You have just entered room "Life - Beliefs Atheism 1"

FaithInEvidence: Is there an atheist in here willing to answer some questions for me?

Pttr: sure faith

LL: no
LL: find your own answers

Pttr: lets hear the ?

FaithInEvidence: Pttr - Do you "know" there is no God or, is it your "opinion" there is no God?

RH: Lil <---bets Faith's 'evidence' isn't

Pttr: all of the above faith

FaithInEvidence: You would have to have infinite knowledge (know all things) in order to KNOW for a FACT that God does NOT exist. Do you claim to know all things?

Pttr: faith we are talking a bout heiney here honey

Td: faith. which god ?

FaithInEvidence: You said you would answer my questions. R U backing out?

Lf: yes faith i am omnipotent, and i know that there is no god

Pttr: god molests children

Eric: faith, we don't KNOW there's no god, but we ARE convinced there's no god.

Td: faith. which god are you open to ?

Pttr: god rapes children
Pttr: god is a pimp

Eric: you don't KNOW there IS a god.

RH: Faith-ever hear of statistical sampling?

Pttr: faith stop reading the babble

Td: perhaps it's your idea of god that is rejected by atheists

FaithInEvidence: OK, if you can't answer them...
FaithInEvidence: anyone else wanna try?

Pttr: faith try this

RH: Faith-you are too programmed to reason

Pttr: faith is brainwashed
Pttr: baaaaah

FaithInEvidence: Anyone?

Pttr: sheep you are a sheep
Pttr: baaaaaaah
Pttr: faith?

FaithInEvidence: Pttr?

Pttr: can i ask you a question

FaithInEvidence: No takers?

SyChO: faith what are you asking

FaithInEvidence: Nope. You wouldn't answer mine.

FaithInEvidence: SyChO- Do you "know" there is no God or, is it your "opinion" there is no God?

Pttr: faith get a life

SyChO: i pray that my pre calc teacher will touch me one day but it hasnt happened yet! wheres your god HUH!?!??!

RH: Faith-jesus was a fictionj-no real jesus-a fabrication of the church

FaithInEvidence: Last chance. Anyone brave enough to answer some honest questions?

Rup: faith all you have are stupid questions

SyChO: shut the hell up faith, no one cares to talk to you

Native: Faith, I'll answer anything you have to ask.

FaithInEvidence: Native Are you an atheist?

Native: Faith, I've already answered that one. No. I am Wiccan. ::Amused look:: Do you understand?

Agape: FaithinEvidence my Pastor and I had a very deep conversation about a book called A God Who Is There by Francis A Schaeffer it really gives good insight in how atheist think.

FaithInEvidence: Sorry. Wasn't watching your dialogue earlier.

FaithInEvidence: Agape: Thanx. I know them pretty well though. They refuse to answer honest questions.

FaithInEvidence: Agape - check out "How Now Shall We Live" - it's a good one too.

RH: FAith-you are asking straw man questions and refuse to respond to rebuttals you are very dishonest and an insult to your so-called religion

FaithInEvidence: RH: You wanna try?

Agape: FaithinEvidence try this book A God Who Is There by Fransis A. Schaeffer, I think you will enjoy it.

FaithInEvidence: RH?

SyChO: hey faith, you should read The Satanic Bible or Satanic Rituals by Anton Szandor LaVey

FaithInEvidence: RH? Wanna answer some wuestions or not?
FaithInEvidence: questions

RH: FAith-what questions?

FaithInEvidence: RH - Do you "know" there is no God or, is it your "opinion" there is no God?

RH: god as what? I sure don't believe in the god of the bible-that is pure fiction

FaithInEvidence: A being who created the universe. Do you "know" for a fact there is no such being or is it your "opinion" that there is not one?

Rup: faith i KNOW none of the gods ever worshipped are real

Lf: faith we are atheists we base all our non belief in pure faith, and our faith is purer than your faith

FaithInEvidence: RH?

Agape: FaithinEvidence looks like you win by default.

FaithInEvidence: I guess so.

RH: Faith-a bing thqt created the univ? nope-I beleive matter'energy always existed-where did it come from =I don't know-where did god come from?A plausible universe has result from natural laws-the universe from the bible is very

FaithInEvidence: RH - Do you "know" for a fact there is no such being or is it your "opinion" that there is not one?

RH: unnatural-creation 6 K years ago sheesh! That is why I scorn your stupid 'faith'

FaithInEvidence: Do you "know" for a fact there is no such being or is it your "opinion" that there is not one?

SyChO: get a new question faith

PGAS: faith you repeat yourself

PTB: faith. there is no being that is a god.. that's ridiculous

FaithInEvidence: RH?

FaithInEvidence: RH?

FaithInEvidence: RH?

RH: Faith-I answered you-the god of the bible is fiction and a god did NOT create the univere-If you maintain that, what created god?

Native: Faith...stop calling to him...

FaithInEvidence: Is it fact that he doesn't exist or just your opinion?

