Social Dances in Ithaca New York:
Project Empowerment

Amatuer Membership Controling Ithaca Scial Dance instead of Instructors

Stay Posted for Starting Dates....

All Starting at 9:30 PM

Ballroom Social Dance Ithaca:

Projected for Wednesdays

Cuban Social Latin Dance  Ithaca:

Projected for Tuesdays

Brazilian Social Latin Dance Ithaca:

Projected for Thursdays

Children's Social Dances:

Projected for Saturdays

Tea Time..

AT Wessex - Bristol Gawllery of the Arts

119 East State Street

Ithaca, New York 14850

607 - 339 - 7533
Ithaca Social Dances are for amatuer dancers who can enjoy and relax in a non-drinking-smoking atmosphere in which to dance. Espeically with out being solicitating for dance lessons. An invitation is extended to other amatuer social dancers of Syracuse, Elmira, Binghamton, and Owego during the coming spring.

Memberships will be evaluated and developed as a result.
Link Tri Falcon and Dove Dance Academy
Social Dance Calendar Ithaca
Membership Application Form: