Author's Note:This is a story about the cheyenne. It is a forever work in progress. This is shortly after Michaela and Sully are Married. They have just returned home from their honeymoon.

Chapter One

Michaela woke up in Sully's arms. She loved this time in the morning. When it was still and quiet. They could spend time with each other without distractions. Michaela kissed his chest and neck. Then she kissed his mouth. He woke up. He sat up and cradled her in his embrace.

"I love married life. It is so wonderful. I feel like I have a new appreciation for what I have and love. It makes me believe even more in our love.",said Michaela.

"I only wanted to show you how much I loved you. You and the kids mean so much to me. You gave me a reason to live and to keep going on.",replied Sully.

"I was just thinking about Washita and how hard it was on us and Cloud Dancing. It nearly wipped out all of Cloud Dancing's tribe.",Michaela quietly said.

"Michaela it was hard on many people but we have to go on. We need to look at the new life we are building upon it. We need to stop worrying about the past, and need to start trying to change the future for the cheyenne, are family, and our friends.", replied Sully.

"Sully you are a great man, and I love you for it.",she replied. He loving kissed her on the lips.

A few hours later Michaela sat at her desk and found it hard to think. She couldn't concentrate on her work. She got up and walked outside. She walked around and said hello to friends. She decided to go for a ride. She walked over to Robert E.'s and got Flash.

She rode out to the old homestead. Sully was on the roof repairing some shingles for Matthew. He saw her ride up. He climbed down the ladder. He pulled her down off the horse and kissed her on the lips.

"What you doing out here?",asked Sully.

"I couldn't concentrate on Work so I decided to close the clinic and spend the afternoon with you.",she lovingly replied.

"Well I won't object. Why don't we go home and pack a lunch and take a romantic picnic in the woods."

"That sounds wonderful."

They rode home. Made a basket full of food. Then rode off into the quiet woods. Soon they found a place under a tree. They sat and ate. Then they talked for awhile. Then Sully pulled her close and kissed her. Michaela kissed them back. Their passions began to stir and they soon became one.

They rode home just as the sun was setting. It was a wonderful afternoon that they would treasure forever. Soon the homestead came into view. It was dark when they rode up. They tied their horses to the fence and went up the stairs and inside. The lamps were all lite. The table had been set. Matthew, Colleen, and Brian were all sitting quietly at the kitchen table.

Michaela asked,"What's wrong?"

Matthew looked up and replied,"Jake found out something you should know.He said the army is moving north for Montana. They are searching for the rest of the Cheyenne. They plan to wipe them out completely."

"They are headed straight for Cloud Dancing and his tribe. How long before they leave and who is leading them?",replied Sully.

"Tomorrow morning. Custer's the one leading em.",replied Matthew.

"Sully we have to stop them."

"No I go and warn them. It'll take me two or three weeks."

"Sully I am coming with you."

Sully could tell he wasn't going to change her mind. They made preparations for Matthew to stay with Brian and Colleen. Then they rode off into the darkness of the night. Detemind to warn their friend so we wouldn't face the same fate as his wife and friends at Washita.

Chapter Two

Michaela and Sully rode hard that night. Not stopping to sleep, but only to rest the horses. They were detemined to warn the Cheyenne of the danger they were in.

They finally reached the place where the Cheyenne tribe was living. They rode in and then dismounted. They tied their horses on a tree branch. Women and Children were outside cooking when they saw the couple walk into their camp. Some of them froze unsure what to think of them.

Sully went over to an elderly man and in Cheyenne asked where Cloud Dancing was. He pointed to a teepee. Sully took Michaela's hand and walked over to where the man had pointed. He opened the door and looked inside.

"Cloud Dancing?"

Cloud Dancing came outside and hugged both of his friends. He then asked them,"What are you doing here?"

"Cloud Dancing I got some bad news. The army is headed straight here to this camp and they plan to wipe out the rest of your people. You must move quickly they could be here at anytime.",replied Sully.

"Who is leading the army?",asked Cloud Dancing.

Sully looked straight into his friend's eyes and sadly replied,"Custer."

Cloud Dancing looked at the ground and then spoke,"Long Hair has slaughtered many of my people. He has a thirst for blood. He will not stop until we no longer roam the earth. He has gone far enough. This must stop. I will be no part of anymore killing."

Michaela put her hand on his arm and said,"Cloud Dancing you are right it must stop, but do you mean that you will stay here and let them kill you and your people."

Cloud Dancing replied,"I have spent the last month running and hiding. It is my fault these people are in danger. I will not run anymore. I will not spend the rest of my days be hunted. It will all stop here."

Sully spoke to his friend of many years,"Cloud Dancing you are my friend, my family. We look out for one another. Please it's not to late to change your mind.I can't stand to loose another person that I love. Please Cloud Dancing?"

