" Like a whisper in the night air, or the  lingering memories of your nightmares,  Make-Beleive Time has the ability to send a shiver up your spine while at the same time filling you with an indescribeable feeling of power.

         Fronted by the dark figure, alias Switch Mint, the band usually wastes no time sweeping you off your feet and whisking you off into their world, a world of candy coated dreams. The slender figure of Mint, clad in eyeliner and fingerless gloves, playes the role of Charon across Make-Believe Times own personal river Styx. He seems to project an almost malevolant, dark aura, that will make you realize rather quickly this dream may be more than genial fantasy.

        As you float along in the cold, crisp air of this alternate reality, you will soon cross paths with a small dark fiigure playingin the shadows. His gleeful giggles seem to echo all around you, as if somehow comeing from the dream itself. This is the elusive character is  Mister Frostine. Some what of an outsider, Frostine plays in his mind. He has the power to twist and augment the Candy Coated dream in whichever way his childish mind wishes. As we all know, the mind of a child can be a very powerful thing, and in the case of Frostine, not all children play nice.

       As Mint leads you along, you pass the third character in this dreary land of make-believe. You notice a figure who dwarfs all of the characters you have encounterd thus far. In his hands he holds a stringed instrament, and when this figure strikes a note on this harp of wishes, the entire world around you begins tremble. This titan is known as Benny Gumdrops.

       And finally, as your journy through this place of terror and wonder draws to a close, you come to a place as black as midnight. You become aware of a faint pounding as the darkness draws itself over, and almost into you. Deeper and deeper, the pounding gets louder. You realize you can no longer feel the presence of Switch Mint. You realize that the dream has turned full swing into a nightmare. You're in the lair of Lord Mycroft. This is a dark place where only the overwhelming beating of Mycrofts heart can be preceived. You begin to sweat and you feel a rush of adrenaline cause your own heart to begin a new pounding all of it's own. You become aware of the distant laughter of the other three figures, almost mocking  the horrifying situation that you've found yourself in. Perhaps they've had this planned all along? Perhaps you've fallen victim to their trap, lured in by promises of candy from the strangest strangers dreams can produce. Then suddenly, the voices disolve, and you open your eyes, only to find yourself in your own bed. Nothing is out of the ordinary other than an open window that allows the stars to seep insid your room. As you get up to go shut it, you notice on the window ceil a black glove with all 5 fingertips removed.....