Category: X-Files BDSM (implied) slash (implied) snippet

Rating: NC-17 in places

Characters: M/Sk/K

Series: Not intending to write more than this

Spoilers: None intended. Pure PWP

Summary: It’s amazing what you find on the internet these days...

Archive: Just tell me where it’s going

Additional ‘stuff’: I found this. Sadly, there was no email address on the website, so I can’t ask the site owner for permission to use it. If you invented it, or know who did, please let me know. I’ve altered it very slightly to fit this fic. Set in my Circle the Calendar universe.  

 Rules of the game.


Fox and Alex smiled at the screen, letting out an occasional giggle as they read the ‘kinky games suggestions’ section of the website they had found some time earlier. Already squirming, both had looked at the clock a few minutes earlier and realised that Walter would be back from the gym in the next half hour or so. Plenty of time to get everything ready for the game. They had soft white rope, EMT scissors for emergencies and they were sure there was a game with dice in...somewhere.




‘I’m back.’ Walter called, surprised that there was no sign of Fox or Alex. He had promised they would all go out for the afternoon, and he frowned when all he heard were slight scrabbling sounds upstairs. After a long moment, Fox called down: ‘We’ll be down in a minute.’


Walter let out a relieved breath and walked into the kitchen. On the table, was a sheet of paper. Walter glanced at it and read only the first few lines before a smile formed.


Walter walked across to their junk drawer, opened it, rummaged for a moment then brought out two fur-fabric covered dice which had been attached to pieces of ribbon, a joke gift from Alex and Fox when he had brought their new 4x4 a few months earlier. The two pieces of ribbon had long been torn to shreds by the kittens, but the dice had, for some reason Walter couldn’t recall, been left in the drawer.

Walter walked upstairs and into the spare room, watching as Fox and Alex rummaged in the drawers and closets for a board game with two dice. ‘Looking for something?’ Walter asked softly.


The two younger men turned, only just catching the two dice Walter threw at them.


Alex blushed, delightfully, Walter thought, and Fox looked at the floor. ‘You saw it!’


‘You left it on the table Fox!’ Walter remonstrated mildly. ‘What if I had invited Frank over?’


‘We would have needed another one of these.’ Alex joked, throwing and catching the lurid pink fluffy cube.


Walter sighed, shook his head and turned to leave. ‘I’m gonna shower, then we’ll play, okay?’


Both Fox and Alex grinned.


The sheet of paper beside him, Walter looked from Fox to Alex, suddenly not smiling. Safewords. Fox?’

Fox replied automatically: ‘Oxford’.

Nodding, Walter asked: ‘Alex?’


Walter frowned. ‘Alex, remember, we talked about this.’


Alex nodded, suddenly remembering. ‘Okay...carrot.’


Fox snorted. He had not been around when Walter had explained the concept of safe words to Alex, who seemed, surprisingly, Walter thought, completely unaware of the need for one.


Walter frowned and Fox caught the look and quickly controlled his amusement. Alex’s dislike of vegetables in general and particularly carrots was nothing new in their household. He wasn’t surprised that Alex had chosen it as a word he was unlikely to use by accident when they were playing together.


Satisfied, Walter lifted the trapdoor which lead into the basement playroom and before ascending the ladder, checked he had his cell phone and a flashlight with him. He knew from experience that stranger things than trapdoors closing on their own could happen, and was taking no chances.


Turning to Fox, he lifted the fluffy cube from his hand, rolled it and smiled. ‘Six. Your throw Alex.’


Fox’s eyes widened as Alex, too, threw a six. Swallowing hard, he threw the dice, watching it roll over and over before coming to a stop, the single black felt circle in the center of the uppermost face staring back at him unblinkingly. With a shiver of anticipation and nervous excitement, he turned around. ‘Um, perhaps we should change the rules..?’

* * * * * *

Here are the rules for the dice game...


Before you start...

Remember: Everyone playing the game has a stop word. Have fun but PLAY SAFE!!

It is advised to wear old clothes for this game. This is because some of the dice rolls require the removal of the bound persons clothing. This is difficult when their arms\legs are bound and so it is often cut off with a knife or scissors . All those involved should read through these rules beforehand.

First each roll a dice. The person rolling the lowest number is to be tied up.

The others throw the dice again and carry out the action(s) according to the number thrown:

1 - Bad Luck, you switch places! Now they roll and you get tied up!

2 - Tie the persons ankles, If the ankles are already tied, bind their feet at the knees.
If this is already done then you may re-roll.


3 - Gag the person in any way you see fit, If this is already done then re-roll. This can include a 'virtual gag' where there is a penalty for failing to remain silent without an actual gag!

4 - You may tie a rope around the other person in any way you see fit, The rope MUST not be used to tie legs or arms together, It may be used for anything else you like. If you can't think of anything, just tie it around their waist (or any other part of their anatomy :-)

5 - Bad Luck! - you must undo one of the bindings of your captive, you may choose which one (this is where those ropes around the waist come in handy).

6 - You may tie the other persons arms. Roll again and follow the arm tying chart:

1\2 - Tie the persons arms behind their back.

3\4 - Tie the persons arms around their back AND to some other object
(chair, table etc).

5\6 - Tie the persons arms in front of them, Attach another rope to their wrists and attach
this to something else.

Finally, roll both dice, total them up:

2 - You may remove an article of the bound persons clothing of your choice.

3 - You may hog tie the person, If this is not possible (eg you rolled a 3 on the
arm tying chart) then go to 4 and then 5.

4 - You may kiss the bound person once on any already naked area of flesh.

5 - You may use a rope to further bind the person in any way you like.

6 - You may blindfold the bound person This can include a 'virtual blindfold' where there is a penalty for opening your eyes!
7 - You may remove an item of the persons clothing of your choice.

8 - You may ask the bound person to perform one act on you (your choice).

9 - You may perform one act upon the bound person (their choice).If removing clothing then only one article and if bindings one rope only.

10 - You may remove all the clothing above OR below the bound persons waist.

11 - Roll the dice 20 times and total it up, This is how many minutes you
have to torture, kiss and play with your captive, YOU MAY NOT remove any further items of clothing, this is your only restriction, underwear may be slid down to the knees before they count as removed and shirts may be lifted by any amount as long as they remain on the shoulders.

12 - Remove EVERY item of the bound persons clothing (including underwear) Roll the dice 25 times and total up, you now have this long in minutes to do as you wish to the bound person!



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