One Big Place

Harry Potter Jr's family have just moved into a new apartment building.
(No, not THAT Harry Potter.)
That's okay, until his little sister Wendy starts acting really weird,
and people start disappearing. With the help of Eunice St. Clair,
the resident, centuries old princess/witch upstairs,
Harry must defeat the Troll bent on turning the world into
a dark fairyland, where only a single fair-haired maiden
will survive to rule as Fairy Queen--Wendy!

Starring June Lockhart (Lost in Space),
Anne Lockhart (Battlestar Galactica),
Sonny Bono,
and Noah Hathaway (Neverending Story),
Troll is a dark fairytale where two worlds collide.
And a talking mushroom and a magical spear or two
just might come in handy!

Harry Potter Jr.Wendy Potter

Eunice St. ClairGalwyn
