Welcome to fancyGalada_online.  The online home of the South African singer, dancer and songwriter.

Born in 1970 in Langa, Nonzondelelo started singing a repertoire of mainly African choral music at the age of eleven with the Themabi Lower Primary school choir. In 1987 she joined Heshoo Beshoo, a traditional marimba, song and dance group, and soon became the groups lead singer. Following successful tours of Canada in 1991 and 1993, she went freelance in 1994, continuing to work with Heshoo Beshoo, but also with the township pop outfit, Chisa and Amampondo.

In 1996, as one half of the female township pop duo, "La Fancy", she released a debut album on PolyGram, called Jazino. The year 2000 saw Fancy tour the Benelux with Amampondo to full houses, and great success.

Fancy's current collaboration includes Madam Afrique and Women Unite, and she is building a reputation as a Jazz Diva who performs with passion.
Read more about Fancy on these sites
My Photo Album
Peak Performances
Making Music Productions
Darkie's Place
My Info:
Name: Nondzondelelo Fancy Galada
"The Diva" Fancy Galada, doing what she does best