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Throughout the years Fairouz has shared her faith with her fans in her performances on the Holy Fridays making the heaven closer to the earth , and giving the words a simpler path with the musical component of her angelical voice , making of this tradition a date awaited by her fans , among which the few lucky ones will have the chance to meet with her on one of these Holy Fridays ,  in these pages I will try to share with you some traditional prayers that Fairouz has been performing throughout the past years .

This One is from the Holy Friday Tradition

Click here to download the Audio File

When the Lord Chose to enter the state of death , while wearing the human nature , it was to show us doubtful humans that he has given us the power to defeat death ,and He did it in action and not with words, and with his death , "death" became no more an obstacle for Our Lord has liberated the human race from the state of death , and He has give life to Everyone , no matter who they are , He has given them life with His death , for He , by his death , has denaturized death , and offered us eternity.

And this is why the Holy Friday is not a sad occasion for the human race , because it was the day when hell was defeated , and were risen to the heavens by our Lord Jesus.

Click Here to Go to the Easter page

Click here to download my Easter gift to you : it is an old rare Fairouz song that I got from the net someday , maybe it was from fairuz.net , the song is called Yolla


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