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Links directly to different pieces of technology :

cell phones laptops Ipods Playstation 3 High definition Televisons

Cell Phones

Cell phones were first invented in 1973. When cell phones first came out they were so big that most of the time they were built into cars. In addition the first cell phones were very expensive so the average person could not afford one. Presently almost everyone in the country has a cell phone. In addition cell phones today are very small and are able to do more then just make calls. For example almost every cell phone today is able to take and store pictures. To learn more about cell phones click the link.More Information on Cell Phones

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soon to come cell phone


The first laptop computer was invented in 1968 and was called a Dynabook. Unlike laptops today the first laptops weighed around 25 pounds. Currently there are many different laptops made by many different companies. Laptops can cost from around $500 to $2,000 but can go much higher in price depending on what you add onto it. Every year laptops improve in some way.

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The first ipod was invented in 2001. The first ipod was 5gb and about triple the thickness of an ipod touch. The ipod touch is the latest ipod model. When the ipod touch was first released it came in an 8gb which costs $300 and 16gb which costs $400 model. Soon after a 32gb model of the ipod touch was released that costs $500. The ipod touch can not only play movies, songs and view pictures but can even access the internet.The ipod with the most gb is a video which has 160gb of storage space. 160 gb of storage space is more a lot of modern day computers. To learn more about ipods click the link.More information on Ipods

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ipod touch

Playstation 3 (PS3)

The PS3 is the latest video game console on the market. The PS3 is able to play ps2 and ps1 games as well. In addition the PS3 game play DVDs and Blue Ray which is the newest type of movie format currently available. The PS3 is also able to store music and picture. A PS3 can even go on the internet. A PS3 comes in two different models, an 80gb which costs $500 and a 40gb which cost $400. The PS3 can even be used as a coomputer. For more information on playstation 3 click the link

Playstation 3 information


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High definition Televisons (tv)

There are many different options when buying a high defeniton tv. You can chose from a plasma, a lcd, or even a projector tv. In addtion there are so many different sizes avialable. The bigger the tv the more expensive it is. A lot of times people may choose a tv because of the space they aree putting it in. High defnition make the picture the tv is producing so clear that it seems like you are acually there.

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Page created and maintained by Austin Jutte spring of 2008