
本案的系爭專利,為美國的Hurco Companies, Inc.,於1994年10月16日取得之美國第4477745號,關於數位控制(NC,numerical controll)工具機及其控制方法的專利(以下簡稱'745專利)。Hurco公司於1995年時,將該專利授權給美國的IMS Technology, Inc.(以下簡稱IMS)。




1. A programmable microcomputer control apparatus for controlling the relative motion between a tool and a workpiece comprising:

indicator means for providing at an output digital signals indicative of the relative position between the tool and the workpiece;

an alterable memory operable to retain a control program and control parameters;

a microprocessor unit coupled to the output of the indicator means and to the memory and operable to produce control signals dependent upon said indicator means output and said control parameters according to said control program;

control means for directing said control signals from the microprocessor unit to appropriate motion-providing means;

interface means for transferring a control program and control parameters from an external medium into said alterable memory and for recording the control parameter contents of said memory onto an external medium;

data entry means for loading control parameters into said memory through externally accessible data inputs independently of said interface means; and

display means for displaying control parameters, said control program being operable to display control parameter inquiries on the display means, whereby an operator may load control parameters into said memory through said data entry means in response to the inquiries, said apparatus including means to sequentially display data block inquiries and to display, in response to the loading of certain control parameters into said memory relating to the data block inquiries, separate displays of additional control parameter inquiries relating to information used in the data block which was the subject of the previous inquiry, whereby the sequential display of inquiries and direct loading of control parameters as to an operation can be used to make the use of the device simpler and more responsive to the operator.


7. A programmable microcomputer control apparatus for controlling the relative motion between a tool and a workpiece comprising:

indicator means for providing at an output digital signals indicative of the relative position between the tool and the workpiece;

an alterable memory operable to retain a control program and control parameters;

a processor unit coupled to the output of the indicator means and to the memory and operable to produce control signals dependent upon said indicator means output and said control parameters according to said control program, said control signals including programmed rate signals for controlling the rate of relative motion between the tool and the workpiece;

control means for directing said control signals from the processor unit to appropriate motion-providing means;

interface means for transferring a control program and control parameters from an external medium into said alterable memory and for recording the control parameter contents of said memory onto an external medium;

data entry means for loading control parameters into said memory through externally accessible data inputs independently of said interface means; and

feed rate adjust means externally and manually settable independent of said control parameters, said feed rate adjust means coupled to said processor unit, said processor unit recalculating said rate signals dependent on said feed rate adjust means to vary the rate of relative motion between the tool and the workpiece.


11. A method for automatically and interactively performing machining operations on a workpiece comprising the steps of:

entering the mode type and dimensional parameters for a machining operation into a microcomputer memory as a data block;

repeating said entering step for data blocks for any further operations and dimensions as necessary to complete processing of the workpiece; and

executing a microcomputer program utilizing said data blocks to direct a machine to perform said operations on a workpiece;

displaying on screen sequentially for observation and response by the operator, a plurality of inquiries regarding mode and dimensional parameters for individual data blocks; and

as to at least some of the individual data blocks, utilizing operator response to initiate and implement subsequent display of additional inquiries for observation and response by the operator to further define the parameters of the data block as to an operation.

由申請專利範圍可以得知,依本發明之NC工具機,其記憶體中儲存了各種動作的data blocks。使用者可藉由在interface means上,以data entry means逐步輸入display means所顯示的各項data blocks所需的參數,來控制NC工具機的動作。如此,使用者可以互動的方式來控制NC工具機,且不需要撰寫G碼或M碼,大幅簡化了操作NC工具機所需的各項成本。

在'745專利的說明書中,程式碼可儲存在tape cassette中,並藉由tape cassette transport進行存取的動作,且說明書中並未限定程式碼的型式。當程式碼載入NC工具機的記憶體後,即轉換為電子訊號,以驅動NC工具機上的各種元件,如步進馬達等動作,以對NC工具機上的工件進行加工。



