Episode 313 - Screwed the Pooch
Air Date November 29, 2001

Hmm, the New Yorker. I bet Lois's dad reads this. 'I'd be more apathetic if I weren't so lethargic'.
Ohhhhh, I get it. That's kind of funny. Yeah, can I have a copy of Jugs.

In French, when you want to say 'yes', you say 'weewee'.
OH god, that is hysterical. Hey, what do you say for 'no', doodoo? Hey, I'll be right back, I gotta take a wicked YES.

Ohhhh, it's a person.

I know where I go when I want to relax.

Carter, did you tell your son-in-law he's not supposed to swallow the wine?

...this sucks worse than the time I was on Survivor.

I gotta go. You want a ride?

Peter, I'm glad you married my daughter.
Oh thank you Jesus!

Actually, it wasn't m......
It's okay, I am used to it.

Don't worry Mr. Pewterschmidt, I have a plan. I am going to go back in time and stop Brian from gettin it on with your dog...everybody stand back! [spins]

...ah, I see my colleage Tom Tucker is already on the scene....

Peter, come out of that thing!

Waaaa, Waaaaa! You like that, huh, you like that?!?! You just tune this out, don't you?!

It's a sled. It was a sled from when he was a boy. There, I just saved you two long, boobless hours.

Hell, if I was half the parent Brian is, I would know that Chris's favorite ice cream is
Chocolate Chip.
And Stewie's favorite bedtime story is
Goodnight Moon.
And Meg's real father's name is
Stan Thompson.

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