The rock on the right, in front of the cliff, is a head. The rock on the left is his hands clasped in prayer. Above this and to the left, on top of the ledge, is a pointer. A line drawn from the bridge of his nose across this pointer will show "holy entrance", usually an air shaft or "pozo". This would be the entrance the "holy" man would use to gain quick access to any cache, sometimes these are dug from the interior, to within a couple of feet of the surface.
   A gold coin was found lodged in the "eye", on the reverse side of the head, and now unfortunatly, the top half of the head is gone, once again, to greed. I scanned the head and found no sign of gold, although some of my crew (at the time) heard normal tone changes from the detector, misread them, thought I was lying and blasted the head looking for more. This only succeeded in helping to further conceal the enterance we were looking for and bringing tears to a few.