"I will move the camp, but I will not run and hide forever. One day this must stop. Killing only causes death and pain."

An hour later the camp had been packed up and they were all preparing to leave when all of a sudden bullets came flying toward the camp. They ran and hid behind anything that they could find. Custer held his sword up high and then gave the signal for the troops to charge. Michaela and Sully watched as the 7th calvery came charging straight for them...

Chapter Three

Michaela ran and hid behind a tree. She watched as the Dog Soldiers mounted their horses and rode for the calvery. They enraged in a fiery battle. Michaela looked around to see if she could see her husband. She couldn't find him in the terrible battle.

She watched helplessly. There was nothing she could do but to wait. Then all of a sudden she saw a little boy standing in the middle of the fighting. He was scared and crying. Michaela felt a sudden urge to jump out and save him. She ran out into the open and picked the small boy up and took him back on safety.

Michaela set him down behind a big old tree. She then looked for Sully. She finally saw him in the middle of the battle. He was covered in blood. Michaela looked around as so many soldiers and indians were dying. She ran over to Flash and took her medical bag down. Then she started to treat wounds.

Sully looked around for Cloud Dancing. He saw him standing over one of the braves who had been shot. He was chanting a prayer for his spirit. Sully walked over and knelt down beside his friend, his brother. He felt the pain all around him. His family the cheyenne were dying around him. All of a sudden he heard a horse charging. He looked to see General Armstrong Custer charging straight for them. A gun in hand. He started to fire. He aimed straight for Cloud Dancing. Sully jumped in front of his friend and took the bullet for him.

Michaela watched in horror as her husband was shot and fell to the ground motionless. She got up and ran to him. She could see the wound on his chest. He was bleeding severly. The doctor in her took over. She took out all her equipment.

Soon the battle had died down. Several soldiers and cheyenne had been killed or injured. Michaela had removed the bullet and bandaged it up. Soon her husband was sound asleep. She put her face in her hands and began to cry. Soon she felt a hand on her shoulder. She removed her hands to see Sully looking at her.

"What's wrong?",he asked her softly.

"Sully I was so scared when I saw you get shot. I don't want to loose you. You mean so much to me. You are my husband and I love so much. I don't know what I would do if...",he put his finger to her mouth.

"Nothing happened. I'm alright. You arn't going to loose me ever. I love you and nothing will change that.", he told her lovingly.

He pulled her closer and gave her a tender kiss on the lips. He embraced her lovingly. He looked into her eyes which he had come to love. He kissed her once more. Michaela loved the way he showed his love for her. She loved him so much. She was afraid that she might loose him. She was glad that he was alright.

Soon they both fell asleep in each others arms. Michaela soon dreamt of a future life that was filled with happiness and love. She dreamt of a happy family living together in peace and harmony. She dreamt of a couple so much in love that no one could come between them. She dreamt of them having a child that would only bring the family were bonded together with love. She wondered if these dreams would ever come true for her family. At the moment her future with Sully and her children had turned dark and cloudy. She was unsure of what a new day might bring.

A week after the furious battle many had died on both sides. Michaela had done everything that she could for them. But no matter how much knowledge or skill she had she could not save them all. She put her equipment in her bag and she covered the final dead body accepting defeat but not wanting to accept it. She ran into Sully's arms and they held one another for along time until night finally overcame day. Sully and Michaela had done there very best to keep peace between the soldiers and their friends. But no matter how much they tried it all came tumbling down when the battle had come and many innocent lives had been lost.

Michaela and Sully headed home with their heads hung low. What was suppose to be a happy time became bitter sweet so quickly. They did not know what would await them back home, but they had both lost something that they knew they would never ever get back. They rode home unsure of their own future with their family and their friends.

Chapter Four

Michaela unsaddled Flash and put her into the corral. As she carried the tack to the barn tears began to fall down her face. She had so much pain inside that she need to let go. She put the saddle and bridle away in it's proper place. Then she began to work on her garden. Desperatly trying to get her mind off of what she saw and the inner pain that felt. She wanted to make it stop hurting. She was suppose to be happy. Having the time of her life with her husband and her family. She began to think that all of the happiness that she was suppose to feel was all dreams that would never happen.

Sully finished the new addition to Matthew's homestead. He couldn't believe he had finsihed it so fast. He had lost track of all time. Some how did didn't even matter to him. The hours had just ticked away. Time was important anymore. He couldn't stop feeling guilty about what had happened to his friends. He felt like he had let them down. He knew that Michaela felt the same way. He didn't know what to do anymore.

Sully rode home. Soon the homestead came into view. He stopped his horse and jumped down off his horse's back. After took care of his horse he went inside. He found Colleen making dinner and Brian writing at the table. He went upstairs and found his wife cleaning.


