In 2000-2003 I did a PhD with the Laser Photonics Group at the University of Manchester.

I researched the processes involved in charge generation in photorefractive polymer composites. This involved testing analytical models using a number of experimental techniques: transmission ellipsometry, two beam coupling, four wave mixing, transmission spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry.

My publications:

SP Bant, DJ Binks, DP West, "Full geometry dependence of index contrast in photorefractive polymer composites", Applied Optics, 41, 11, pp.2111-2115, April 2002.

SP Bant, DJ Binks, DP West, P O'Brien and MA Malik, "Improved quantum dot sensitized photorefractive polymer composite", in Organic Photorefractive and Photosensitive Materials for Holographic Applications, K Meerholz, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE 4802, pp.114-121, July 2002.

DJ Binks, SP Bant, DP West, P O'Brien and MA Malik, "CdSe/CdS core/shell quantum dots as sensitizer of a photorefractive polymer composite", Journal of Modern Optics, 50, 2, pp.299-310, 2003.

SP Bant, DJ Binks, DP West, "Improved model of dispersive rotation in a photorefractive composite", in preperation (no idea whether this was ever published!).

SP Bant, DJ Binks, MD Rahn and DP West, "Holographic Data Storage" in Recent Research Developments in Quantum Electronics", H Eichler, Editor, Transworld Research, in preperation (again - no idea what happened to this).

Photos from Laser Group social events.

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