Title: Shooting Star
Pinjin: Liu Xing

I want to know how long a shooting star can fly for
Its beauty - Is it worth searching for
Flowers of the night sky
Scattered around you
Made me happy for ages (Worth it for ages)
It's worth waiting for
My heart is pouncing
From sunset till sunrise
I can't stand it anymore
I rather fall in your hands
Evolving into a rainbow in the night sky
Changing into the moon's cool breeze
I escape the body
Escaping into your running river
Swimming until the dead end
Where is there freedom?
I wish for protection making me suspect once
At the prettiest time I rather fall into your hands
Evolving into the dark night sky's rainbow
I rather not see a fine day
Jumping into your river
I wish for protection
At this prettiest moment
I make a wish
I know how long a shooting star can fly for
Made me happy for ages