dmt: San Tsai?! Stop the car! (gets out the car) Why are you standing in the rain? Come in the car with me
I have someting to say to you. I can't be with you anymore. (On this dark night, the ice cold rain is falling. Maybe only in a heavy rainfall can I say that I dont want to be with Dao Ming Tsi)

ys: It's nearly 8pm and San Tsai's still not back. Must be playing about somewhere. teenagers nowadays are all without responsibility. Eh! What are you lot day-dreaming for? Finish everything for me before half past eight do you hear?
Yu Shau, San Tsai came back today in the afternoon
She came back in the afternoon and she's gone out again?!
She looked as if she was in a rush
What has she got to be busy for? Huh! At this time, it should be when she's at home busy with worke....where's mrs?
Mrs just went back to New York
(ys goes to San Tsai's room knowing there must be something wrong)

(ys finds a letter addressed to her lying on a table in San Tsai's room)
Yu Shau,
       My Mum and Dad suddenly decided to moveback. So they wanted me to go back to them to have a reunion. I know that you'll understand my feelings and how much I miss my family. I'm so selfish for leaving without even saying goodbye. I'm really sorry. Thanks for taking care of me. i will never forget you. You are a like grandmother to me. I thank you fully from my heart.
                                     San Tsai

What are you saying?
I'm going to leave your house today
Wait minute. Why has it come to this? Didn't we just go out together today? Can you remember? You even said that you wanted to keep the relationship this way and told me not to move out of my house. Didn't you?
I did say so
Actually you didn't want me to protect you is because you wanted to end our relationship
No! At that time I said it for real. It was so I could face you and so that we can go out with each other happily   
Why? Why has it turned out to be like this? Talk! Suddenly saying this to am I supposed to accept it?! Talk!
Dao Ming Tsi, your mum said that if I don't leave you she'll make Xiao You and Qing he's Dads lose their job.....Dao Ming Tsi!! I've already decided. I won't have anything to do with Dao Ming family anymore
dmt: I can't accept this. Just because of this reason. How can you be like this? San Tsai
(silence) Did you ever like me? Ignoring my family background and my mother. Did you ever love me?
Actually I never did love you. if I did then I wouldn't be leaving like this now Actually I've felt that I loved Da Ming Tsi quite a few times (remembering some moments together)
dmt: As long as you say that you haven't, I'll believe you
dmt: ..because I love you. I really love you (going for a kiss)
st: Wait a minute. Don't be like this (moves her hand and kisses her)
dmt: If I just die like this....dont be upset. Don't cry.
st: Dao Ming Tsi...!!! Dao Ming Tsi don't die! I don't want you to die! Dao Ming Tsi!
(San Tsai's listening to Dao Ming Tsi's voice messages)
dmt: You're making me go crazy! San Tsai, where on earth are you? Phone me quickly...San Tsai....
(San Tsai sees Da Ming Tsi standing infront of her and she cries whilst hugging him)
dmt: Do you need a reason for giving a present to the girl you love (Kiss)

(Dao Ming Tsi watches San Tsai dissapearing into the rain)
dmt: (thinking)
My chest really hurts. It feels like it'll lose all feelings soon. Other than my heart being totally broken I can't feel anything else.

(Next day at school)
God's going to punish you for breaking so many pretty girls' hearts
Stop talking nonsense. Oh yes, where's Ah Tsi?
How come I haven't seen him all day?
He must of had something good happening last night with San Tsai and then not been able to sleep because he was so happy
Yesterday when we saw him he even said that me and Xi Men wouldn't understand.
Hey! Do you guys know where San Tsai has gone to?
What do you mean where San Tsai's gone?
She's missing. I can't find her anywhere. Also she's told the school that she's leaving!
San Tsai's stopped school? How can this be?! Xi Men hurry up and phone Ah tsi
I've just phoned them already and the house's worker said that San Tsai left with he luggage last night.
xm: (on phone) It isn't going through. (leaving voice message on Ah tsi's phone) Hello, ah tsi, I'm Xi Men. We've heard that San Tsai's stopped school and thought that you guys must have something wrong. Phone me when you hear this message.
His phone's not connecting through?
No. We must go to Ah tsi's house to have a look.
yes. If there is something wrong with San tsai then Ah Tsi won't do nothing about it
wait for me. I'm coming too

(San Tsai's at a train station thinking about last night whilst a train is stopping at the station)
You silly child. why did you have to lie to Master? Looking at this crying face of yours...if you like Master then just say. he won't let you go through this on your own. Hell share this with you. Watching you...we don't know what we should do seeing you like this
Sorry. Yu Shau. I have my own rules in live. I can only choose my own way of living on. If a person is protected, they will become weak. if you are too gentle with me, I will start losing my own braveness. How can it be like that?! I'm not a flower inside a greenhouse. I'm San Tsai the weed.
Ok. if it's going to be like this, then here you go. This is you wages
No. I can't accept this. You've let me stay and given me food and somewhere to sleep. How can I still get money from you
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