Rating: NC-17 for topic

Characters: Skinner, Catherine (OFC)

Series: Yes Part Two

Spoilers: None intended

Summary: Walter’s training comes to an end.

Archive: Just tell me where it’s going

Additional ‘stuff’: Catherine is a recurring character in my fics. She owns the ‘alternative lifestyle’ club of which Walter is a member.

Warning: Scenes of dominant Catherine, submissive Walter. Some basic BDSM techniques and scenes of body modification are described.

Title: Service not included – Part Two – Clothes maketh the man


There were six basic positions Catherine had taught Walter. Standing, hands behind his back head down; sitting, hands on his thighs, again head down; kneeling, hands behind his back, head down; and lying down, either on his back or face down, his hands wherever he was told to put them. She rarely put him in his least favourite position, on the floor on his hands and knees.


Given his dislike of the level of submission Catherine demanded and the struggle she knew he had to obey her exacting instructions, she only rarely instructed him to assume the one position in which, she knew, he felt totally vulnerable. It was one position in which he never calmed as he eventually did in all of the others.


They had discussed it, but Walter’s dislike of the intimacy required to talk about his feelings had left neither of them any surer of exactly what it was about that particular position he so hated. She had hoped it would help him, reinforcing his submissiveness. Instead, he simply endured the times she gave him the instruction and waited until she told him to get up again, never finding the part of his mind which allowed him to submit in any of the other positions he had learned.




 ‘Up Walter.’


Gratefully, Walter got to his feet, only just in time remembering to assume the ‘rest’ position Catherine had taught him. His mind was too full to concentrate and he sighed.


‘Walter, what’s wrong?’


‘I can’t focus.’


‘I noticed. Want some help?’




‘Six, Walter.’


Walter looked up instantly, but his argument was stopped by the look in Catherine’s eyes. Letting out a deep breath, he dropped to the floor. Catherine crouched at his side. ‘I know it’s hard, but it’s necessary. Try and concentrate.’


Catherine left Walter alone, hoping that the solitude might help him. When she looked in on him in between checking on the preparations for the dinner party, he was still in position, hands and knees bearing his weight, but his muscles were as tense as they had been when she first left him. He hadn’t settled to the submission required for the evening at all.




‘Walter, I think you should go home.’


‘I can do this Catherine.’ Walter said grimly.


‘I know you *can* Walter. But do have to *want* to. And you don’t. Go on home.’


‘Catherine, please…’


As she listened, Catherine wondered if Walter knew that his own pleading tone and distraught look had the same effect on her as Fox’s own ‘kicked puppy’ ploy did on Walter.


‘We only have eight hours Walter. I’m not sure eight *days* would be long enough.’


Walter got to his feet and walked towards the door, shoulders sagging, head down.


Sighing loudly, Catherine gave in. ‘Come with me.’



‘Catherine please…I hate this.’




Catherine’s sharp response as she continued to fasten the buckles on the straps holding Walter made him flinch.


‘Another sound and I’ll gag you.’


The threat was sufficient to silence Walter’s protestations.


They both knew he hated the tight bondage she was subjecting him to. Catherine understood the effort it had taken Walter to agree to it. And to lie still on the bed while she fastened the dozen or so straps which now held him virtually immobile. She also understood his attempts to get her to release him were token efforts. He would use their safe word if he was in real trouble, and she knew from experience that she would spot the signs way before he actually used it and release him anyway.


The preparation for the dinner that evening was necessary after the last disaster. There was no way Walter would be able to simply walk in and immediately behave in the way Catherine required. She wasn’t actually sure he was going to manage the dinner party at all, despite her careful preparations. They had hardly spoken during the week and when Walter had arrived a couple of hours earlier, he was uneasy and withdrawn.


‘Almost done Walter. You’re doing really well.’ Catherine reached across to the nightstand and picked up the elasticised blindfold. Stretching the black fabric band over her hands, she eased it down over Walter’s eyes. As his vision was blocked, Walter’s breathing became ragged.


