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H: You still want to take pictures with a small child?
J: Because I really like children.
H: Especially children…
J: Don’t you think… I specially like those children whose eyes are so innocent and pure. Moreover, they don’t tell lies. He is so small he won’t even know how to lie to you saying “I’m so happy now …”
H: I tell you, he has to first make sure that the small child will not lie to him…( she laughingly shakes a finger as if a child is in front of her) he has to make sure of the look in his eyes…
J: Right. ( Jerry smiles as he looks to his right, as if trying to prove his point to the audience) A child’s eyes would look at you innocently, he is just so loveable. I also like those… I really like pictures of children. Sometimes I display them on my bike or put them inside my wallet. You just feel a small child’s eyes are purest and most innocent in this world. Sometimes he can let you feel… I don’t know, at times, when I’m in a bad mood, whatever, and I see the picture of a very loveable child, I would feel very happy right after.
H: Really…
J: Right.
H: You really are… just like what Chen Shuen Hwa ( the man with the glasses) said , possessing a literary style, I feel you also take everything literally.
J: Right. I remembered having read the composition of Lin Chio Li. Anyway, it was a narration of a few stories of her painful past. When I read it at that time… actually, we were in  Australia. I was happy most of the time. Went to see animals, big pastures…
H: Right. Look at you playing with those sheep. ( shows film footage of Jerry playing with some sheep)
J: I was just so happy. Later on, upon getting into the car and flipping through the pages of a magazine, all of a sudden I just looked out the window with much grief. They were all surprised. They wondered what happened to me…
H: Really? ( she shakes her head in disbelief )
J: At that time, I did not talk at all. Later on, I told them I felt this composition is great. I felt as if I was…suddenly you become very sad thinking of many things.
H: But this is an actor’s special characteristic. ( she repeats it again). I feel this is an actor’s special characteristic. It’s easy for you to immediately enter into any situation. Right?
J: Right. Right. But it’s also not good because… ( he gives a short laugh)
H: It can’t be bad. Actually, just having someone who understands you would be good. Right?  Just like there’s nothing wrong in using an old wallet. I feel an old wallet is like remembering old friends.
J: Right. TAI CHOU LI even wrote that Xi Men Ting’s ( a commercial area) signature items cost more than a thousand. I tell you, that was bought from a messy night market, I remember it cost me around 500-600 NT. Because it was so cheap that I bought it because at that time…
H: May I request… because I see you carrying this big backpack every time. May I see what is inside that bag? Why do you want to carry so many things?
J: Can I say no?
H: Please don’t… ( pouts and whines endearingly)
J: (smiles to the camera and succumbs) Right, when you say “don’t” .. then I… (smiles as he looks at her, knowing he cannot refuse her)
H: Please, can I? ( she pleads…)
J: It’s up to you. ( he smiles at the audience)
H: ( Laughs happily, then bends over the side as she tries to lift the heavy backpack) I tell you, I have  never lifted such a heavy object. You carry this heavy load on your back everyday? Let me also tell you this bag must weigh 20 kilograms, at least. Even my goddaughter is not this heavy. May I look? (she lifts the backpack to the front while casting him an inquiring look, as if wanting to confirm his permission)
J: Yes you can.
H: Really I can?
J: Yes you can.
H: Look at me in the eyes and tell me I can. ( she keeps looking at him while holding onto the bag, as if feeling she needs a final approval before she can take a look)
J: You can, really, really. ( she giggles in glee as Jerry opens the bag for her and they both look in as he reaches in to get something to show her) Yesterday, I even saw a childrens’ advertisement… and put it inside the bag.
H: Let’s take a look…
J: ( Takes a colored postcard picture of 2 blond-haired children sitting on the grass) It’s this one. I was at the home of a family yesterday when someone tossed these leaflets. When I saw it, I put it in my bag. Don’t you think this child is cute? ( he hands over the picture to her)
H: ( she takes a look at it) I think you are more cute!
J: Look at this child, so cute. ( he points to the child on the right)
H: Do you mean this child?
J: Right. That one. He has this expression which is loveable.
H: I will continue going through… ( she takes out 2 plastic folders) I’ll open to take a look… these  are notes written down at random.( as she checks the first one)
J: That’s my schedule.
H: Right. (brings up the second filed folder)
J: This is my class notebook.
H: What class is this? “The Artists Create Again.” (she reads the title of the folder in her hands)
J: It’s drama. Right now, I’m in my drama teacher’s class, Teacher Wang Ue is teaching me drama.
H: (Takes out a pink notebook, turns it over) What is this?
J: This is an everyday notebook which someone gave to me. I just thought of using it. I have written a few things here and there. Right. It’s very disorganized.
H: Whose handwriting is this? ( she opens the notebook to look)
J: Ha? (takes the notebook from her to look)
H: Whose handwriting is this?
J: (sticks out his tongue while smiling embarrassingly) This is my handwriting.
H: You write like that?
J: Right. My handwriting is ugly.
H: Is there something here you can read out loud?
J: Ha? ( he answers hesitatingly.)
H: Read it out. Is there any?
J: None…
H: Why can’t you let others take a look? ( she leans over to read the open notebook in his hands.)
I: These are what people sometimes faxed to me. That I just wrote them down, I also wrote down some nice sayings. Because there are some friends who encourage me…
H: Fine. Let me take a look!