Agape: That is not an answer RH

PTB: agape. it is the only answer. the bible god is fiction, plain and simple

PGAS: is it your opinion he does exist or YOURR fact

RH: Agape-shove your superciliousness up your a**!

FaithInEvidence: RH - opinion or fact?

RH: Rup no pun

FaithInEvidence: RH - opinion or fact?

PTB: faith-- based on the fact there is no evidence to support your beliefs, it is beyond opinion

FaithInEvidence: Last chance...

RH: Faith one cannot prove a negative! I'm quite content to say there is NO god (at least not the god of the bible)

FaithInEvidence: So it's your opinion?

PTB: faith. you have a terribly thick skull

Pappy: Faith, I've been reading here silently for a while, just what is your point with that stupid question?

FaithInEvidence: RH - If it's just your opinion that God doesn't exist and you don't know for a fact, isn't it POSSIBLE that He MIGHT exist?

PTB: Faith. no

Agape: Congratulation FaithinEvidence I hope RH lunch tasted good.

Lf: faith is it possible that man could fly to mars by flapping his wings?

FaithInEvidence: RH?

FaithInEvidence: RH?

Lf: faith?

RH: FAdith for the third time-I don';t believe in the god of the bible that is a fiction-so far as I'm concerned, you can call the universe 'god' (which is entirely different from 'god' being confined to one planet out of billions

FaithInEvidence: I already defined the god of which I ask. Shall I post it again for you?

Pappy: Yes, faith

Agape: FaithinEvidence share that lunch with me........please

RH: Faoith-not interested in your god-

FaithInEvidence: Are you bowing out?

Pappy: Faith, Almost every religion claims to have a god who created the world

FaithInEvidence: Pappy You wanna answer some questions?

RH: LS and your bible is is largly fiction-there was no historical jesus

Pappy: Yes, faith, if you have any intelligent ones, not the one you've been scrolling all evening

FaithInEvidence: Pappy - Do you "know" there is no God or, is it your "opinion" there is no God?

Rup: faith musta seen what i typed earlier

Pappy: Faith, it is MY opinion, for MY beliefs, that god does not exist

FaithInEvidence: Papy - If it's just your opinion that God doesn't exist and you don't know for a fact, isn't it POSSIBLE that He MIGHT exist?

Agape: go Faith go

Pappy: No, faith, common sense tells me he doesn't.....
Pappy: Now, let me ask you a question

FaithInEvidence: Hmmm - you seem like an open-minded and logical person. Are you really going to insist that you know of God's non-existence without possibly being able to know all things?

Rup: faith knowing your god doesn't exist is not a claim to know all

Pappy: you talking to me? I said it was my opinion

RH: Faith has never heard of statistical sampling -would never be hired by an insurance company!

FaithInEvidence: SO it's possible that He does exist, right?

Jym: FaithInEvidence There is absolutely NO evidence a "God" does exist so until I see some I will assume there is NO GOD!

Pappy: Faith you sound like you have a script

FaithInEvidence: Pappy - You would have to have infinite knowledge (know all things) in order to KNOW for a FACT that God does NOT exist. Do you claim to know all things?

Jym: FAITH Do YOU claim a "God" DOES exist ?

Pappy: Faith, I answered two of you questions, will you answer one for me?
Pappy: *your

FaithInEvidence: Pappy - You would have to have infinite knowledge (know all things) in order to KNOW for a FACT that God does NOT exist. Do you claim to know all things?

Jym: FAITH Do YOU say there IS a God ?
Jym: FAITH ????

Pappy: Faith, please deviate from your script

FaithInEvidence: Then answer the question.


FaithInEvidence: Do you claim to know all things?

Pappy: I have answered two of your questions, now answer one of mine

FaithInEvidence: RH

Jym: FAITH You afraid to say there IS a "God"?

FaithInEvidence: Pappy, I mean.

RH: Pappy are you asking Faith to be a 'textual deviant'?

Pappy: lol RH, yes

FaithInEvidence: Why won't you answer the question Pappy?

Pappy: Because I've already answered two, you only asked for one
Pappy: your turn

FaithInEvidence: You agreed to answer my questions - why do you stall?
FaithInEvidence: i asked for answers to questionS

Pappy: because your a moron, I won't be railroaded into your pre-programmed riddle

RH: Faith-does your 'god' give you a warm feeling -sosrta like pee running down your leg?

Jym: FAITH I think PAPPY is too smart for you

FaithInEvidence: Then you ought to be able to defeat it, right?

Rup: pulp faithinevidence doesn't answer questions, just asks them interminably

Agape: Jymdon you are not

Jym: FAITH What is your question ?

Pappy: Faith, I've wasted enough of my evening with you

FaithInEvidence: Jym: Will ask you another time - gotta go for now...

Pappy: 'nite all

Jym: FAITH AWWW! I was hoping you would ask

Agape: That is two for you FaithinEvidence

FaithInEvidence: Pappy - Maybe next time you will be a bit braver. Good nite.