Haunted Soul

Authors Note: I love the series D.Q.M.W. But I miss the stories about the whole family trying to get through a serious problem. So I wrote a story about someone coming back from their past that will haunt the whole Sully Family.

Michaela woke up and found herself in the middle of nowhere. She looked around for Sully. He was nowhere in sight. She got up onto her feet and heard a loud scream. She ran in the direction in which it came from. When she got there she looked around in horror. Their was people suffering in pain on the ground. She called out for Sully. She went searching for him. When she saw him she reached out for his hand. He screamed out for her. Then a someone on a dark horse grabbed Sully and rode off with him.

She woke up sweating looking for Sully. When she found him sound asleep. She calmed down and laid back down. After a half hour of trying to get back asleep she got up and dressed herself. Then she went downstairs and started breakfast. After she got all the food cooked. She got the children up and they dressed went downstairs for breakfast. She went into her bedroom and kissed Sully on the cheek. He began to wake up. When he saw her a smile spread across his face. He sat up and pulled her down on the bed. They laid down for a few moments and then got up. Michaela went downstairs to get a plate ready for him when he came down.

After everyone had eaten and the dishes were cleaned they headed into town. Michaela walked up to the clinic door and unlocked it when she saw the clinic on fire and she herd Katie's cries from inside. She screamed out and she tried to get through the fire but it burned and she couldn't breath. By now everyone in town was getting worried about her. Dorothy came up behind Michaela and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Michaela are you alright?"

Michaela replied,"Katie is in there, help me save her"

"Michaela, Katie is fine she is with Sully"

"No she is the clinic and it is on fire, help me please to put out the fire"

Sully came running up seeing Michaela's face pure white. He grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around to face him. Her eyes met his and he saw something he had never seen in her eyes before. He saw fear and helplessness in them. He hugged her and tried to calm her down. When Katie came wandering up to them wondering what was wrong with her mother. Michaela broke away from Sully's arms and she grabbed Katie and embraced her tighter then she had ever before. Michaela looked over Katie carefully finding nothing wrong. She finally came to grips that it had all been a terrible nightmare and she was glad it was over. Michaela looked very pale and she lost her balance and fell to the ground. Sully went to her side and gently picked her up. Everyone stood around in shock and disbelief of what they just saw.

After a half hour when Dr. Cook finished his examination he let Sully come back into the room. Sully looked very white from the scary experience that just happened.

"Sully...I know that you have had a lot to deal with this year...but.."

"But what Andrew..?"

"Michaela has been having these types of dreams because she is pregnant"

Sully stood there unsure of what to say, how to act. He grabbed a chair to keep himself from falling. This took him totally by surprise. They had talked about it and they both wanted it to happen. He finally let it seep in. He went up and shook Andrew's hand. Then he sat in the chair and waited for Michaela to wake up. When she opened her eyes she looked up at Sully who was smiling. She smiled back and then began to sit up and get out of bed.

"Michaela you need to rest some more, your working yourself to hard"

"Sully I am a doctor I am suppose to work hard and do my job"

"Michaela do you remember earlier this morning when you thought the clinic was on fire?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Michaela you fainted after you saw Katie was alright.. I tried to catch ya but you fell so fast. I guess you got a good bump on the head.. Well anyway Andrew examined you and he found out that we are going to have another baby"

Michaela looked into his blue eyes which were filled with hope and love. She gave him a smile, but deep inside she was dreading that it couldn't be true. Sully gave her a puzzled look. Michaela burst into tears. Sully thought she would be happy and excited and yet she was sad and unhappy. He put his arms around her wandering what he could do or say to make her feel better. She raised her head so that she could see Sully's face. He saw her red from crying and when he looked into her beautiful eyes and he knew.

"Michaela look at me, nothing is gonna happen to this baby...I promise"

"Sully you don't know how frightened I am inside...When I thought we lost Katie it felt like someone took away my courage and everything important in my life.. you didn't know how many times I wanted to give up on life"

"Michaela you have courage, you always have.. thats one of the things I love most about you...will get through this together, and in a few months the baby will be here and everything will be fine"

"Sully I am so frightened...I don't even want to think about what is going to happen...what if it happens again...Sully I lost our baby....I just know it will happen again"

After Michaela settled down they headed home. Sully sent her straight to bed. After he got Katie fed and put to bed he went upstairs to check on Michaela. He found her sleeping peacefully. He thought today would be happy and filled with love, but it was ruined when Michaela showed her true feelings about it. Sully cared about her health, but she needed to accept that she was pregnant and that the baby isn't going to go away it would only get bigger.

Michaela was about through the woods and she was nine months pregnant. She felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. Then she saw someone running through the woods. When she saw who it was her whole body trembled in fear. She cried out but nobody heard her.

Michaela screamed at the person,"No get away, you can't be real...your dead"

The person walked up to her and Michaela looked into the angry eyes. Michaela felt like she was going to faint when she heard the last word that this person above her was saying.

"I have warned you before, stop this right now before something bad happens that you wish was a nightmare", screamed the hooded person at Michaela. She grabbed Michaela's arm and sunk a deep knife into her arm and she screamed out in pain....

"Michaela wake up it's me Sully"

Michaela was brought back to the present. She looked around at the familiar room that Sully had built with his own two hands. Michaela looked around for the hooded someone when her eyes came to rest on her arm. She looked at it in horror. It had all been a dream, but the pain and the cut was still there. The face was still fresh in her mind.

