Disclaimer: The characters from the show aren’t mine, they belong to others. No copyright infringement intended. Again, if someone’s used the name(s) or storyline(s) elsewhere, the same applies. Any characters you don’t recognise are mine. Feedback would be nice, positive feedback would be nicer. Enjoy!

Category: X-Files threesome kinky fetish fic

Rating: NC-17 definitely

Characters: M/Sk/K/D

Series: Yes Part Three

Spoilers: Tunguska

Summary: Walter, John and Fox decide beating Alex up just isn’t any fun any more. They devise another way of punishing him.

Archive: Just tell me where it’s going

Additional ‘stuff’: No violence, some humor, a lot of non-consensual but very imaginative uses for ordinary household implements. The kitchen implements don’t consent. Alex does. Eventually. All Alex’s POV. More or less.

Warning: Bad language. Krycek is very vulnerable. This brings out his repressed angry side (!)

Tickled pink – Part Three

Returning consciousness is like swimming underwater. Everything’s there, but you can’t see or hear clearly.

‘You said you weren’t going to hurt me you bastard.’

‘We won’t.’

‘So what’s all this?’ The room’s done out like a dungeon or something. There are those fancy expensive lights on the wall which look like flaming torches but are only lamps with bits of material and air. The walls are stone, damp and moldy in places. The floor’s stone too, stained here and there with dark patches I don’t wanna think about. Christ!

‘You’ll see.’

Smug bastard. And John and Fox looking like they’re a heartbeat away from grabbing hold of me. Shit!

‘Where’s my gun?’

‘Safe.’ Skinner replies blandly.

‘Do I get it back?’

Skinner nods. ‘When you leave.’

‘So what now?’ I’m trying for sneery but it sounds to me more like snivelly.

‘Lay down.’

‘What? No way Skinner. Three against one ain’t fair!’

‘Who said John or Fox get to touch you Alex?’ Skinner’s voice is low, mocking. Bastard’s toying with me. He knows I won’t break that easily.

‘So it’s just you?’

‘For now.’

Let me out of here, I’ll wipe that smile off your face. Hell, I’ll wipe your face off your skull you…

‘Alex, lay down.’

Cautious. That’s me. I never do anything without being sure it’s safe. Except this. Skinner could just shoot me now. Or worse. He could shoot me somewhere like my leg and watch me bleed to death. So I lower myself to the cold leather slowly, checking that it’s not gonna hurt. It doesn’t, and I squirm to get comfortable.


Very funny. Am I okay? Do I look okay?

‘Alex, when I ask you a question, please answer.’

‘Just get on with it.’

‘Very well.’

They don’t make a sound. But the three of them start pulling these straps across me. What the..?

‘Alex, lie still now.’

‘What are you doing?’

‘Making sure you don’t leave half-way through.’

I’m shaking now. I know I am and I can’t stop myself. Because in about ten seconds…

‘Alex, I want you to tell me if you’re in pain, okay?’

No! No-one but me touches my arm. Stop it!

‘Skinner, please…not that…’

‘Alex, I’ll be very gentle.’

Christ, he’s being nice. That is not good. A nice Skinner is a dangerous Skinner. He’ll be safe here. Relatively safe. He punched me. I thought I was gonna pass out on the floor. Then he stuck me on a freezing cold balcony. Then…

Fuck! He’s taking off my…

‘Alex, am I hurting you?’

Oh great. I couldn’t scream, or shout, no I had to whimper. Alex Krycek. Assassin and whimperer. Is there such a word? What the Hell do I care?


Forgot. I’m s’posed to answer. ‘Um, no. It’s just…’

‘I know.’

Liar. You don’t know. None of you know. Dammit. Tears. Fuck. Stop it. Can’t. Dammit.


Fox’s panicky voice stops Skinner’s hands.

‘Alex, am I hurting you? Alex, I want you to tell me if I am. Answer me!’

‘No.’ When did my voice break back to a five-year old squeak? Um, maybe when three guys strapped me naked to a wooden table in their basement. Okay, I’m not actually naked. I still have my boxers on. Well, John’s boxers. Which, by the way, are almost half-way down. Maybe if I squirm the other way a little…

‘Alex, keep still.’

What the Hell is he doing? It doesn’t hurt, but I can feel his hands on my upper arm. I don’t have a lot of feeling left lower down, but there’s enough

near my shoulder that I can feel him touching me.

‘There. Done. Comfortable?’

Either that’s a rhetorical question, or you want an honest answer. Well?

He’s down the other end of the table. Lifting my ankles. Left then right. They’re apart. Not uncomfortable. Can’t move them either now. I can still lift my head. What the..?

‘It’s just a collar Alex. To stop you hurting your neck. That’s it. Okay?’

All this just to finish my life in some boring way. Get on with it already. That’s better. John’s moving down the table. Fox is standing beside me. I can feel his hand on my shoulder. Walter’s doing something behind me. Probably loading his gun.


Something soft and tickly brushed my ear. Fuck! And again. It’s gone, whatever it wa…’

‘Stop it!’

The other ear, the same sensation. Then Skinner’s cheerful voice. ‘Don’t peak too soon Alex. It’s still only Friday night. You’ve got two whole days yet.’

No. This isn’t happening to me.

‘Nooo.’ Something’s brushing the sole of my left foot. Something soft and icy cold. I can guess what comes next. Yup. I can only scream while it happens again, this time to my right foot.

‘Do you understand yet Alex? We’re not going to hurt you. We’re going to tease you. For two whole days.’ Skinner’s soft voice is right next to my ear. I can feel his warm moist breath on my ear, which, by the way, is still sensitive from his earlier touch.

‘Just kill me Skinner. Please. Just do it.’

I can hear his laughter, and realise he’s standing up. ‘I think I’ve had enough of dancing to your tune Alex. Now you’re gonna dance to mine. Fox?’

If I strain my neck, I can see Mulder’s arm. He’s holding something…


‘Like it Alex? Paintbrush. It’s an interesting sensation. You’d be surprised how sensitive male nipples are.’

Mulder, I’m gonna rip your head off when I get out of here.

‘Don’t worry Alex. We’ll stop every hour to give you a break. It’s ten-thirty and tonight we’ll stop at midnight.’ So you have only…’ There’s a pause while I guess Skinner consults his watch. ‘Eighty-two minutes left tonight.’

Suddenly aware that my neck is complaining, I lay back. If Spender could see me now…

Cliick here to go to Part Four


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