Counter Next Sabbat is Mabon
NextEsbat is 18th of March 2003


May 1(Southern Hemisphere)

A time to remember our ancestors. Get together with your witchy friends and each bring a photo of a loved one(or loved ones)who has passed on and share your favourite memories of them. Dress in black and burn patchouli and myrrh to honour their spirits.


June 20-23(Southern Hemisphere)
December 20-23(Northern Hemisphere)
(Depending of the actual day of the soltice)

Tonight you celebrate the longest night of the year, and at sunrise the beggining of the ascent of the sun. From now on the days will get longer. The journey towards spring has begun. You should dress in reds and purples and gather together for a bonfire. Place the yule log in the centre of the fire and sprinkle with myrrh and frankincense resin. You can also throw handfulls of leaves on the fire and as the smoke curls towards the new sun make wishes. As the sun rises everyone should light a red candle from the fire in honour of the new sun.


August 1(Southern Hemisphere)
February 2(Northern Hemisphere)

New begginings and inspirations are to be experienced at this time. Do a big clean out and get rid of anything you don't want or need anymore. Everyone should write down a list of everything they want to acheive by next Sabbat then turn it into a poem. Wear white and bring a white candle and a white flower. Standing in a circle read out your poems and ask the Goddess to bless your goals. Raise energy by holding hands and chanting the Goddesses names "Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna",and when the energy peaks all throw your hands up in the air and shout,"May all our dreams come true".Wrap your poem around a bay leaf and burn it as an offering to the Goddess.


September 20-23(Southern Hemisphere)
March 20-23(Northern Hemisphere)

Ostara is the witches easter. It's a time to celebrate thet Spring is here and the land is alive and regenerating. Wear your favourate colours and put flowers in your hair and have a picnic with all your friends.


October 31(Southern Hemisphere)
May 1(Northern Hemisphere)

This is the fetility festival:a time to honour creation itself. Choose a beautiful, natural setting and sit in a big circle of ivy. Share a loving cup(all take a sip from the one cup). Bring a passage from a book to read, or a poem that inspires your passion and reverence for life, to share with everyone.


December 20-23(Southern Hemisphere)
June 20-23(Northern Hemisphere)

Litha celebrates the longest day of the year, when the sun is at it's peak. From now on the days will gradually become shorter, the descent towards winter has begun. It is traditional at this time to throw lavendar on a fire to ensure safety in the coming year.


February 2(Southern Hemisphere)
August 1(Northern Hemisphere)

This is a time to honour the harvest, but not only do we honour the harvest of the land but also the rewards we reaped from the hard work in all of the areas in our lives. Gather together and trace stories of success that you have acheived over the past year


March 20-23(Southern Hemisphere)
September 20-23(Northern Hemisphere)

This is the final harvest of the crops before winter and so is a great time to look back over the past year and on what you have acheived. Write down the thing you acheived which makes you feel most proud and throw it into a fire with a handful of sage as an offering to the Goddess and God, asking them to bless your work.

The Esbat

This a potent time for magick of all sorts and the best time to honour the Goddess at her most beautiful. At this time you should stand outside and look up at the moon, acknowledging it's beauty. Light a white candle and burn your favourite incense or oil.