Disclaimer: The characters from the show aren’t mine, they belong to others. No copyright infringement intended. Any characters you don’t recognise are mine. Again, if someone’s used the name(s) or storyline(s) elsewhere, the same applies  Feedback would be nice, positive feedback would be nicer. Enjoy!


Author: Susanna

Feedback: Yes please! Fanficwriter101@aol.com  or on the site where you read the fic - whatever’s easiest for you!
Category: X-Files BDSM fantasy fic

Rating: NC-17 for some scenes

Characters: Skinner, Scully plus Catherine (new character unless you’ve read my other fics)

Series: Yes Part One

Spoilers: None intended. This is probably PRE season one!

Summary: How do you behave when your boss and your Master are the same person? Impeccably.

Archive: Just tell me where it’s going

Warning: Domestic and other severe discipline. This is NOT bed-time reading!



From Part One…


‘Walter, this is Fox. Fox, Walter is looking for a sub. I’ll leave you two to chat.’


‘I’m with the FBI. I’m being transferred to the DC office in a couple of weeks, and I wanted to get settled in.’

‘FBI, huh?’

‘Yuh. I’m gonna be working under this ex-Marine. AD Skinner. Know him?’

‘You’re looking at him.’


Title: Mistress knows best – Part Two


‘Kim, I’d like to see Agent Fox Mulder as soon I have a free moment. He’s starting today.’

Walter’s assistant made a note. ‘Of course sir. You have a window between ten and eleven.’

‘Leave the whole hour free please.’

‘Yes sir.’

‘Thanks Kim.’


Walter walked back into his office and sat behind his desk. He wondered if Mulder was a fraction as nervous as he was. A new agent, with no allegiance to him. He would have to be nice to Agent Fox Mulder. Very nice. He dropped his head, closing his eyes. //Please don’t let him screw up too bad too quick. I don’t want to have to discipline him until he’s settled in and got to know me. He’ll find out I’m a good person. Firm but fair. Not some weirdo looking for… //

The knock at the door startled him. Taking a deep breath, Walter called: ‘Come in.’

‘Agent Mulder’s here sir.’

‘Thank you Kim. Would you see that we’re not disturbed please?’

‘Of course sir.’ Turning to Mulder, Kim smiled. ‘You can go in now.’

Walter stood up, came round the desk, extended his hand. ‘Agent Mulder? I’m your supervisor Assistant Director Walter Skinner.’


Disconcerted for a moment, Fox quickly gathered his thoughts. //Okay, we’re playing it like we didn’t meet eight days ago in a bondage club.// ‘Fox Mulder sir. I prefer Mulder.’

‘Okay. Mulder it is. Sit down.’


As soon as they were both seated, Skinner began to run through the list of things he’d explain to every new agent. Reports on time and of good quality. No unexplained absences. Expenses to be submitted with attached receipts. Care to be taken with Bureau property. ‘And that includes Agents, Mulder.’

They both laughed neither finding the joke remotely amusing.

‘Have you found your office yet Mulder?’

‘No sir, I just arrived and came straight up here.’

‘Let’s go down. I’ll show you the way.’

Fox followed Walter to the basement. A desk, phone, and filing cabinet were set up, but the poorly-lit room smelled of damp and Mulder looked around crossly. ‘Is this some kind of joke?’

‘Joke, Agent Mulder?’

‘Yeah. I mean, you’re not seriously expecting me to spend eight hours a day in this…dump.’

Skinner shrugged. ‘The Deputy Director organises office space.’

‘Then I need to see him right away.’

Skinner frowned. ‘You don’t get to see the DD. You pass all your comments through me.'

 ‘Okay, then my comment is: this sucks. I’m not staying here. I’d rather go back to…’

Skinner reached across and opened the top drawer of the filing cabinet. ‘Take a look at these Agent Mulder. If you’re still unhappy in an hour, come and ask Kim to make you an appointment to see me. I’ll see what I can do.’

Reluctantly, Fox took the cardboard folder from Walter and sat on the worn chair. Walter waited a moment until he was sure Fox’s attention was diverted, then left.




Skinner swallowed hard. It had been a week. Seven days during which he’d seen Mulder a couple of times, once for a formal meeting, once just passing in the corridor. And now, sitting a few feet away, nursing a beer he had barely touched. Skinner contemplated simply turning round and leaving, but he remembered Catherine’s final piece of advice. ‘It’s not enough to want to be dominant Walter. You have to know you are dominant.’

‘Agent Mulder.’

Recognising his voice before he turned round, Skinner saw Mulder’s shoulders sag.


‘Buy you a drink?’

‘No thanks sir. I was just leaving.’ Mulder pulled his coat on, stopped by Skinner’s hand on his arm. ‘I think we need to talk.’

Carefully, Mulder said: ‘I’ll make an appointment sir.’ Skinner’s obvious anger at Mulder’s flippant remark made the younger man regret his disrespect.

‘I have a better idea. Where’s your car?’

‘I walked sir.’

Skinner nodded curtly. ‘Mine’s outside.’

Not really understanding why, Mulder simply got up and obediently followed Skinner out.




Handing Skinner his coat, Mulder looked round. ‘Nice place sir.’

‘Thank you Mulder. Beer?’



‘How are things going?’

‘I’ve got workmen in drying the place out. And a couple of new lights.’

‘I’ve had a busy week. Normally, I would have been down to check on you.’

Skinner saw Mulder’s quickly-hidden anger. ‘That came out wrong. I meant…see how you were getting on.’

