How much do you know about Vic Zhou?
Good luck on the quiz below. No matter how much you think you know, come and have a try and send us your answer to You can try more than once to see if you can do better than before.

Tip: Just copy and paste the questions into an email and then type the answers next to it. : P
1: What is Vic's real chinese name?

2: Who made up Vic's nickname 'Zai Zai' ?

3: In which country and town was Vic born?

4: Who has Vic been living with since he was little?

5: How many siblings does he have?
6: Before becoming a singer what did Vic originally want to work as?

7: In what year was Vic born? Which chinese zodiac sign is this?

8: What is Vic's favourite food?

9: What is Vic's favourite intrument? Can he play it?

10: How does Vic like waking up?

11: Where does Vic want to go the most?

12: Where would Vic take his girlfriend?

13: What are 3 of Vic's hobbies?

14: What was the name of the show that Vic firstly hosted a show?

15: What is Vic's favourite animal?

16: What is Vic's saddest moment?
17: What part of his body does Vic like the most?

18: What is Vic's favourite sport?

19: What is Vic called in <<Meteor Garden>>?

20: What does he hate other people doing the most?

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