Catherine spoke quietly. ‘It’s okay. You’re safe. You know I won’t leave you alone. You’ll hear my voice the whole time.’


His hand reached out blindly for hers and she placed her hand in his, noticing he gripped her fingers tightly. ‘Walter, this isn’t the first time we’ve done this. Just relax. You know you’re safe. I won’t let anything bad happen.’


The pressure on her fingers eased slightly after a few seconds, and Catherine reached down to stroke Walter’s cheek. He leaned into the caress and she smiled. ‘You’re still thinking about tonight. Don’t. Focus on now. You’re completely safe. I’ll take care of everything. Just close your eyes and take nice, slow, deep breaths. That’s it. Feel the straps. Feel the bed under you. Feel my hand. Hear my voice. That’s all I want you to think about. That’s better. There…okay…relax now. Good. Shhh. There.’

Walter’s breathing evened out and the straps loosened as he relaxed tense muscles.


Catherine sat in the chair at the side of the bed talking softly, reassuring Walter as he periodically lost his concentration and began to struggle again.


When the clock on the nightstand showed they had been in the room two hours, Catherine woke Walter who had been sleeping for some time. As she pulled off the blindfold, shielding his eyes from the bright sunshine coming in through the window with her body, she said gently: ‘Welcome back.’ 


Disoriented, Walter said disbelievingly: ‘I was asleep?’


‘Yeah. That’s a first, right?’


Walter took a deep breath. ‘How long?’


‘Not long. Maybe half an hour or so.’


Released, Walter turned and looked at the clock. Midday?’


Catherine laughed gently. ‘Yeah. Two hours gone just like that.’


Walter sat up, stretching. ‘Agent Mulder would call it the basis for an X-File.’


Catherine nodded. ‘Now, we need to do some work. I want you to behave perfectly this evening.’


Walter groaned and lay back down. ‘Couldn’t you just strap me back down?’


Catherine walked to the door. ‘I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that. Walter, tonight is your night. I want you to behave perfectly. If you can’t you should leave. Well? Do you want to try?’


Swallowing hard, Walter said nervously: ‘Yes Catherine.’




‘Behave well this evening Walter and there’ll be something for you at the end of the evening.’


Walter’s mind filled with the possibilities and his lack of concentration earned him a stinging swipe with the braided crop Catherine held. ‘At this rate we won’t even get there. Concentrate please.’




After two hours, Walter was exhausted. He sagged with relief when Catherine touched his thigh with the crop. ‘Up Walter. Get some rest. I’ll wake you in plenty of time.’


Walter only just managed to pull the bedclothes over himself before falling into a deep dreamless sleep.




Taking a few deep breaths, Walter, stood at the top of the stairs, looking down, suddenly feeling light-headed. Literally. In fact his whole body felt weightless. And he felt an intense feeling of calm. Sub-space. He had heard it described, but never, until that moment, truly experienced it. He took a few more deep breaths, fingered the black leather collar at his throat, then walked slowly back down the staircase.


‘Walter.’ Catherine smiled kindly and Walter moved gratefully towards her. He didn’t know any of the dozen or so other people in the room and he kept his eyes down as he crossed the polished wooden floor conscious that under the robe, he was naked. Catherine said softly: ‘Three Walter.’


Walter dropped to his knees and felt Catherine’s touch on his shoulder. Relax. We’ll be starting soon.’




There was someone standing at each of the four corners of the table Walter noted. Later, he would realise they were there to hold him if he moved. But deeply in his submissive state, Walter barely took any notice of them. Catherine helped him off with the robe.


‘Lay on your side Walter. Whichever is more comfortable.


Out of habit, Walter lay on his left side on the table feeling the soft leather quickly warm against his skin, his breathing in sync with Catherine’s hand gently stroking down his back. ‘I am so proud of you. You worked so hard to get here. You deserve the most perfect sub in the world. And we’ll find them. Together.’ For his ears only, her whispered words entered a part of his brain and further calmed him. A dreamy smile softened his face and his eyelids drooped.


