:: Lilian is standing in the ring with a mic. ::

:: Lilian Garcia :: - Ladies and Gentlemen we have now reached our MAIN EVENT....It is an Elimination Chamber and is for the EWE World Championship!!!....2 Superstars will start the match and the remaining four will be locked in their own seperate chambers...after 5 minutes a superstar will randomly be released into the match....the last Remaining Superstar will be the EWE World Champion!!!

:: Y-2-J Lights up the Titian Tron as "Break Down the Walls" hits the PA System. Pyro shoots up as Jericho comes through the curtains doing the basic pose before heading down the ramp. ::

:: Summer Slam ::

:: Lilian Garcia :: - Introducing 1st...from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada!!...weighing in at 231 lbs....Y2J Chris Jericho!!!

:: The Crowd gives a mixed reaction as Jericho struts down the ramp. He walks up the steps and enters the Chamber. He walks over and enters his directed Chamber. Then "Meant To Live" (Instrumental) Hits and the crowd Cheers as Toxic seperates the Curtains. ::

:: Summer Slam ::

:: Lilian Garcia :: - Now on his way to the ring...From Ottawa, Ontario, Canada!...weighing in at 225 lbs...he is the EWE International Champion...Toxic!!!

:: Toxic runs down the ramp and gets in the Chamber...He taunts on a turnbukle before the refs direct him to his Internal Chamber and lock him up. Then "Push It" by Static X hits and the crowd boos As Assassin makes his presence. ::

:: Summer Slam ::

:: Lilian Garcia :: - Now on his way to the ring....representing the New Power!!..from Dallas Texas...weighing in at 275 lbs...Assassin!!!

:: He slowly walks down the ramp listening to the people boo him...He walks up the stairs and enters the chamber. As the refs try to show him his chamber he swings at one that touches him. As he's locked up "Faint" by Linkin Park hits the PA System...tons of boos accur as Eighteen walks through the curtains with the World Title in her left hand. ::

:: Summer Slam ::

:: Lilian Garcia :: - And now...From St. Cloud Minnesota...weighing in at 139 lbs...she is the EWE World Champion!!...Android #18!!!

:: Eighteen continues down the ramp and continues to get booed. She climbs the stairs and enters the Chamber where she hands over her World Title. She walks over and is the last person locked in a Chamber. Suddenly "Holla If Ya Hear Me" Hits the PA and the crowd goes wild to finally see Steiner again...although it's for the last time. ::

:: Summer Slam ::

:: Lilian Garcia :: - And now starting the match...1st from Bay City Michigan....weighing in at 270 lbs...Scott Steiner!!!

:: The crowd continues to cheer as he heads down the ramp. As he gets in the ring he taunts on a turnbukle. Then he waits as all the lights dim out. The crowd starts cheering as "Graveyard Symphony" comes on. Purple fog fills the stage as Taker walks through getting even more cheers. ::

:: Summer Slam ::

:: Lilian Garcia :: - And now lastly...from Houston Texas....weighing in at 328 lbs....THE Undertaker!!!!

:: Taker gets to the top step where he raises his arms and all the lights come on. He enters the ring and gives Steiner and evil stare as the bell rings. ::

:: The King :: - The match weve been waiting for...this is gonna be great!!

:: Jim Ross :: - That's right King it's sure gonna be a SlobberKnocker!!

:: Taker and Steiner circle the ring until they finally lock up. Taker whips Steiner into a corner. Taker goes for old School but Steiner counters. He then whips Taker into the opposite corner. Steiner slaps him a few times then gives him a Superplex...He covers for only a 1...As they get up Steiner goes for a clothesline but Taker counters with a back body drop Sending Steiner out of the ring to the solid Steel Chamber floor!! ::

:: Jim Ross :: - That's Solid Steel!!!

:: Taker Steps over the tope rope and picks Steiner up. He grabs him by the throat and lands a Chokeslam to the Steel Floor!!...Instead of covering Taker picks him up again...and then gives him a Tombstone!!!! ::

:: Jim Ross :: - OH MY!!!

:: Taker covers for the 1..2..3! ::

:: The King :: - WOW!...We haven't even had any of the other 4 enter yet and Taker has already eliminated Steiner!!!

:: Taker sits and waits for the next person to come out. a few seconds later the clock counts down...10....9....8....7...6...5...4....3...2...1!!...a light flashes over one Chamber at a time randomly picking a superstar...it stops at Assassin as he is released. He enters and looks Taker dead in the eyes...Taker does the same thing but has the white eyed look. They then lock up. Assassin plants Taker with a DDT...Assassin mounts him and starts punching away. He then picks Taker up and goes for the Assassination but he counters. Taker goes for the Chokeslam but he counters. Taker whips Assassin into the Chamber wall!!...As he staggers up he's right back down with a boot to the face from Taker....10....9....8....7...6...5...4...3...2..1....The lihts flash again and this time Toxic is released...He gets in and goes straight for Assassin...He grabs him and flings him in the ring. Then gives Taker a Hurranicanna. He climbs a Turnbukle and flys into the ring hitting Assassin with a missle drop kick!!...Toxic covers but Assassin kicks out after 2. Taker gets in the ring and Catches Toxic with a Boot. Then he nails a Chokeslam on Assassin!!!...but before he can cover Assassin grabs Taker and locks in the Drug Abuse. Taker fights and fights....Then finally rolls out of it. Taker brings Toxic over to a Turnbukle and grabs his arm...then hits the Old School!!...Then he hits the ChokeSlam!!...Again before he can cover he is attacked now by Assassin. As they exchange rights the clock counts down....10....9...8....7....6...5.....4....3....2...1!!....The lights flash again and now Jericho is released. He enters the ring and starts on Toxic. Assassin and Taker keep brawling as Jericho locks Toxic in the Walls!!...Toxic screams as Jericho just keeps it locked in...Toxic finally crawls over and grabs the ropes. Taker and Assassin continue fighting. Toxic rolls out of the ring as Jerihco just looks on at Assassin and Taker...Taker grabs his Throat but Assassin counters and lands the Assassination!!...right after he does that Jericho lands the Lionsault!!!...Jericho covers and gets the 3!! ::

:: Jim Ross :: - Taker's gone!!

