Seductive Innocence

   He held her close to his tense body, her warmth seeping into his skin.  His taut muscles relaxed against her softness and he sighed.  It was a lazy afternoon, the sun hidden behind some clouds, which seemed like a warm blanket, prompting sleep.  The last of his anxiety melted away as she lay her head on his shoulder.
   This woman, this wondrous creature, a walking paradox. She, the innocent temptress, her wide eyes suggesting a childlike quality, but her smile suggesting so much more.  A burning passion lay within her, so deep it is a passion unknown to her as well.
   She closed her eyes and sighed, her red lips parting and he had to suppress a moan of desire.  How could someone have such power and not know it?  It was a question he went over in his mind until he believed insanity would kick in.  This woman-child unlocked something powerful and he knew there was no way the door would ever shut.
   Suddenly, he was overcome by frustration. She thought of him in only brotherly affection and he tried hard not to let his physical urges take over.  Her allure drew his thoughts into the dark corners of his brain, but her virtuous nature kept him from acting on it.  He was going crazy at that moment, her soft, warm body against his firm one.  Her hand slowly rubbing his chest and stomach in what she thought was a comforting touch without knowing the reactions it invoked.  Every nerve ending aflame with desire.  And yet, nothing could happen.  Only this infuriating closeness.  Comfort without satisfaction.
   The rain hit the roof softly, the sound calming.  His inner rage subsided into resignation.  He knew the only way to complete his goal was through time.  In the beginning, he was barely allowed to hold her hand, let alone hold her.  He loved her, they both knew that.  She returned those feelings.  And he would wait for her or go crazy trying because the thought of anyone getting as close to her as he had gotten made anger run through him like and electric shock.
   Yes, he would wait.  He would wait for his seductress, his innocent one.
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