

What is FPNS?

Fairplay Professional Nursing/Office Registry is a Premier Agency designed to offer quality Temporary medical and office help using high quality staff, state of the art care and a wide scope of services, through it's mission to promoting total health body, mind and sprit while networking with other businesses to reach a broad base multicultural customer twenty four hours a day.

A key advantage that Fairplay Professional Nursing/Office has and should maximize is it's relationship with other service providers who are like minded regarding the involvement of e-commerce in reaching the customer 24 hours a day.

The mix of services will offer an alternative comprehensive system of Temporary Medical help and Office services to Homes, Hospitals, Homes for the aged, Nursing Homes, Retirement Homes, Corporations and Small and Medium size Businesses, the result will be a synergy that expands the market, and generate new revenue.

For more information please contact us at :
Tel. #: (416) - 760 6184
E-mail: jeanfray@hotmail.com







Our mission is to ensure that we work to take the best possible care of your loved ones: Body, Soul and Spirit.




Loving Them


I love the rich, I love the poor,
I love YHWH's children even more,
I love the great I love the small,
I love you humans one and all.