:: The King :: - Do you think they realize they were just working together?

:: Jim Ross :: - I somehow doubt they do King.

:: Assassin and Jericho start fighting as the clock counts down again....10...9...8...7...6....5...4....3....2....1!!...With Eighteen only left it's obvious she's released. She goes to the side out of the ring where Toxic is. Assassin and Jericho keep exchanging hands. Taker gets up and the refs instruct him to leave. He knocks a few refs on their ass for trying...Then he gives a Doubleclothesline to Assassin and Jericho!!...He one by one Chokeslams both of them!...He leaves the Chamber knowing he caused damage. Eighteen continues to work on Toxic. She sets him up for the Anhilation but He counters and tosses her into the Chamber wall...He loses his ballance. Both get up at the same time...Toxic Super Kicks Eighteen back and threw a Glass Chamber!!! ::

:: Jim Ross :: - A page out of Shawn's Book!!

:: Toxic crawls over and covers...the ref makes the count...1...2....3!!! ::

:: The King :: - Eighteen has been eliminated!!!...were guranteed a new Champion!!

:: Jim Ross :: - Well it's about time!...She's had it too long!

:: The King :: - Well so has Triple H!

:: Jim Ross :: - Yes but he isn't as much of an asshole as she is a bitch.

:: All three men lay their exhausted and beat down. Eighteen leaves the chamber and goes up the ramp pissed. As she gets to the curtains she gets face to face with HHH who has a HUGE smile on his face. He's clapping her out as she gets even more pissed. HHH goes and sits down by JR and King as the other 3 are still down. ::

:: The King :: - What do we owe this plessure?

:: Triple H :: - Like I said...I'm going to personally shake the hand of the winner if they become new Champ because Eighteen is too lucky to desserve it...and now that she's eliminated I know I'll be shaking one of these three men's hands.

:: Jim Ross :: - That's right and in the past few weeks these 3 men have been at eachother's throats...so this final 3 oughtta be intresting.

:: Assassin and Jericho are the 1st to stagger up and at the same time. Assassin with a right...Jericho with a right...back and forth exchanging rights....Jericho is the one that blocks and gets 4 or 5 in a row...Then he locks in the Walls of Jericho!!!....Assassin screams...He crawls over and is about to grab the ropes but Jericho pulls him across the ring. Assassin continues to scream in pain...Assassin uses upper body strength and pulls him across the ring...Almost there...just a little more...Jericho pulls him back again!...Assassin gets very frustrated...he pulls Jericho all the way across and quikly reaches and successfully finally grabs the ropes! ::

:: Jim Ross :: - What Heart by Assassin

:: Jericho raises his hands thinking Assassin finally tapped...but the ref informs him that he didn't...Jericho turns to get a huge Clothesline from Assassin!...Assassin immediately drops after cause his legs and lower back are in extreme pain. Assassin pulls himself up with the ropes. Jericho tries to grab him for the Walls again but he counters and plants the Assassination!!...He covers and gets the 3!! ::

:: Jim Ross :: - And then there was 2!!...Jericho's gone...Assassin and Toxic are left!!...who's gonna be the New World Champion!!!

:: Triple H :: - My vote still ain't changing

:: Toxic sees Assassin laying down in extreme pain....He does the unthinkable...he climbs the turnbukle...then starts up a Chamber! ::

:: The King :: - What an idiot!...it's all over now..last time he tried this he took himself out of the match at WrestleMania!

:: Toxic keeps climbing until he reaches the top. He looks down making sure Assassin is still their. ::


:: Toxic takes a deep breath and leaps!!...He soars threw the air and CONNECTS the DWI on Assassin!!!!! ::

:: Jim Ross :: - OH MY GOD!! HE LANDED IT!!!

:: Triple H :: - What did I tell you?

[ 1 ]

:: Triple H :: - What did I tell you?

[ 2 ]

:: Triple H :: - What did I tell you?!!!!!

[ 3!!! ]

:: Lilian Garcia :: - Here is your winner...and NEW...EWE WORLD CHAMPION!!!.....TOXIC!!!!!

:: The King :: - I can't believe he actually pulled it off!!!

:: Triple H :: - I told you!!...but excuse me I got a word to keep.

:: Jim Ross :: - You gotta hand it to Assassin though...he did a GREAT job....Jericho had alot of heart as well.

:: HHH walks down the ramp as Toxic is handed his new Title and the Chamber is opened...The crowd is on their feet cheering him on as HHH enters the chamber and ring and starts clapping for Toxic...Toxic barely has any energy but sees him. HHH then extends a hand for him to shake...Knowing HHH's history Toxic hesitates for a minute...but realizing his change in attitude he takes the risk and shakes his hand. HHH raises Toxic's arm and the crowd nearly takes the roof off!!!....Toxic exits the ring and smiles at HHH. He starts up the ramp as the Camera's fade out for the show to end. ::

:: Summer Slam ::

Winner Via Pinfall: Toxic New Champion
Match Time: 95:57

:: Copyright EWE Summer Slam 2004 ::