HAAS AUTOMATION, INC(以下簡稱HAAS)為另一家生產NC工具機的公司,其也研發出一種以控制NC工具機的系統。HAAS的系統係以一種稱為Conversational Quickcode的程式碼來輔助使用者撰寫G碼或M碼。在螢幕上,HAAS系統的使用者可以看到G碼或M碼的簡介群組。在選取所需的G碼或M碼群組後,使用者可輸入該被選取的G碼或M碼群組所需的參數,藉以編輯NC工具機的加工動作。撰寫的程式碼可以用floppy disk drive儲存,或以RS-232介面連線至另一台電腦儲存。在操作工具機時,程式碼先被轉換為二進位碼之後,再轉換為驅動NC工具機上各種元件的電子訊號。

IMS控告HAAS侵權的爭論焦點,在於「interface means」與「data block」兩個名詞。在東維吉尼亞地方法院時,法官認為「interface means」是means-plus-function的寫法,在參照'745專利的說明書之後,判定HAAS的floppy disk drive與'745專利中所揭露的tape cassette transport並不均等。至於「data block」,法官認為應僅包含'745專利中所揭露的參數或程序,而不包含習知技術中的G碼或M碼,所以HAAS所使用的G碼或M碼群組也沒有侵犯IMS的專利權。



1.「Interface means」

首先, CAFC同意地方法院的見解,認為在'745專利的申請專利範圍第1項與第7項中所述的interface means是一種means-plus-function的寫法,所以落入美國專利法第112條第六段的規範。

'745專利中的interface means包括兩個功能,即「transferring a control program and control parameters from an external medium into said alterable memory 」與「recording the control parameter contents of said memory onto an external medium」。CAFC認為,'745專利在其說明書中明白指出,於「recording」時,必須先由tape cassette transport將data傳送至一種稱為tape cassette peripheral interface adapter(PIA)的裝置上,再由PIA將data紀錄至tape cassette(即external medium)上,所以,在'745專利的說明書中,interface means所對應的結構,應該是PIA以及tape cassette transport的組合,而非地方法院所認定的,僅為tape cassette transport。單純的tape cassette transport是無法完成「recording」功能的。

接著,要判定HAAS的系統是否有侵犯IMS的「interface means」,必須先判斷兩者的功能,即,「transferring」與「recording」的功能是否相同,然後再判斷兩者是否在結構上構成美國專利法第112條第6段中所謂的近似。由於HAAS所使用的floppy disk drive很明顯地具有「transferring」與「recording」的功能,因此,判定兩者結構是否近似,便成為HAAS的系統是否侵權關鍵所在。


所以,雖然'745專利中的PIA與tape cassette transport的組合,與HAAS所使用的floppy disk drive,兩者在結構上差了十萬八千里,但是,CAFC仍認為,對於熟悉該技術的人士而言,兩者的替換是顯而易知的。亦即,HAAS所使用的floppy disk drive與'745專利中的interface means,構成美國專利法第112條第六段的均等。

2.「Data Blocks」

CAFC認為,在'745專利的申請專利範圍中,data blocks的寫法並不是一種means-plus-function的寫法,故不落入美國專利法第112條第六段的規範中。所以,必須參酌申請專利範圍、說明書內容以及申請過程等,來判斷其真正的意涵。

HAAS聲稱,由於'745專利在其說明書與申請過程中,都明白指出G碼或M碼使用上的不方便性,所以,'745專利中的data blocks不應該包含習知技術中的G碼或M碼。關於此點,CAFC指出'745專利的重點,在於強調其互動式的操作,較習知技術中,使用者必需逐行撰寫G碼或M碼來說,更為進步。所以,其重點在於產生G碼或M碼的方式,而非欲排除G碼或M碼本身。所以,HAAS的主張是不正確的。

再者,HAAS聲稱'745專利的data blocks不包含G碼或M碼。這點也不為CAFC接受。雖然在'745專利的說明書中,並未提到可以G碼或M碼的型式來儲存其所產生的程式碼,但其重點如前所述,在於程式碼的產生方式,而不在於其程式碼的儲存型態。依照說明書所述,data blocks包含「the information needed by a machine tool to perform one machining operation」。而由此定義可看出,其與儲存型態是否為G碼或M碼並不相關。所以,'745專利的data blocks的型態與其是否為G碼或M碼並不相關。



由於HAAS系統的floppy disk drive與'745專利中的interface means均等,而'745專利中的data blocks又應包括習知的G碼或M碼在內,所以CAFC駁回地方法院HAAS系統未侵犯IMS專利權的判決,將該案發回更審。