Now, what a way to end this Venom. Now folks, I hope to see all of you next week again. Coz then its gonna be the last Venom ever. For now I am John Pilchard and this was Venom!! Goodbye!

Winner: Sean Corvik