Home U.K. Anti Nazi


Spot the difference - if u kan.

"The Jews have a self-chosen ghetto in Berlin around Grenadier and Dragoner Streets. Only the height of its buildings separate it from his Eastern models. It's the genuine article: the same unpleasant creatures, the same Hebraic shop signs, the same masses of playing children, the same bad smells and piles of filth."

German Newspaper - 1930's

"Newham, in the East End of London, is the tuberculosis capital of the western world. Its TB rate is double that of India. How, you might ask could this be allowed to happen when the deadly disease had been all but eradicated in this country? The increase of asylum seeking and immigration into our already overcrowded cities has reintroduced a disease commonly known as 'the white plague' endangering the lives of thousands in the process."

British National Party website - 2003
