Next scene DMS buys a balloon for SC.
DMS(handing SC the balloon): “Miss SC, I’m handing my happiness to you.”
SC couldn’t hold on to it fast enough and the balloon flew away. DMS & SC both stare at the balloon flying away.
DMS: “It’s ok.I’ll go buy another one.”
SC: “Forget it,DMS.”
But DMS was already running away to buy more balloons and during this time, SC gets lost.She ran all over the place and can’t find DMS. DMS bringing a whole bunch of balloons back finds SC missing.
DMS(looking around): “SC.SC.”
DMS started running around to look for SC.Finally he spots her.
DMS(yelling): “SC.”
SC sees him and looks very relieved.
SC: “DMS.”
They both ran toward each and hug.
DMS: “Sorry.I lost you again.”
SC: “I was so scared.”
DMS: “There won’t be a next time.I promise there won’t be.(holding San Cai at arms length and staring at her)Promise me, if we ever get lost in the future,just stay in one place and don’t move, I would definitely come and find you.Do you hear me?”
SC(nodding her head): “DMS,I was just thinking if there’s no you,then what would I do?”
DMS (wrapping his arms around SC again): “Dummy.You would never not have me.Never.”

Back at the hotel that night, with balloons filling the whole ceiling, SC and DMS is on the bed writing a postcard.One is writing on one half, the other is writing on the other half. In the middle of his writing, DMS started inching closer to SC.SC seeing him come closer,starts moving away.Finally,he grabs her and after struggling on the bed for a while,he manages to kiss her. After SC went to sleep, DMS sits on the sofa and takes out the letter that Lei gave to him at the airport and reads it.
Next morning,SC wakes up to find DMS gone already.
SC (running over to the couch): “DMS.”
All she finds was a gift box tied with a big red ribbon on the coffee table.SC goes over to the gift and reads the card written by DMS.
Card:“Hurry up and get dressed.I’ve taken care of the hotel’s driver, he’ll wait for you downstairs and bring you to find me.”
SC:“How can he do this?Leave me here all alone and went out to play.”
SC opens up the box to find a beautiful white cap-sleeved dress.Meanwhile, DMS is back at the market place buying the ring that SC likes.He bought the ring and gets back into his black BMW and drove away in a rush. As he was driving, something went wrong with the one of the tires, so he stopped on the side and got out. Some guy driving a red car stopped to help, DMS grabbed the flowers from the BMW, gave the guy a wad of money and drove away in the guy’s car.

The driver dropped SC off at an old church.She walked up to the church and looked around.As she was looking at the church, her cell phone rang.
SC: “Hello?”

DMS: “SC,are you there already?”
SC: “Yes,I’m here.”
DMS: “Good,I’ll be right there.Ok.Bye.”
DMS was driving very fast and as he was driving he took the ring out and was looking at it. Meanwhile,SC is praying inside the church.As DMS was looking at the ring, he suddenly drops it and it rolled underneath the seat. He bends down to look for it.Once he finds it,he gets up but at the same time, the car that YS was driving was going at a fast speed too. DMS tried to swerve away without hitting YS’s car and as a result, DMS’s car went spinning,hit against a ledge, turned over on its back, skidded into a light pole and crashed.As the car crashed against the light pole,there was a loud crunching sound.SC,who was waiting at the church,seems to have felt the crash,because she quickly turned and looked around at the same time that the loud crunching sound happened.DMS falls down on the floor,his face in pain,his forehead smeared with blood.Meanwhile his hand that was holding the ring,dropped and the ring rolled away.YS gets up on her car and stares at the scene in shock.

Episode 2
SC is still waiting for DMS at the church.She opens the door and walks in.
SC(calling out):“DMS.(no answer)Wow, this buddy.Has a lot of ‘size.’How did he know about this wonderful place?Ok,I’ll give him 10 points.But he make me wait all alone for him,this big master,take away 10 points.(she starts counting on her fingers)Then if I add all the points up, there’s a total of 55 points.”
After waiting for a long time,SC takes out her cell phone to call DMS.She gets his voicemail instead.
DMS’s voicemail message: “Hello.This is DMS.I can’t take your call right now,please leave a message.”
SC(leaving a message):“Pig head.You only have 20 points left.Hurry up and return my call.”
SC hangs up the phone.
SC(talking to herself):“Could something have happened?(pause)He must be playing a trick on me. Must be.”
She gets mad and picking up her bag, she started to walk out of the church, but then stops.
SC(stomping back to the bench):“Give you another 10 minutes.Deduct until I get to zero.”
SC is still waiting for DMS but this time,she’s sitting on the church steps outside.Suddenly she jumps up and runs back to the entrance of the church.
SC(yelling):“DMS.Are you playing a trick on me?Hurry up and come out.(no answer)Ok,you win. I’m really scared now.Hurry up and come out!(still no answer)DMS!”
She runs back outside and yells, “DMS!DMS!”
Still no answer,so she takes her phone out and dials DMS’s number and gets the voicemail again.
SC(thinking):“It’s not right.This is not right at all.Even if he was playing a trick on me,he wouldn’t…What to do?What to do now?”

SC finally thinks of something and dials Jing’s number.Back at the hotel,SC is lying on the bed staring up at the balloons up on the ceiling.She hears a noise outside the door and runs to open it.
SC(thinking it was DMS):“You pig…”
It was the guy that lives across to their room opening the door.He turns and says,“Good night.” SC replies back,“Good night.”
She closes the door and leans against the wall, sliding toward the floor.She sits there with her arms wrapped around her knees.
SC(thinking):“My heart feels very uneasy.Have never felt this uneasy before.Being red tagged by F4,being kicked out of the house by the landlord with no where to go,DMS’s mom’s scary way of doing things.I’ve never felt this uneasy.Because at this time,I could still feel,no matter if it’s to the ends of the earth,he will always be in front of me blocking all the problems.But this time,I have this feeling that the thing that is blocking me is not DMS anymore,it’s a cloud of darkness.”