February 14th, New York, NY- "Pure Madness."  Those were the words uttered by Facial front man Faz after the show at the Limelight on Saturday, which hosted the 25th anniversary party for Troma Films, the creative minds which brought us the Toxic Avenger series of films.

Hank the Angry Dwarf started off the festivities by showing off his "package" to the cheers (and jeers) of the crowd.  One female fan in the front row was overheard whispering, "Not bad for a dwarf."

Facial once again spewed their insanity to the packed house of assorted freaks and fans.  The stage was filled with Troma characters such as the Toxic Avenger, Ninja Man, and Mr. Dolphin Guy.  It was an amazing sight to say the least and the boys from Facial did not disappoint.  Band coordinator, Big Tommy, told us that Facial would be in the studio for the next 2 months, but to be prepared for more insanity (and brief nudity) when they hit the road again in the spring.