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Adaptus Mechanicus symbol

Only the best sites are linked here

My 3D interactive graphics site.

Adpatus Mechanicus discussion group.(Run by me.)
GW gateway links site.
All the good sites are linked here. Oh and the lame ones too.

40k on line.
Excelent Adaptus Mechanicus page done by one of the Games Workshop Staff. Includes trial Adaptus Mechanicus Army list to be released in Citadel Journal at a later date.

Talasa Prime.
Good Inquistion Site. with Names and background.Also Tallarn Desert raiders rules.

The Colossal 40k Resource Site
Campaign system for Battle Fleet Gothic and 40K. Vehicle Background and a complete star system.

The Maelstrom.
Lots of 3rd edition codecies, new short stories. Well recomended.

Adaptus Astartes, The Emperors finest.
3rd edition rules, Lots of Space Marines Background, pictures and colour scemes. Well recomended.

This has to be the best Ork site on the internet. Well recomended to those who play Orks and those who fight them.

Grim Stalker's Imperial Guard.
Imperial Guard tactics, painting guide and some missions. Well recomended. - your link to unofficial 40k sites

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