This site has been taken down.
Nothing good was ever really here in the first place. I primarily made this site to play around with Java. But I've grown out of that.
I will, however continue making pages for varying reasons. If I feel like it, I will post those pages here on this simple, black-and-white page. Who knows? I might feel the urge to make another homepage for myself later on in life. If I do, be assured it will be right here, replacing the page you are (for some reason) reading now. Contact information is located below. The word "poo" has been inserted in front of all addresses to aid in the stopping of automated spam farming. Yes, they have little bots that crawl the web looking for email addresses, ICQ numbers, MSN and Yahoo! screennames, and whatever else they can use to annoy you with frequent and uninvited advertisments.
So remember kiddies, if you are wondering where all that spam is coming from, chances are its because you have a happy little homesite with your email address somewhere on it, waiting to be harvested. Even if you have a hidden or otherwise invisable, they have humans paid to farm. Ever wonder what those "work at home fro your computer" jobs are? ;) But this is not why I've taken this site down. The reason is this: I don't take care of it. I don't need it. I don't like it. It annoys me. Thats why. I'm no longer a teenybopper, and I don't feel I need to describe myself any further than what you already know about me.
If you are someone I don't know, and that doesn't know me, then too bad. You already know far too much about me from just reading this page alone. I don't like you, please go away and do not contact me with the following contact options given below. .... well you obviouly aren't going to leave, are you? =/ Well ok. Twist
my arm, why don't you. I'll tell you about myself since you are so interested.
Well I like to play video games, and I like to download stuff. Thee, now you know everything there is to know about me (at least what is the least bit interesting; if that is at all interesting). What??? You want to know what I look like??? FINE! Here it is...
Like that? It was taken from a cheezy webcam. So STFU if you don't like quality. I owe you nothing. So anyways... Below you will find some methods of contacting me. YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO USE THESE METHODS! Unless I have told you otherwise.
You may NOT use, sell, give away, or otherwise distibute the information located below. I report ALL spam to the Federal Trade Commision.I'm also very good at getting sender IPs and sender ISP names and numbers, and I DO spend time every day reporting spam to the FTC and the spammer's ISP. So don't be a dumbass.
ICQ: poo6073394
MSN: (see email)
AIM: pooezflow3212
UPDATE NUMBER 2!! HAHAHA EAT IT, YAHOO! Friday October 29, 2004
My Hot or Not Rating
(if any)
My Rayman Screenshots
My FTP Server
Please note: This is MY FTP! When and if you log onto this FTP, READ THE DISCLAIMING MESSAGE THAT WILL SHOW IN YOUR STATUS SCREEN! (anonymous logins are allowed)