Home - Surnames - Contacts

This site gives names of direct ancestors only. For a COMPLETE, updated family tree, download my GEDCOM file, updated January 27, 2005, here.
Note: I have done my best to protect the rights of living individuals. If you think anything needs to be removed from my pages, please feel free to email me at LaurieJean79@hotmail.com
Click on a family to start:
Hancock - England > Virginia > Missouri Lipscomb - England > Virginia > Missouri
Null - ? > South Carolina > Missouri Mosby - England > Virginia
Ferris - France > England > Virginia Davis - ? > KY/MO > Ohio
Royalty (Plantagenet) - England Bailey - England > Virginia > Kentucky
Royalty (Dunkeld) - Scotland Retzlaff - Germany > Wisconsin > Ohio
Furlik - Poland > Connecticuit > Ohio Tutak - Poland > Connecticuit > Ohio

Complete list of surnames.

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