Are you a Karon?

Can you speak English?

Yes, I can
Yeah, so?

Do you make many typos?

I don,t thing so
Not really
Yeah, I do

When you do, do you correct yourself?

But I don,t make the types
Of course
Most of the time

Does this make sense to you: "Then sits Karen back in her stole and waits that the commution of the moving seats lowers down."?

Of course
Sort of

Do you frequently use one adjective to describe eveything?

Wat do you meen by that?
No, I have a very diverse vocabulary
Only if I'm very tired

Do you fear dead?

I do not fear my own dead, but only the dead of others
Uh, should I?
I don't think so...

Was the last question correctly written?

Obviously not
Nope, haha

What about the Grime Reapear?

He causes dead
Is that some sort of new Tilex product?
Grim Reaper?

Do you find Karonics entertaining?

I have not understanded
Yes, definately

Does this give you a big headache milkshake?

Why wóud it?
Yes, haha

Can you waggle?

Yes, I waggle
More issues...
I don't know, let's see... *waggles* haha

back to karonics

quiz by orsa