WELCOME!  This is my webpage.  I am John, humble servant and speaker for the Great Lord of the Twass, also known as Lord Faroohk.  The Lord Faroohk has been the central driving force of my life since I first encountered him over a year ago.  I live but to serve him.

You have but to click on the Great Lord's sign to be transported to his shrine....if you dare.

To learn more about the Great Lord Faroohk, click here, somewhere, on this text.

To see what the Great Lord Faroohk looks like, click here

Two guys I know performed an experiment where they tape recorded themselves smoking marijuana.  Click here to download MP3's of the most humorous parts.

Click here to read about the bastard who is the Arch Nemesis of the Great Lord Faroohk.

I am the proud member of a band along with a fellow servant of Lord Faroohk. Check us out!

Questions?  Comments?  Suggestions?  Criticisms?  Prayers?  Offerings?  Sacrifices?  Tell me about them!

Well look at this!

pious zealots have come to pay tribute to the mighty Faroohk.