Michaela turned around to see her husband she gave him a smile and went back to her task of cleaning. Sully came up behind her and put his hand on hers. She stared at his hand. Sully turned her around to face him. But she didn't meet his eyes. He put his arms around her. She began to cry. He began to cry. The hurt was finally coming out. The battle to find peace was just beginning. They held one another for along time. Sully didn't want to let her go. Michaela didn't want to let him go either. They both needed each other to face the pain that they were both facing. They had lost their way. Sully pulled back finally to face her. He wiped away her tears and kissed her tenderly but passionitly on the lips.

A few days after they had gotten home some soldiers payed them a visit. They rode up to the homestead. They dismounted and came up to the door. Soon Sully and Michaela stood at the door.

"Mr. Sully and Dr. Quinn?"


"Your under arrest for treason."

"What for?"

"For aiding an enemy during a state of war."

"Your both gonna have to come with me."

Soon Colleen, Brian, and Matthew came up behind them. They had heard the entire conversation. Brian ran to his Ma and Pa. He begged for them not to go.

"Can you give us a minute to say goodbye to our kids."

"Fine but make it quick."

"Brian we got to go. It's the law.",said Sully.

"No don't leave us again. Please don't go.",pleaded Brain

"Right now we need you to be brave for us.",replied Micheala.

Michaela and Brian hugged their children. Then they said goodbye for a second time. Unsure of what was to come. Unsure of what would happen to them in the future.

The soldiers put shakles on their arms and legs. Then they were put on horses and then they rode off. They rode away from their kids. Away from the home that they had built out of love. They watched the sad looks on their kids faces as they were taken away from them.

Chapter Five

Michaela and Sully were being held at the army camp right outside of town. Their hands and feet had been tied. Sully glanced over at his wife. She looked exhausted. He felt that this was all happening to them. He never meant for this to happen. All of a sudden General Armstrong Custer walked into the tent.

"Mr. Sully, Dr. Quinn. I assume you understand the reason why you are underarrest?"

"Why don't you refresh our memories."

Custer looked at Sully angrily."Alright have it your way. You are being held for aiding the enemy savage during a state of war. I am willing to make a deal with you."

"Were listening.",Sully told him.

"I am willing to set your wife free if you take responsibility for her actions and I am willing to see that you are not hanged for treason but make sure you serve life in prison instead."

"What's the catch?"

"As you know I'm quite fond of your wife. She has such a magnificent spirit and I'll finally be rid of you for good. You won't stand in my way of completely exterminating thee entire Indian population."

"No Deal."

"Fine have it your way. When your wife asks you why you didn't spare her life you can tell her because you wouldn't accept a simple agreement with me."

"I'll Never make a deal with you. You are a waste of breath. All you care about his getting rid of everything and everyone standing in your way."

"Well your opinion of me does not matter. You'll be dead within a week anyway. Your trial is tomorrow."

The sun rose the next morning. But for Sully and Michaela is was not a beautiful site. They were tied up and forced to stay in a tent all day under guard at all times.

"Your Honor I will make this quick. Mr. Sully and Dr. Quinn were seen by me and many of my men at the camp in the Northern Territory."

"General Custer I mean no disrespect, but just because they were seen there does not mean they were aiding them."

"Mr. Sully was taking part in the battle helping kill many of my men and Dr. Quinn was treating them."

Michaela became angry and stood up,"That's Not true!"

"Mame if you have something to say then do not shout in this court room."

"I am sorry your Honor, but my husband was not helping them kill any soldiers. He was trying to stop it. He was trying to help injured men INCLUDING soldiers off the battle field to be treated. It is true I did help treat the indians but I also helped treat the soldiers. Your honor that is my job. I made a vow to help save lives no matter who they are."

"I will take a short recess and give my final ruling."

After a few minutes the judge came back in and took his seat. "I have come to a decision. I believe that Mr. Sully and Dr. Quinn meant no harm upon anyone. I find their actions to be admirable and justified. But that does not change the fact that you did break the law. I find you both guilty of treason. I sentence Mr. Sully to ten years in prison. As for you Dr. Quinn I understand you have two children and I believe it is their best intrest to allow their mother to be with them so I am letting you off with a warning and if it happens again you will not be sentenced lightly next time."

Michaela put her hands to her face in disbelief. She couldn't believe Sully would be going to prison. She hugged him tightly.

"Balif release Dr. Quinn and take Mr. Sully into Custody until he is set for transport to the prison in New Mexico."

He took the handcuffs off of Michaela and then led Sully away from his wife.

"Sully I swear I'll get you out! Sully don't give up! I love you! Never forget that!"

"I love you too Michaela!"

He was led away. Soon Michaela was left alone. She fell to her knees and began to cry. She didn't know how she was going to ever get her husband out of this. Her dreams of golden days were falling apart. Everything they had wanted had finally come true when they were married and now it was all falling apart before their very eyes. She began to believe that her dreams of happy times would be just that. Dreams.