‘S’okay. I kinda like being on my own.’

‘Me too.’




It became their thing. On a Friday night, Mulder would sit at the bar. Skinner, who always left after most of his staff anyway, would join him and they would go to Skinner’s apartment. They would watch a game, or a movie, or play backgammon. Walter was a better player, usually winning, but as the weeks went on Mulder began to win more than lose and Skinner didn’t miss the increased confidence with which Mulder would set up the game each time they played. He didn’t resent Mulder’s increased skill. On a basic level, he still hated to lose. But deep down, he realised that by playing him, Mulder’s game had improved. To the point where he was no longer the usual victor. He had made Mulder a better player. And his pride in that fact, although never voiced, made him smile as he watched Mulder unpack the board.


Other things changed too. Slowly, Mulder began to allow Skinner greater control over the time they spent together away from the office. A natural submissive, Mulder found Skinner’s dominance almost reassuring. He didn’t have to think about what they would do, or eat, or talk about. Skinner took control of the relationship that was developing between them.


Scully noticed the change in the dynamic of their interaction. Mulder was less inclined to argue a point, agreeing more readily to Skinner’s instructions and suggestions about their work. Although she had no idea of the cause, Scully was relieved.




Skinner knew he had to broach the subject carefully. Get it wrong, and Mulder would react badly. He handed Mulder a can of lager, sitting down with his own. ‘Mulder, I think you and I need to have a talk.’

Mulder frowned. ‘About?’

Skinner said gently: ‘Us.’

Mulder sighed, his fingers wiping the condensation from his beer can. ‘You’ve found someone else.’

Skinner smiled. ‘Yes, I think I have.’

After a few more mouthfuls of beer, Mulder said sadly: ‘I had a great Dom. I miss him.’

Skinner nodded. ‘I miss my sub.’

The revelations seemed to shock both men, and there were a few minutes of awkward silence. Desperate to lighten the atmosphere, Mulder asked: ‘How long have you been a member of the club?’

Skinner decided the question, although embarrassing, was fair enough. ‘A while.’

Mulder looked up. ‘What was he like, your sub?’

Skinner smiled at the picture of Ian which came to him. ‘Domesticated. Would have spent the whole weekend doing the household chores if I’d let him.’

‘I hate cleaning. Rob used to make me iron.’ Mulder’s obvious loathing for the task came across quite clearly.

‘I can’t bear untidiness.’

Mulder looked round the room. Like Skinner himself, it was immaculate. He smiled ruefully. ‘I noticed.’


Mulder frowned: ‘What?’

Skinner realised he’d gone too quickly. Taking a deep breath, he said nervously: ‘Would you like to take Ian’s place?’

Mulder’s eyes widened. ‘Are you serious?’

Panicking, Skinner felt himself tense. Then he forced himself to relax. ‘Yes.’

A slow smile formed on Mulder’s shocked face. ‘Yes.’

Skinner reached into his wallet, handing Mulder a card and fifty dollars. ‘Take all your shirts there. Get them dry-cleaned and pressed. Today was the last day you come in to the building wearing a suit worth a month’s salary with a shirt which looks like you slept in it.’

Mulder opened his mouth to protest then compared his shirt with Skinner’s and closed it.

‘Hurry up. They close at nine.’

Mulder got up without another word.




Alone in the apartment Skinner picked up the telephone. ‘Catherine, it’s Walter. Do you have time to talk? Great…no, a good thing.’




‘Kim would you ask Agent Mulder to come and see me before he leaves today please.’

‘Yes sir.’


‘You wanted to see me, Sir?’

Working in a place which was probably among the most-closely monitored in DC, Mulder was careful with his tone. Light but not too excited. It was Friday after all. In a couple of hours, they would be in Skinner’s apartment.

‘Thank you for coming Agent Mulder. Sit down please.’

Mulder sat down slowly, suddenly wary of Skinner’s obvious awkwardness. When the AD dropped into his chair and said nothing for a few seconds, Mulder broke the silence. ‘Is there a problem with one of my 302’s sir?’

Skinner seemed to recognise Mulder’s attempt to kick-start the conversation.

‘Yes. I’d like you to read through this and tell me if you see anything wrong with it.’ Skinner handed Mulder a cardboard folder. Flicking it open, Mulder saw not his last report but a copy of a contract. A contract between a sub and their dom. He read the six clauses carefully. His responsibilities as a sub. Making sure he hadn’t missed anything, he read the single sheet a second time. Looking up, he took the pen Skinner handed him. ‘It seems fine to me sir.’

‘Good. Would you sign it please.’

Mulder signed on the dotted line and handed the folder and pen back to Skinner.

‘Was there anything else sir?’

Skinner shook his head, getting to his feet. ‘No, Agent Mulder. I think that’s enough for one day, don’t you? Enjoy your weekend.’

Mulder nodded, feeling he might have been expected to say something, but not able to think of anything appropriate. He realised he was expected to leave when Skinner opened the door for him. Skinner permitted himself a slight smile as he watched Mulder walk down the corridor.


‘If I were less busy, I’d have taken him for myself.’

Skinner didn’t turn round. He could already smell the cigarette smoke drifting in from where the speaker had been standing just behind the door to the conference room behind Skinner’s office.

‘You had better take good care of him Assistant Director Skinner. I’d hate to have to…intervene.’

A swirl of smoke and the man left Skinner alone. 


Continued in Part Three…