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MSN haroonkhalid
Yahoo executive475
ICQ 71956248
MS - Information Systems Management Systems Analyst / Programmer
Currently studying at Loyola University Chicago in MS Information Systems Management program. Also working as Business Graduate Scholar with Prof. Linda Salchenberger more ... Worked as System Analyst / Programmer with ABN AMRO Global IT Systems from Feb 2001 to Nov 2002. Also worked as Software Engineer with NetSol International Inc. for more than a year more
BS Computer Science Resume
Bachelor of Science with Computer Science major from FAST - National Univeristy of Computer & Emerging Science, Lahore, Pakistan from 1997 to 2001 more ... HTML Document 
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Teaching Activities
Enterprise Application Development & Project II at NCBA&E in Spring 2002

Teaching Assistant at FAST from Aug 1999 to May 2001 more ...
Participated in MS .NET Competition at Dubai in Oct 2002
Plexus is an Object Oriented Application Programming Framework (Plexus-APF) for the Microsoft .Net developers. It offers an easy to use and Rapid Application Development API that can be used to develop n-tier multi-channel applications. It also participated in Microsoft .NET Competition for south Gulf reagion at Dubai in Oct 2002.
Ich spreche deutsche
[ I speak German Language ]
Ich erlernte deutsches während 2 Monate kursiere an der National University. Ich spreche deutsche auf sehr grundlegendem Niveau und Planung, um sie völlig zu erlernen. Die war große Erfahrung für mich.
1st Prize in ProCom 99
Cateogory: Software Compitition
Won 1st Prize in ProCom 99, All Pakistan Programming and Software Compitition, held at FAST Karachi in Software Compitition category with team of 3 person (Salman Sheikh, Atif Abdul Salam) from FAST Lahore.
3rd Prize in ProCom 99
Cateogory: Programming Compitition
Won 3rd Prize in ProCom 99 in Programming Compitition category with team of 3 students (Salman Sheikh, Atif Abdul Salam) from FAST Lahore.
Currently at Chicago, IL Best viewed with IE 5.0+