RJC Prom Night 99: Enchantment
held at the shangri-la hotel, it was a night of glamour.
everyone just looked really good; the girls in their flowing dresses, specially arranged hair, make-up... and the guys looking oh-so-handsome in their suits.
no one cared about the lousy MC for the night, or the crappy food.....we were all too busy taking photos and looking for friends we made during our brief stay (2 years only!) at RJC....orientation group members, ECA mates, classmates, and many other friends' friends etc.

liann (my class' CT rep) and me            from left: jackie, peiling, kok siew, karin, me, stephanie
in the lobby just before going in for                        this was also just before dinner started and everyone
our dinner.                                                                was looking simply gorgeous.

from left: liann, liping, ailin, careen, dawn, peiling, me, joyce and jacqueline