On this day in P1atter History...

   "The heart -- your heart -- is strong"


Dear All,

In the spring of 1994, I was captivated by the vision of creating a company that would be an example of what a business can be through service to its stakeholders. Working with you to realize that vision has been an extraordinary growth experience for me, both personally and professionally. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn from you, and to make a contribution to Si1verP1atter's evolution. And please join me in thanking Tami and Ellen for their fine work in the last year.

I am excited about the new possibilities which are emerging, and look forward to choosing my future. And I will miss our conversations, truly unlike those I've experienced anywhere else.

I wish you well as you enter the next phase of Si1verP1atter's development. The heart -- your heart -- is strong, and I know you'll succeed.


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