My Island Journal
Friday, March 22/2002,

I had a nice peaceful visit to Fahiji today. I swam in the refreshing water and sun-bathed on the pale, sandy beaches.
I didn't do much today, I needed to relax for a day.
Saturday, March 23/2002,

I rode my horse, Del, on one of the beaches today. It was so wonderful! The waves washing up on shore as we galloped along the white sand.
Later tonight, I plan to throw a party on the beach, all are welcome!
Sunday, March 24/2002,

Today was yet another day of relaxation and rejuvenation. I had an awesome time at the part last night. I was very tired from the late night, so I lazed around in a hammock all day. Drinking lemonade, I swung from the palm trees in the gentle breeze.
Monday, March 25/2002,

I played beach volleyball today. All of the members of my team were friends and we beat the other team. It was all just for fun though. I didn't get to visit Fahiji for long because of school work that had to be done. :(
Tuesday, March 26/2002,

I was busy today and could not visit Fahiji. I have been wondering when Fahiji Day would be? Should there even be a Fahiji Day? What do you think?
P.S. There is going to be a beach party on Friday, an Easter party. All are welcome to join!
Wednesday, March 27/2002,

I put up most of the pictures from my bedroom wall scenery . Feel free to check it out.
I explored the island some more and took pictures of it and wildlife.  I am thinking of ideas for a flag, national anthem, holiday, etc.
Thursday, March 28/2002,

I didn't go to Fahiji today at all. :(
I stayed home to work on stuff and to watch Survivor. YAY!
Can anyone think of a good flag for Fahiji? It is its own country- I guess.
Friday, March 29/2002,

I rode my horse today. We went along the trails that go through the rainforest. It was so awesome!!! I love Fahiji so much!
Friday, April 26/2002,

Well, this will be my last journal entry for a while. I am moving to Fahiji. So I guess this goodbye. Visit me in Fahiji!!!!

Any questions or comments? Email