DEMONOLOGY 101; fanart
click on the thumbnail to get to the pretty pictures
Sending me fanart? Please consider these:
-URLs are muchly appreciated, but if you must send an attachment, please
make sure it is under 200k. I have a mailbox with limited space...
-please make sure your file type is JPG or GIF only. NO bitmaps! Please! They're HUGE! ^^;
-if I don't know you, please make sure to include your proper name (for picture
credit) and webpage URL (if you have one).
-I get quite a bit of fanart, so if you don't see your picture here it may have been lost in the
shuffle (apologies). Feel free to email me, and point out that I've made a horrible mistake. ;)

Fanarts of Raven, the little demon girl who is the star of the comic. She's cute so she gets lots of fanart. :)
72 images;

Fanarts of Mackenzie and Mal, Raven's sidekicks. My very first fanart was of them. :) They also are cute.
10 images.

Fanarts of Poe, the slightly mysterious, slightly edgy, sword wielding blond ex-Network agent.
15 images

Fanarts of Elspeth, the oh-so-spooky Monarch Demon with a personal connection to Raven.
18 images;

Miscellaneous fanarts; drawings of minor characters (Lethe, Lacey, etc), crossovers, group shots and other hodge-podge. There's also a special spot for gag stuff. :)
53 images;

Credits: Raven drawn by Mishmow; Mackenzie drawn by Angelic; Poe drawn by Matt; Elspeth drawn by Viv; Lacey drawn by Chris.