Silent Auctions and Raffles

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Tanglewood Grobanites will be treated to two wonderful fundraising activities during the Meet & Greet. To benefit DFF, a silent auction, raffle and sale will take place. For David S., a silent auction, 50/50 raffle and sale will take place. The descriptions of these wonderful charities can be found below, and further fun can be found on subsequent pages. Come with cash or check book in hand and help support these wonderful projects!

$3,531 was raised for DFF from the auctions, raffles and sales!
Click here to see auction items and winners

"The Grobanites Invade Tanglewood" Silent Auction and Raffle
to benefit the David Foster Foundation

As part of the festivities at the August 2, 2003 Meet & Greet at Tanglewood, we are organizing a Silent Auction to benefit the DFF (DFF Summary). Between now and July 15, we will be collecting items donated and/or made by the Grobanites. It's a fun way to share your talents, and support a worthy cause at the same time! Your donation may be "Josh-related" or not. All donations, large or small, will be greatly appreciated.

If you would like to donate to the auction, please take a moment to complete the Donation Form. Details on how to deliver your donation if you are unable to attend the M&G are included on the form. The auction will take place from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. during the Meet & Greet. Since the auction will be happening "live", you must be present to bid. With well over 200 Grobanites expected, it should be an exciting event!

If you've never been to a silent auction before, it will work as follows:
• Items are numbered and displayed along with a bid sheet for each item.
• Bidders may browse the auction tables and place bids on their desired items.
• Bids are accepted until 7:30 p.m.
• Promptly at 7:30 p.m., the bid sheets are collected, and the results are tallied.
• Winners will be announced at 8:00 p.m. and items must be paid for and collected at that time. (cash or checks accepted)

As we gather a list of items to be auctioned, we'll update this site with descriptions, and pictures when possible. So get ready to be there on August 2nd with your checkbook in hand!

I look forward to hearing from all of you talented and generous Grobanites!

Donna Mildrum


$4,310 was raised for David S. from the auctions, raffles and sales!
Click here to see auction items and winners

Silent Auction and Raffle for David S.

David S. is a 30-year-old man (and Josh fan) who was injured in a tragic car accident in 2001. The accident left him completely paralyzed, ventilator dependent, without the ability to speak and in a facility lying in a bed all day. The mother of his 6-year-old daughter, Paige, was killed in the accident. Paige is now in the care of his sister, Lisa, and her husband, who have six children of their own. Grobanites have already done many things to help David and his family, but more help is needed.

We will be at Tanglewood offering some very special Baskets full of wonderful Josh items, and specialty items.

If you have any items that you would like to donate which are signed by Josh, but not personalized, or any items that are unusual Josh Type Items, for example, someone is donating a Josh Lunchbox, please email:

If you would like to be a Postage Angel and donate to the postage fund for sending out these items after the fund raisers are over, please email:

If you would like more information about David S. please email or go here: Campaign of Compassion

Thanks so much....this is what Grobania is all about!

Paula and Michele

In addition to the Auction and Raffle there will be a tableful of baby llamas for sale to benefit David S. Each llama will come with it's own Josh button. If you don't already own one of these here's your chance to pick up your own cute lovable llama!