Disclaimer: The characters from the show aren’t mine, they belong to others. No copyright infringement intended. Any characters you don’t recognise are mine. Again, if someone’s used the name(s) or storyline(s) elsewhere, the same applies  Feedback would be nice, positive feedback would be nicer. Enjoy!


Author: Susanna

Feedback: Yes please! Fanficwriter101@aol.com  or on the site where you read the fic - whatever’s easiest for you!
Category: X-Files BDSM fantasy fic

Rating: NC-17 for some scenes

Characters: Skinner, Mulder plus Catherine (new character unless you’ve read my other fics)

Series: Yes Part Three

Spoilers: None intended. This is probably PRE season one!

Summary: How do you behave when your boss and your Master are the same person? Impeccably.

Archive: Just tell me where it’s going

Warning: Domestic and other severe discipline. This is NOT bed-time reading!



From Part One…


‘Walter, this is Fox. Fox, Walter is looking for a sub. I’ll leave you two to chat.’


‘I’m with the FBI. I’m being transferred to the DC office in a couple of weeks, and I wanted to get settled in.’

‘FBI, huh?’

‘Yuh. I’m gonna be working under this ex-Marine. AD Skinner. Know him?’

‘You’re looking at him.’


From part Two…




‘Would you like to take Ian’s place?’

‘Are you serious?’





Title: Mistress knows best – Part Three


It was after ten when Mulder returned, the receipt for the dry cleaning in his hand. ‘It was forty-six fifty.’ He handed Skinner the receipt and the change.

‘Sit down. We need to discuss the details of how this is going to work.’

Pulling off his coat, Mulder perched on the edge of an armchair.

‘You’ll spend your weekends here. Unless you’re on a case or have another personal reason for being away.’

Mulder nodded.

‘Our working and domestic situations will be completely separate.’

Another nod.


Mulder felt a tight feeling in his stomach. Catherine had told him a little about Skinner. He’d heard a lot more from gossip inside the Hoover building. And he’d signed a contract. It was too late to back out. He should have been excited. Instead he felt nauseous.


Skinner saw Fox’s face pale visibly. ‘Fox? Are you unwell? Bathroom’s opposite the top of the stairs.’

Fox swallowed hard and fought for breath. ‘I’m okay.’

Skinner got up. ‘I’ll get you a glass of water. May as well make the most of it. It’s the last time I’ll fetch you something.’

Fox managed a ghost of a smile. ‘Thanks.’


Sipping the ice-cold water, Mulder wished he wasn’t shaking so obviously. The water threatened to spill onto the mirror-polished wooden floor, and he gulped the water down.


Mulder nodded.

‘What was that about?’

Mulder stared at the floor. ‘You’re different. To Rob.’

Skinner laughed. ‘You’re not much like Ian.’ Getting up, he pulled a keyring out of his coat pocket. ‘Here’s your door key. I expect you to be waiting here when I get in on Friday nights. You should prepare a meal for both of us. Nothing too spicy. Something that will keep warm if I’m delayed. I’ll call here and let you know if I’m going to be late. Otherwise I’ll be home by seven. Tomorrow we’ll go shopping and pick out some things for you to wear while you’re here.’

‘I could just bring some stuff over.’


The single word closed the discussion and Mulder leaned back in the chair.


‘You will be immediately and completely open, honest and obedient.’


‘There is no ‘or’ Fox.’

Fox frowned. ‘But when I mess up…’

Skinner sighed. ‘We haven’t even started, and you are already contemplating failure. I’m disappointed.’

‘I…um…don’t have a great track record with…’

Skinner smiled. ‘Following instructions? You will Fox. Very quickly. Now is there anything you want to tell me. Or ask me?’

’I made a list.’

Hiding his amusement, Skinner sat back while Mulder pulled the folded sheet of paper from inside his jacket.

‘I’m allergic to vegetables.’

Dismissing what he realised was Mulder’s attempt at avoiding anything healthy, Skinner said carefully: ‘Noted. Next?’

‘I don’t get punished unless we agree.’

Skinner frowned, concerned. ‘Did Rob hit you?’

Mulder nodded.

‘I won’t. You’ll learn obedience without the threat of violence.’

Mulder seemed unconvinced. ‘But if I do something wrong…’

Skinner nodded. ‘Oh, I’ll punish you. But it won’t mark your skin. Next?’

‘I won’t do stuff with other people.’

‘I wouldn’t expect you to. You’re mine. Only mine. Next?’

Floundering at the ease with which his very real concerns were being addressed, Mulder said crossly: ‘I won’t have sex with you.’

Skinner couldn’t help it. He laughed. Then he saw Mulder’s anger. ‘I apologise. I wasn’t expecting that kind of relationship.’

Appeased, Mulder looked down at the sheet of paper. ‘You don’t treat me differently just cos we’re doing this.’

Skinner looked at Mulder. ‘That one was a late addition to your list, was it?’

Mulder flushed, staring at the floor. ‘I thought you’d…’

‘Hit you? Share you around my friends? Christ Fox, what kind of person do you think I am?’

‘A Dom.’

‘Yeah. But I’m not a monster. Do you have your contract?’

Mulder nodded, pulling it out of his pocket.

‘Give it to me please.’

Mulder handed it over.

‘Did you read it before you signed it?’


‘I was just checking. Because nowhere in this document does it say I will beat you senseless or hand you around at parties like a joint.’

‘I know.’

‘So why were you so worried?’

‘Rob was my first Dom. We kinda made it up as we went along. Catherine said I should make the list this time.’

Walter nodded. ‘And you did. And I did listen. Now, I think you should go home, have an early night and come back in the morning.’

Mulder got up. ‘You still want to do this? After…’

‘The list was sensible Fox. Not all the things on it were. Allergic to vegetables.’

Mulder looked away, embarrassed at Skinner’s tone. ‘That one I made up. I guess you eat, you know, healthy stuff. I don’t. Always.’

Skinner smiled. ‘Occasionally, I lapse Fox.’


‘I…um, should get going.’

‘Can I trust you to be here on time tomorrow morning? If you think you might be late, you should stay here.’

Mulder swallowed hard. ‘I’ll be here. What, eight, nine?’

Skinner pretended to consider the question. He had already decided. But he made Mulder wait for his answer. ‘Make it seven. We’ll have breakfast before we leave.’

‘Okay. Night.’

‘Goodnight Fox.’




6.55 am the following morning Mulder was at Skinner’s door. He hadn’t been sure what to wear, settling for a long-sleeved grey t-shirt and jeans. His favorite pair, well worn and very figure-hugging. He pushed the doorbell nervously.


‘Good morning Fox.’

Mulder was just about to open his mouth to remind Skinner that he preferred to be called Mulder when he realised what Skinner was wearing. Black denim pants, tighter than his own. A white t-shirt. Which was almost skin-tight. He walked slowly through the open door and into the apartment.

‘I’m a little early.’ Mulder said apologetically as he saw Skinner’s eyes wander to the clock.

‘Better than a little late Fox.’

‘Sir, I prefer…’

Sharply, Skinner said: ‘Your preferences are of no interest to me. Go on in the kitchen.’

Mulder flinched at the tone the instruction was delivered in. He looked up, his eyes locking with Skinner’s. ‘Is there a problem Fox?’

After a few seconds, Mulder took a deep breath, dropped his gaze and said quietly: ‘No sir.’


Continued in Part Four