MY Self






























































1)     LIFE  is like a HISTORY which comes and go according to its TIME….


2) GOD  creates human being to spread LOVE  and   PEACE but unfortunately human being creates hate,sorrows and pain…in this world…


  3) The easiest thing is to gain LOVE from others but the difficult thing is to give it to others….in this world


4) Epressing ur feelings is easy rather to express it in the form of  “EXPRESSIONS”


5) How often one hears children wishing they grow up and old….People wish they were  grow young again…

Each age has its  pleasures and its pains and happiness.

And the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without waisting his time in useless



6) Always love ur child  not by teaching him or her the bad things or don’t love him/her by giving into all his

whims…always love ur child  from ur heart more than ur life….treat ur child with love and with love bring out the best in him/her….


7) SEPRATION  is one of the main thing between the LOVE  ones…FOR once if they were seprated they cried a lot for eachother in each and every hour of their Lonliness LIFE….


8) WE are all strangers in these mysterious ways  as we meet a lot of other strangers including those whom we love and form those with whom we fell in love………


9) LOVE  is the only thing which makes us together …

It is the one of the beautiful thing that GOD  has given Us….LOVE… which makes us smile which makes us  cry…LOVE in which  we can feel God..and as I always  says that  “LOVE IS GOD AND GOD IS LOVE…”and it is the only thing , a beautiful thing which is needed by this world in this time of hate,Sorrows and loneliness



10) FriendShip is a light which shines everything around us…even the darkest side of our LIFE….


11) IT  is easy to make a house  but its difficult to make a home…A perfect HOME of love and peace…


12) LIFE  is beautiful which is yet to be understand…


13) Sometimes   u  loose those people whom u like….

     Sometimes u loose those whom god has creates for u ….and  Sometimes u loose those whom u love more than Anything…


14) Share always ur happiness,sorrows  and feelings with others..BUT  remember don’t share ur dreams coz there r only few people who can understand them……


15) There r some people who are good…some people

who r the best some people who r cute beautiful  and some people are special coz may be they r made for the special ones………


16) Every Relation has words…to be expressed but FRIENDSHIP,LOVE ,and LIFE has no words

you have to understand them through different phases as you pass…….

17) Loving someone is  a gift often achieve by all but loving by someone is a blessing which not all the people get....