Chapter Six

Michaela fell on her bed. It had been three days since Sully's sentence. She and Matthew had tried everything she could think of to save her husband. She felt like their efforts were worthless. She didn't know what to do anymore.

Matthew went up to his mother's door. He was bout to knock when he heard her crying. He felt bad for her. He never wanted to see her so unhappy. It was killing him inside to hear her crying out painfully. He walked away before he broke down and cried himself.

Brian and Colleen finished washing and drying the dishes later on that night. Their mother had hardly eaten a thing. She just stared off into space the pain so visibly on her face. They had never seen their mother so sad and so hopeless.

Sully put his face in his hands. He could feel Michaela's heart being torn in two. He could feel every cry, every hurt, every tear like a knife into his heart. He didn't want this time to be a sad time, but a happy one. Where they have joined as husband and wife and to share their love with their family.

Michaela could hear Sully's thoughts. She began to believe that their was still hope. She felt a new determination to succeed in getting her husband out to live with his family for the next ten years instead of a terrible prison where he didn't belong. She sat down at her desk an began to write letters to anyone she thought could or would help them.

A few days before Sully was to be transported he was allowed a visit from his wife. She came inside the tent. She looked tired and a little depressed, but yet she smiled at him when she came in. Her bright smile began to life up his spirits and gave him hope.

"Oh Sully I have missed you so much."

"I missed you too.",he replied as he took her into his arms and held her for a long time.

Michaela pulled back to look at his face. She saw that he had been crying. She put her hand to his face and gently touched his cheek with love. Sully savored her touch. It was so warm and friendly. He put his hand on her cheek and gently caressed it.

"Sully I need to get you out of here. I have to get you out of here."

"No matter what happens I will always love you Michaela. You are my heartsong and you will always be in my heart, and nothing will ever change how I feel about you and how much I love you."

"Oh Sully, You will never know how much the words you just said mean to me. That's why I love you. I love you for who you are. A kind, strong, loving man who cares so much about others. My feelings for you will never change either no matter where our lives take us."

He leaned in and kissed her with all of his love. She kissed him back returning her love and accepting his. He never wanted to love her, and hold so much in his life as he did at that very moment.

All of a sudden Matthew came running into the tent with a piece of paper. He had a smile on his face and they knew that something had happened.

"President is giving you a full pardon for all the charges against you. He says that the judges ruling was unfair and unjust."

Michaela and Sully hugged one another. They held onto each other for a long time. Thankful for his granted freedom. Thankful for a second chance to live their life together as a family.

Chapter Seven

Sully and Michaela drove home in the wagon. As the homestead that Sully built came into view Michaela and Sully were filled with so much love as the sight of their beautiful home came into view.

They pulled up in front of the homestead. Sully helped Michaela down from the wagon. Their eyes met as Sully did not let go of his wife's hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed it. Michaela looked into the eyes of her husband. She saw a willingness to start a new life. A new life with her and their children.

Brian and Colleen came running out the front door and down the steps. They ran into their parents arms. They all held one another for a few moments. They held one another for comfort that they were truly home as a family.

Later on that night Michaela finished dressing into her nightgown. She pulled her robe tighter around her. The night was chilly, and the cold seeped into her bones. She looked over to where Sully was stroking the fire. He seemed to be deep in thought.

Michaela went up behind him and put her arms around him. He turned to look into the eyes of the woman that he loved so much. She had a smile on her face. Sully gave her a warm friendly smile.

"Michaela I thought that are life together was gonna be over just when it started. All I want is for us to be together. No matter what it takes I never want to be apart from you. You are the air that I breath. My life would mean nothing if you weren't with me."

"Oh Sully, I was so afraid to let myself love you. Then I finally did, and then I was afraid to love you and be alone with you. Now I wonder how I could be afraid of something so wonderful from our love. I need you so much Sully. You are half of my soul, my spirit. Without you I am lost searching for the other part of myself. We were created to live and love each other as soulmates are meant to do. I would do anything for you."

Her words had touched his heart. He pulled her closer into his embrace and then gently kissed her forehead. Michaela kissed his lips with all of the passion in love inside of her. Soon they joined as one in a perfect melody. Their bodies fit perfectly together as if they were a puzzle meant to be connected for all time. Their love had only been a dream up to this time and now they would live in days of golden dreams as their life together was just beginning.

The End

Several years ago when I first watched the episode Washita I felt so sad for Michaela and Sully to live through something like that. I decided to write this story somewhat based upon that episode, but added a few different story lines. I wondered if Michaela and Sully could relive it one more time just as their lives together were just beginning. I hope this story shows that no matter how bad things can get in life their is always hope, and without hope their is no reason to keep going. But with hope for better days where they are golden as your dreams you can continue to keep on living and loving no matter how much has been lost.

Megan J.P.

© February 2002 by Megan J.P.