Catherine nodded at a young man standing a few feet away. ‘He’s ready.’ She continued to stroke Walter’s bare skin, looking up briefly to check the four men standing around the table were concentrating. She met each man’s eyes in turn, then nodded again. ‘Do it.’


Walter’s thigh muscle contracted at the sensation of the cold swab brushed across his hip. He heard Catherine’s voice, soft and distant. ‘This is your reward Walter. No-one deserves it more.’ The intense stinging burning pain almost penetrated his mind, and he twitched. Four pairs of hands hovered over him, but Catherine shook her head slightly. ‘You’re so brave Walter. You’re safe. I’m here. Just relax. There…’


In response to her words, Walter’s body relaxed again, and she nodded at the young man. ‘Continue.’


The man picked up the scalpel a second time and made a second cut in Walter’s flesh, forming a the second part of the wound. Walter murmured, sweat beginning to break out on his forehead. The man looked up briefly, waiting for Catherine’s nod before making two more cuts, each half of another shape, finally a longer cut, a horizontal line under the oozing wound. Catherine moved to stand at Walter’s feet, looking along his body. The perfect letters ‘C’ and ‘S’ stood out on his otherwise smooth hip, a small but permanent reminder of Walter’s training, the line underneath reinforcing his status. All eyes fixed on the woman who had, finally, achieved Walter’s complete submission. The young man waited for her nod, then covered the wound with a dressing, taping it in place.


Catherine smiled, reaching down to kiss Walter’s forehead. She handed him back the thick towelling robe. ‘You can sleep some more later. This was only the first part of your release. The final part will happen in a little while.’


Walter rolled onto his back, hissing with pain.


‘Careful. It’ll be sore for a day or two. Now go upstairs and rest.’


After a few minutes, Catherine followed Walter upstairs. She moved to a wooden box at the side of the room and brought back a thick blanket, covering Walter with it. He was almost asleep as she leaned down and stroked his cheek. His head moved reflexively towards the gentle touch, and he fell asleep smiling dreamily.




Walter’s eyes opened, as Catherine opened the door and the curtains. He felt hazy and unfocussed. Catherine came across, handing him his wire-rims. ‘How are you feeling?’




‘I’ve laid out your clothes.’ Catherine opened the door between his room and the one next door. ‘They’re in there.’


Walter restrained his sigh. Just. He hardly thought a pair of Speedos, which were at least two sizes too small, could be described as ‘clothes’. The door closed and he flicked on the light.


‘What the…’ The black leather pants and black cotton t-shirt lay on the bed. He dressed quickly, hardly noticing that Catherine hadn’t left him any underwear. As he pulled the leather pants on, he looked down at the small dressing pad on his hip and smiled slightly.


As he zipped the pants, Walter noticed that, unlike the Speedos, these clothes fitted him perfectly. Almost as if they had been made for him. Which, like the collar he wore, they had been. 




‘Walter. Come here.’


Walter walked across to Catherine, immediately lowering his gaze as he approached. She reached a finger under his chin and lifted his head. ‘Congratulations Walter. It’s time to pass this onto someone of your choosing.’ Her fingers brushed his neck as she unhooked the collar, handing it to him. She saw his eyes cloud with uncertainty. ‘You’re not alone Walter. Not any more.’


Walter felt tears pricking his eyes and reached up a hand to wipe them away, embarrassed. Catherine covered his hand with hers. ‘This is a big moment Walter. Don’t be ashamed of your emotions. It’s taken long enough to get you to admit you have any.’

Walter smiled shyly. ‘What now?’

Catherine stroked his damp cheek. ‘Now we find you someone to wear this.’ She fingered the leather collar, still warm.

Walter’s smile faded. ‘What if I…’

Catherine’s finger on his lips silenced Walter.

‘You’ll be fine. Trust me.’

Walter took a deep shuddering breath. ‘Thank you.’

Catherine stretched up and kissed his cheek gently. ‘You’re welcome.’