"Michaela what happened?"

"Sully I had a terrible nightmare, this person...I saw their face, and I recognized it immediately...."

"Michaela who was it?"

"It was someone from our past Sully....If only you could have seen their eyes... they were filled with anger and hurt"

"Michaela who was it?"

"Sully I don't want to talk about it anymore...get my bag I want to get my arm cleaned up and bandaged"

Sully went over to the table and got the bag and brought up to Michaela on the bed. Sully had so many emotions that he was feeling. He felt like he wanted to scream, protect Michaela, he also felt like running away.

"Sully, it was only a nightmare"

"Michaela it wasn't just a dream...if it was you wouldn't wake up with cuts in your arms or be bleeding" he pointed to her now bandaged arm.

"Michaela you have to have been having these dreams more then just a few times... please tell me?"

"Sully they started a few months back.. There of this person in a black cape riding out and warning me stop this before something bad happened.. thats why I was so scared when I found out I was pregnant... I am so afraid we will lose our baby"

"Michaela, look at me...I would die before I let another one of my children die...please lets talk more about this tomorrow it's late you need you sleep...I love you"

"I love you too"

Sully gave her a kiss and she settled back down and fell asleep. Sully got into bed beside her. Michaela's dreams would forever haunt her soul unless she could find the secret behind the masked person haunting her..........

Michaela woke up outside in the forest with Sully by her side. She couldn't remember how they got there. She decided to wake up Sully. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and he woke up.

"Sully how did we get here?"

"I brought you out here after what happened last night...I though you could use some time away from home"

"How come I don't remember us coming out here?"

"Because it was a surprise and you were sound asleep when I bought you out here"

"oh...What do you want to do now...oh no, Sully look" Michaela points in the direction of the road. Sully turns and he sees what she sees. He immediately gets up and runs over to protect Michaela. Up the road comes the mysterious rider in Michaela's dreams. The rider reaches them.

"I have warned you time and time again, and this is your last warning or else I will do something that will make you wish you never set foot in Colorado.." then the rider pulled back their hood revealing their true identity. Sully and Michaela both looked in Shock at who it was even though Michaela already had seen the face before many times. Sully got up and released his hold on Michaela and walked up to the rider.

"I don't know what to believe... but you better quite making these threats...or you will have to deal with me" the rider had tears in their eyes as if they were shocked at what Sully had said. Then the face turned from sadness to pure anger and hatred.

"I have warned you both for the last time, now I will inflict pain within that will make you want to crawl away and die"

"If you hurt anyone in my family I will kill you" screamed Michaela at the rider. The rider seemed to get even angrier. Michaela started to back away and the rider stared at her with the hatred in the eyes and on their face.

Then the rider rode off. Sully grabbed Michaela trying to keep her steady. Michaela was shocked and she didn't know what to believe anymore.

Michaela wakes up in her own bed. She finds Sully sitting up in a daze. She gently touches his shoulder. He feels her touch and comes back to the present.

"Michaela, you didn't just see what I saw"

"Sully I did, I am so frightened what if something happens to our children?"

"Michaela don't think like that we will get through it and no matter what happens we will make sure all the children are fine"

"But I can't believe that was Abigail riding on the horse"

Michaela awoke to the sound of thunder. She got up and put on her robe then went downstairs. She found the door wide open and it was late at night. Everyone was gone. She got dressed and saddled Flash. She rode off into the night.

When she came upon a meadow there in front of her stood Abigail with Katie in her arms. Michaela gasped in disbelief.

"Put her down Abigail...You are gonna harm an innocent child and a child of the man you loved"

Abigail looked at the ground hurt by Michaela's words. She was right she didn't want to hurt this little girl. Abigail set her down on her feet and Katie ran to her mother. Michaela dismounted and picked her up and embraced her tightly. Michaela walked up to Abigail.

"can we please talk"

"Fine but make it quick"

"Look Abigail I didn't mean to take over your life or Sully...I am not trying to take away what you had with him....What the two of you had was special and deep in Sully's hurt I know he still loves you...But he also needs to live through life...He never ment to leave you behind...but you have to understand he has to live the rest of his life"

Abigail looked at Michaela with tears in her eyes. She knew that every word that she had said was true. Abigail felt ashamed by what happened.

"I am sorry for the pain I caused you, but I thought if I could get you away from Sully that he would love me the way he did after I died...I know see that you are right he must live his life and one we will meet again...Please forgive me for everything I did"

"I understand how you felt you felt like I was taking everything away from you...but all I want is to live my life with Sully and our children"

"I will haunt you no more...Now I must go...tell Sully I am sorry for the pain I have caused you and I hope you and your new baby will have a happy life"

She rode off into the blackness of the night. Then Michaela remounted Flash with Katie in her arms. It began to rain. Sully came riding up and when he saw them he dismounted. When he put his hand to Michaela's face and looked into her eyes he knew that her soul was finally at peace.

Sully took her into his arms and they stood there in the rain letting the tears fall. Michaela looked into his blue eyes that she loved so much. Now she knew where her renewed strength had come from and for once she was happy to be having another child. Finally the Sully Family was at peace for the time being anyway.

The End

©2001 All Rights Reserved by Megan J.P.